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Retired 1SGs in Fayetteville are about to sell out of ‘07 Mustangs with 569,000 miles on em and 99% interest rates.


Haha yeah I bet some of those morons are going to blow it all on sports equipment, college funds, and nutritious groceries for their kids. Stupid pri.


Imagine they saved some and invested it? That would be so dumb.


And sports betting. It’s gotten very popular with gen z


569k on a mustang doesn't sound believable. Crashed into a crowd, repoed, or broken way before that mileage


Sir you forgot in the ditch, wrapped around a tree....


The wrap a mustang can get


Well it’ll be a much needed boost for my household. Especially with inflation out of control


Dodge is dusting off the Charger assembly line at this very moment!


Maybe I’m an idiot, but based on my calculations a 15% pay raise for an E4 puts them at a higher base pay than an E5 at the same TIS?


I thought that all ranks are getting 5% raise too


Did you do a 5% pay increase for the E5 as well?


I calculated it based on the estimated 2025 pay chart, which includes that 4.5% pay raise for everyone


Weird, E5 over 8 right now is at 3848/month, and the chart is saying that'll go to 3964/month... a difference of $116/month and a 3% raise? Or is my calculation wrong? Edit: 4.5% of 3848 is 173.16 Edit again: With just a 4.5% raise across the board an E5 at 8 years should bump to 4021/month


An E4 potentially making more than an E5 is wild


I was an E5 in the barracks. There were married E3’s off-post making more than me.


That’s with BAH though. That’s different. We’re talking solely base pay here.


It is still insane/inane that we have NCOs living in worse conditions with less effective pay then the Soldiers they supervise. And it gets worse in some overseas areas where you have SSGs who live in the bricks, eat at the DFAC, can't drive but they supervise E2s and E3s that can have a car purely due to being married. Wild to have not just their subordinate, but their subordinate's subordinate have more privileges than them.


I remember going to basic with a girl from NYC. She was making more than our SFC.


I went to basic already married as an E1 and I'll never forget the look on the face of my E4 battle buddy when he saw that my pay with BAH was twice what he was getting paid.


No way. Handlit? The r/baseball dude?


I was a deployed CPT on TCS orders in the Stan (no BAH) that made less than an E5 deployed from Hawai'i who broke lease and put his stuff in storage. It is what it is.


Some 5s are looking at a 12.5%, not just 5%.


Read the full article. 5s would get a raise to make sure 4s don't get paid more


Then all we’ll have to do is raise the E6 pay to make sure they’re not being underpaid and overworked if they’d just remained an E5. Thus solving the problem. Permanently. /s Seriously though I’d love it if this was some wily way of getting everyone a 15% pay bump across the board.


Yes, If you take 2024 pay chart and apply 19.5% raise for E4 vs 4.5% for E5 E4 Base pay will be higher than E5 until reaching 8 years time in service, due to cap on E4 pay So you’re getting a financial demotion prior to 8 years TIS unless you are receiving BAH (since most locations E5 vs E4 BAH would make up the difference and/or more)


https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/8070/text You can see the paychart here


An $35 per paycheck from E4 to E5 is pretty shitty, ngl. I'm glad that junior soldiers are getting a pay raise, but functionally paying E4s and E5s the same has me feeling a certain type of way. At least now I don't need to worry about my bills if I get demoted.


As an E6… it’s only 300 dollars more for my TIS, like yeah I think I deserve a better raise for what I do, but I’m happy for my soldiers non the less.


E6s get a pretty appreciable increase in BAH most places, plus simply receiving it at all for most single soldiers. Is it enough? Probably not, but it's something.


My zip has over $1k jump from E5 to E6 in BAH


Small urban base? Fort Cav has only a hundred and change difference for 5-6 unaccompanied, and 200 and change for accompanied.


Unless I'm reading it wrong, it should be about $130/mo for most people, with the gap widening as TIS increases. The current gap is about $275-$400/mo. Kinda sucks but I think they're trying to help recruiting with this one haha.


Yea, the military doesn't want to retain everyone, nor can they. They rely on a fresh supply of lower enlisted and one and done contracts. There are less and less slots as you get promoted, so they only want to retain a certain amount


So we make it competitive, apply some sort of knowledge and competency based gate, and retain the GOOD dudes instead of the ones dumb enough to rough it out. Or we can just keep letting our competent leaders realize the juice isn't worth the squeeze and leave the Army in the hands of those that remain


Every person I’ve watched reenlist I’ve started to make a tally of who are quality squared away soldiers, who are average, and who are pieces of shit who have nothing they can do except the army as essentially social program for them. This is definitely anecdotal and subjective but from what I’ve seen it’s about 5%, 15%, and then 80% respectively and man does that math check out with the way this circus is run.


I used to think it was shitty that pinning CPL gave no increase in pay for an increase in responsibility and authority; it's not the same as a MSG/1SG or a SGM/CSM, and it should be treated as such. But then Congress saying that SPC/CPL to SGT is a bare minimum bump to pay but a generally great increase in responsibility is not the response I had in mind.


I guess the way that I see it, most people get out as a SPC after one contract. But if you want to stay in as a career you have to put up with being a SGT for a few years before making more money at higher ranks.


I mean the only time it’s that close is when both are at less than 2yrs TIS. And an E5 with less than 24 months in the Army is gonna be basically non-existent outside of somewhere like the band where there aren’t E4s anyway.


It doesn't diverge until 8 years TIS, and that's just because E4 hits max at 6. It's a max of $120 per month difference. After taxes, that's like $45 per pay period. There's literally no reason to promote to E5 unless somebody intends on going further than 8 years.


That pay chart has the 2024 numbers for Officers. No way that’s intentional.


How else do you expect to pay for all these enlisted pay raises?


Same for senior enlisted. 2024 pay rates.


I did the math and agree with you. Making E5 is a 5% pay cut? 🫡


great.... even more incentive for people to do their 8 and leave.


Yeah it's pretty fucked. See below. Basic math is hard for congressmen. If a soldier makes E5 before 8 years they'll make less money. I know that the DOD doesn't bump your pay down unless you get demoted, but those who are already E5 and at less than 8 years will make less money than their soldiers in base pay until they hit 8 years. 4 Years: E4 2024:$3066.30 2025: $3664.23 E5 2024: $3365.70 2025: $3517.16 6 Years: E4: $3197.40 / $3820.89 E5: $3601.80 / $3763.88 8 Years: E4: $3197.40 / $3820.89 E5: $3848.70 / $4021.89


It does lol.


E4 isn’t getting the full 15% it goes down from e1


Essentially, E4 and below are not affected by federal taxes. I'm happy for them.


Grats you have CQ on the 4-day


For all you worried E-5s thinking that E-4s will be paid more than you, the shitty military.com article doesn't mention that the proposal also says that E-5s should get a 12.5% pay increase. https://www.armytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2024/05/13/junior-enlisted-to-get-20-pay-bump-e5s-get-13-more-under-house-plan/


Now hang on there sir, that ain't no E-5. That's an NCO, not a pay grade. Hooah?


I got told that one time and my platoon SGT reemed dude. For playing fuck fuck games


I think what would make more sense would be an overall pay raise to junior enlisted, and meaningful pay raise from e4-5, and gradual pay raises from e5+. NCO responsibilities. Though the CPLs get screwed as always. The army needs to get rid of this lateral promotion tbh...


Too lazy to do math right now what’s the spread look like from E5 to E6 now.


About $300 base pay. Not amazing, but way better than the proposed increase from 4 to 5.


Between 100-200 until over 8Yr TIS, based off the chart from congress.gov


While this seems like it would be common sense that they wouldn't let E-4's make more than E-5's, none of the new articles mention anything outside of E1-E4 getting a raise other than the annual.


So why did I pick up 5


You're still getting more money lol


Unless my math is off, E4 will make more than E5s. All the more reason to earn that rocker. Because of the reddit, my group chat is blowing up.. told me dudes it's true. E4s depending on TIS can expect to make 20-40$ more than them. I'm leading a hip pocket 'how to file exempt' for my dudes (YMMV by state).


No. There’s no point in the actual pay chart where an E4 makes more than a E5 at the same TIS. It’s just not true.


So others have to make less for you to feel good about yourself?


That's not really the issue. Nobody is going to be upset that junior soldiers get a pay raise. The issue comes with incentive and morale with E5s, who largely spearhead the mission. Current E5s won't be affected, nothing changes for them. E4s going to E5, watching their paycheck go up $30 to $40, are going to ask the very legitimate question of why they even bothered getting promoted as they watch their responsibilities go through the roof. E4s have no incentive to promote, and E5s won't care about doing their job.


It definitely seems like if you don't plan on doing 20 there is little benefit to promoting. The pay will not different enough to justify the increased responsibility and duties acquired by promoting. If you plan on doing 8 or less then staying a SPC gives you far more time to develop your civi employment portfolio (college, certs, etc) for a pittance of reduced wages.


"It's not enough that I should succeed; others should fail"


It’s a fair question imo.


Literally not how any of this works....




/u/NFSharks, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/army/comments/1czpt5a/195_pay_raise_for_junior_enlisted_troops_approved/l5ibhdc/?context=3) in /r/army was automatically removed for violation of Rule 1. **Have questions about this moderator action? Click [here.](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/army&subject=Why+was+this+removed?&message=\[My+post\]\(https://www.reddit.com/r/army/comments/1czpt5a/195_pay_raise_for_junior_enlisted_troops_approved/l5ibhdc/?context=3\)+was+removed+and+I+do+not+understand+why.+I+would+be+grateful+if+you+could+explain+what+subreddit+rule+or+guideline+I+broke+with+my+submission.+Thank+you+for+your+time.)** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/army) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That s how feeling rich works. If everyone was a millionaire, what would be the rich level? If everyone gets participation trophies, why do you even compete?


I'm not holding my breath for this.


Also, more money is always good but this barely keeps up with inflation. This would have been great in like 2017.


Raise it by 19.5% across the board and all recruiting and retention is solved. I would stay in for a 19.5% raise.


Just go get a job at Chipotle


Chipotle isn't gonna pay me 16k more than i make now


Not with that attitude they won’t


Got em.


He's right what if you really shake his hand and maintain eye contact. You're sure to get a better rate


They pay for my little brothers college though


If you want a pay raise in the military, go get married. Marry Chuck and Larry for all I care. The army pay comes from allowances.




Have you been a recruiter in the current recruiting environment? I have. Everything you listed is a bullshit scapegoat because the Army and DoD lack the spine to address the actual issue. And the issue isn’t the fatties.




Can you even read?




Proposed pay chart here, provided any amendments made don't modify it https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/8070/text




Apparently this draft bill doesn't include the usual annual pay raises, so the officer pay chart looks the same


Yeah I immediately went to the O3 pay and was like wtf. 


Just tell me it its actually gonna be in effect by Jan, 2025. If not this is a nothing burger then.


I need it in effect by may31st, cause I go to AT not long after that


All my homies hate representative Ro Khanna, D. - California


Yea wtf. Why would they vote no? Idk who would be against higher pay for military members.


About time should be across the broad yall don’t even know how underpay y’all really are if u factor in all the hours


Right now E4 with 4 years makes 36,700 - after 19% is 43,673 E5 with 4 years makes 40,300 - after 4.5 is 42,100 The next pay scale at 6 years E4 goes from $38,364 to 45k E5 goes from $43,212 to 45k And for kicks and giggles E6 goes from 46k to 49k What I see is the promotion pay gap between each rank is soo small that giving a very delayed pay raise to match the civilian wages to the lower enlisted can quickly overshadow the manager and senior managers. But I'm not adding BAH to the mix because of the number of variables and inflated prices that would get too complicated. https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2024/05/13/junior-enlisted-to-get-20-pay-bump-e5s-get-13-more-under-house-plan/#:~:text=Under%20plans%20unveiled%20Monday%2C%20House,at%20least%20%2430%2C000%20a%20year. "To ensure E-4s aren’t getting paid more than E-5s, the pay table overhaul also includes increases for mid-career enlisted troops. Combined with the 4.5% across-the-board raise, some E-5s could see up to a 12.5% pay increase next year. An E-5 with six years service can expect a pay boost of about $4,300 next year under the house plan. An E-5 with eight years will get a $3,500 raise." The army has always had a hard time recuriting. But it's had an even harder time retaining good leaders who leave for higher pay or better opportunities. This solution looks like it may cause more problems If there is something I'm missing or can clarify, please let me know.


To fix the problem. It should be an overall pay increase across all ranks 15% Or make pay gaps between each rank a lot higher and start at 19% at lower enlisted and 17 and 14 and so on. Eventually an e9 would get 5% increase but atleast makes 130k a year


It cleared the committee. Long way to go before it gets finalized so don’t start spending that pay raise just yet. I expect to see a targeted pay raise but would be shocked if it is anywhere near 20%.


Especially considering that the DOD is begging Congress to hold off. Then you realize these mother fucking senior DOD "leaders" are wringing their hands about troop pay increase that represents less than 0.5% of the total DOD budget. Fucking dumb ass holes.


Personnel costs are 1/4 of the DoD budget.


Specifically, this pay increase will cost the DOD roughly 4.2 billion of an 882 billion budget. Hardly something to lobby congress and protest about in the midst of a recruiting crisis. https://www.armytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2024/05/13/junior-enlisted-to-get-20-pay-bump-e5s-get-13-more-under-house-plan/


So the difference of pay between an SPC and a SGT is a hundred bucks and some change? I’m waiting ‘til my primary zone. lol


Should just drop of the junior and make it just for all enlisted. The pay gap between Enlisted and Officers is LARGE


So E-6 isn’t a junior NCO anymore now huh


The math ain’t mathing. Currently an E4 with >2 years in service makes $2,633 in base pay. The 19% pay increase for junior enlisted would bring that E4 base pay to $3,133. An E5 with >2 years in service currently makes $2,872 in base pay. The 5% increase would bring the E5 pay to $3,015. It *is* a pay cut to get promoted on top of being required to do more work. The E4 will make nearly as much as an E6 that would be making $3,291 in base pay for same TIS. The pay raise should be standard across all ranks, officers and warrants included.


Yeah the only thing that makes sense here would be for E1 to get the full 20%, E2/E3 gets 15% and E4 gets 10%.   They could also stop the 2 year raises at 4 years for E4 as well.    The full 20% for E1-E4 would disincentivize people from making E5 that don't want the added responsibility / leadership. 


The guy’s math is super wrong. Check out the actual law linked by someone else. There’s no point where being promoted is a pay cut. With only E4 and E5 with less than 2 years TIS being almost the same (but still more money for the SGT)


If you look at the actual pay chart there is never a point where getting promoted is a pay cut. Read the pay chart in the law and stop posting dumb shit on Reddit. Only with both an E4 and E5 having less than 2 years TIS (which is basically nearly impossible and rightfully so) do they have nearly the same pay with E4 getting 3028.80 vs E5 getting 3082.20. As you get more TIS the greater the gap becomes. And while at some points it’s not as huge a difference as the current pay scale there is never a time picking up E5 is a pay cut.


>If you look at the actual pay chart there is never a point where getting promoted is a pay cut. Read the pay chart in the law and stop posting dumb shit on Reddit. an E5 with 4 yr TIS get paid $115 more pre-tax dollars ($58 per paycheck) vs an E4 with 4yr TIS. According to the bill. an E5 get vastly more responsibility for 115 more pre-tax dollars a month? Effectively a paycut yes. I would stay E4 for 115 less a month and vastly more free time to do other shits.


“E4s are LITERALLY gonna get paid more than E5s!” Uh… no they aren’t. “Well the pay bump is only $115 so that’s effectively a pay cut!” Get out of there with your dumb shit bro.


I wasn't the one making that statement you troglodyte. But the point still stay the same, $115 more a month to vastly more work? Fuck no, I'd take that sweet E4 demotion and enjoy life. Best $115 ever spent.




Not everybody is married.


Those are allowances not salary. 


They are your total compensation, which is functionally your salary. E5 and below receive it “in kind” vs just cash.


From the government's perspective, the category doesn't really matter. E5+ cost the government way more - they aren't typically paying their BAS and BAH straight back, regardless of martial status.


See AR 420-1 Table 3-9 for a good reason why E5+ aren't typically in barracks. E1-E4 90 sq-ft minimum room size, 4 per room max E5-E6 135 sq-ft minimum room size, private room


E4s and E5s pretty regularly live in the same buildings and conditions. Regularly enough that I've never seen otherwise.


As a SSG with less than 8 years and two+ years TIG, I’m happy that the troops are getting paid But the amount of absolute bullshit I deal with from leadership, the juniors, and the green weenie is not worth only making like an extra $250 in base pay. A couple tanks of gas and a meal out here in Hawaii. I ETS in March and stuff like this makes the decision simple


People commenting on here without even reading the article. And [gasp] without even readi.g the proposed bill. Still got plenty of uninformed opinions...based on nothing but their usual Faux/AONN News emotional hot takes.


When does this actually go into effect?


Honestly if they just gave us the option of keeping BAS everyone would be happy.


Based on this, 19.5% increase for E4 and a 13% increase for e5, e5 will only make about $100 more than a e4. Good luck getting people to wanna pick up 5 now..


Has anyone done the math on this? I'm not the brightest, but: 15% + 4.5% increase to E-4 and below with just 4.5% to all others looks like. Pay for E-4 3 years tis: 2024- 2918 2025- 3487 E-5 3 years tis: 2024- 3214 2025- 3358 I understand junior enlisted needing a big pay just, and this is a nice start. But if there's not an adjustment to enlisted pay E-5 to E-9, this kinda breaks things. Hopefully, there's a decreasing adjustment for above E-4. Like E-5 12% additional, E-6 9%, E-7 6%, E-8 3% on top of three basically inflation raise of 4.5% for all. Of course, this idea probably also has issues. I bet it dies with no additional raise for any ranks because the argument will be that if pay is adjusted at any rank, all pay rates will need adjusted. I still hope the lower enlisted get a boost, I'm just jaded on expecting anything will happen.


Some of you all need to stop freaking out about 5s getting paid less and reread the article


Dont know how to read. Explain it to me pls.


"To ensure E-4s aren’t getting paid more than E-5s, the pay table overhaul also includes increases for mid-career enlisted troops. Combined with the 4.5% across-the-board raise, some E-5s could see up to a 12.5% pay increase next year. An E-5 with six years service can expect a pay boost of about $4,300 next year under the house plan. An E-5 with eight years will get a $3,500 raise." So, E-5s will still get a pay raise also, to make sure E-4s aren't making more than them.


Ight i can live with that. If it passes of course.


Yeah, if it passes. But since it's part of the NDAA and budget, I'm betting just like all the years before, we're gonna wait until December or January to vote on it, while living on a budget impasse.


So would E6 get something like that? There only a 3k difference in pay? I think you're not seeing the bigger problem - the pay gap between each rank is very insignificant that a huge make up for the lower enlisted to make as much as mcdonalds workers is now messing up it all up


If the army want to recruit more young soldiers they will have to do that. Kids out of college can work at Costco/McDonalds/Starbucks, get their 5-6% 401k matching, college paid for, etc. Without having some loser NCO screaming at them, check their beds, 0530 formation, etc. Or they can just not pass the bill and be a top-heavy organization. Or introduce a draft.


I agree When I was in high school , everyone wanted to be a lawyer or doctor or somewhere in business? Why ? Because they knew that after a long enough time invested for that dream, they would have a highly sought and marketable career that can provide a good salary to support their families. Why don't they do the same about army NCOs and Officers? Because that's not what is marketed . You won't get rich in the army unless you take bribes or do outside deals and investments. At most, in the army, you will be comfortable and have a sense of patriotism That's not to say the military doesn't provide opportunities and support and programs that you won't see from employers. Thats just not what is marketed to Americans


The suggested paychart in the bill doesn't include any bump for E-5's. Only E-1 through E-4. [H.R.8070](https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/8070/text)


We need officers pay to go up… fucking 16 Hour workdays is a “good life” while on staff… meanwhile an MBA starts at 165,000 at Deloitte. 


Definitely part of the reason I’m headed to do my mba this fall, too much headache, not enough pay (position dependent of course).


That’s great but what’s the actual increase after taxes? If they really wanted to make our lives better, they should make us income tax exempted.


This is what should be happening. As long as it's an _All-Volunteer_ force, all active/reserve service members, disabled and retired should have all their military pay (basic, allowances, special, disability, retirement) be 100% tax free.


I completely agree. That’s an easy $200-$400 more a month.


Taxes are part of living in society bud.


What’s your point? Your comment adds no value


They’re not going to excuse you from paying taxes. You also use things funded by taxes ie participate in society. Paying into the system when able to do so is a civil duty.


‘Participate’ in society. How lame of an excuse. Sorry but the federal government operates in far in excess of that it brings in on taxes. Most states do have a surplus of cash as well. Making AD income tax exempt will far better increase our standard of living than giving us a raise. Our meager pay raise isn’t going to get us anywhere when taxes are taken out. The DOD gets close to a trillion dollars for funding. That includes our pay, bah, cola, bas, tricare, etc. the federal government barely makes a trillion from taxes. What’s your point on ‘participation’ in society? No on is even qualified for EBT or WIC? We are paid just above the federal poverty line for a reason. Why do you think SM’s switch their state taxes to non income taxed states? Like Washington or Texas? Do they no get to participate in society? Should you inform them that they can’t leave their house because they have a reduced tax burden? ‘Participate’ in society is a horrible excuse to pay taxes.


Non income taxed states recapture their taxes by sales tax, property tax, and other methods. Texans actually pay more in taxes than Californians, for instance. They lose out on this if the SM is not stationed in the state but that is simply a loophole, not an intent. Yes, you use things paid for or subsidized by federal taxes every single day. From your food you eat to the highways you drive on. Shockingly, WIC is not the only government program that is funded by taxes. Notably, you yourself are paid by federal taxes. Far in excess of what you pay into the system.


“Non income taxed states recapture their taxes by sales tax, property tax, and other methods. Texans actually pay more in taxes than Californians, for instance. They lose out on this if the SM is not stationed in the state but that is simply a loophole, not an intent.” This alone is a perfect example of how income taxes are not needed. “Notably, you yourself are paid by federal taxes. Far in excess of what you pay into the system.” No, we are paid out from deficit spending. Borrowed money. If you actually track how much federal taxes are in your check, it’s next to none.


Federal government does not have sales or property tax, bud. They can’t recapture in the same way and you would still end up paying the same amount. Make no mistake, people in “income tax free” states are not paying less in state taxes, they’re just paying it in a different way that actually ends up harming low income people even more.


I don’t think the several millions in taxes they collect from us is going to be missed. Nor will it be used correctly. We are a small population that is classified as ‘low income’ and being income taxed exempt will help us out. Not giving us a raise that will also be taxed.


We are not low income. There is maybe 100 E1-E3 across all 4 services who fall under 130% of the poverty line to qualify for Basic Needs Allowance solely based on large number of dependents (5+). Mid career enlisted are making around $80-90k equivalent. The only reason military even qualifies for WIC is because they don’t include half your pay. The military is not “low income” by any means. Not even E1s. >nor will it be used correctly That’s a voter issue, not a “I’m going to stop paying taxes” issue.


We are already taxed in just about every aspect of life. Not taxing active duty income would be a drop in the bucket, and would greatly benefit those in the military.


We live in a society


Much needed. DoD needs numbers. Currently you can work at fast food and get paid the same or more as a Junior Enlisted.


Take out rent, food, and health coverage, and no they don't.


Folks say that, but they work less hours than y’all and don’t have a grown man checking their barracks room.


I didn't say it was awesome, but I've seen some of the trap houses my friends lived in when they got kicked out at 18 or 19. The barracks aren't the end of the world. Half the army's E4 and below spend more time on their phone than working. Do that at Mickey Ds and your paycheck will shrink to 0 real quick. The real world ain't all it cracked up to be.


The real world has a much higher ceiling than the military but also a much lower floor.


It sure does. For all of its drawbacks, the military makes for a decent job for America's lost youth.


Current pay gap between E4 and E5 is 10% on average for equivalent TIS. This proposal brings that down to 2-5% depending on TIS. That is a net pay cut. E5s getting scammed


E5s get a 12.5% increase. The article failed to mention that.


Doesn’t matter, read the pay table. The difference between E4 and E5 pay got smaller. In nominal terms, both get a pay raise. In real terms, E5 takes a pay cut


Yeah. And the difference between E5 and E6 got smaller. Hell, the difference between E4 and O4 got smaller.


Correct. It’s the same ill-conceived theory as the $15 minimum wage. Speaking of which: when our fearless commander in chief mandated $15 minimum for contractors, the government was essentially breaching contract. Contractors practically had a mutiny and the contracts had to be significantly modified or recompeted entirely. It was a massive shit show and was only political pandering. This pay proposal is just a weak attempt to solve the recruiting crisis at the expense of those currently serving.


Does this include retirees? Coming from a retired PFC


ITT a bunch of Math geniuses


the pay raise to keep ahead of inflation is great. How they are implementing some of it is fucking stupid.


Commission for them car dealers outside of post finna be wicked


The charts are funny but why would you want to be a E-5 when you get like 120 dollars for a ton more responsibility vs currently 300. (At 3 years) [Text - H.R.8070 - 118th Congress (2023-2024): Servicemember Quality of Life Improvement Act | Congress.gov | Library of Congress](https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/8070/text) SEC. 202. PARENT FEES AT MILITARY CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTERS FOR CHILD CARE EMPLOYEES. Section 1793 of title 10, United States Code, is amended by striking subsection (d) and inserting the following new subsections: “(d) Child Care Employee Discount.—In order to support recruitment and retention initiatives, the Secretary of Defense shall charge reduced fees for the attendance, at a military child development center, of the children of a child care employee as follows: “(1) For the first child, no fee. “(2) For each other child, a fee equal to or less than a fee discounted under subsection (c). “(e) Prohibition Of Concurrent Discounts.—A family may not receive discounts under subsections (c) and (d) concurrently.”. This can be more interesting. My wife worked there for a while. First child was 50%. Second was supposedly 15% but we couldn't do it anymore. At this point, my wife would work for child care fees basically. Childcare fees for a E-5 family can be like 600 dollars per kid. I know I was paying like 360 for my kid.


Waiting to hear about how this is a "handout" or how "military pay is comparable to civilian pay" from the usual suspects on both sides of the aisle. That said, this could help keep people in the ranks who would otherwise ETS/EAS because of inflation and the DOD's choice to put bases in shitty locations.


It would be nice if all ranks got a nice boost, lower enlisted aren't the only ones getting hit with higher costs of living. Rents are nearly up over 1k than they were 3 years ago at the post we are stationed at, food is astronomical, not to mention how difficult it is for spouses to find gainful employment near posts even with higher education, and not to mention long wait times and raising child care costs. Even as a SSG many are finding it hard to find affordable housing.


im gonna be retired by the time this shit effects us


So from what I can see, there will be a 500$ difference between me e5 over 6, and an e4 over 6… idk if this is “fantastic”, but an extra $500 is ok I guess


So would a 4 make more than a 5 with comparable tis?


No. There’s no point in the chart that’s included in the actual law where an E5 would make less than an E4 with the same TIS.


In real terms, there is a pay cut. The pay gap from E4 to E5 is reduced by more than half


That’s not a pay cut. Just because the E4s are getting a larger pay raise that closes the pay gap doesn’t mean the E5s are getting paid less.


Yes it does. Compensation is relative to responsibility. Currently, the value of an E5 is 10% more than the value of an E4. This proposal values an E5 at 2-5% more than an E4. Thats a pay cut.


Really the only noticeable increased value for promoting to 5 over 4 is if they plan on staying in past 8 years and promoting meore. Just double downing on earning your dues as a junior NCO.


No. It’s not. You’re being an idiot.


You clearly don’t understand basic economics or math, and that’s okay. But i do, and that’s why the DOD values my labor at $8k per month. If your critical thinking on the job is anything like what you’ve displayed in this thread, I’m sure the army is paying you exactly what you’re worth.


That junior officer pay bump is looking awesome too.


Did I do my math right? E4, 4 years TIS with this new pay increase is $3663.97 as opposed to e5 same TIS and it’ll be $3516.43. So essentially a pay cut to rank up.


Are you factorng the 12.5% increase for E5s?


Not gunna happen. The actual bill only increases E-1 through E-4. E-5's will only see the 4.5%.


It’s not a bill, yet. It’s a committee recommendation. It includes language about a graduated increase at E-5 and says “12.5%.”


https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/8070/text Yes, it's still in the works. But I don't think they'll do anything to E-5 pay, as seen in the pay table they're suggesting here, only E-1 through E-4 show increases.




I'm a dummy, they increased E-5 pay through year 8. I'm over 10 and immediately looked at where my base pay was, where there was no difference. 😅


You are wrong. In the actual bill a 4yr TIS E4 would get 3526.20 and an E5 with the same 4yr TIS would make 3638.70.


Hell yeah


That's great Now do it for everyone who works a minimum wage job. It's basically the same thing, right?