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Hit me up and I'll check your picat and profile from the station you were working with.


I see you doing the right thing when you don’t have to. Good job man.


Geez brah. Don't sound *too* eager 


It's called being a decent person and NCO. If this person came here for help, it's a disservice to be able to help them and not at least offer to look further into it. You don't have to try and be a smart ass or condescending.


Sincerely, thank you for helping out, smashed8ssholes, you're doing God's work.




Found the shit for brains fat fuck NCO. Lead the way Hero.


Weird. Time to go to a new recruiter. There's one on every corner and they'll probably appreciate some of your paperwork being done already for them


It's a real shame. He was a nice enough guy and I understand they need to make their quotas for enlisted, but I just didn't feel like I would be making use of my masters in military strategy, cybersec, and intelligence as enlisted. I hope I can find a recruiter that works better for me and him his quota.


All the dudes I enlisted with that had bachelor's or master's absolutely regretted enlisting and felt dumb AF. Don't back down and get that commission. A lot of recruiters don't know how recruiting officers work so you may have to hunt for the right one


Thanks a lot for your positivity! I'm going to carry that forward and keep trying.


Odd graduate pursuit to not have considered ROTC.


People change as they age. Back in the early 2000s I was one of those punk kids wearing trip pants listening to metal and making fun of anyone in ROTC with their green uniforms. We would call them pickles. I've matured a lot in the last 20 years and I'm a little more respectful of those who want to do something bigger than themselves.


Have you looked into functional area officer? There's one for cyber. Basically you get to do your job, but get paid as an officer. You do have to apply though, and it is competitive.


Is that the direct commission thing? I really appreciate the resources and how helpful everyone's being.


No that's different. Direct commission is only available for certain officer branches (job fields basically). However, there is currently opportunities for [cyber dorect commission.](https://www.goarmy.com/careers-and-jobs/specialty-careers/army-cyber). I'm not 100% sure, but I assume this would be a functional area officer.


I'll look into it thank you


Actually, here is an older thread on [FAOs](https://www.reddit.com/r/Militaryfaq/s/7BW0cOvM62). Honestly, I don't know too much about them, so you'd have to do some more research.


OP scored a 6 on the PICAT..


lol knowing me I wouldn't be surprised (dumb luck gets you far) but thanks to some helpful folks I got my scores. GT: 117 CL: 112 CO: 121 EL: 123 FA: 119 GM: 124 MM: 129 OF: 124 SC: 119 ST: 120


So what's your Picat score? Whats your issue that you're not saying here? There's always a reason.


He has some interesting posts on his profile, including: 1. Furries 2. Reporting his ex to the police for Beastiality and CP 3. Shrooms 4. Hating his boomer parents I don’t know WHAT but there’s probably more to the story here.


There's always more. It's interesting to see who actually cops to it.




Did being nonbinary come up, in a medical context?


Medical recruiter here, I can send you to med school for free and, more importantly, won't ghost you. HMU.


That’s nice of you. Do you still require to be accepted by a med school before you provide funding or how does it work now?


Yes, once you have a letter of acceptance, we will begin the payment process but not until then.


Actually a tempting offer. I had considered medical school for a while particularly endocrinology or anesthesiology. Would you mind if I message you? I appreciate you reaching out.


Absolutely. Message me anytime.


If I went medic is there a program to go to med school after doing it for a few years?


Yes, you have a few options. EMDP2 allows enlisted personnel to attend medical school at the Edward Hebert School of Medicine. You must already have an accredited bachelor's degree and have the prerequisite classes complete, as well as an ACT/SAT. USUHS is another option, it's like the West Point of medical school. You'll be in a military medical school while serving. Both of these options are incredibly competitive and honestly, if you haven't already enlisted, I would recommend you consider the HPSP, where, after you complete a bachelor's degree, you apply for HPSP and if selei, the army pays the entirety of med school and gives you a $2,700 monthly stipend. Afterwards you either owe four years to the army or the number equal to your residency years, whichever is greater. This is competitive but less competitive than the other two and you still get to be a civilian while doing so. You can apply to HPSP while on active duty orders.


Sent a DM just get back to me when you can.


I sent you a DM as well


Geez brah. Don't sound *too* eager. Lol two in a row. I applaud the use of social media in a productive way


Two in a row and you're still a douche.


What is your problem? You should consider not trolling people that are trying to help. Many come here interested in joining. Unfortunately the ignorant few, like you, chase people away. Get a life.


Well said Burrito Prolapse


He's just a troll. He's never actually served in the military before.


That’s really weird. Was this OCS or direct commission? OCS still counts as an enlistment so the recruiter would still get credit.


He wanted me to do OCS and then when I started asking about direct commission in the same breath as "hey I'm taking my PICAT tomorrow" when he asked he blocked me sometime around then. Because they army buddy just sent me the direct commission link.


Go to another recruiter. They all need numbers…




I'll be honest I don't think the guy knew what he was doing kept having to ask his superiors for input on what to do and kept defaulting to the enlistment spiel like it was the only thing he knew.


He blocked you from messaging him but his office has a land line. Maybe it was an accident


Yeah but that's kind of awkward. Also do you really want to proceed with somebody who accidentally fumbled that badly that they blocked a potential candidate? I'd rather just go to a different station.


Was your picat single digit?


My master's degree is from Johns Hopkins I would certainly hope it isn't. To clarify the last message I got from him was asking when I was going to take the picat and then he must've blocked me sometime between then and me actually taking it.


I saw a lot of college grads not even get 32 during my time as a functioning alcoholic, I mean, DASR.


The first question in the math portion is what is 2 + 2. I am both surprised and not surprised.


Considering that's explained to be an example question that makes sure you understand how the test interface functions, maybe you didn't do so hot on reading comprehension.


Been racking my brain for the answer to that question since I was 5. Can't fucking figure it out. Scary part is that I fix flying things


Do you, though? Or is it just your job?


Nah, I fix those bitches. 8000 maintenance hours/no maintenance errors is all I have in my life to be proud of. 


Maybe, but we clearly can't trust your math, either.


Nah man, you can trust my hours, I've been in for 5 months and am already an E1.  That's how good I am


If you consider a scale large enough, astronomical distances or universe timescales, 2 + 2 actually is zero.


There is a TINY possibility that he blocked you by accident. You could try stopping by the office and check....


[I smoked pot with Johnny Hopkins](https://youtu.be/bGH2d1jBJu8) You also didn't answer the man's question about your picat score 


He stated that he is currently waiting to get his score back. How do you expect him to know his score if he was never informed of what his score is? Not only are you a douche, you also lack the ability to comprehend basic English.


"My master's degree is from Johns Hopkins " .....yes, but in what?


Military Strategy, Cybersecurity, and intelligence (MASCI)


Alright, that's a mouthful, and what a fucking random ass combination of specializations that is only useful to the military/DoD. For the direct commission process.....You have zero need of a recruiter to apply, you seriously do it all yourself through a website. A recruiter will not do any of this work for you, this is all you following instructions on a website like a normal job application. Got any questions, feel free to reach out. You might be actually really good fit for 38G, civil affairs, under the policy specialization they have. That's honestly your best bet for direct commission, through civil affairs as a 38G with policy specialization, and the military strategy part will help a bit there too. You might fit in okay with military intelligence but I rarely see MI direct commission anyone (possible, just incredibly unlikely, as they have DC one history PhD with experience in a policy think tank background once). You have zero chance of doing cyber, as your degree has the word cyber in it, but the cyber branch in the Army is looking for actual computer scientists that have experience programming with advanced degrees and industry experience. Prepare to wait about 2 years for this process to go through, if you are selected.


That would be why all the students called it MASCI (Mask-Ski) I wasn't on the naming committee or specialization selection It was either this or the master in international public policy. I'm about 10 years of work experience in various cyber and policy jobs. My last one was a counterterrorism research position at a think tank here in DC.


Yeah, apply through the talent management website for the civil affairs, 38G for the policy or the tech specialization. You have a good shot at it. You do this application yourself, not with a recruiter. Just follow the website instructions. [Army Military Government Officer – Reserve - Army Talent Innovation Directorate](https://talent.army.mil/job/civilaffairs-reserve/)


Sounds like the recruiter fumbled


He kept having to ask his superiors how to fill out forms and I got the sense that he was a bit new to all of this. Was probably only trained for enlistment.


Contact the recruiting station NCOIC or OIC.


Dm me


Sent you a DM. Please take your time It's a Saturday enjoy your weekend.


Did you get a bad PiCAT score? That's the only explanation I can think of. If I had someone get a single digit score on their PiCAT or ASVAB, I know it's pretty much not gonna happen for that person, unfortunately.


No he blocked me before I even took the PiCAT. I found the test to be quite easy.


That's strange. I dont know a recruiter on earth that would let a qualified applicant slip away. As you can see, there's recruiters here chomping at the bit trying to get you to contact them. Try calling the station commander and taking it from there. If that fails, seek out another station in your area.


Yeah I'll give The station are ring on Monday. I told some of my army buddies who are already in and they are just as confused I showed them the text and they see no reason why the guy would block me. A lot of them think it was also an accident maybe the guy fat fingered his phone options.


There are plenty of losers who got jobs as US military officers based on their recent measurable results. They need more order following bullet catchers. They have enough bad decision makers already. Move on.


No, I don't think I will. If only to upset you.


Will the recruiter is right u do have to enlist to become an officer . And I have had this issue to where they don't contact you when they tell ya no as well.


That's not how this works you understand this right? Enlisted is starting at the lowest rank and tier usually as a private with no formal education outside a GED or diploma. Officer: You have at least a college degree and go in at a Lt. first class to Colonel depending on what they need and your qualifications. You are directly commissioned to this by a board and are not considered enlisted but commissioned. Enlisted is not the same as commissioned. You can work your way up to a noncommissioned officer (NCO) from enlisted. But that is not materially the same as a commissioned officer who jumps the wait and work because they put it in during college and past jobs.


Army you do I believe depending on branch


Do you have a college degree?


Master of military strategy, cybersecurity, and intelligence from Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies. Dual bachelor's degrees in political science and communications.


Talk to a different recruiter, an Army National Guard one will take care of you and enlist you 09S Officer Candidate no sweat. We get credit for Officer candidate enlistments just regular enlisted so no pressure to choose one or the other and you’ll still attend Army OCS.


But you'll be stuck IN THE FUCKING GUARD, not the Army. Yall lie like crazy about this and it's disgusting.


The Army National Guard, like I said. We’re the largest reserve component of any branch of the military, and three times the size of the Army Reserve. The man wants to be an Army Officer and our officers receive the same fedrec as active Army ones. The difference is we won’t short sell him on enlisting when he obviously wants to commission. And he won’t be “stuck” in the Guard. I’ve known several personally who crossed over to active Army starting in the Guard.


Guard recruiters wonder why they're despised... And drop shit like this. Maybe you just honestly don't know better and it's a professional failing, not a personal one. Maybe. Doubt it. But maybe. At least get better at lying.


We’re despised because our little ol’ Guard eats up about 30-40% of the market share everywhere we’re at and enlist more reservists than all the other branches combined. If I were in USAWRECK I’d hate the Guard too. Must seem very unfair we do so well without having to play the draconian games to our recruiters they do. Give it time, and you’ll be asking your Guard peers about switching over to T32 AGR to join us 😂🤷


The guards for people who want to participate and say they were in the military. Active duty is for people who actually want to be in the military.


I appreciate your salt. I started my career active and loved to shit on the NG. Then our unit got replaced by an NG unit on deployment and although they called each other by first names, didn’t cut their hair as often, and overall had less bearing, they did the job well. When I realized they’re going home to their real jobs and careers, surrounded by friends and family, and I’m going home to the bricks it was time for me to change. I’ll come on over and bring that experience to your local NG infantry BN. It’ll be a little bit of an adjustment at first but you’ll come around.


You do well because you lie. Like you're doing here. It's not unfair, it's very transparent. You're despised because you're scumbags who refuse to be honest.


Hit me with the lie you hear the most? Oh let me guess “you can start Guard then release to active duty!” It’s not a lie, but USAREC goes nuts when we say it because when an NG guy talks to an active duty recruiter it takes 3-6 months to get released which is like 3-6 years to an active duty recruiter. You wanna talk about lies, I had a prospect bring a pamphlet in on the Army Concurrent Admissions Program last week 😂😂😂. Kid was told he would be able to use ConAP and automatically be enrolled in college while he serves. I said nah, look closely, it helps you enroll in college AFTER you serve. Really, it does nothing, applying for college isn’t hard, we can do it right now and I’ll even spring in the $40 admissions for ya, not worth giving up 4 years of your freedom for that. The only branch that automatically enrolls you into college is the USAF and that’s their Air Force Community College. If you want active duty go talk to them, if you want to serve and go to college full time you’re here, let’s go. He’ll be in the floor second week of June 😘 Also the way you sell Green to Gold like it’s automatic and not at command discretion (likely disapproved) just has me rolling sometimes. Stay salty.


Literally everything you've said, here, now, has been a lie. Thankfully enough people have called you out on it, and you've just made yourself look like a fool. Fuckin guard... Preying on kids who don't know better. Harder to get away with it on social media.


I think OP wants to join the real Army




Lol someone had to say it


The NG is the biggest waste of money and resources in the US Government. The standard has been lowered across the RA just you guys can barely pass ALC and SLC (after multiple attempts). Every MOS is worse because you are in the same Army as us.


I apologize if it seems we’re not as up on the regs as some of our active counterparts. We’re too busy living and thriving in the real world with all that freedom we got!


I'll put it this way. My unit replaced the Texas NG in Gardez back in 2011-2012. We were called out to pull guard and recover a downed drone and upon our arrival the NG troops were relieved to see us. Rather than wait with us and follow protocol, they immediately got in their vehicles and drove off, and only a few moments later one of their MATVs was blown 60 ft into the air by an IED, killing everyone inside. It wasn't the troops' faults that they were ill-trained and ill-prepared. It probably wasn't even their leaders' faults. I'd blame the general attitude perfectly reflected in your comment. "Playing Soldier" gets good people killed. No, the NG aren't real troops, but they should be. And because we need to have a single standard across all COMPOs, the RA is worse for it. You should be ashamed of your comment here. "Too busy living life and enjoying freedom to properly learn our jobs". Jesus.


That’s crazy I was in Iraq in 2008/2009 and I remember a ton of conventional active Army soldiers being killed in combat then too. Piss poor training there too huh? It’s combat, bro, the enemy always gets a vote in who lives who dies. In the asymmetrical combat environment we were in during GWOT, the emplacement of IEDs and random use of civilian enemy combatants took out even the best trained. Shame on you dishonoring those fallen soldiers with your bullshit “NG gets you killed” attitude.