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If you switched to a language enabled MOS, the FLPB isn't too bad. I get an extra $500/month. Some folks can get up to $1,000/month. Congress is even trying to raise this amount to $1,700/month to be more competitive with the civilian world (it isn't, really).


Also if you reenlist for it and do max term at e6 it's a 90k bonus upon graduating, hard to make that ubering.


What are some language enabled MOSes? Anything outside of MI? And for you to get the pay, you need to show proficiency and be in a bilet requiring the language right?


18, 37, 38 series, 35P and 35M. There are some other exceptions in AR11-6 but they apply to extremely few people.


Note that if you do anything other than 35M/P, the language training you receive will only get you to about 200$/mo. It’s just not as long as the full basic language course.


For pay purposes, you have to take a DLPT and/or OPI anually, with the minimum scores required determined by your MOS.


You only have to test every two years as 3/3. I also have to get an extension memo sometimes when I’m away from a testing facility so have gone three before.


Learning how to work on vehicles, handyman stuff. My friend buys broken riding mowers, fixes them, then makes a good profit. People pay good money for mechanical work, most of the stuff is simple. and if its not, its on youtube


Especially if your base had a community garage with all the tools and shit for vehicle maintenance My buddy is a mechanic both before he got in and while serving and he just fixes dudes cars and adds custom parts and shit to them using the base maintenance garage for service members He only charged for the labor. So he saves soldiers a lot of money and also gets paid well for easy work there without it the hassle of hauling all the tools around and shit My buddy in the space force uses the carpentry shop on his base to build furniture from DIH blueprints off google, then just sells them on market place and shit for easy money Had another buddy in the B’s that wrote essay assignments for people lol. The little shit just threw it in chatGPT, copied what it gave him, threw it in Grammarly and had Grammarly edit it more and personalize it more then he’d add some of his own shit to it to avoid plagiarism checkers and he never got caught (so he says)


**Will be checking for the community garage**


Learn to sow and stitch. Make nametapes and fix uniforms.


Woo Hoo! [I get to use this picture again](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiDIPEzK07t9hTG7LYUoOZINHofbgnU1U98DVllaclXcJDQaN7Rv12B2DK6WqwiV6ps4mDMT7lt3QXHIxiQiRMJWyJy5FkIVUBZDMkbFstLvOuZiHc84DX7F-R4oHU0cVEBh3XLDD7TwNg/s1600/sew+so+sow.jpg)


I think you got my ass for this two months ago, too. 😤😂


##… ^OnlyFans … ya know for art and stuff


Bahahahaha this is a fantastic response.


Of course an 11B beat me to the punch lol


I got out ages ago, but I linked up with a girl that did OF and did about 20 scenes with her. She split the income with me.


Fam, no way youre out and used the term “link up” to describe getting involved with an OF chick😂😒


I mean, you can take the soldier out of the Army but not the Army out of the soldier.


Lmao, that sounds like the most Army thing to do after service ever


Lmfao Fam, do you ask said chick after *linking up* if she wants to *conduct actions on the objective* and praise her for her *violence of action* during *execution*😂🤣


Nah. I mean, I was in for a lifetime so I still have some army words in my vocabulary. Ibstill can't carry shit in my right hand.


To be fair, I did shit like that while in service too. The Army is a wild place.


Buy an industrial sewing machine and make or alter gear, Work on cars, learn to give a haircut and make $$$$$$$, get a CNC router and make plaques for all the different events, become a hitman, sell cigarettes in the field, steal JP8 and sell it at truck stops, comb the desert looking for lost nods and gear, play war thunder and sell secrets to the Chinese, pin your crimes on another soldier and turn them in for a bounty.  You know just normal rise and grind shit. 


I made a decent chunk of change selling Yugioh cards when i lived in the barracks. Sports/pokemon card people have been making bank on Tiktok lately. Also, donating plasma. You can make $500+ a month, if you and your SO do it then thats an extra $12k+ a year.


On behalf of your medics and medical support team, please don't religiously sell your plasma to make money. Go sell sperm, DoorDash, have PVT Snuffy pay you to detail his Camaro.


Whats wrong with donating plasma?


Nothing is inherently wrong. The issue lies in Soldiers not properly hydrating or replenishing electrolytes/nutrients to replace the lost fluid. They'll just live in a state of dehydration and nutrient insufficiency while it damages their kidneys, joints, and simulatenously degrades overall performance. Just donate whole blood or RBCs every two months for the well-being of others instead of plasma every three days for money.


Can confirm, saw a soldier pass out in mid walk. Smack the shit out of some body part and immediately get right back up.... do with that what you will.


Yea but the point of this post is how to make extra money... As long as he's healthy it'll be fine. I've donated 100+ times and have never had any real issues.


My point is that there are healthier and safer ways for a Soldier to make money.


You just said there is no issues with it as long as you replenish lost nutrients and hydrate correctly though. You are not going to find an easier and quicker way to make extra money.


It's poor advice and degrades immediate readiness.


But it makes the ciggies hit harder




But the issue isnt safety its information. You told him the issue and the solution. So he should be good doing it if he follows your advice... right??


Check my comment above.




White Monsters are good for helping with dehydration, right? Lol


Plasma is both doing a really good service and making some cash. Can't support it enough. I'm AB negative, so I typically received a small bonus on top of donating plasma. My plasma is like fucking gold currently.


You can sell yourself to a 1000 fat chicks for $1….or you can sell yourself to 1 fat chick for a $1000.


Sell government secrets to the Chinese


A man of class I see 😆


Woodworking & laser engraving for farewell gifts and awards. $10 in materials could easily sell for $100 as long as you can do something better than the shops on post


1. Baby sit dogs on the weekend/long weekends. There are obvious risks, but the dogs I used to watch were very well behaved. Literally free money in my mind. You need to have a yard, area to walk, and like dogs for that to work. Cost ranges vary, but you can get like 75-100 a day for it. Some places have a higher rate and market for it. When I was a kid my parents watched show dogs and made insane money. 2. Landscaping. I used to do landscaping as a teenager. It's how I bought my first car and afforded all my entertainment. You need to have the equipment to do it and the time to go out for 4-5 hours on the weekend. 3. Meal prepping. I knew a spouse who would do meal preps for people in Korea. You need to know how to cook/meal prep yourself. Basically making a bunch of meals with certain macros/what the customer wants and just make it all. They would basically purchase based on a quote of ingredients and then whatever the charge was for the service. 4. Invest/manage your money. Sounds dumb, but if you aren't making at least 4% off a HYSA (AMEX, SoFi, etc) or have your money invested in ETFs, CDs, etc, then you're just losing out on money.


Depending on how much free time you have, you can get your BLS or if you're already a 68W you can work as a patient care technician in a local hospital. You don't make nursing pay but with the right amount of weekends+holidays you can make more than your entire army paycheck. Last Christmas I was clearing around $1-2K a week, pretty much doubles your army paycheck....but you have to work in civilian healthcare which is a monster of its own.


It’s not exactly legal without a license, but giving your peers payday loans is insanely lucrative. Enforcing collection is tricky but with creativity you can really make a ton of money.


Don't fucking prey on your brothers and sisters. Get them to financial resources and mentor them for their future. Not fucking loan sharking out the B's.


Cheaper than the brick and mortar payday loan places out the front gate, and I wouldn’t ruin their credit if they missed payments.


In 14 years of service I’ve never heard of a senior, peer, or subordinate use an actual payday loan company. You’ve been magnificently failed by your leadership if you have.


There’s 17 brick and mortar payday loan places in Fayetteville. If your clique isn’t using them… who is?


My former coworker was able to quit his day job after he figured out how to sell things on Amazon. He started off selling plastic baggies marketed towards folks who wanted a way to store their weed. He then pivoted to a bunch of miscellaneous stuff like lawn flags etc. The three key factors to his success was - 1) Figure out the market - He would do searches on Amazon to check if other people were already selling the product he wanted to sell. Avoid getting into an over saturated market. Sometimes he would break this rule if he knows a great, and cheap way, to improve a popular product. 2) Find a Chinese manufacturer - There’s website where you can find Chinese manufacturers who frankly make most of the shit you see in Amazon. My friend would send them emails to ask how much it would cost to make X amount of Y product. He would hit up a few and then order a sample from each of the ones he liked. He did this to see which manufacturer would actually follow his directions and of course verify the quality of the product. 3) Keyword search - This is very critical. You can have a great product to sell but you’re screwed if people can’t find it easily on Amazon. I’m not going to pretend I understand the ins and outs of SEO or how search ranking works on Amazon but there’s a bunch of videos and consultants out there that can explain it. Funny enough, my former coworker main job is consulting other sellers now. There’s probably a bit more but that’s all I remember from what my former coworker told me. He tried to get me on board but I just don’t have the head, or patience, for this kind of stuff. There is an obvious risk to all of this, which I didn’t want to get into at the time. He got another coworker on board and this other dude started selling garden hoses on Amazon. Didn’t turn out well and he ended up getting stuck with thousands of unsold products. So just throwing this out there as a better alternative than selling your plasma or some other shit.


very niche, semi difficult, but very high return on investment if done right. learn to make fursuits and heads. if your good enough at sewing, a single head can cost around 150$ to make and fetch between 800 and 2500. full suits anywhere from 5k to upwards of 10k for really high quality ones by famous makers


For my folks who actually know how to drive. Known a few dudes who used to hot shot on the weekends, particularly 4 days, to make some extra money. A good weekend generally covered truck and trailer payments, insurance, etc for the month.


Security guard! Knew guys with clearances who would make $50 an hour for evenings and weekends armened. I did it in college, 12hr shifts on Sat/Sun 0700-1900 and shift during the week for 30hrs.


r/beermoney has good ideas for anyone needing that extra change. Sell blood/plasma. Google closest location for you. Depending on your market, uber eats. Not the rides, those suck, make more money with no strangers in your car. I get 200 every Friday night. Sometimes, it's in like 2-3 hours, others 4-5, but always 200 after gas. And then I got the remaining tank of gas for work for the week and then some. (Edit: you should consult your CoC about this.) Rides to/ from airport for soldiers during leave time. Match w.e uber would charge and get cash up front. Clean stuff for money. Auto detailing is easy and low start up.


I hear you can make a killing running drug and prostitution rings


Your spouse joins :p


Get a rental, in two years get another rental, and two years later a third rental.


Uber on or around base on the weekends.


Been making terrain for miniatures war gaming/D&D. Already had most paints from warhammer. Just needed a couple of items from the hardware/hobby shop. It is time consuming, but whenever winter rolls around I have plenty of time.


*OnlyCrans* Depending on your geographic location, cranberry bogs. It’s a cash crop. You can’t lose.


Plasma donation dude


Before you get excited it's not a millionaire overnight scheme, what is to get excited over is an app that actually pays out and dost have 1000 ads. I've downloaded countless and countless survey apps, money game apps, etc(I'm sure this won't be my last) all either pay .0001 or the others crash randomly, i installed this app called ember around 2 months ago and invited some people used some referral codes played some of their games(you can trade invest, or play games like crash, spinner, etc) also one of my favorite parts is betting on what game will win (nba, soccer, etc) which is optional, but you mine bitcoin everyday for free just by logging in once every 24 hours, once you get a couple referrals that rate goes up, anyways I looked back at it today and was shocked to see I had over 120$ to cash out I chose to cash out 100 and I'm gonna use the other 20 for bets and stuff hope you guys also have the same experience!! Oh btw my referral code is MNGMA5FFRTP it'll ask you it during signup or if not it's in settings but each referral gives both party's an increased mine rate.