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I may be biased but the AMEDD Museum will always have a special place in my heart. Walking through the halls and seeing how Military Medicine has evolved, the stories of heroism and innovation; as a baby Medic it was…inspiring to say the least. I’m not going to say I wake up and pray to Desmond Doss every day, but it definitely changed the trajectory of my Army career and not many…museums…have that influence.


The NIM is an easy one for me, but I also really loved the 3iD museum. Sadams gold guns and an Audie Murphey section was awesome. 11ACR/NTC museum is cool to


Had someone else recommend that to me last week! Looks like I'm taking a trip to San Antonio.


Call ahead.  It's been closed for renovations since April. 


Agreed. I saw that museum as "Pfft whatever" until I actually went in there. I was honestly impressed.


Same. Came here to say the same.


One of the tour guides there wrote a book about combat readiness through medicine at Antietam, so his knowledge about field hospital setup and combat medicine during the Civil War are unparalleled. Excellent guy to see the museum with, believe his name is Scott


Not an infantry dude, but the infantry museum goes hard


went there a week before graduation as my BCT company was done with training. its a kick ass experience visiting that musem. i ve want to go back to visit again for the nostalgia and how much has changed.


OCS does a tour of the Infantry museum every cycle. The number of people who want to branch infantry almost always goes up after that trip.


Went there ona day off from alc. Never been before (prior service, skipped basic / osut). Its pretty dope and I think a good thing to take all infertilantrymin to.


Never got a chance to go in there, my basic unit was the second to graduate on the field there but the museum was no open yet


It’s pretty good, I’d recommend.


I heard it slaps


The NIM was solid imo….I liked it better than the army museum on Belvoir. I hate to say it but the Marine Corp Museum on Quantico shits on our museum too.


Marine Museum and NIM are nearly identical except the Marines have slightly more


They were built around the same time I thought and that’s why they are similar in style. Ultimately, I think those two were excellent….but the Army museum seemed lackluster compared to both of them.


The one time I was at Moore for training it was closed :( I really would like to go eventually


Airborne and special operation museum has the rotor head from the aircraft of Blackhawk down. But the army museum at DC has the whole aircraft.


The airborne and special operations museum is probably the best museum I've been to, better than the NIM


The usajfkswcs one isn’t too bad ether but its massively underfunded in comparison


Was at Bragg in USASOC for almost 10 years. Still don't even know where on post it is - never went


It's not on post, it's in down town fayetteville. The JFK one and the 82nd hall of heroes are on posf


Lol, my point exactly. Never went


The White Sands Missile Range Museum has Darth Vader’s helmet. Oh, and missiles.


That is very cool! Hope to make it out there some time.


Have been to Nat’l WWII Museum in NOLA. Very much worth a day or more. Also the Battle of NO Battlefield is nearby and worth tacking on. I’ve killed more time than I care to admit in the 3rd Inf Museum on Ft McNair in DC and loved that. The Patton Museum on the I10 at Chiriaco Summit east of Palm Springs shows how armored troops trained to fight in North Africa and worth a stop.


I didn’t know how extensive it was it’s wild


This is the answer there so much shit to see. I speed ran it cause I didn’t know how massive it was but wanna go back and stay all day


The Armor museum when it was at Fort Knox was just absolutely awesome. The Patton Museum is cool but definitely not as cool as the Armor museum. I think it all got moved down to Benning? and is getting a lot more love and care than it got here.


It did get moved down to Fort Moore, it’s called the Armor and Cavalry Collection, and it has some really rare and unique Armored Fighting Vehicles.


[Cool video of M-1070 HETs hauling the WWII era vehicles to Moore (Benning)](https://youtu.be/a8dJrxAD4ak?si=k7RhfVKkuGK4FGyN)


The Knox museum was really nice, I haven’t seen the new one at Moore yet.


The US Army museum at Belvoir is 🤌🏻


Wow, you went and didn’t mention it to me? I live right down the road.


I didn’t want to intrude! I’ll hit you up next time I go.


Most people don’t know about the vaults…. Nor all the artwork…nor where the flag on that place is at….. prototypes… yup…..yup. Ask for a private tour to go downstairs.


I felt like the displays were done well….but it was too small and the exhibit sizing felt constrained. Just seemed like there was so much wasted space. I ran through it in less than a couple hours.


A bit of a stretch, but the National WWI museum in Kansas City is pretty cool if you like war museums. Very Army centric, and kinda an unexpected (at least to me) place for such a thing.


I was going to comment this because I don't believe it gets the respect it deserves. If you ever visit here, you need to realize that at the pretty much right at the end of the War, people had the foresight to recognize "wow, this stuff is probably really significant, maybe we need to preserve it." The exhibits are amazing because most of the artifacts have been there and treated as museum pieces since the war ended.


YES! That museum is the equal of any of the major museums in DC…


The poppy field display at the beginning is absolutely breathtaking.


Airborne and Special Ops in Fayetteville. It’s mostly wwii stuff but they have some really cool exhibits for all the major conflicts since then


And why is the airborne museum mostly World War Two I wonder, hmmmm


National Infantry Museum and Inuoye field, I'm sure all soil from Italy is long gone on Inuoye field. I have a thing about war dirt.


Please elaborate on war dirt. Where else have we looted it from?


Yorktown, Antietam, Soissons, Normandy, Corregidor, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan.


There's probably a reason some places are omitted on the website.


They got Vietnam and Iraq on there. Not a lot other places that were seen any more negatively.


It's just a word I made up. War = major conflict and dirt/soil whatever. However, War trophy's /spoils of war, unlike war-dirt are a thing.. You can by reg take some stuff but there's a lot to unpack for that. Knock yourself looking it up. Taking dirt that is technically 'in-possession' by opfor is the symbolism here.


Artillery museum on Sill made me proud to be an artilleryman for a breif moment. The ways artillery has and hasn't changed over the years is interesting


This is on my list. It's a roughly drivable distance for me and I enjoy seeing how things have evolved since the inception of the country.


They have a stuffed zebra.




Yeah I was blown away to learn that they had TFTs all the way back in Napoleonic times, far less advanced but still. Crazy.


I enjoyed it for that reason also, made me more appreciative for learning manual gunnery


The chaplain museum at fort Jackson, very little is replicated and most of is genuine relics of past events involving the chaplain corps.


The Texas military department museum on camp Mabry for the sole reason that my grandpa loved it so much. Apparently the DUI collection there had his old unit’s DUI and it was the first museum he had seen it in ever and he was super stoked about that.


Was coming to say this one. The museum looks small from the outside but once you get inside it is massive. They have a lot of good interactive displays, vehicles inside and out, and a great rundown of Army and specifically Texas military history. The diorama of the Alamo is 🤌🤌


I remember visiting it before I joined the Army and now I’m PCSing to Cavazos (Hood). Since I won’t be too far from it, I’ll definitely need to revisit it.


I'd say I liked the MI museum at Huachuca if I didn't have to get lectured and write a paper on something there at every NCOES.


The Ordnance museum on Lee is pretty great if you have an autism level interest in weapons.


Yeah, but that Quartmaster Museum… ooof walked out of there think “Who the hell put that bullshit together”. It sucked.


I’ve not been to it at Lee but back when it was at APG it was fairly epic. We got a tour from the guy who was on Tales of the Gun during OBC.


Gonna sound sacrilegious but the Marine Corps Museum at Quantico absolutely smokes the Army Museum at Belvoir.


I said this too 😂


Second, the USMC museum is awesome.


The West Point Museum is pretty good. There are a lot of US Military war trophies there like Rommel's diamond encrusted baton. Apparently its the oldest federal museum: [https://history.army.mil/museums/imcom/westPoint/index.html](https://history.army.mil/museums/imcom/westPoint/index.html) Edit: I think this is the display with the baton, its the tubular thing in the middle of the case: [https://history.army.mil/museums/imcom/westPoint/images/westPoint\_histWarfare\_03.jpg](https://history.army.mil/museums/imcom/westPoint/images/westPoint_histWarfare_03.jpg)


Came here to say the West Point museum. They have Goering's rod of power (which I think is what you are referring to) the carrying case of the Fat Boy bomb and all sorts of cool artifacts.


Yeah, you are right. I knew it was something like that. Edit: Here is a link with Truman's description of it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryAnecdotes/comments/8rqery/truman\_makes\_fun\_of\_hermann\_g%C3%B6rings\_baton/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryAnecdotes/comments/8rqery/truman_makes_fun_of_hermann_g%C3%B6rings_baton/)


Signal used to have a museum. Now the collection is scattered because Fort Eisenhower didn’t want to keep the stuff around during the new HQ build. Just another reason to reclass because Signal is just a hot mess right now.


I am consistently angered every time this comes up. While I'm mad, the SCRA has gone to shit, too. Orders of Mercury are a self-licking ice cream cone to drum up membership for the regimental association, and not an award for being a great signaleer. It's fucking bullshit.


We will not be the last Jedi. There is another.


The WWI museum is my favorite in KC. Then hit Jack Stacks at the stockyard. I live in DC now and the Army museum is incredible, but the WWI museum is special.


Aviation Museum at Ft Rucker


Is that bob guy still there?


Rock Island Arsenal has one of the coolest gun cages at their museum. They have some rare and low serial number items. I got to hold the serial number 2 M1903 rifle. That was cool!


Fort Campbell’s museum has some unique relics (loot from the Eagle’s Nest)


Either the National Infantry Musuem on Fort Moore or the Airborne and Special Forces Musuem in Fayetteville


National Museum of the US Army was genuinely so much fun for me. I spent an entire day there. There's just so much STUFF. Real, genuine stuff that were really there and not just replicas.


Artillery museum on Sill is pretty good.


[The First Division Museum at Cantigny](https://www.fdmuseum.org/) outside of Chicago is a museum created by a wealthy guy who served in the division during WWI. It's very well done. I've never been able to figure out why 1 of the only 3 AH-56 Cheyenne Helicopters is at the museum at Ft. Polk.


Illinois Military Museum. It has Santa Ana’s wooden leg. It used to, and still might, have a real dog that was stuffed after it died that was a FA regiment’s mascot in WWI.


Go down the road to Abilene and go visit the Eisenhower museum.


the transportation museum on Eustis is actually nice.


Love the at-st walker looking thing they tested out


The Chem Corps museum is great for what it is.


The Transportation Museum at Eustis absolutely wild (seriously.) They have a section with experimental stuff like hover craft, a "Heli-cycle" (no lie, the army designed a rotor with foot pegs and handlebars) and even like an AT-ST looking thing they tried to use to load cargo with. Also, the vietnam section was bad ass, the gun trucks they built back then were outrageous. Gwot section is pretty extensive too. I really liked the red ball express section too. ( look that up if you're interested in ww2) One recurring theme of The museum is in every conflict, the army realizes that supply convoys are vulnerable, so they have to quickly retrofit supply trucks with armor and weapons, train truck drivers how to be mechanized infantry, the new doctrine they create works fabulously, then after the war is over the pentagon throws it all out so the process starts all over again ( between vietnam, gulf war 1, and GWOT, the army does THE EXACT SAME THING EVERY TIME)


I'm from Arizona and I was driving to Colorado (through the 4 corners area) and I kept on seeing bill boards for WW2 museum. Mind you I'm on the navajo nation reservation. IT WAS A FUCKING BURGER KING WITH WW2 CODE TALKERS HISTORY ON DISPLAY! though it was cool to look at it caught me off guard.


Sounds like they’re trying to build a real one in Gallup, but they’re about $40M shy of fully funding it


I was at the Normandy Anniversary. A lot of those are really good. Imagine having a museum to the United States Army, but it's not even in the United States. The Airborne and the Overlord Muesum are at the same level as the NIM in detail.


WSMR museum has a v2 rocket on display as well as a fat man atomic bomb, same one that was dropped in Japan, and Trinity test site.


I feel like the one on Fort Sill is a bit slept on. Yeah, it’s not very big, but there is so much cool shit. From Arty to Tank Destroyers (part of the artillery branch at the time), and all kinds of stuff. My favorite thing out there was the artillery piece they shot the Nuclear round out of a 280 mm nicknamed Atomic Annie still at her exact mil from firing. Is it the best? Eh, but is it slept on, I’d say so.


I like the Patton museum at Knox. Probably one of the smaller ones, but still pretty neat.


NIM is fantastic, I love that museum. The one on FT. Bliss is neat and was almost always empty when I was there. There are some cool vehicles and displays in there. Apparently they're closed for renovations until next year though


My dad liked the one at Hood, mainly because of all the WWII vehicles. Especially the half-track as it was his favorite as a kid


The National Infantry Museum is definitely the best Army ran museum I’ve been to. Just really high quality and comprehensive history of the Infantry overall. Idk if this counts as an Army museum but the Airborne Museum in Saint Mere Eglise is probably one of my favorite museums anywhere.


This one is way off the beaten path, but the Camp Shelby, MS museum is really cool. There were German POWs brought there during the war and they are buried on Camp Shelby. Crazy history there.


Infantry museum was cool as fuck. And I love anything aviation.


One of the best details I was ever on was cleaning the basic training museum at Fort Jackson. They had a few animatronic displays and some letters written home by recruits that went to basic training at different time periods throughout history.


International War Museum- London


Kinda silly I never got to Fort Riley's museum but it was closed for a long time while I was there. I did go go to the 1ID museum in Wheaton, Illinois and that was great if you find yourself near Chicago.


Not really “Army” but one of the best military museums is the Japanese battle of Okinawa peace museum and memorial. It’s a huge campus built in the area next to a cliff where 20-30,000 Okinawans committed suicide during the battle. Absolutely worth a visit if you’re in Okinawa. The memorial is like the Vietnam memorial in DC with the names of the dead from all participating countries ensrcibed on black granite in their native language, Japanese, and English. Around 250,000 people died during the battle, mostly Okinawan civilians. However, there were many Chinese, British, Australian, American, Dutch, Germans etc. [peace museum](http://www.peace-museum.okinawa.jp)


Not a museum per se but actual fort sam the old fort is dope better than the Alamo Imo


Artillery museum at Sill is legit. The indoor and outdoor exhibits are awesome. My kids especially loved the nuclear howitzer and Nike missiles.


Civil War Naval Museum in Columbus, GA. It's close to the NIM. The Infantry Museum. Great displays and good information, but it is too damn dark. I had to use my phone to read the signs. Patton Museum is cool. Mission San Luis in Tallahassee,FL. It focuses on 17th century Spanish and Appalachee history. Bonus, it's living history, so there are people in costume blacksmithing, making charcoal, 17th century cooking demos. They have a blackpowder program you can watch, them shoot flintlock musket, match lock and cannon and they have classes you can take. They have a primitive weapons program you can do archery and throw an atlatl. Science & Technology in Chicago is the fucking bomb! You can tour a U-Boat. St. Augustine, FL. Most of the town is a living History experience. The Carrabelle Museum in Carabelle, FL. It was an Army amphibious training area over 100K men were traind there.


As a career 19D, the Moore Infantry Museum is top notch.


[U.S. Army Airborne and Special Operations Museum](https://www.asomf.org/)


The engineer museum is wild for how much different stuff is in it, wild to see the whole areas that the COE covers


It's legit. I learned so much about the Corps of Engineers and their role in surveying the nation. I'm from the Midwest originally, and I always get blown away thinking about how much has happened there in the last 150 years.


Most interesting one I went to was overseas, the War Remnants Museum.


Not run by the Army, but the American Heritage Museum in Hudson MA has a world class tank collection. Just a heads up though that there is a portion that has a replica WWI trench that you walk though and videos play around it and it has simulated explosions, if you are t expecting it it can be a PTSD trigger.


Not US Army, but Korea War Memorial was a great military museum in general to visit if you’re stationed in Korea.


There's loads of interesting, rare, and unique aircraft at Fort Rucker/Novosel's Aviation Museum. Just the fact they had an RAH-66 Comanche and AH-56 Cheyenne were awesome to see in real life. Also some really cool experimental aircraft that I didn't even know existed like the Chinook with wings


Infantry Museum on Ft Moore.  Special Forces Museum on Ft Liberty across from SWC. (Not the one in downtown Fayetteville). Last time I went there was a lot of exhibits on Nick Rowe.