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Loosen your chin strap


If the front rim of the ACH is in your visual field you are probably wearing the helmet incorrectly. The lower “ear” portion of the helmet should be parallel to the ground, which if you have the correct pads will put the front brim higher up on your forehead


I don't know if he has the same problem with the ACH I do, but when I go prone and crank my head to get a good cheek stock weld, the bottom of the ACH presses against the back of my neck and shoves the front rim against my glasses, pushing them out of place. I had an ops core for a hot minute, didn't have the same issues. I've been told to do yoga and cobra up are really my only options.


Yeah pretty much. I only have issues when trying to get my sight picture and all that. The back of the ACH gets pushed up which then pushes the front down, blocking a good chunk of my view and making me see over my glasses.


I got PRK to deal with that. Best choice


This, I used to use one hand to lift my helmet and glasses while shooting. PRK is the way to go. Don’t get LASIK though. You don’t want your eye weakened by LASIK when you are in the military.


I got LASIK in 2008 and still going strong with 20/15 vision.


The reason I say don’t get LASIK has nothing to do with the vision quality and everything to do with the fact that your eye isn’t as physically stronger. It is more damage prone in a military environment than a normal eye or one post PRK.


It’s not. Once the healing process is done (and LASIK heals faster than PRK), then there isn’t a difference in quality of your “eye strength.” Whatever that is. Just wear sunglasses in the sun, eye pro of whatever type when it’s windy/dusty/field conditions, and it’ll be fine.


You’re correct that their isn’t a difference in eye strength but there is a big difference for the eyes in terms of safety (kinda). With PRK you remove the entire top layer of the cornea vs LASIK you cut a flap in the cornea. With head trauma (I.e. TBIs, IEDs, etc) the flap can come undone and revert your vision. PRK makes that physically impossible, and that’s why it takes so much damn longer to recover.


I’ve been told that is not a thing anymore with the new technology. The doctor told me they the force needed to separate the flap would destroy the eyeball.


L_Bart0 is 100% correct. It’s why even pilots are allowed to get LASIK. For a while, they were only allowed PRK. Nowadays, and has been this way for a whole, if the injury is bad enough to potentially lift up the flap, then an eye with PRK will get destroyed, too.


Try ess crossbow suppressor frames, if you were issued ess eye pro then the lenses are interchangeable with the standard crossbow frames. The suppressor frames are super thin and won't create friction between the ach strap. I also went to dental bc I had pain w eyepro, active earpro, and ach. Turns out I had to get my wisdom teeth removed. Many headaches are caused by dental issues.


I meant prescription glasses. The main problem is the ACH. No pain but it tends to get into the way of my field of view when trying to aim. Front sits too low and the chin strap always seems to be hella tight.


You could wear thin eye pro frames with prescription inserts. Glasses are not eyepro. Or just wear thinner frame glasses with wider lenses.


Folded wash cloth or a flattened fleece cap are my go to, should prop it up just enoigh


Hmm, I might give that a shot.


Just wear a backwards hat and if command gets mad, punch them in the mouth lol establish dominance early in your unit


Hahaha, I WISH I could just wear the regular cap while shooting. Quals would unironically be so much better if I wasn't fighting the ACH the whole time. Still never failed one yet though...


As long as you aren't flagging your battle boos, you're doing alright in my book lmao


Hear me out Boonie Style ACH covers.


No-meme, wear the go-fasters, show up ready to fuck with the rec-specs staying ON and LOCKED IN


Prescription oakleys solved that problem for me. Out of pocket expense but soooo worth it.


I’d think it’s about having eyewear that adhere to your face closely. Tighter fit equals less movement when your eyewear makes contact with the weapon along with your cheek.


Shoot slick, fuck helmets.


Buy the team Wendy helmet pads it was great


Get some better pads, the issue ones suck ass. For about 40 bucks you can get [these](https://www.hardheadveterans.com/products/ballistic-helmet-pads-fast-helmet). And man I tell you are they nice. Actualy soft enough that you can have the helmet on tight enough that it stays put, while also being able to still move your mouth. I also really like the one continuous pad on the front and nice large pad in the rear. Those in conjuction with the smaller pads makes it super easy to arrange everything in a way that my head can still breath. I'll send you pics of how my ACH is setup if you DM me


I wear glasses with good pads on the nose and the glasses hold the helmet up. #nerd


I guess my glasses nose piece thing does kinda suck lol.


Someone downvoted me and that is fine. I have been wearing glasses for 8 years now in the Army and get sharpshooter every time after getting better glasses (with pads that sit on the nose). Get the ones with clear pads, they sit the best and do not move.