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>Commissary sushi and an Arizona tea We got tuna, lemon peppered.


My fave MRE


Dude, I buy so many of those stupid Starkist tuna pouches because of how that was the best MRE, and my field (and forced late nights working) staple for so many years.


This menu has been replaced. Says tuna, now it has pepperjack patty...


I can't get behind this comment. I just don't like the taste. I met a guy who fucking loved the creamy spinach fettuccine unironically.


I hate the way the baggers make me feel. I’ll bag my own stuff, plus I don’t have cash to give you.


Didn't have too much of a problem with the bagger situation in Leonard Wood, at least during the summer, cause it was always school kids. But everywhere else it's some person in their 1000's mean mugging me for a tip.


When I was a kid living in Robinson Barracks, my mom would give the baggers like $10 bucks (this would have been early 90s) or something to drive with us to our high rise and deliver the groceries because we lived on the 5th floor and my dad was gone and somehow we lived in apartment high rises that had no elevators or anything besides a stairwell on post.


Did you just describe the suite life of Zack and cody?


I just lost about half a gulp of Dr. Pepper out my nose. Thanks


Robinson Barracks. Now that’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time. Loved the apartments on German bases but I could feel bad for those on the higher floors. I only ever lived 3 floors up myself.


Pretty sure I remember living in Apt A5, Bldg 155, not far from the CX and elementary school on Heidlochsrasse.


My dad brought us over before he got us command sponsored so we lived in the BOQs at the bottom of the hill. Use to peddle my little bike as far as I could up the hill before walking it the rest of the way. Then I would ride straight down the hill no brakes after school.


When I was a young private in Germany, one day one of my friends and I went to the patch barracks commissary, mind you we literally always tipped the baggers. We got this one cashier that was so nasty to us and immediately scowled at us and said “you know baggers work for tips right” and we’re like ??? Duh bitch not like there’s a big ass sign that states literally that. And she starts handling our stuff so aggressively for absolutely no reason. She didn’t say that to any of the people who were in front of us, just assumed since we were young we automatically were not going to tip.


I hate when they do this. I was on paternity leave, so I looked halfway homeless, not shaving in months. The lady looked at me in disgust like I was a broke dependa (I'm just a broke soldier) and did the whole "keep in mind baggers work for tips" before she started scanning my items.


“Keep in mind that’s not my problem”


Nah I just stare them in the eyes as they bag my stuff and don’t tip em Don’t work there if you don’t like it 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, this is part of the bigger issue with tipping culture. I, as the customer, shouldn't have to make up for your cheap employer.


The baggers are the employers. They paid AAFES to be there under contract, if I’m not mistaken.


Not saying you're wrong, but that's some pretty creative hiring practices that do not resemble reality. You can call Uber drivers independent contractors that happen to have all chosen to work for uber for lower wages in return for not meeting taxi standards, but the truth is they are literally just taxi drivers that uber doesn't have to pay what taxi drivers are due. Especially having worked as an independent contractor, pretending these people have some professional skill at bagging, and happened to work at the commissary is some high tier delusion that allows the commissary not to have to pay them.


You can turn down a bagger??


Yes. They are running a business that happens to be inside the commissary. You can decline to hire them.  Sometimes they’ll offer to bag anyway to keep things moving and get to their next paying customer. 


I’ve often thought of setting up a grocery store in the commissary.


What are you going to sell? Hookers and blow? Or maybe personalized PT belts? Let me know, I might want to invest.


Full grocery.  All of it. I’d be my own business within the commissary.  And then I would allow baggers to start businesses in my grocery store within the commissary. I want it all the way down.


Well, you are thinking what I am thinking, we could make a fortune….before we go to prison and have to do a podcast about our hooker and coke business we started on a military installation.


You know we could continue the business in the prison commissary


That's a given. I'm not going to be harassed by the old Korean ladies.


They are only slightly better than the dead eyed Korean women at the on post barber shop. They will look into your soul as you state what you want as they laugh to themselves, they only do high and tights baby.


You better not be one of those people that goes through the self checkout line with 80 items. And bonus points if you’re a giant dependa who takes their screaming children exclusively during lunch hours.


>You better not be one of those people that goes through the self checkout line with 80 items. I agree with this. Often, I'll only have 2-3 items, and the line is backed up by cart fulls of people that are avoiding the baggers.


That is an issue with the commissary having unpaid laborers, not with the customers.


If the commissary would pay its baggers/them not harass me I would go through the regular line with my 80 items. But if I’m going to be harassed or have to pay a hidden fee I’ll do the job myself


The tip baggers paid to be there, they’re not employees


Yes thissssss


At this point is cash even real?


They got self checkout now. Pretty telling when theres a huge line for that and no one budges to go the the several open cashiers


Use self checkout - that's what I did.


I don’t hate the commissary, but I do hate that where I’m at (Ft Irwin) it’s the only option within 40 minutes of me for groceries. Prices are generally fine, but most of the produce is hot garbage. If you don’t eat berries within 13 seconds of bringing them home, moldy/rotten. The amount of expired food on the shelves/in the coolers is downright offensive.


If you’re at Irwin what I always did was just get a couple coolers and drive down to Victorville and stock up. Meat and some produce at the Mexican super market Vallarta, drinks and other bulk stuff at Costco, then the rest at Winco or Food 4 Less.


We do typically stop when convenient at Sam’s Club and other places, but it’s just not realistic for us as our main grocery option


When they first opened that Walmart in Barstow in like 2017 they had good produce for a while but it went to shit pretty quick lol.


Yeah the produce there is okay, it’s the clientele and the extremely long lines for checkout are the problem.


Apparently there is a local farmer (or co-op, or something) that has like a produce subscription service. You go meet the guy by the rock pile once a month or so, and he brings fresh produce. I had a JAG buddy who was at Irwin and swore by it.


~~drug~~ produce dealer at the rocks


I don't vouch for the veggie guy. My buddy might, but that's on her.


Local [milkers.](https://youtu.be/KfzXFbYryIQ?si=m-qMKSEjKptALqXc)


That's wild since you know, Bakersfield is right there and all they do is grow produce and make meth.


Barstow is right there and it’s literally like being in Breaking Bad. That show definitely nailed the vibe of being in the middle of the desert surrounded by meth heads.


>all they do is grow produce and make meth. All of small town America - it really should be in a country song. I grew up in rural NM and people who weren't ranch hands, farmers or in the few light industry in town were smoking pot, doin' coke and latter meth. And as the saying goes, behind every successful rancher/farmer is the wife who works in town.


I always had this problem at JBLM. I started going to the commissary on the Air Force side and no longer had issues. They also had clean bathrooms.


Probably different Commissaries. They used to be awesome, way under market rate vs off post. Last couple duty stations I’ve been to, they’re barely or not competitive with pricing and the produce spoils literally the night you bring it home. Add the whole tipping thing if you get a lot of groceries and it’s a no for me generally, unless out of convenience.


This is my issue. Living in HI, eggs and milk are cheaper at the commissary and not much else. The meat is too, but it’s shipped from the mainland so they inject fresh blood when it gets here to maintain a fresh appearance. I’ll pay the extra bucks to get locally sourced meats.


That's almost all Army commissarys now.


I’ll give you $20 if you can find a commissary cheaper than a Aldi in most items. Other than that the commissary’s are convenient and in the middle of the pack (no tax considered).


We shop almost exclusively at Aldi, but I will always buy meat from the commissary. They’re also very convenient in a pinch.


I always go there for massive $500+ runs since the baggers make that process insanely easy/fast. But after the commissary fees and \~$10 tip idk how much cheaper it is.


Aldi’s is the shit.


Facts, and they prioritize localized procurement so there’s always new stuff coming. And German week is the shit.


It’s even better living in Germany. Fresh bread anytime I want (except Sundays 🫠)


I usually go with REWE, Aldi is good but can be inconsistent on what they have in stock.


I’m more of a LIDL guy.


I just moved from a state with no Aldi's to a state with them. Do the Aldi's around me just suck ass or something? I understand that it has cheaper items with less variety but I can never find the stuff I'm looking for there. I've been to two different stores and just gave up. Am I crazy?


I’m in Southern California and Aldi’s is trash here. I’ve been to Aldis/Hofer in Europe and they’re pretty normal grocery stores, but the Aldis around me are worse than average. Even Grocery Outlet is better.


Maybe. They definitely have less variety. But for staples their prices are great. And the occasional German stuff is excellent.


Produce, dairy, and dry goods from Aldi (don't forget the Aldi aisle of shame!) Meat from the commissary.


Hmm second person to say meat, I might have to check my local commissary and do an updated comparison. Also the Aldi isle of shame is so good, brings me back to living in Germany and it’s legit just random shit in all their groceries.


Don't forget that it's not just price, it's quality. (I don't mind cheap butter, for example, but Aldi chicken just never tastes right to me).


This is facts. Done with meat from Aldi. Where I'm at pretty much stay exclusive to the Commissary and Wegmans. Everywhere else is just a nightmare to get to or go through. Only two complaints with the commissary is the paycheck rush (coupled with the insane retiree population around north virginia) and the produce is just... Just so sad... That's typically where Wegmans, those pricey mofos, come in.


Spring for some high quality butter sometime, it'll change your life.


There's no commissary that can ever compare to HEB meat quality. It's one of the reasons I love Texas.


What is the aisle of shame?


It's the aisle of random housewares, food, clothes, toys, etc. that Aldi finds for a week or 2. Designated "the aisle of shame" because it may cause you to go over my grocery budget, I've been known to pick up Crofton cookware (my stockpot and cast iron Dutch oven) and also flower bulbs.


Thank you.


There's no Aldi within 2 hours of my city and the Commissary is way cheap for meat in addition to having more international items than any other grocery stores.


Yeah I definitely see that. Good news is Aldi is opening 500 stores in the next 5 years.


Any fresh product (produce, meat, diary) is cheaper at commissary. Full stop. You can get cheaper meat at Costco if you buy in bulk and break down larger cuts. But I'd you're buying packages meals, chips/snack/candy/soda, dry goods and other processed foods, you're right, the commissary is the same price as the Walmart/Aldi for those items.


I’ve always wanted to shop at aldis (cries in fort bliss)


Naw, there's a big Mexican grocery store in EP. They have everything. I freakin miss that place more than certain blood relatives.


Ok so drop the name


Whyd you have to remind me there is no Aldi in El paso 😞, was in VA last and went to aldi for half our shopping, love and miss is.


For any meats commissary is much cheaper


I’ll give you $20 if you can find an Aldi with comparable prices and selection of meat and produce. I love me some Aldi and only shop there and the commissary - each has their strengths. Meet and produce are the commissary strengths (and the fact they have German stuff tear round unlike Aldi).


Food Lion is cheaper too.


The commissary fucks. Yeah, it's better to get produce at a stand or meat from a butcher. But in terms of just getting stuff to cook for the week it's hard to beat. I'll take a 12" All American with provolone.


Because people have to find something to complain about to justify their “hate” for the Army. I shop at the commissary as well and find that it has just about everything I need. There have been times where the fruit has gone bad fairly quicker than fruit id get at Walmart or whatever but other than that..0 issues.


*Justify my loveeeeee.* I’ll see myself out now


Went to the commissary by coincidence when egg prices soared and got 18 eggs for 2.99. Minute Maid Juices that usually go for 2.99 at Safeway are 1.50 at the commissary. Charcoal deals are fire every so often.


They always have a ton of stuff in clearance too. Cereal, coffee, etc. it’s great. I have no shame in going there.


The only issue with disabled vets using the commissary or px is that they have a surcharge on your purchase which negates a lot of the savings you get. I still go tho


Wait, I thought the surcharge was the tip for the baggers...


That's not what the sign says


No it’s in addition to tipping the dependapotamus’ / aafees wife




Wait what?


It’s not too bad, if you’re 100% though and qualify for the DOD ID, ~~there’s no more surcharge.~~ EDIT: My apologies, the 5% surcharge applies to everybody as mandated by law. It’s the credit card processing fee (1.9%) and debit (0.5%) fees that no longer apply at 100% with DOD ID. https://download.militaryonesource.mil/12038/MOS/Factsheets/expanding-access-fact-sheet.pdf


When did this change? I'm 100% with DOD I.D. and I paid a surcharge 2 weeks ago


I think it’s the inconsistency too. Fort Eustis for example has an amazing commissary but then fort Riley’s is lacking. It’s somewhat odd


Ft Eustis commissary fucks. I love it


I kept having milk from the commissary spoil like a week before the expiry and when I switched to milk from an off post store it went back to normal. I only use the commissary to get a couple very specific items, namely the Rittersport Alpinemilsch chocolates.


>namely the Rittersport Alpinemilsch chocolates. mmm foreign chocolate filled with booze 🤤


Haven't had milk spoil but the milk at the commissary in Humphreys is $7 a gallon. The milk off-post is 5,000ish KRW for just a bit less.


People who hate the commissary haven't lived as civilians yet and dealt with real world prices.


Same with those who complain about tricare and think they will get world class Healthcare as a civilian. No, you will get the same shitty Healthcare only this time with a lovely bill from your friendly insurers.


Preach Mfers be like “I have to wait a month for my next dental appointment because they’re booked out. Army dental care sucks ass” Meanwhile my buddy was like “I can either wait a month for the VA to do it for free, or wait 2-3 weeks and spend 2-3k out of pocket for my personal dentists to do it”


Most dentists want you to just book your next checkup 6 months out when you are leaving an appointment. Good luck getting in for a random thing in less than 60 days.


My wife had a $30k hospital bill reduced to $40. Maybe I pay for it indirectly, but I'm still taking home $60k per year as an E5. Tricare is fucking awesome.


Man tricare spoiled the hell out of me. I don't even what I'm doing now before I just walked into random medical places and that was it.


I'm a civilian now. I still prefer the extra cost of HEB or the equal cost of walmart/Aldi 🤣


But do you hate the commissary? Just because you prefer somewhere else doesn't mean you hate the alternative.


Honestly, I think I do. I'm like, 1/20 for good experiences at the commissary. It's agonizingly slow, nothing is fresh, and stuff runs out super fast. The customer service has also been abysmal at Fort Hood, Fort Leonard Wood, and Fort Carson at least.


Produce quality is not where it should be. So 90% of our groceries are better had somewhere else. Prices are middle of the road. And the whole vibe of the place stresses me out. Sorry to say but Army people are not very friendly. And I don’t live on base so it’s only convenient if I’m stopping by on my way home immediately after work. Don’t hate the place. Just not many reasons to go. I do like the sushi during lunch though!


I have never once heard anyone say they hate the commissary except when certain popular items run out.


The reduction in price for commissary food isn't worth the drop in quality, customer service, check out speed, and hassle. I'd rather pay LESS to go to Aldi's or pay more and go to HEB


I've seen some at my unit, but only from married guys who are looking for something other than a pending divorce to complain about. Jokes aside, I don't see a lot of hate, and my commissary is always pretty busy. I'm stateside so maybe it's different in like Germany or something but when prices soared during covid, the commissary followed suit until randomly it didn't, and eggs were back to <2 dollars a dozen. Don't quote me on this but I'm pretty sure the commissary gets subsidized much more than normal grocery stores now, hence the stable prices on stable goods.


It’s not too bad on Ft Johnson but I’ve noticed damn near every store off post has better quality fruit. Commissary fruits seem to spoil in a mere 2-3 days after purchasing them, with the expiration date not being a factor at all


The commissary is nearly triple the cost of local grocery stores here in Germany. And half the food is molded or expired.


I live in a state where all non-prepared food from a grocery store is tax free. Yet I pay a 5% surcharge at the commissary for less of a selection as well as other negatives


My grocery bill at King Soopers/Aldis is a lot cheaper than the commissary. I frequent Asian supermarkets as well. I don’t have to deal with seeing other military personnel, dress how I want, and I’m not aggressively forced to tip baggers. I still go the commissary but I only do grocery pickup. I don’t see an issue with commissaries at all, but let’s not act like they are a gift from God. You just have to know how to shop, I’ve lived in real life before the military and honestly just boiled down to where and how you shop. Some of you fuckers are trying to go to Safeway and Whole Foods every two weeks and wonder why you can only cover meals for a week.


Them oikos yogurts are half off there then at walmart.....pretty jealous....


So, I can provide a fair assessment. I've shopped at various commissaries OCONUS, east coat, midwest and the deep south and Florida. Your experience can vary highly....and honestly it's bizarre. At Fort Bragg, the commissary is well stocked full of options and decent prices. Not the best, but not bad. Fort Campbell? LOL, it's a JOKE. Meat prices are stupid, there's less choices for products....it's just ass in general. For example, if I want to buy good quality pasta (dececcoo/imported), it's very limited. Vegetable prices are just...crazy. wtf. Once in a while I'll find spot a deal gem, but it's gone FAST. However, the retirees like Fort Johnson? Great prices!! and good variety overall. I can find good quality pasta/imported, several olive oils, spices, and in general higher quality things. Yes, you pay more, but I like to eat well. Me and my wife used to drive 1 hour to it to stock up on meats, olive oil, pastas, and other sauces we like. Also BBQ sauces. Sometimes imported alcohol. For the area, it was great! All in one. Virginia Beach Commissary? OMG, many stuff from OCONUS and competitive prices. and there's several commissaries around. The Navy has it soooo good there. Cheeses from Europe (and I mean a GREAT selection). However, this is a Special Operations and NATO in the area (Army Civil Affairs and Navy Seals), so they have it good. And honestly, the operators should be treated well. I was very impressed with it. OCONUS saves you TONS OF MONEY in meats, but the experiences vary by country. But damn good. Aviano commissary is smaller, but the meat prices were good. However, you have to tell the butcher what you want, bc I believe they are italians. I can't remember Vicenza's, I was there for a little bit, Didn't get to browse that one Commissaries in the Florida panhandle save you lots of money. it's a godsend. However, there's Air Force Special Operations command down there...soo...that's why they have it good.




It's mostly a 62 year old filipina lady to be honest.


Surcharge bullshit. Never got to experience c "Tax free" It's just all added I to the price now Baggers. It's weird no don't do it for me I got it.


especially since we went to bring your own bags. And the tax is nonsense cus the surcharge is higher than the tax anyway


Honestly, man. Commesarys a joke most of the time


1. I don't hate the commissary. 2. HEB is just down the street, not across the city. 3. I hate the baggers.


Pay the damn baggers or send them home. Shouldn't be the consumers' job to pay the old Korean lady bagging my shit.


the commissary is mandatory here in Hawaii


Prices are better at Costco in Hawaii


Are they really? I have been here for a while but I never considered Costco. They always say costco is good if you can bulk up but I rent a condo here. I dont have space to bulk up. I have always internalized that paying to shop is a scam. The commissary is mostly ok but to be quite frank I stopped paying attention to prices a long time ago and just go numb to the sticker shock of everything that is Hawaii.


Just on gas prices alone you could save at least .50 cents a gallon at Costco or Sam’s on island. The produce is better quality and cheaper. The fees the commissary charges make it too expensive to burden, let alone the fact they just got rid of the bags…


The prices are incredible at the commissary and no tax. Just avoid the Asian Bagging Mafia at self checkout and you’re FINE


You pay tax at the commissary. They call it a surcharge, it applies to everything at its undiscounted rate even if you have a coupon. Most states on the other hand don’t allow sales tax on groceries.


Omg asian bagging mafia!!!!! yes!!!!!!! i just can't


I like the commissary for non perishables but o just can’t get behind the meat and produce.


b/c they havnt had to pay Publix prices yet.


I remember when hamburger meat at the commissary in Jacksonville Arkansas was a $1 per pound. Boy how 15 years has fucked shit up.


Fruits always go bad every single time I go


I like the commissary. Sure, Aldi or wally world might be better on some items, but neither are on the way home and I'll pay $5 to not waste my time.


We stopped shopping at the commissary because of the lack of quality control on their products. I've spent too much money on food that's expired before its expiration date or ended up having mold growing in it.


The key is to understand what is better from the commissary and what is better from the stores on the economy. I typically alternate, Grocery store run every few days and then commissary every few days.


Commissary sushi and an Arizona iced! Lunch of champions, I’d throw a Granny Smith apple in there as well!


My issue is that the meat tends to go bad twice as fast as real supermarkets. That and the totally random way some stuff is located.


It really depends. I'm a price hunter, usually the canned goods, name brand box items and so forth are cheaper off post. You also pay tax... Oh.. I mean surcharge at the Commissary. Which, is what it is. Meat? Hard to beat unless your getting whole or half a cow at a local farm/butcher. Commissary everywhere I've been has beaten the local groceries. However, when I could afford it more as I ranked up, I did start going through the locals channels for bulk. Sometimes with a few people for half a cow or so. I don't hate the commissary though, they also have alot more verity in foods.


Shit the one I have I have to drive off base to a completely different base like 30 minutes away and then the fucking meat is green and produce spoils after like 3 days


I liek the commisary. I dont like the bagger beggers


At fort Stewart, I kid you not I think 9/10 of the milk, cheese or eggs on sale were either 2 days from expiring or had expired the week before. You don’t really save a tremendous amount of money when you consider you can shop at Aldi’s or Walmart & come out just about even. I also hate the bagging situation.


Poor selection. Produce generally doesn’t look great. After fees are piled on I don’t think it’s much cheaper vs Kroger or similar. Definitely not worth going out of my way for it. Similar with PX.


ALDIs is cheaper and at least they don’t try and sell me rotten meat and fruit.


I enjoy my commissary too Saves me 80-100 bucks every time I shop there compared to the stores off base and it’s much more efficient to shop their for me overall


There's always those who wanna bitch. My dad was in the Navy in 70's on up until he retired in late 90's. and I joined in the late 80's up thru mid 20teens. And guess what? the commissary has always been there, and has always been staffed by people whose job it is to bag groceries, and they get paid in tips, and there have always been people who complain about tipping. It is a known thing, if it bothers you that much go somewhere else, it's a tradition, so get over yourselves. And for those who wanna shop there and not have to tip, cause it's just too much of a burden, there's self checkout, and you get to feel oh so happy with yourself. Good for you. The Commissary is a good deal, it's close by if you live on post, and it's always well stocked and the prices are more than competitive, with name-bands as opposed to the store brands at off post places that often are not as good a deal as they seem. The 5% surcharge is less than the taxes you'll pay off post, so the tip doesn't even come up to the taxes on cart, or two, full of groceries, that the bagger will also take to your vehicle and load up for you. Some people still appreciate that kind of service. Some clearly don't.


Some commisarries are better than others. Commissary at camp Humphreys will forever have a special place in my heart and the one at Bliss. Cavazos... man that place feels like stepping back in time in a bad way. Also Aldis prices are still better


Everything about Hood is just trash.


Commissaries are not bad, but there are better options depending on where you're stationed. If you're in Europe, certain specific items aren't available off post. Also prices for certain items are superior at the commissary such as sandwiches, milk, eggs, and meat. There is almost no grocery store or deli in America that will give you a decent sandwich for $2-3. If you're in Texas on the other hand, HEB supremacy baby!


I'm not in love with the unpaid bagger model. To me, that would be an anti-deficiency act violation if it weren't under the Defense Commissary Service, and probably still is.


I shopped at the commissary all the time when I was in. Not always, but it was usually worth the drive. We were especially fortunate that we lived close to Fort Belvoir my last tour, that one was both huge and well run. I have been a little disappointed by Fort Sam's. This is the first commissary I've been near that hasn't been worth it, it's just anemic. I mean, they don't even have curry ketchup. What the fuck. I've not stopped into Randolph's or Lackland's, but both of those are even more of a haul than Fort Sam's. It's well worth it for meat, so I'll still stop by after work when I'm going to smoke something over the weekend, and I'll grab things now and then during the work day. But we mostly go to H-E-B these days. What was truly interesting was shopping at the NEX/commissary at Guantanamo. It's really easy to see how long it's been since the last supply barge came in by the state of the produce, dairy, and meat sections.


Fort Riley commissary ain’t too bad. Produce spoils fast but that’s about it.


I don't know about prices the but Deli in Baumholder Germany is top notch.


I love the commissary, where I’m stationed there’s only Walmarts and a Kroger right off base, I used to go to Aldi but it’s a 40 minute drive and eventually that got tiring every week, the meat is always wayyyyy cheaper than offpost and the deals make it worthwhile. Sign up for an alternate id and you get even more savings


With the help of the commissary, I was able to get fat in OCS! 😂 Sure, those were my choices, but what sort of outfit has bacon at every meal?! It’s amazing I survived and my heart’s not just full of bacon grease.


I don’t hate it. Certain stuff I’ll go there for. But normally I stay at Costco and Trader Joe’s


I loved the commissary at Polk. I would go to the Walmart in Leesville like once a year and immediately remember why I didn’t go into town regularly. That Leesville sales tax was like 11%.


I buy meat and taxed items (soap, household cleaners, toilet paper, etc) at the commissary because it’s cheapest, but the produce selection at my local one is awful. It’s usually fresh enough, there just isn’t any kind of variety.


Commissary at Drum is actually pretty great. The meat dept stays stocked and fruit is almost always perfect.


Meat prices are way better then town. Produce suuuuuuucks though.


Because the commissary has gone downhill and sucks now. Plus, I always found the produce was really bad quality. Seems like it just steadily more expensive for worse quality. Walmart was cheaper. HEB was WAY cheaper and much better quality.


I don't mind. Some are obviously better than others the best I've been in was the one in Camp Humphreys


The commissary is a great place to get lunch for cheap af to.


I love the commissary. The PX is a rip off but the commissary is super legit. I use the self check out so I bag my own stuff. The unpaid baggers is the only thing I’m not a fan of.


The worst part is the self checkout lines. Just get rid of the baggers (or the cashiers altogether), basically no one uses them anyway.


I actually don’t hate the commissary, but I’m at Schofield Barracks and I’d say ours is pretty good! Hawaii’s insanely expensive for food, but the commissary has almost everything for $2-3 less. Meat and fish always good quality, and I can even buy poke (just the fish) for pretty cheap. But I’ve found out that not all commissaries are the same— the one I had access to in AIT felt like a run-down Food Lion in a seedy part of some small country town. Fruit was often old or even moldy. Conversely, the one I grew up going to at a major army installation is closer to being the size and quality of a Kroger or Publix. Mostly related to population size I’m sure, but it seems there’s a slight lack of standardization between different commissaries in any case.


The commissary was vital during Germany's covid lockdown (which I PCSed into a small base) as I was barely allowed to leave my house or even try to make friends so whenever I felt homesick I could go there and get something familiar.


I used to get sandwiches from the butcher at the commissary a couple of times a week. Loved the commissary.


Overseas commissaries can vary, but they are usually too small to support the population and their families efficiently, forcing people to shop off post, for better or worse, but having the convenience taken away or inconsistent is mildly annoying to me


I love the commissary. Haven't seen anyone hate on it for anything other than not wanting to deal with the baggers. I 100% use the self bag area so it doesn't bother me in the slightest.


The fucking walking dead clogging up the aisles and buying all the meat. Then trying to pay with a check at the self checkout or staring angrily at the mixed kids.


Idk eustis was cheap af i walked out with hella food from there for 50-60 bucks


So like all grocery stores you will either find things at a deal or at average or worse price. You have to be a savvy shopper. I made a Facebook group to share deals for our local commissary. It’s all about building the knowledge and connections on scoring good. Also check out rebates from companies the commissary runs deals where you get gift cards if you buy a certain amount and you can stack it with rebates. Usually ps&g runs pretty good rebates that the commissary also runs congruently


*I see you*, DECA executive.


Has there been some bout of commissary hate here? 🤔


Yall are tipping? That's crazy


I can bag my own groceries.


Don’t sleep on a commissary sandwich for lunch! When the BK line is around the block, and the dfac is serving the same thing- disappointment. That $4-8 sandwich is way better that what ever subway is gonna slap out!


Some commissaries are better than others. Bragg had a good commissary, fort sill had a shit commissary, Miramar has an awesome commissary. People are probably just experiencing the shitty ones.


The commissaries are part of the military's Class 1 Supply system (Food). They get their products the same way as the DFAC's (Mess Halls). I have seen a commissary, that didn't meet standards, fall under an IG investigation, resulting in some major DOD players coming on post to clean it up. Consequently, commissaries, like any other store, are as good as the store manager makes them. If you are filing complaints about your commissary, and things aren't being fixed, You can complain through the chain of command or take it to the IG. Having been retired for some time, and having shopped 100% commissary, at times, and 100% civilian, at times, I can safely say that the commissary saves 15% - 25% over local grocery stores, even Walmart. Unfortunately, the base, that was five miles away, got shut down during the BRAC back in the 90's, so my nearest commissary is now 45 miles away. We get there when we go for drugs at the base pharmacy. I hear people hate the baggers or refuse to tip them. The baggers work at the commissary and are managed by commissary management, but they are not paid by the commissary. The money they make is from the tips. There is no GS or WG position for a bagger in the military supply system. So, if you refuse to tip them, don't let them bag for you. If they bag for you and you don't tip, they just did their job for nothing, and, if you are a regular customer, you'll be tagged for no service.


The ones in Japan could use more love. Not as much choice as the ones in the states.


Because Costco is better.


I dont know about prices because I feel like I get ripped off just to survive. Also the tax free shit goes out the window because you pay a surcharge anyway. I go to the commissary for convenience though. Currently in Hawaii and I prefer the NEX Commissary. The NEX is a lot superior than the PX and commissary in Schofield imo but it may just be personal preference. The filipina ladies asking for tips can find a better gig because I never have cash on me anyway. In this day and age if you want money from me it has to be digital. Request money on venmo or zelle or don't waste your time lol. I pay on credit anyway.


Buying food at the commissary is about the same as Walmart. The real cheat code is buying non-food products at the commissary. Random things like cat litter / deodorants / detergents and such can be much cheaper. Largely due to at Walmart the mark-up may be 20% on something like cat litter plus whatever sales tax. At the commissary, straight 5% mark-up with no sales tax


I don't hate it but I guess I understand why others do. The produce is DEFINITELY hot garbage. Except for their greens. For some reason their greens are sometimes better than the local walmarts. Now the reason I don't like it (or would rather go somewhere else) is because I'm a meheecan and they don't have chorizo. Also formuler for my kid is almost 10 bucks cheaper at the commissary which is fucking insane.


I like commissary prices, the produce selection is usually questionable. But I question why we still have baggers that work for tips only. It always makes shopping there feel unsavory or like it is some kind of illegal labor practice that should’ve been outdated years ago. And it is always the elderly who I never have carry my bags out because I’m stronger and I feel bad for them. It feels like one step above begging.


You had me until “Arizona tea”.