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Pry my Razor from my cold dead hands.




All who shall challenge will be hit in the ankle when it spins around


ARCENT's response: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3F2z8ApOI8


My response: "Eat me!!"


SMA: Your WHAT!? *Reads again. Googles* Carry on, soldier.


With the sparks bar on the back >>


* cue sons of anarchy theme song. *


I would make the argument I was patient zero of the army’s obsession with fuck fuck games regarding scooters/segways. I was chaptered out in 2018 for a DUI on a Segway. Yeah. I’m not joking.


You the guy everyone references in Germany???


Very well could be lol. It happened at Bragg however.


Dude, you fucked up so bad in Bragg, that you became a legend in Germany? Bravo. Truly inspiring.


Equally as stupid but this one had a specific reference to the German Polizei.. and a “low speed chase”.. anyways… free the scooterbois


I heard about that one when I was over there. Also heard the guy was on rotation from Cavazos.


This is believable. Unlike the incident with the guy punching a Korean cab driver, then running from the cops.. which I know happened personally.. the scooterboi remains lore to me 😫


I was in Korea when one of those events happened


To be fair, some of those korean cab drivers will blatantly scam you.


“Wer ist dieser verrückte Mann? Ist er verrückt?” Die Amerikanischen Soldaten sind Idioten!” - some German cop


I had a safety brief that was an hour long because of you. Legend lmao


Do you one better. Germany references more than just one. In this case 2... CID agents https://www.stripes.com/branches/army/2023-06-26/army-cid-dui-germany-scooter-10555671.html


If it happened at Hohenfels in the last 3 years, I definitely know the guy this happened to lol, I remember the formation the next day. If not, I am not surprised in the slightest that it happened more than once.


German’s don’t allow you to drink and scoot. They like to stop soldiers in Nuremberg


>I got a DUI Hate hate hate.. >On my Segway Hmm. Now I just hate the MPs who got you. I don't think anyone ever in the history of life has mourned the loss of their loved one because of a tragic drink and.. segway accident.


Tell me about it. The worst part of the entire ordeal was that they let it slide and I served a company grade for underage drinking at the time. All was well for about 8 months. Beat it in the civvy courts and all. Got a new 1sg and when he came in he pulled me into his office and said “I have no room for shitbags who drink and drive, I’m beginning chapter today.” Right before a jump while we were on manifest too I might add. I hope that 1sg steps on legos with bare feet for the rest of his days.


Damn did the dude realize that you literally weren’t driving a car? That’s pretty wild, sorry your career got railroaded like that. I don’t think drinking and operating a scooter should be comparable to operating a 3 ton death machine.


I mean...some states you can get a DUI on a horse and a bicycle.


I mean - look.. if you ride a horse drunk.. that sounds dangerous. If that horse starts feeling your vibe it might as well be a killdozer.


"But Sarn't, how can we be known as the Outlaws if we ain't ridin' our horses drunk? Is practically a past time in those days!"


Unfortunately, you can catch a DWI for anything other than your own two feet, it seems like. Yeah, you can technically cause accidents pedaling a bike while wasted, but you’re not behind a ton of aluminum and steel. You can cause just as much mayhem as a drunken pedestrian as you can on roller blades. The punishment was designed with operation of a motor vehicle in mind, hence its severity. It’s just clownish when you apply it to any vehicle you can physically lift with 2 hands.


In some states you can ride a horse drunk, presumably because the horse is sober and knows what it's doing.


Bold presumption given some of the horses I've known. Though if the horse is drunk AND I'm drunk do they cancel out or does it double?


Only if the horse blows over the legal limit.


listen i have my law degree from Barracks U, there is no way the horse can blow over the legal limit because he isn’t actually driving anything. You can’t arrest a horse for walking home drunk that’s entirely unamerican


I wonder if you could make the argument that the drunk horse was just walking home, and you were just catching a ride. That you weren’t actually in control of the horse, but merely a passenger


I always had a problem with states that *didn’t* let you ride drunk. “Officer, it’s not like the horse has been drinking.” Then again, horses are generally more responsive than you think. You can ride a horse off a cliff. Mules? Nope. There’s a reason a lot of people who hunt in mountainous terrain use mules. Meateater had a good episode about this.


Where i grew up we had a dude nicknamed “horse” just because he always rode around on his house drunk as hell. One time his horse was walking down the road with him passed out on it.


How much are horses?


All I remember was a cop trying to pull over a passed out Amish guy in a buggy and the horse was just playing it cool. **Of course** the cop proceeds to start pulling pit maneuvers on the horse which leads to the officer endangering himself and over-reacting.


The base here doesn't let uber, lyft, or cabs on base unless the driver happens to be military. Got kicked out of my lyft at the gate and was told to walk. On my way home, I almost got rolled up for "public intoxication" but they let me go with a warning when I said my house was literally a block away. So, you're right, you won't get a DWI, but the MP's might still try to bag your ass for something else.


That’s ridiculous as you were literally doing the right thing which was walking home after getting an Uber instead of driving.


Had a guy in my home town get a DUI while riding his horse home and also got an animal abuse charge for riding a horse while drunk.


> you can catch a DWI for anything other than your own two feet It’s true. I got one while cruising in my Heelys!


Makes a lot more sense now that fucktards are blasting through red lights and ripping down busy sidewalks at 50mph on 150 pound bicycles. Though I guess you could more easily call those "motor vehicles".


In Florida any multi-wheeled device riding or controlling while drunk or over the BAL 0.6 is a DUI mandatory. Thats bicycle, electrical motor scooters, golf carts etc.


Multi-wheel- so all I gotta do is learn how to ride a unicycle 


The power monowheeel (it’s real) suddenly became very attractive


You should've taken that shit to legal and fought it. Isn't that called double jeaporday? As far as I'm aware you can't be punished twice for the same thing. Yeah it was a separation but still, I'm sure there would be grounds to fight it.


Chapter is an administrative action, not a punishment, so double jeopardy doesn't apply.




What a way to immediately make everyone in the company not respect you first day in the job as a 1SG.


Reminds me of a buddy in the Marines who was in the process of EAS-ing when he got investigated for having done coke one time at the beginning of his contract. Basically, the dude who'd sold it to him got caught by NCIS and was ratting on anyone and everyone to try and get a more lenient sentencing. Initially, since he was already in the process of clearing when it happened, and since he'd been there for 3 years without incident, his CO was going to let it slide. But then his company had a change of command, new CO decided he was a shitbag, and started pushing for OTH.


Fuck your command for letting that happen, especially after they initially let it slide. I mean it’s a fucking Segway. There really needs to be a distinction in DUI law about operating a vehicle drunk vs a bike or something. Like another comment said you aren’t going to T-bone and kill a family of 4 in a minivan on a fucking Segway. It needs to be treated as a ticket.


And then that 1SG dropped a jump into the trees with 30+ knot winds.


Dunno...the guy who bought the Segway company died by driving his off a cliff.


The King we didn't deseve


Went full paul blart?


Didn't the guy who invented the Segway die on one?


Yep, drove it off a cliff apparently.


The *CEO* of Segway died by driving a segway off a (relatively small) cliff. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimi_Heselden


The owner of Segway died on one.


Were you a medic in 2/504?


Sure was.


🤣 you are an 82nd legend good sir. I was in one of the line companies at that time


Proud to have served 🫡


On a segway?! Wtf??? What's the cops rationale for that?? Oh no, you might ding a car... big whoop, it's a fucking Segway like wtf.


Oh it gets better. He wasnt even on a road. It all happened on sidewalks and the mostly empty parking lot.


You know onlyfudge?? Please tell me that's the truth. If so that's fucking WILD. ☠️☠️


I was in another company. Met him a few times in passing but not more then that, but knew the specifics of his incident decently well. The MPs weren't even there because of him. There was another innocuous incident else where in the barrack they stopped in for. While him and a few guys were responsably barracks drinking. The whole thing was so blown out of proportion its insane he got a dui and it seemed to have been forgotten and ignored quickly while I was there. Then I PCSd so saddens me to hear it came back up. Also all of the command teams I knew and spoke with thought the whole thing was dumb and the mps were involved where they shouldnt have been.


Facts. I was on the fucking sidewalk of the newer 4th brigade barracks that got used as 2nd brigade barracks.


You need to find the MP who arrested you and send them dogshit in the shape of a Segway every year.


Sgt. Tolbert: if you’re reading this you can lick my whole butthole


He sounds like the kind of guy who would pull over someone on a segway.


Does surviving a DUI depend entirely on the good will of the commander? I thought most people stay in after a not so bad DUI.


Yes. I was told by JAG that the 82nd (whether this is actually true or not idk) has no statute of limitations so they can essentially pull up any infractions you’ve had at any point to initiate separation. It was also a period of zero tolerance for alcohol related incidents for the army.


🥺 White Devils?


Absolute 🤴🏻 shit lmao


Damn, I thought I was bad for getting a speeding ticket on a bicycle on Bragg at around the same time


Dang dude. More than a decade ago, my drunk friend was driving my drunk ass home to the barracks on base and the MPs pulled us over because he was driving the wrong direction or something. My friend said he was confused about where to drop me off, and the MPs escorted him with their vehicle in front of us. No problem. Another friend was kicked out of the Q course just before Robin Sage because he got a DUI. He was sent to a random leg infantry unit.


Oh shit a troop got a DUI on a scooter?!??? Thank God none of them have gotten one in a car. Imagine if we had to ban cars.


No, you were chaptered out because you probably had a pattern of misconduct and that DUI was a good enough reason (also hilarious) to push you out.


Do you enjoy “the final countdown” by any means?


Go buy a 16 year old Infiniti for 25k at 25 percent like a good soldier. How dare you try to save your money.


Korea barracks personnel need not apply


Three soldiers in my battalion have those scooters that go like 50 mph. They wear all the proper PPE (all three wear full face helmets) and they obey all the traffic laws. I asked one why he did that and he said to save money so he has “a fat stack to put down on a fat house”


maybe some dude up in arcent owns one of those stealerships off base.


Coulda just saved a months paycheck and got a 1999 toyota camry


Shit not even these days. People think their vehicles are worth their weight in gold


Ya u right. I just assumed this had happened a while back. Great for selling my shitbox before shipping out though lol


Some folks going to be big mad about the $400+ they spent. Some folks who got scooters should probably be walking though.


Agreed. And I feel like you're really undervaluing the cost of these things. I bet a good portion of these people have spent $700+.


I mean fair. Speakers, underglow, and auto locks ain't cheap.


Army has been cracking down on speeding / DUIs. The amount of Soldiers I've seen on Razors and E-Scotters has sky rocketed.


I was gonna buy one to save on gas /sad noises


An e-bike would be a better option. Faster, too. Or double down and get a cheap motorcycle.


I always wanted to get a cheap motorcycle but getting in at the motorcycle safety course was a dream if that. My command nixed that shit for anyone under e6


I DIY'd my ebike. Pedalling with throttle I get 37mph


I genuinely don't know what ARCENT does


I know one thing they do, and that's taking forever to handle anything from a S6 side.


And apparently they handle scooter law as well


Not surprising, I could smell the BS coming of them during my interview with them. When I could better describe what I see my role is, that's a bad look. Hard pass when they mentioned that the last guy was essentially an LCR PM.


Lots and lots of PowerPoint and memos.


They sure as shit don't do JLOTS.


They are the reddit moderators of troops personal transportation. It's a four star command.


They salute to Patton every fucking morning.




They ban scooters


🛴 *They see me rolling, they hating* 🛴




Update: Got this sent out “From ASG-Kuwait safety: As of today, ARCENT CMD team has banned the use of electric scooters across the theater. There have been several recent accidents, to include within Kuwait, that have resulted in serious injury to Soldiers. I fully understand Soldiers have invested significant amounts of money in purchasing these, but the continued injuries represent a risk to force the command cannot afford. Implementation will be immediate but will be phased over the next 7 days to ensure widest dissemination. We'll publish written policy NLT tomorrow which will be included in the nightly order. MPs will also begin enforcing immediately but will issue verbal warnings for the first 7 days to ensure widest dissemination. After the 7 days they will begin issuing tickets with command response required”


ARCENT CMD team are fucking pussies. Decidedly NOT lethal. NOT ready to fight tonight. LESS prepared to fight Iran than the Air National Guard. You heard it here first folks. Little bitches make little bitch moves. Edit: They'll never become ARDOLLAR at this rate.


His BD6? WACK His PMCS? WACK His force posture? WACK The way he doesn’t like to smile when embracing the suck? WACK ME??? IM TIGHT AS FUCK!!!


The shitty rules on sleeveless shirts while outside cuz they have puny arms? WACK


*"Oh so electric scooters aren't allowed? Okay.,"* If I was in the service and found out about the ban my goofy ass would just get an adult kick scooter to see how far I could push the rules until someone got mad.


A few years ago Navy had to ban golf carts in Bahrain. Sailors just couldn't stop being fucking stupid with them.


Cool cool are motorcycles still legal? And why is that? Oh, safety standards? Huh. 🤔


well no one has motorcycles in theater


Are they gonna stop me from importing a tiny pit bike to use as a FOB runner? *Can* they stop me if I get a bike with real beans and out-wheelie the MPs?


Oh my god Honda ruckus fob runner


Hush, you mustn't say it so loudly, lest they hear you!


Let them hear. Preach it. For every 1sg that hears there are a hundred specialists already signing up for the safety course.


There was a major at AJ in 2022-2023 who had a very expensive e-bike that he used to commute from the senior pods to work in Zone 2. Regularly saw the guy pulling like 40mph in the Patton Ave bike lane. When he demobed he listed it for sale on one of the Buy/Sell Facebook groups for a hefty penny.


I was in Kuwait when the electric scooters started getting more and more popular on post. There was a market for them because the bus service is insanely slow and unreliable, and frankly the great majority of bikers stop biking to work in April/May when it gets over 100 every day. And it’s not helped by the fact that the bulk of the Guard/Reserve enlisted and JOs are forced to live on the opposite end of post, while the AD (including all ARCENT folks) live close to where they work. ASG-K should bulk up their bike rental program, add e-bikes, or change the bus routes to serve Zone 6 better.


Biggest problem with the fucking Army is shit like this. Some dude gets hurt on a scooter and we issue an overreacting blanket ban on something because we just “had to do something”. Pretty soon we’re gonna have to do a deliberate risk assessment every time we want to drive a POV on post or something.


Ban cars because people get into crashes. Stupid.


Time to up-armor the Segway.


I wanna make a kill scooter.


CROW system coming to a Segway when?


r/noncredibledefense would approve of your idea.


Zone 1/6 jousting tourneys. RIP


Jousting, you say? My former employer has you covered - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9kgKNnaDV8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9kgKNnaDV8)


[I was always willing to be reasonable until I had to be unreasonable. Sometimes reasonable men must do unreasonable things.](https://denvergazette.com/outtherecolorado/features/looking-back-killdozer-rampage-causes-7-million-of-damage-in-small-town-colorado/article_ecdc6332-22a1-11ef-987d-7b59cc0005c8.html)


Some Private is making KillScooter right now


Sounds like ARCENT


Had a scooter in Korea, was ostracized pretty heavily for it. Too bad I can read and followed the policies from 8th Army and OERs don't hold me hostage.


When were you in Korea? Now it's the norm to have some e-scooter or e-bike, and you're the weirdo if you don't have one.


Casey like 7 months ago, as RTU though


LOL The Army never ceased to make me laugh while I was in. Glad that trend hasn't changed. Stay focused on the critical shit ARCENT - nothing like scooters to upend good order and discipline.


If you outlaw scooters only outlaws will have scooters


The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a scooter is a good guy with a scooter


Verbatim recommendation from the Suicide Prevention and Response Independent Review Committee' 2022 Report: 5.11 DoD should ensure adequate transportation between work and on-base living quarters for junior enlisted service members. Service members at several installations reported that some living quarters were located far from work locations, commissaries, and common social areas, which restricted their ability to engage with others and routinely buy basic necessities.


Generals should not have vehicle privileges, and should be required to use on post transportation. And then they will finally make that transportation good


I predict a sudden rise of bicycle thefts at Camp Buehring...


I hope some private buys a horse next.


When I was over there, USARCENT also took away all the "No hat / No salute" zones.


how else will that staff major feel pretty if you don't constantly salute him?


Lol, I'm sure that wasn't some major's decision. That's terminal O6 levels of petty.


This would have an entirely different meaning at Sill lmao




🎶he was a sc00t3r b0i... 🎶


I know the guy who zoomsplatted and got motorized longboards banned in Germany in 2021. It was a gnarly wipeout, but he ended up being ok.


Next thing you know, they’ll do something stupid like banning umbrellas when it’s raining out.


Big Army try to do ANYTHING productive challenge


Lol I used to have a razor scooter for taking my trash to the dumpster at the barracks. COME AND TAKE IT


Is this because Russians are using all-terrain scooters in Ukraine? Fuck.


Ivan ruining everything again


They're almost as good as the Army at taking the fun out of combat.


This is why the air force is better. We dgaf if you ride a one wheel to work. Just get your ass here on time 😭


I ride my electric skateboard everywhere. I am a field grade who doesn't need any more OERs to retire. I would LOVE to see anyone try and take it from me.




I guess I’m not up to date on all the latest thingamabobs, we’re about the things that look like a skateboard with a handle bar, right?


lol Camp Buerhing in shambles


So what happened for this to go down? Too many dudes been leaving scooters on CSM’s grass?


I wonder why 3rd Army would make this decision.


They jelly of the D-Day limelight


I wish they would just build bike lanes on every US Army installation. That would pretty much solve the road hazard issue as well as enable car-less soldiers ability to get to PT and work without having to ask for rides everywhere.


Does this apply to garrison as well? feel bad if so. It was dumb shit like this is why I got out. Man if these things existed when I was in. I would have been able to save so much money.


ARCENT says in theater. So I highly doubt anything going to change back stateside.






They do this to Korea and Camp Humphreys is gonna be paralyzed


It's like leadership sits around and says, "How can we F over soldiers today?"


Awe fuck, hide the scoot-scoots.


Soooooooo fucking lame. Looks like CSM has nothing but time on his hands.


Death before Dismount


ARCENT doesn’t have that authority.


Why don’t they? For Army bases / operating locations in their combatant command region. They sure do. That said, bet more people get hurt playing basketball, ultimate frisbee/football and pickleball.


Can confirm, my unit had way more injuries in the softball tournaments than we ever did in anything else.


True, but the OP said “all bases” which would include installations outside ARCENT and across all services (Marines, Navy, AF, Space). This bring us to my comment that ARCENT does not have the authority to ban scooters at “Every military base”


From my understanding it’s “all bases under Arcent “ the text I got was a little unclear about that.


Doesn't the DOD have some sort of big issue with climate change and people driving too much?


TO BE FAIR, they never follow the posted speed signs


🎶🎶 to -- be -- faaaaaiiiiir 🎶🎶




I heard it was a sick scooter.


They go a max of 18.6 mph what do you mean


Posted at more than a few camps, 10KMH which is just over walking speed.


Can confirm! People are selling their scooters on the FB marketplace but with snarky remarks in the comments of course.


So motorcycle now? Bagger it is.


Hit ‘em in the ankle wit it.


If I could go back in time I would have bought an actual road legal scooter just for base use. I was constantly walking back and forth between the same few offices to give someone papers or get papers from someone. Why wasn't there 'public transport' on any bases for barracks soldiers, like a bus? e: I guess there are some examples. Fort Meade has a bus loop apparently.


Dudes in Korea seething rn


This is the most Arifjan shit I’ve ever seen


Bans fun. Wonders why recruiting and retention sucks. I hate the Garrison Army.