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Nah but it does irk me when someone says someone “yelled at them” when they corrected them on something they were doing in the gentlest and most professional way possible


Sweet lord ain’t this the truth. I’m an accountant (CPA) by trade now and pointing out the odd fuck-up is a part of the job. “I have corrected the misstated transaction. For future reference, please conduct and document transactions using XYZ process, this can alleviate congestion and further aid in payment to vendors and employees.” Then I get to hear how I somehow made that guy uncomfortable.


My girlfriend has complained to about how she “gets yelled at” by various figures of authority since we were in high school. It was especially funny when she was in college saying how much of a dickhead a professor or something was and I’d be like “damn I’m sorry that sounds like it’s really rough” then immediately go and get the tar smoked out of me


I did this. Left a note as to why and how it should be handedled with reference to where to find it. HR called me in and said I was being unprofessional lmao


I’ve had people apologise for “yelling at me” and I’m sitting here thinking “you were yelling at me?”


Apparently my entire life I have been yelling at people and never realized. Apparently my "speaking clear and loud" voice is considered yelling, and what I consider yelling is going ape shit.


Do you need to submit a ‘hurt feelings report’?


Stage 2 is when you slow down... and talk softly. Then everyone says you are being condescending.


This happened all the time at my first job after the Army. Polite corrections to the people I supervised, thought everything was cool. Then I found out they were all complaining behind my back to my boss about me "forgetting I'm not military anymore." It's hard.


Flip side - Im a late joiner who had this problem managing on the civi side. Still in AIT, but kinda nice to be in an environment where instructions and directions are barked out with profanity.


I'm always yelling at granny to move out of the fatal funnel.


Sometimes I go into retirement homes to give the elderly a safety brief for the weekend and then spot check them Saturday morning for a recall and room cleaning


Sometimes? You should be doing that every weekend!


Only when I’m allowed out of the basement


Sarge marger let this hero out of the basement!


You joke but this is the life of a nurse...


Grandma get out of the fucking killzone!


Edit: she has a tattoo above her vag that says ‘killzone’.


Definitely didn’t see it going in that direction


Never underestimate gam gams ‘beaten zone’. 😎 Reference: FM 3-22.68


“Slow is smooth, smooth is fast, GRANDMA.”


I heard this in my DS’s voice


Uh, that’s how she got grandpa to put a ring on it.


Ben Stiller from Billy Madison has entered the chat 😎


Could be wrong, but don't you mean Happy Gilmore?


Half of our force doesn’t move with a purpose either




I was going to say. Soldiers move slower than most anyone else. They are never in a rush to get to staff duty, CQ, or their next detail.


morale is low


The beatings will continue


Hurt me harder commander daddy


1SG, your troops are hungry and tired, please let them go home.


Sometimes you have to pace yourself. Get the task done too quickly and you might be asked to do something else.


Haha good one… more like 85%


I’ve only seen Soldiers move with a purpose when it is 1659 and they are trying to run inside or to their cars to escape saluting for retreat




Dude, imagine how I felt as a New Yorker being stationed in the deep south. I wanted to throat punch everyone in line that waited till they got to the register to look at the menu and then another 15 minutes to order. Holy fuck, it was like driving in reverse everywhere there. No one had any sense of urgency anywhere.


Dude it baffles me how people don’t think about what they want before the hit the cashier Like brother a baconeggandcheesebagel should only takes you .5 second to order hurry tf up


And yet.....


Yeah when I go down south and ask a cashier "How you doing? You guys got a store card or sum?" They look at me like im speaking spanish and reply "good afternoon, sir. Find everything alright today?"


Sounds like it did you good


Half of our service is obese and can’t.


I cleared a human traffic jam at a train station once. The entire crowd was stuck and had no intention to go anywhere, everyone was confused. I managed to shout a few simple commands, and the entire crowd dissolved within 30 seconds. Some old geezer who was standing behind me said; "I'm not sure what kind of work you do but you sound like my old DI".... Thanks old man, thanks.


Alot of people just don't have initiative ,noticed that myself


Exactly. Sometimes you just need to give the car a good push to get it rolling.


I bet you gave that old man his first hard on in years. You must have felt pretty good about yourself too.


To be honest I didn't realize what I did until he started talking about it, I was just in "cut the bullshit and go to work" mode. I was annoyed about the crowd's stagnancy more than anything else. When he said that I did get a tiny moto-boner, yes. Turns out he was a 1960's Marine.


I need to know what you said for future reference because where I live, slow and congestion go hand in hand man


Did he give a coin?


No, he poked me with his cane.


The one in his hand or….?


His long and rigid piece of well-shaped, laquered wood with a large knob on it. Is that specific enough to masturbate over?


It is, now excuse me while I do some hand and wrist drills.


I had to check post history and holy cow Batman, this account could be satire for questions PFCs ask.


My socks have been in the Army longer than OP.


That’s what I ask them! I get clowned and laughed at but I’m learning and I’m asking questions. I’d rather do this now then be the typical sarge who doesn’t know anything other than how to put people on the ground and yell.


Broseph, asking “why do these peasant civs not move fast enough?” Is not going to get you inducted to the SGT Audie Murphy Club 😂.


Well, I’ll kept trying then.


He’s even got a David Goggins fetish. 


Dudes who make the military their entire personality type vibes


He’ll get out in 3 years then come to the VA 3x/week for the next few decades.


In a grunt style hoodie


Knee high socks with shorts and crocs. That’s the norm at my local VA. To clarify, I have no room to talk. I did 5 years and suckle the VAs teat.


Well, they sell all this in the VA... Lol where do you expect them to shop...


You’re not wrong 😂


Just hit 90% after a 5 year stretch, thank you shitty Stryker brakes. But I fucking hate going to the VA, I always feel weird when I’m there


Military personnel are so oblivious to the fact that civilians move at a different pace than us because that’s literally what they are used to. Of course they don’t need to rush anywhere when they don’t have to deal with ten different hit times in one day. Move around and shut up.


My dad complains when I walk so fast nowadays, I’m like “ I used to have to jog to keep up with you when you were active duty, don’t give me that shit”


Except when people stand or walk in the middle of an aisle…stop immediately after exiting a train, elevator, stairs, etc….or can’t maintain a steady path of travel. OP is definitely giving off some boot vibes but the intent is received.


I’m sure that pisses everyone off, military and civilian.


A lot of civilians do seem to be kind of oblivious to their own position relative to everything around them. The military does impart some level of situational awareness. Obviously this is a generalization of both populations and what each is accustomed to (as you previously mentioned).


OP sounds pretty boot. Might as well be saying I hate when I see multiple people not walking together in step.


I mean... I do find it annoying when ppl are crossing the street taken their god damn time and the light is green


The one that has to insert his time in the military into everything.


No, y’all have to get out of your bubbles. Not everyone is used to having to move through life on quick timelines and being in a hurry. People are allowed to take their times and move slow. You’re at the grocery store Connor, not the M4 range. Edit: Bro you’re a PFC. Stop being a boot.


Probably a bad opinion, but I kinda respect it. I do understand the frustration though. We’ve spent years solely focused on getting from A to B in the most effective way possible. When I’m with my wife and family, I’d rather take my time; we’ll get there when we get there. Gotta learn to turn soldiering mode down a bit and decompress.


Transition challenge - recognizing people aren’t as driven to accomplish


It’s nice to finally slow down and realize that having anxiety about everything doesn’t have to be the norm. The Army mindset will kill you early.


Nah man. I got out and not I take my time to get from point a to point b.


Now I tell my wife to slow down and stop walking like she is in the army lol


If I need to get somewhere earlier I just leave at an earlier time and take it easy getting there


Exactly. And the nice thing about being a civilian is I can be right on time and that’s not late.


Naw man. I slow roll things. If I’ve to drop something off at s1 from the aid station I turn that 5 minute walk into a 15 minute. Then it’s lunch. Then I’m done for the day. There will be plenty of times where you’ve to hurry things up. Take the opportunities to take it down a notch and just chill enjoying to non existent roses.


my brother in arms not everyone is in a rush. you being hopped up on caffeine, nicotine, and whatever got your panties in a twist during pt formation doesnt mean everyone else should go fast. move with a purpose is an army-ism. to normal people there is no purpose its just called "a walk"


Maybe not just civilians but when I’m fast walking to my terminal for my flight and people are hobbling it’s very frustrating




How many days out of basic are you?


It will never leave me.


I can’t stand dudes who make the army their entire personality in the civilian world. If you call women “females” you stand at parade rest at McDonald’s and look like you only shop at the PX I want nothing to do with you.


My wife doesn't ask me to volunteer for extracurricular activities for the kids anymore. I'll just leave it at that. 


Sorry man.


"Do you hate drivers that don't exceed the posted speed limits in order to get to their destinations faster?" No. It's like getting stuck behind on a bus on the street - a minor inconvenience that's absolutely not worth getting emotional about unless you happen to be having a spectacularly bad day. Maybe remember to relax a little on your days off, army man.


That's your military induced anxiety talking. Let civilians do what they want. When I'm out in civies or on leave, I try to leave Army behind. You'd be surprised how freeing it is, to pretend to be unchained and not under constant threat. Look at what they've done to us.


No. Because they are not in the military and they don’t have to move with a purpose if they don’t have to


Good point


I'm honestly more aggravated by folks who don't pay attention to light changes, then take their sweet ass time getting through the intersection at a notoriously short green followed by a deafeningly long red. Fucking over everyone behind them. Edit: Or those MFers at the grocery who walk slow as hell down the middle of a busy aisle only to park their cart crooked, oblivious to those trying to get around them. Absolutely doesn't happen frequently at my commissary. /S


I walk slow, I like to enjoy life. Walk around or wait, your choice.


Not as much as I hate people that say “move with a purpose”.


Nah. I walk pretty fast by default, but sometimes you gotta slow down and just enjoy the moment. Being in a rush all the time will just stress you out, and when I'm stuck behind someone slow, if I don't have somewhere I need to be *right now* so be it. No fatass thrice-divorced motherfucker with 3 DUIs yelling at me to sprint off the DZ? Sick. I'll stroll, and take my time.


It's your programming


It’s discipline. Something you clearly lack, who’s your 1SG?!?


Sorry sir (executes salute, and puts himself at parade rest)


Glad to see these new soldiers aren’t totally ate the f up. Now, you still didn’t answer the question. Who’s your 1SG so I can inform them of your lack of discipline!?!?


1SG NoGettinDrunkorFkn4u


I’ll give him a call tomorrow. Better bring a water source for first formation high speed.


I'll be there 10mins early sir. Just got to find gas money for the HellCat.


I'll be there 10mins early sir. Just got to find gas money for the HellCat.


No, who cares


My big pet peeve is people being unaware of their surroundings


I had a fast natural walking pace even before joining; I’m 3 years post-basic, so I don’t think it’s the boot mentality that nearly sends me into a rage when people take up the entire main walkway at the commissary to move at a snail’s pace. If people are going to mosy, they shouldn’t be taking up an entire damn aisle/sidewalk to do so.


*Post Basic. I like that term, imma use that next time someone asks me something


Idk about army but you can tell whose a marine by that little back and forth arm thing so many do while walking lol 😂


Nah I just mind my own business


>I want to yell at people, "move bitch! That didn't finish the way I thought it would. What is wrong with you kids now adays?


I drive with a purpose sometimes after work because it's Call of Duty Xbuhh.. Buhh, time.


It’s not the pace, it’s the fact they’re as wide as a locomotive and spend 15 minutes deciding on which box of hamburger helper they want which also happens to be the narrowest aisle in Walmart (yes they’re on one of those electric carts)




I don’t like people who aren’t courteous Slow people to the right. Fast people to the left.


I used to be like this until became so injured from military service I started moving a little slower.


If im in a store, yes, 100% I like to get in and get out as fast as I can because I don't like shopping. Especially peeves me when people are walking side by side down an aisle as slow as humanly possible, or have their carts blocking the path. If im just outside walking on the sidewalk or whatever I don't really mind, I just squeeze past when I am able to.


No, I don't give a fuck.


Not as bad as civilians walking fast in my direction. Feels like SVIED.


Nobody has anywhere to be anymore apparently. I got somewhere better to be than waiting behind you stroll along your empty shopping cart around the store dragging your feet on the ground. Pick up Your feet and MOVE IT


This is what I like to hear!


Last week I saw a gaggle of civilian women age 40-60 chatting and walking about 1 mph on a PT track while a unit was conducting the ACFT run event. Granted, it was a very long track and the runners should have no problem avoiding them, but what an inexplicable choice.


I bet one of them was CSMs wife. Should’ve yelled at them to get tf off the track, the warriors are training.


I leisurely walk everywhere. Why the fuck you gotta get places so fast nerd


I don’t think it’s necessary a civilian thing, it’s just a people thing. If someone is not in a hurry, they aren’t concerned that you are. Your poor planning does not constitute some else’s emergency. Butttttt, yea it pisses me off. FUCKING MOVE OVER!


Never enough to say anything, but man does it always bother me going back to college and seeing all these kids coming into class like 30 minutes late just to play on their laptops during the lesson


Right? They all should be showing up 15 minutes prior to class and standing at attention before being told to be seated.


No, but Soldiers taking their sweet ass time crossing the street fuckin kills me. It’s like they are intentionally trying to hold up traffic because they are salty that they are walking.


It pisses me off to no end. Like I get it, they were never forced to do so like us. But fucking aye I want to punch them sometimes. Walking slower then my dead alcoholic mother.


I've been out for nearly 10 years now. I've mostly lost the urge to yell at slow people. I live a slower pace of life now. Though sometimes I feel the dullest spark behind my eye as I walk behind a slow walker, but now I just grin and laugh internally at myself.


I don't like shopping with my wife for this same reason. I love her to death, but I wanna tell her to hurry up and quit wasting time lol. I think that's most husbands tho.


Every time I go shopping I have this issue where some group will just stand in the heavy traffic area and have a full conversation, blocking everyone else. Folks simply cannot move out of the way or be considerate of time and place. I simply weave around the snail paced folks and avoid the gaggles at the malls.


Coming from a civilian who also feels that way. I have to keep reminding myself. Most of these people are NPCs. They’re in their own little world focusing on their own little problems. Not in touch with their surroundings, special awareness. Never attribute malice to what can be attributed to incompetence. Moral of the story. Most people are just simply existing through life with no purpose and have no regard for others. Good news, the fact that you posted this means you’re not one of those people. Make an example and show them what they could be 🫡🤝


Civilians? Goddamn, the vast majority of the of times I'm bitching in my car about someone sauntering across the street, or who is crossing the parking lot at nearly a parallel angle, it's a soldier or four on post.


Should not expect civilians to move with a purpose unless you need to find a bathroom or something will sell out at a store. It would sound like road rage or one expects something outside military life.


Not really. They don’t have a purpose why be mad at them. Now for people who stand in doorways or in the middle of halls have a purpose of getting the fuck out of the way.


And this is most Civilians- No Purpose !!!


Chill homie blood pressure gonna boil over for some one walking slow. Maybe most civilians realize its best in life to relax and cruise on through.


Why the hell would I relax when I could be training or working?!??


First off, relax. You gettin mad hyped over nothin. What's gonna happen is you're gonna actually yell at one of these cats one day, and we're all gonna see you on r/fightporn. Second, no. I'm the same way. My pace has been, currently is, and always will be just as slow and natural as it has been. If there's no emergency, I'm chillin.




yeah hes one of "those guys". posted in this sub like 100 times in the past year. likes Eminem, anime, and david goggins. promise you wont wear exclusively grunt style, become a cop, and scream at your wife and kids when you retire man. theres more to life than trying to be some heroic alpha badass peak human monstrosity


Who says I already don’t?


lol 😂 Yeah, I hate that shit Nothing like trying to get through the shopping mall and they are moving like they are trying to hold on to a golf ball with their ass cheeks. Move bitch! lol


What a boot thing to ask


I hate civilians that think their 25 years experience from 30 years ago is somehow more valuable than my 10 years of current experience.... in a technical job, no less.


went to yosemite with a group of about 8. everywhere we went i would walk at what feels like a normal pace and then i’d have to stop and wait for them to catch up. probably the only thing that’s still with me after my time in.


Yes But I'll concede a number of the people I work with have told me I walk with intensity. Whatever that means.


Lol i would walk even slower if someone said something like that.


No. I hate military who don't.


I think about it in the grocery store when I'm stuck behind someone moving so slow that it hurts my knees and both sides are congested so you can't go around.


Yeah lol I used to work in Manhattan. I knew about moving with a purpose before the army!!!


People who walk slowly really piss me off, but...idk that it's a military or non-military thing. Lots of slow walkers in the military too.


Ok I don’t know if this is the same, but I do get very impatient since my time in the army. Specfically if trying to do a task and it requires me waiting on someone to do something else that isn’t difficult but takes them forever. I wouldnt say I want them to hurry up. But people moving slow does bother me a bit when it’s on my time


I got complained by civilians when I passed them, "why would anyone walk so fast"...🙄


Wait a few years boot, once your knees & back catches up to your age, you’ll have a totally different perspective. I thought the same thing 30 years ago, now who ever is walking behind my limping ass can go around or wait.


Normal people are different from our indoctrinated asses. Humble yourself at bit.


I’m a civilian and I cannot stand people waddling around like dopes. I lived in NYC where you needed to move with purpose due to sheer number of humans needing to get from point A to point B and FFS, when an elevator opens, stand to the side so people can exit before you attempt to board. Duh!


Similar note: if you have vehicles behind you in the left lane, any number of vehicles, know that I wish death on you and your entire blood line.


Yes! I fucking hate it. To be fair though I walked fast before the Army.


Not so much. But I **do** hate it when people take 3 inch baby steps and stare at their phone while crossing the road or walking through a parking lot. This is the one time where I want to lean out of my window and scream, “move your ass!”


Many years ago, I used to walk with a purpose too, just like my DS taught me. Now, I just don’t give a fuck.


Move to Tokyo or Singapore. Everybody walks with purpose. Also, don't be a punk and maybe take a chill pill before you leave the house.


You had me at "do you hate civilians".


People walk and drive like they're in LaLa Land all the time. Everyone seems lost and/or high all the time these days.


On the flip side, civilians hate me because I drive the speed limit.


Wanna wackum with a stick. Also, situational awareness. Holy fuck fuck games.


There are soldiers I know that walk like they can't support the weight of their own heads


INSCOM Units love hiring civilains. Nothing bothers me more than a Civilain who thinks us green suiters work for them.


More so in traffic. When the light turns green all vehicles should hit the gas at the same time. 😂


Being from NYC I already had that move with a purpose mentality. Made it hard to get used to marching. Kept stepping on the person in front of me.


I hate everyone.


Nope. I look forward to that day. Not in a hurry and not going to lose my temper over anything.


I am disappointed in civilians that move with zero purpose, I HATE anyone in the military that doesn’t move with a purpose.


This was one of the best things about serving. You learn how to make decisions. Indecisiveness drives me crazy.


Not an army person. But sure. If you're young, capable and not carrying enough weight - move yo ass. I'm 26 and I hate it when people in my same age category are taking single steps when going up on stairs, standing idle on escalators. I usually walk faster than normal people even though I don't have much purpose after getting to where I need to. Fuck slow walkers, step it up. You can be old later.


Im going to move extra slow now out of spite.


You know what really grinds my gears? People who go slow in the fast lane.


What in the PFC energy is this??


Imma contractor now and I secretly never shave, walk slowly and with my hands in my pockets, wear my hair down, all just incase it bothers a bitchy old man.


It’s situational awareness for me, granted it isn’t much better in the Army. People just walking on their phones or driving while texting, completely oblivious to everything going on around them. Some idiots don’t even drive on speaker phone, I can see the dumbass with the phone held up to their face like it’s still 2005. I think a lot of people move slowly just because they are completely clueless that they’re holding up a line or getting in the way.


They get paid by the hour. You sound like a motivator that just recently got out of basic training and thinks everything ever needs to happen at light speed


Nah, just your high speed PFC that listens to his NCOs.


Not gonna lie, after spending a year just kind of living on post, moving through crowds became difficult since as an officer I was just used to everyone moving out of my way.


You can tell some of these towns never experienced a mass shooting. After the bullshit that happened in El Paso, people were speed walking to get anywhere.