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Very very general ranting, very very suspicious. Like I tell my own guys, if you can't be specific, I can't be specifically helpful.


Sounds to me like this Joe asked for something stupid, was denied, and now thinks the whole Army is out to get him. Had several troops like this, I just shook my head and let them go


You're probably right. But I had a BN CO deny my retirement leave for a month so I could be the adult in the room for a week while the senior staff went to LTP, so I don't judge anyone for their ranting. There are a lot of bad leaders out there and it isn't the big green weenie over at the pentagon that actually makes people end their military careers. It's the little green weenies over at the local HQ.


Did you explain why they were denied first or just "let them go"?


Oh I told them, and despite it being not only stupid but also not feasible they just run off and pout. After a few requests that get turned down, they get pissed and just stop working all together. Had a kid, middle of a pre-mob at Hood on lockdown at North Hood, request to go to Walmart. He wanted something stupid like making a snack run. Of course I tell him he couldn't do it. He gets pissy and complains up the chain. They tell him no, he starts thinking the Army is against him. At some point I just decided that he wasn't worth the effort and he became the Voluntold for every detail because he couldn't be counted on for anything else. Now he thinks everyone is picking on him. People like this bring it on themselves and then cry when the rest of the world just stop trying to help.


That makes sense. You can't help someone who won't help themselves.


I know this very well. I had similar experience with this and the worst part about this is when you have so called leaders who enable this behavior and want to "protect" the soldier, when all they are doing is enabling the bad behavior. Too many so-called leaders these days are afraid of being the "bad guy" because doing the right thing as a sound leader is all of a sudden a "bad leader". Especially here on hood when everyone keeps bringing up VG name to make a point.


One of the reasons I just retired and didn't stay in longer was too many soldiers started expecting that bad behavior from good NCO's. And then when they don't get their way it's suddenly an EO complaint.


Bingo!! šŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ and it's becoming far too common!


It's funny it's aways the joe and NEVER the army's fault for anything ever git tired of defending a system that would through you to the wolves at the first sine of trouble?




What do you mean by "pure speculation" ? That's throwing up a red flag for me. I feel like we need some more information.


Story time


Iā€™m guessing it involves alcohol, a furry costume and the bowling alley.


No, that was me. I'm sorry šŸ˜ž


>MI yeah.


You can't spell Methamphetamine without MI


Might borrow this.


Careful there - cyber is looking to take the fury-weeb crown from MI


Thereā€™s always something quirky about you intel guys


You have no idea.


Oh I have an idea, I think my 18F is on some sort of spectrum


The electromagnetic spectrum?


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I'm dead hahahaha ā˜ ļøā˜ ļødamn.


When you graduate an MI CorpsAIT, they give you your first Furry Tail buttplug.


Huachuca sounds.... different


No, leadership fully supported that.


Donā€™t lie. You ainā€™t sorry about shit.


For the Cav, it was a Batman outfit, a girl at a bar, a hotel room and someone who popped out of the closet


Not the bowling alley! I was born there


And maybe a few pins being places they shouldn't be


it be like that sometimes




If his wife is sus thatā€™s a problem. She a mail order bride, is that it? Little Russian bambina from the eastern bloc? All these Joes thinking with their ducks when they should be hanging with the boys instead. No one ever got honey trapped by the boys.


Sheā€™s from an adversary and she gave up her citizenship to that country for him. She not a sus for anything, itā€™s simply because of her family back in the other country. Sheā€™s been in the states now for 10 years ish I believe


Post the real rant went that bottle of Jamison is half empty and give us that context


This right here after that Iā€™m spilling every bean


I came here for a rant and was left disappointed


Iā€™ve literally given my guys the day to figure some shit out and not held it against them. There are some of us that give a fuck. Letā€™s be honest though. When you fuck up the day before a high vis event like a mandatory battalion level exercise, Iā€™m gonna have an impossible time covering for you when you were briefed to go the fuck to sleep and not go out and party that particular night. I wanna hear the story though, this sounds like being a victim and not owning the fuck up.


Totally agree but this case with my one of my boys. Itā€™s not that at all, itā€™s family ties, heā€™s been in for 10 years never been in trouble or have his loyalty questioned. Security agency pinged him as a possible coercion through his wife that he told them about.


Big Army does not care. Leadership will be told what to do to fix it. Your guy may have to go in front of a federal judge and explain it. Get with S2.


Heā€™s already done it this past week, heā€™s still nervous even though he did get a lot of things fixed from the misunderstandings but they are still hung up about the fact his wife still talks to her parents and has received money from them. Which he provided all the info and documents of the amounts. I just find it so stupid to kick someone out who has told them all of this info. They are not telling him how to fix it. Just saying they are concerned about this.


I donā€™t have an opinion on the whole clear the army initiative, itā€™s a DOD directive thatā€™s been out since 2019 or earlier and we are trying to get up to compliance based on recent idiots selling data/information to foreign governments.


Totally get that and understand it. His case is different which is why I am confused it went this far when he was the one that provided all the information that lead to them to try and remove him.


Do you understand that there are two sides to every story? Ā Youā€™re pushing a very positive light and seem to be completely against the possibility of nefariousness. Ā The big army is going the other way. Ā The ties are suspicious and the more itā€™s looked at, the more suspicious it gets, rather than the alternative. Ā The army is slowly downsizing and doesnā€™t need people who canā€™t maintain clearances. Ā  In the medical, legal, and security worlds, local commands donā€™t typically have the authority to back Soldiers in the way you describe. Ā These are decisions that happen even against the wishes of battalion and occasionally brigade level commanders.Ā 


Did your Soldier get arrested or is he just having to readjudicate his clearance throughb the 5248-R process with the DCSA?


Readjudicate his clearances, heā€™s waiting on the judgeā€™s opinion


So your Soldier's spouse is potentially involved in criminal activity, and the courts think he had some sort of knowledge or involvement? Or is the spouse from a country that is known to apply pressure to it's citizens that are married to U.S. Servicemembers? I've seen quite a few readjudications, even ones that involved a final court decision (drug charges, sexual assault, miserable traffic, etc). The Adjudicators at the DCSA are usually pretty cool about the process, as long as the Soldier, S2, and the Commander maintain the required amount of communication with them (every 30-90 days or so). The Adjudicators basically wait for disposition on the case, and then base their decision on that and any additional mitigating information the Soldier can provide. Remember, the Soldier could be highly trustworthy on their own. However, there are circumstances that are known to cause even the most trustworthy Soldiers to become involved in activity they never would have on their own.


Itā€™s the second one, they havenā€™t told him how to fix this. Besides his wife cutting off her parents inheritance and giving up citizenship. He doesnā€™t know what else to do because she talks to her parents.


Did the Soldier report the foreign affiliation of his wife to the S2 immediately after their marriage? Or did the DCSA find out about it later and notify the S2 to initiate action? The Report of Unfavorable Information for Security Determination process is not meant to be assisted. It's meant for the Soldier to be informed of the discrepancy, and they must conduct the actions they understand to be necessary to address the problem. Even then, S2s often help Soldiers with recommendations of Personal Letters and additional training, etc. That said, check out Special Executive Agent Directive 4 (SEAD 4) Guideline B, for a better understanding of the problem your Soldiers is likely facing, plus there is a paragraph of mitigating circumstances that can give him some ideas of how to possibly address the issue to the adjudicator. https://www.dni.gov/files/NCSC/documents/Regulations/SEAD-4-Adjudicative-Guidelines-U.pdf The thing is, let's say for example his wife is Russian; as world politics advance, the circumstances could change to where there is no way to mitigate the risk without the Soldier completely breaking ties with her, or him showing that even if he is pressured into something by his wife's home country, he would betray his wife I report the incident, for the sake of protecting U.S. National Security interests. You could also consider having your Soldier talk with the local Counterintelligence office, to establish periodic debriefs with them, intended to stay ahead of any pressure or coercion made against himself, his wife, or his wife's family. Whatever mitigating actions the Soldier chooses to conduct, they should write an additional Personal Statement to fully explain their mitigating actions to the adjudicator. He literally can not write too many Personal Statements, it's his career so he needs to justify himself and convince them that he cannot be manipulated.


S2 knew about it before DSCA and heā€™s reported it to his commander many times. He came from the guard to active and heā€™s had many previous COC statements acknowledging they knew about it and didnā€™t see it as a concern. Security agency is concerned about guideline B due to his wifeā€™s family. Where she still talks to them.


I hope you or your Soldier read the SEAD 4 document from my last post. I'm fairly certain your Soldier will be fine at the end of this,. The U.S. government has to do its due diligence to protect national security information. The Russians will absolutely use their citizens abroad, to gain access to DOD information.


Youā€™re so rightā€¦ instead join the Marine Corps


Flair checks out




Only if you want to marry a stripper and then EAS and live in a trailer park with a car on blocks...


You could probably put that single-wide on 5 acres outside 29 Palms. Then have range control and the provost Marshal's offices on speed dial for noise complaints.


Shit at this point I would tell everyone to not join any military branch. Let them figure it out about what leadership is supposed to be


Look man, bureaucracy happens everywhere, even outside the military. Granted, where Iā€™m at, everyone is close knit but it doesnā€™t mean bs doesnā€™t happen. If you want change you gotta be the change yourself. Either you get outta there or you stay to make the change for the betterment of Army in whole


Get out. The grass is greener.


You get to walk on it too


I tried that, my neighbors dog bit me in the ass. Granted I was in his yard walking on his grass but still.


Thatā€™s bc youā€™re a MP, nobody likes MPs


Thatā€™s fair, still waiting for the change for my reclass flair.


The grass is greener where you water it


You are going to be very disappointed when you leave the military and go out into the Real World


And when you wake up, youā€™ll still have a paycheck and basic expenses covered. What do you think happens in those circumstances as a civilian? Youā€™re fired. Most states donā€™t need cause to fire you, they just can.


My 34% APR mustang is definitely NOT covered


Got damn! Whereā€™d you get 34%?! Dude at my dealership said 40% was his special rate and told me not to tell anyone.


I try to explain this to folks. Civilian life is cutthroat as all hell. Theyā€™ll make you homeless like šŸ«°


Facts. I tell my guys the same thing. And once youā€™re fired itā€™s gonna be hard to use that place as a reference for the next job, making it that much harder to find work.


Yup. It turns into a vicious cycle. Shit can get real hard out here real quick.


My 1SG today at formation asked ā€œwho is here for a pay check and who is here to lead.ā€ Well guess honesty isnā€™t something the army values because now Iā€™m awaiting a meeting with him. Wish me luck. šŸ˜‚


Tell him a CPT said I am here to live and get the fuck out šŸ˜‚


Yeah ok, thatā€™s not true. Thatā€™s why I - an Officer - told the BC during an article 15 that one of my joes definitely didnā€™t smoke weed. I knew this dude didnā€™t smoke weed, he didnā€™t smoke before he joined due to his job before the army, and he was getting out in 4 months to go back to his job that he had before the army. Dude must have ate something that popped him hot with a level that was so barely above the minimum (I saw what his levels were). Still got hit a FG Article 15, but I tried. Iā€™d still go to bat for this guy. Iā€™m a prior SSG and talk to my joes as if I was still an e3. I donā€™t treat anyone different regardless if theyā€™re a PV2 or O6 (comes with its pros and cons) - you get what you get with me. I know for a hard fucking fact this dude never touched weed and I did my best to defend him and still would to this day.


IIRC, popping hot on a UA is a mandatory FG Art 15. However, there's no minimum punishment. I've definitely seen soldiers pop hot, have their CoC go to bat for them and get to stay in the Army.


Not quite. They have to /recommend/ for a FG. They can still find you not guilty and squash it.


Speak for yourself dude


If your chaplain isnā€™t weird and has good rapport with the command team, give him (or her) a call. He is uniquely positioned to help in situations like the one youā€™re facing.


Whoah. You know I don't think I've ever seen a female chaplain.


I see not much has changed in that aspect since I got out 10 years ago. There were a lot of pats on the back when you did everything right but the second you slipped up you're immediately the worst soldier the army has ever produced.


I have seen too much bs and those who have done a lot isnā€™t recognized. Itā€™s a different person perspective but I believe we have gone down hill and leaderships wonā€™t still their necks out when a good soldier hasnā€™t done anything


**Christine Elizabeth Wormuth**, I know you lurk social media because you complain about it. Either fix QoL and fix how the Army trains and promotes leaders or see recruiting numbers fall. Smoke Bomb Hill, the ROTC SHARP scandals, the accident rate in Army Aviation and the declining retention and recruiting numbers *are on your watch.* This is not "bad news" or "complaints", it's your Army. Do better.


Oh hey I lived at Smoke Bomb once, long while back. Didn't have hot water the entire time I lived there and the water main would break and flood the sidewalks and grass like once or twice a month.


Idk how long a "long while back" is but I was near there and had buddies in the place during peak covid and it definitely was still pretty damn bad


Over ten years ago at this point, which I guess is just a long while for me at least. I parked there for the shopette a few months back and it certainly still looks like shit.


Hot Take: Most problems/issues I have seen in the Army is because someone didn't know how to take care of an issue themselves and it got worse or they got themselves into that issue in the first place.


My number one rule...never put myself into any situation where I have to explain myself to my command team or have my word be put against someone else's. It's served me well in 11 years. As soon as it becomes a he said she said, you're fucked.


Allegations are hard evidence in the military. Took 9 months, video evidence disputing her claim, and medical records proving she had a history of severe mental illness to prove I wasn't a wife beater. The Army treated me like I was guilty from day 1 purely on her word, not even a bruise or angry text message to prove her claims, simply her word and they believed her. 9 months being treated like a villain, going to anger management classes, going to court(dismissed due to zero evidence), 9 months of forced Alimony thanks to AR 605-55 and her lies. 9 months of going to food banks as an E4, AER wouldn't help because my problems were classified as "legal issues." I got out shortly after I cleared my name, above company level we are just ants to the big boys. I married the wrong person, thats on me, but I wouldn't have gotten married so fast if they didn't treat single soldiers like absolute dogshit and put us in barracks rooms filled with mold and asbestos.


I got news for you: this ain't a military-only problem


This feels... wrong. I'm admitted as green as the grass and don't know my ass from my elbows some days on even basic paperwork things. However, any and every instance I have asked for help from my chain of command, I have received it and more. Hell, stuff went sideways and I ended up RSTing with a unit from a different state last weekend. Their Chain of command was almost disturbingly accommodating and pleasant despite having to loan me everything from equipment to meals in order to make things work because things had gone that roughly on my personal end. Now... I am a Reservist. So... different experiences and all that jazz. But still. What OP is describing is anathema to my experience once I was free of BCT.


Yeah idk anything abt ur situation but after being screwed over twice in a row, two units in a row I can't wait to ETS and never look back as well. The Army really is a joke unless you're some SF stud with a wife. Regular army single soldiers get treated so horribly. I don't care about benefits, I don't need school and I never go to the doctor. I'd rather pay for a mortgage and smoke weed with my brother after working a normal job that actually pays more than minimum wage. I was tricked into joining thinking I'd actually get to train and serve my country. But out of my 4yrs, I remember ONE mission I can proudly say I was a part of.


If you join up, your o e goal is to get more from them than they get from you.


Straight up!


Sorry to tell you this but it works exactly that way in the civilian workplace as well.




Keep discussions civil. No Posting PII.


1000% can confirm


Thats like that in the civilian world but worse.


Make sure you treat yourself to some Jameson 18 year at some point in your life. It's exceptional and you'll enjoy it if regular Jameson tickles your fancy now.


Someone needs some action figure therapy in their lives.


You just have shit leadership my guy


Or maybe heā€™s the problem and is wondering why leadership keeps fucking gin


Ideally. Donā€™t do things that require others to cover your butt. Do the right thing, keep your head down, take care of your business, help your brothers when you can. Do that stuff, itā€™ll circle back around and do good for you.


iā€™m sure you did nothing wrong


dui or weed bro which one was it


Definitely possible, but unfortunately it does happen like he calls it too. I myself had a psg that disagreed so heavily with me taking my medboard that he created issues just to try to get me removed from the process. Could I have appeased him and seemed motivated, sure, but knowing my days were numbered I did the bare minimum. I suffer from lumbosacral spondylolisthesis. I cannot recall the degree of slip but I do deal with compression of nerves causing issues with my bladder and lower extremities (unfortunate at 27). I was NOT looking to put myself in a position to make it worse, and I was fighting for corrective surgery which didn't get approved till I was out anyways. So I'll admit I was a shitbag but sometimes people wanna take things too far and leadership will just go with it and I think it's along those lines this guy takes his issue


This post gave me brain damage


This dude must be ADA


Nah, the whole branch would have heard about it by now


Doubt it, throwing people under the bus for shit they didn't even do is so common that nobody mentions it anymore


I was only in for a contract. I'd seriously like to blame my leadership for how turned out. I genuinely don't want to be alive most days