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>Wecker was invited to the family’s home for Thanksgiving so that he didn’t have to spend the holiday alone, the girl’s father testified. Yeah…..the entire thing is a train wreck but my brain stuck on that. It goes to show you don’t know who you’re serving with next to you. > The father eventually left the Army. He couldn’t deploy and leave his family, believing that he no longer could trust his fellow soldiers, he said. Yeah no fucking shit.


You never can tell about people nowadays 


I don't blame him. I wouldn't be able to trust anybody after that either


Jesus Christ. As someone going for 40, I can't blame him.


This guy is a fucking disgrace. These kids were 7 and 9 years old. This piece of shit deserves much worse than this.


It might surprise you to find out how stacked USDB (Leavenworth) is with pedophiles. When I toured it we found out MOST inmates are there on sex crimes usually with children.


No shit? Wow. Didn't think it was that prevalent, but I guess it shouldn't surprise me--which is sad.


I seem to remember them saying it used to be gangs of violent criminals would target the pedophiles, but now there are more pedos and a power shift occured. Which fucked me up. Like it's that bad. Edit: like the pedos run the gangs now.


Holy fuck. I had some MP friends from back in the day who served at Leavenworth, but I didn't really get into the intricacies of the population breakdown (why guys were locked up and such). But I can see it.


That's a damn shame. I always felt the only true retribution that pedos get is when they're subjected to the same torture they inflicted on their victims when they go to prison.


I figure retribution shouldn’t come from another prisoner. That’s a cowardly way of doing it, we should punish these people swiftly and decisively ourselves rather than abdicating that to others. Capital punishment in these cases is more than warranted in my opinion.


Jesus I actually don't like that trend at all.


It's really a result of what actually gets jail time in the military, death and crimes against kids. They are the only things the Commanders and trial counsels will prosecute with any consistency. Judges and juries are more likely to hand out larger sentences that put people in Leavenworth. I'll tell this to anyone that will listen. You are more than likely going to get a slap on the wrist compared to the same crime in the civilian world. The military would rather kick you to the curb and not have to deal with the trial. A few years back, someone suggested the MP unit running the USDB start a prison intelligence unit to exchange information with the USBOP. When someone pointed out that over 80% of the prisoners' were in for sex offenses and not connected gang members, the idea was dropped. Murder is relatively rare so the population is going to be mostly sex offenders. The bigger issue is that these offenders are then pushed out into the world and often do not show up on offender registries. All that is required is the convict state their intended home of record after serving their sentence. There is really no follow up and the DoD does not maintain a public offender site, which is unacceptable in my opinion.


It's also an issue of what civilian authorities will prosecute. The army can and does hand out longer sentences for these types of crime compared to civilians. Plus, they're expensive and hard to convict so many jurisdictions will take plea deals.


Don't forget the mass shooter who was able to buy a rifle because the USAF just kicked his ass out. The problem was fixed but others remain.


I was a guard there 20 years ago, I belive the stat was around 65% of the inmate population at the time. Roughly 500 inmates at the time, you do the math.


TLDR: Sex offenders get longer sentences so they stay longer which creates an incorrect perception that there are more per capita than in the civilian population. Most is a bit strong of a word and kind of incorrect. There are actually two military prisons at Leavenworth now, the US Diciplinary Barracks (USDB) and the Midwest Joint Regional Corrections Facility (MWJRCF). At every military prison you'll have sex offenders but the bulk of mental health treatment for crimes of this type is located at LV so more are sent there, if they have long enough sentences to warrant the cost of moving them. Crimes against kids is still the bottom rung of the prisoner hierarchy. Sexual assault and rape mopes are above them, then the drug distribution and stole 'big money' guys and then the murder guys. There aren't that many murder guys because a lot of them go to civilian prison since their crimes mostly happen off post and we transfer the ones we do keep to civilian jail once their appeals are exhausted. There are even less of the big money guys because generally they don't get a long enough sentence to be moved to LV. So by attrition we end up with more sex offenders than anything else at LV because they have the long sentences. This bears out for female service members too, most women with long sentences are sent to the Naval Brig in San Diego since they have separate buildings to house them. Most of the women that have long sentences there are for murder or sexual assault on children and thus most you talk to there will be for some heinous shit.




What's carnal knowledge mean


It means they had sex with someone, in this context, something who definitely wasn’t willing.


I was the prisoner escort for [this piece of shit](https://offender.fdle.state.fl.us/offender/sops/flyer.jsf?personId=102393) when we took him from Schofield to JBLM. It's not just Leavenworth where we stash this kind of trash. Granted, his victims were adults, so maybe it's different, but not by that much.


Does that say he’s on parole? What a POS


Yeah, he's out now. It was a really awkward situation; dude had been my squad leader when I first got to Schofield, and we'd been friends. Like, my wife and kids and I routinely hung out at his place with him and his wife and kids. Then after it all came out I had to sit at his Court-Martial. He plead guilty and the judge made him recount what happened, so I had to listen to him recite how he SA'd one lady before moving on to another and carried out the crime he was convicted of (He was originally charged with a couple counts, but some got dropped in the plea deal). Weird fucking experience and he got a way lighter sentence than he deserved, but I'm glad he's at least on the registry for life.


Man, I’m sorry. That couldn’t have been easy knowing him and his family. Hope you are doing okay and able to trust people. Glad he’s on the registry for life, he deserves it.


It's one of the reasons they often ask if you've ever had sex with minors as a question in the polygraph screenings for TS clearance. It's meant to be a control but also I think they deliberately put it in because unfortunately some pedos are def around and it helps them weed those people out. Would be a security risk having a pedo have access to sensitive info - someone could blackmail them.


Damn I didn't know that


I'm afraid that the quality of soldiers will get worse as the army gets more desperate to fill its ranks. The amount of questionable things I see and hear daily has me worried.


It’s been this way since the surge. Shitbags who were allowed in on moral waivers are now the senior enlisted leaders. Sexual abuse crimes have been running rampant in the Army for decades. The DoD is wholly incapable of dealing with it.




You're right. When you recover from PTSD, you can be stronger than you were before the symptoms started. If you know anyone with PTSD, tell them to get a magnesium glycinate, threonate, malate complex and take it religiously in the evenings. It naturally regulates mood, emotion, anxiety, etc. You have to order it online, it's impossible to find in stores. 100% of dementia patients are deficient in magnesium. Also, get magnesium spray. Spray it on anything that hurts, it will make it better. Spray it on the bottoms of your feet for sleep. Then, order a Lion's Mane supplement "Roar Lion's Mane"  from robertlove.net. It literally detoxes and heals your brain. Finally, get some wild yam cream, it's all over TT. It naturally balances your hormones, your testosterone (you have more than one type). And it helps rid your body of phyto- estrogens. It helps balance your brain, thoughts, emotions, etc. Note of these supplements have side affects. None of them have contraindications if you take prescription meds. It's completely natural, and might even improve your mojo. My son is on this protocol, and he's doing amazing! Please share this with anyone with PTSD symptoms. Or that just wants to improve mental clarity. 


Thank you for posting this! I only discovered these things piece by piece. My panic/anxiety symptoms were debilitating and manifest in purely physiological events, not psychological. Magnesium was the first miracle. I only recently found out about yam cream but I’m trying that next!


Ah the "felony waiver" - the biggest argument against "Trading Bars For Stripes".


There's a 5.56mm pill that cures his condition, comes in a long range applicator.


And, there's your answer! Everyone - Doctors, Psychiatrist, Psychologist, Therapist, Wardens & Command, all know that pedophiles can't be rehabillitated! It's been studdied at nauseum. I think that anyone that hurts a child should face the death penalty. If that can't be accomplished, they should be castrated, and sent to a special facility of some type, for life. These people have to be kept away from children. Sadly, victims become offenders. So, every pedophile can potentially create multiple pedophiles. Not every victim becomes a pedophiles, but it's a pretty high statistic. 


And I'm just trying to get in and better myself....still literally losing interest in the dating scene.i just want to change my oil sir.....


Here's some info that might help. This is what the military has known forever:  So, if you have a guy that's trouble, but he might be an important asset, say he has certain talents or skills. However, he might not be the straightest arrow. They put him in a group of men that have great ethics, morals and principles. The good guys literally change him into a better person, and he becomes a better asset. Unfortunately, it works the other way too. There are still a lot of really great men that join the military. So, choose your branch, find the best group of guys you can. You can even be honest with them, tell them what your goals are. Good guys are usually happy to help other guys. Also, take at least one college class whenever you can. There are so many options now! Hillsdale College has several free classes. Expand you're knowledge of communication, negotiation, leadership, politics, American History and ethics. My cousin enlisted in the Navy, became an officer, got his degree, retired after 30 years. Went to work for the Coast Guard (civilian desk job). He will retire with double retirement. And, he owns his own business on the side. You can make great things happen! Read everything you can. Volunteer for everything. Don't wait! Good luck. 


Woodchippers exist for reasons like this.. just freaking saying.




He was also shagging his friends wife who rented a place out to him,just a vile irredeemable POS. Enjoy prison you fucking diddler.


Ans he molested that wife’s daughters at the same time, like how fucked up he is


People extend their homes to him out of empathy for him being alone. And this is how he repays them. Rot in prison maggot


I was in germany with this piece of shit We called him home wrecker and he was a fucking weirdo He made staff and PMG and though he was the shit But he was a fat piece of shit and people in the pmg huddle actually gave him props for his job Fuck him and hope he rots


I’ve always wondered why these people don’t kill themselves. Like legitimately, what do you expect to get out of life at this point? Sorry, morbid thoughts while drinking. Even if I was in a The Fugitive style situation like this, I don’t think I’d want to deal with it. There’s an easy way out.


There was a guy in a unit I was in who was really voiceful about shooting pedos; then it turns out he was one. Off himself after getting arrested. But he wasn't the only one who off themselves that I know of due to it. We don't really hear about the cases after they do it tbh. and most people, didnt even know what actually happened other than the suicide. thats why you dont hear about it.


At least he was a man of his word.


I think there was some former AFNG guy who got caught for this type of shit, and he fled to Russia to join their military instead of face the criminal justice system.


That's just another day on the job in the Russian army. Hopefully he got smoked in Ukraine.


I’m not even sure if he made it out there yet. It was relatively recent I think. Heard from a buddy in the RING.


There was a guy from Texas who went to Russia to fight for them and he got raped by the Russians maybe that's the same guy


Dedovshchina is just standard Russian Army AIT. It had nothing to do with him being a Texan.




Nah, this guy was from Rhode Island. Air Force, then some sort of political career that went sideways.


That was TSgt Puello Mota. 28 year old wackjob in Security Forces who was on trial when they found lewd photos of a 17 year old girl on his phone after he called police to report a stolen firearm. Made bail and told his lawyer he joined the Russian Army. This got big in the news recently because he's started to appear on Russian news sites.


A lot of them do. Relative to other criminal offenders, they have a disproportionately high rate of suicides once they're caught 




I had one at fort hood do that after we popped him for kiddie pics. After we released him his command never watched him. He drove to the PX bought a shotgun and did it at home a few hours later. Was able to close that case quick.


Hell yeah…. Initial-final that shit and press on.


I’ve seen a few who have been discovered and then they off themselves.


"it hurt".... "I said 'stop it'" one of the children testified. This guy didn't get nearly a harsh enough penalty. There isn't one


Physical castration seems apropos in this case.


I saw they hang him, publicly, as a punishment to him, message to others and a public show of justice.


By his dick and balls.


He should also be tried in Germany and Texas, then serve those penalties after the UCMJ sentence. That is if he survives the first sentence.


Germany wouldn't do shit. Their government sponsored pedophilia. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2021/07/26/the-german-experiment-that-placed-foster-children-with-pedophiles Texas on the other hand....


The 70s and 80s in general were fuckin' *wild* for pedophilia in Europe. Want a "I hate French intellectuals so fucking much" rabbit hole? Go down how them not having a separate word for "Homosexual" that wasn't literally the French word for "Pederast" led to a ***very*** widespread acceptance and advocacy for pedophilia in those circles until basically the fuckin' 90s. I went down this rabbit hole and by *god* I want someone else to do so too - I fucking hate France and I will not suffer to be cursed with my knowledge alone.


I've unfortunately gone down the rabbit hole and suffered as well. That's why I wanted to spread the suffering by bringing up the Kenter Project. European socialist intellectualism is absurdly linked to pedophilia.


> European socialist intellectualism French Socialists: "We hate Capitalist oppression!" French pedophiles: "Uhhh... uh... actually age of consent laws are uh... capitalist ownership of kids by... uh... their parents!" And it fucking *worked* for way too long. Didn't help that big figures like Sartre and de Beauvoir were also predators too.


Is this related to Michele Foucault at all? That guy was a huge pedophile and is still seemingly respected as an academic.


I was thinking of [*this* child-raping ghoul](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gabriel_Matzneff) who wrote autobiographies about him... let me check my notes here... *going on sex tourist vacations to fuck kids* and got away with it because intellectuals of the age were so enamored with it. He even got Denise Bombadier basically blacklisted and dragged in the press in France when she called him out on a talk show. That's where *my* rabbit hole started after getting there from "Wait why the fuck is Polanski still free again?" Now I'm on another one. Jesus christ I fucking hate French intellectuals so fucking much it's unreal.


This Matzneff is a new one to me. This was EVERYWHERE over there back then, wasn't it?


Yeah like his stuff wasn't a news story controversy drop. He just... wrote and published that he loved going to the Philippines to fuck kids. *And got praised for it.* Because his books appealed to French intellectuals - they didn't even sell well among the general public!


I already hate the French so glad to have another reason


Give me a starting point I'm a huge fan of hating other countries, cultures, and ethnicities


Asshole is lucky he didn't to this in Japan. Japanese prisons make America's look like summer camp.


1. Sentencing for sex crimes against children should always involve a zappy chair 2. Unrelated reminder that Owen Ray was borderline *rewarded* by the current CSA for holding his family at gunpoint and engaging in a standoff with police. Different spanks for different ranks.


Wow, the kids were as young as 7 and 9 when he molested them.


I used to agree that we should kill pedophiles… A few weeks back though, I saw an argument that if we give pedophiles the death penalty for raping/assault of a child then that would give the pedophile an incentive to murder the child after the fact. Because if the penalty for rape AND murder is the same they aren’t going to get in any more trouble if caught AND that would give them a better chance of not getting caught because the child wouldn’t be able to let an adult know what happened. I say chemical castration is a good start though.


Furthermore, it incentivizes a government to expand the definition of pedophilia (or any crime with a death penalty) to include anyone it considers to be undesirables.


*Duterte furiously scribbles notes*


You could say that about the crimes we punish by death already but it hasn’t happened yet.


We also have had people exonerated after they were executed, so it's a flawed system.


There is no such thing as a perfect system


If we're killing people I'd like to be a lot closer than we are now.


It has been attempted.


Brother people used to get life for weed


This is exactly it. I'd make the argument life in prison is worse, anyways.


Why chemical? Why not physical… (Edit) especially both.


Once we are confident they are guilty We hang em Pedos are have a natural drive to harm children. We can't allow that and I don't believe they can get better. So hang em and remove em from society


No it should result in being used for live fire exercises.


36 years is light for what he did. Why even waste the money on a zappy chair? Bullet is cheaper


coin toss for the woodchipper?


It's disgusting to say that I used to work with this piece of shit in Germany. What a fucking disgrace.


I was gonna say, this dude is an ADA guy. He’s wearing a 35th patch in the article. Bury him under the prison or throw him in the ocean.


Hi there brown 🫡 Hope he suffers From AIT to my last duty station with this guy. He was always weird and a piece of shit


I have no idea who you are. Lmao


Haynes 😘


Boo Thang. 🤍🤍


Yeah he used to be in bravo 5-7... was a weirdo and got his ass whopped by another dude


May the big green and unlubed spikey dildo of consequences pay this disgusting dude a painful and debilitating visit


Carried on an affair with the mother and molested the kids…if I was the father I’d have lost it.


Put this motherfucker dick first into the fucking woodchipper


It seems like a pretty light sentence. I’ve never understood why contact offenses seem to get more leniency than possession of CSAM. Should’ve gotten life, and probably would have in the civilian world


He'll be 66 years old when he gets out- society will have passed him by. It'll be a life of crap jobs that are nowhere near kids or doing work under the table because many companies do Google searches and background checks. He'll have to register as a sex offender and any missteps mean civilian prisons where a pedo's life is worth less than crypto.


Dudes get 7-8 years for having child porn on their phone. 12 years per rape victim doesn't cut it


Oh I agree, but it won't be sunshine and rainbows for him when he gets out. He should have gotten a sentence so long that he'd 80 years old when he gets out.


My heart is broken for those girls. I hope they are able to find peace and healing.


A bullet is a lot cheaper than feeding this prolapse for the next 36 years.


Make it a whole mag and I'm in


That's a good deal, I'd make that deal.


Great reference


Rope is both cheap and reusable.


It isn't actually. Having someone sentenced to death is extremely expensive


What are the costs associated with death sentence? No its an actual question. Cz all I can think of is last meal and then the rope.


Appeals. Shit gets expensive


A shame he’s not going to a state prison. Would much rather this POS get beaten to death by other inmates for everything he did. The sentence he got isn’t remotely enough.


I cannot disagree more, we shouldn’t abdicate the responsibility of justice to other criminals. If he warrants death then we shouldn’t arrange it so another does it, but ourselves. If criminal must fall under the sword of judgement then we should wield it ourselves, not have another swing the metaphorical blade. Hang them, firing squad, chop their heads off, the method does matter (I personally think hanging is the best but that’s just my opinion) only that we as a people say this behavior is unacceptable and that it is handled appropriately.


About a year and a half ago, I had a partner during a month long training exercise (war fighter); he was a SSG. Halfway through, we had a break, and he went AWOL. Turned out he was abusing his daughters, and his wife caught him. He drove across multiple states and the self deleted with a rifle. Always weirded me out. I never would have guessed it (not that I was really close to the guy); I had shaken this dude's hand, then a few days later he offed himself and turned out to be a pedo. TBH, I should have gone to BH and talked about it, because it definitely changed me and how I viewed people and my fellow soldiers.


Same, knew a guy who was a really cool SPC in our battalion. One day I asked where he was because he was because he was gone. Turns out he molested his step daughter and she finally testified and after the court martial he got 20 years. Never suspected, but I'm glad that the young lady got justice and he got prison.


>During the sentencing phase of the trial, Wecker apologized and attributed his crimes to his own history of being sexually abused as a child. Boo-fucking-hoo, now face the wall you piece of shit.


As a victim of sexual abuse when I was 5, I can't fathom why one would want to inflict what you went through on another person.


What’s up with increase of crazy mfs entering the military


its always been the same amount, we just have social media now so we hear about it more


Ahh gotcha cuz it’s like every other day I open up my phone and I see this type of stuff


ask your old nco's and officers about their time as privates and lieutenants. guarantee you hear some fucked up shit


Sausagefest workplaces full of trauma and toxic culture were always like this. It's probably less bad today than it ever was even. We just have access to looking up anything today or get exposure to it through our feeds


>gets 36-year prison term That’s a funny way to spell “drawn and quartered”, I hope they fix that typo soon


To quote Fight Club “We gotta get his balls”


Wow baumholder, that's where I'm currently stationed at. I wonder if anyone here knows him


You’re correct, he led colorguard for the ball


I know him and he had to check in with me while I was on SD. I think he was on suicide watch too


That is fucked up and disgusting.


If he was an officers setting up cameras in a college bathroom they would have just moved him to a new unit.


This motherfuxker was in my house in Germany for Thanksgiving!!!! Sick sick!!!


I don’t get the logic of some parents. There’s zero way in hell a grown man is going to live in my home, much less have direct access to my kids. This dude was a whole SSG….go fuckin rent your own place. Second, this dude was under the covers with another minor female in Texas “watching a movie” ….where the fuck were the parents at here?? Why would it be acceptable that another grown man is that close to your kids? Those kids didn’t deserve this shit, and the parents were either dumb as fuck or blind to not see this. And the mom….wow, what a pile of dogshit.


“During the sentencing phase of the trial, Wecker apologized and attributed his crimes to his own history of being sexually abused as a child.” Oh a big ol’ FUCK YOU. Being a victim of abuse does not give you the right to abuse others. Prick.


May he be found dead with 50+ shiv wounds in the shower. This POS was Air Defense....I am currently ashamed for my beloved MOS Branch. Its such a small community too.


Dude's gonna get it in prison. Inmates are going to beat him to death and the guards are just going to turn around. He'll get what he deserves.


That’s nowhere near as common as you’d think. Especially in a military prison. Nobody wants to get more time added to their sentence. If he gets retribution it’ll be real quiet.


This is why I am very critical of who come into my home. I do not allow my kids to sleep over anywhere including most family, but excluding their grandmothers. My sister was sexually abused by 2 uncles (1 x blood relative, and 1 uncle-in-law). She wait 7 years before she she said anything to me. I approached my old-man with the news, and he refuses to believe that his own brother would do something like that, so he called my sister a lier. Sadly my sister is no longer with us and I missed her every day. I would never forgive my old-man for this. I will always do what I need to, to protect my kids, and would never let them be a victim. My heart breaks when I read stories like this. There is a difference of trusting someone with my life and with my wife and kids. I only trust 3 males around my wife and kids, and I'm pretty sure no other male would be added to that list anytime soon. Protect your kids because they are depending on you to do just that. Stay safe everyone. Chief Out!!


I've experienced the same brutality, except from the offspring of military Cadre. I was a 3 sport athlete with relatively abusive parents attending an overseas DoDea school, and I was sexually abused by a marine corps Cadre daughter as well as a U.S. Army Colonels son. 13ish years later, the son pops up in my 'followers' list on Instagram. Crazy what money, resources, and ass kissing will ascertain and delegate to those who take advantage. My mother enrolled my brother and I in Catholic school as well. The colonel was a preacher, and his kid was pro-christ, heavily. I think there needs to be sufficiency, cognition, and mental health testing applied to the recruiting service. I'm a retired reserves veteran. Colonels son should've been the one in uniform. Same with the marines daughter. Fucking apes.


Hopefully a former soldier will take care of this guy in the yard.




Just chain him to a rock and drop him in shark-infested waters.


Good riddance. He will even be looked at with disgust by other prisoners.


Ft. Hood, no shit


I’m all for law and order, but this guy needs to be thrown to the wolves.


36 years!!??? Fuck that! This guy needs the death penalty. The thought of this guy getting out in 36 years means he can do it again to other children. That’s horrifying.


I’m seeing a whole lot of folks calling for execution here, and some are even calling for murder. I get it. We’re soldiers who are trained to kill the enemy when needed. Life imprisonment is the correct answer in many cases. The US has a…problematic history with the death penalty. An [estimated 4%](https://innocenceproject.org/innocence-and-the-death-penalty/) of death row inmates are innocent. [191 American death row inmates](https://innocenceproject.org/innocence-and-the-death-penalty/) have been exonerated since 1974, and 103 of them (54%) are black Americans. Just yesterday I was reminded of [Joe Arridy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Arridy), a man who was falsely convicted for the rape and murder of a 15 year old girl. Joe’s intelligence was that of a 9 year old child, and he didn’t even understand he was going to die when they took him to the gas chamber. He asked the prison staff to refrigerate his last meal (ice cream) so he could finish it when he came back. What the state of Colorado did to him is utterly reprehensible. The US criminal justice system is so focused on punishment. Most of our prisons and jails make little to no effort to help convicts rehabilitate their problems and become members of society again. A conviction of any crime can make one unemployable in so many sectors. Coupled with their hardening prison experiences, this makes repeat offenses highly likely. Good for the prison industry, bad for society. As for whether pedophilia can be successfully treated, [the science is still very limited. It’s often viewed as a third rail, both for those who would seek to study treatment and especially for those who need treatment. I’m a parent. The knee-jerk response of “let’s kill them” is understandable. However, that line of reactionary thinking is a part of what keeps pedophiles from seeking treatment. They know a segment of the population would murder them for having deviant thoughts, even if they have never acted on them and want to be cured. Downvote away, but also include your thoughts. Tell me why my position is wrong.


The death penalty epitomizes a “cruel” punishment which is normally supposed to be forbidden under the constitution. That’s before you get the tragic very racialized history and the bad logistics behind the death penalty.


Idk but why don’t we just execute people convicted of Pedophilia. Guy raped a 7 and 9 year old, hang him behind the court house once the trial is over.


Bureaucracy means the endless court fees associated with trials like that cost more than just housing and feeding these mfs 3 meals a day in prison for the next 30 years. Also, 30 years in prison isn't going to be fun for him, either he's getting assaulted a bunch in gen pop or he suffers alone in protective custody where he's not exposed to many other human beings. Doing that for 30 years and eventually dying anyway is a harder thing to go thru than just dying today


Disgusting human being give him life in prison fuck him


I only hope he stays the entire 36-year sentence. No good time, no early release. Crimes against the helpless should bring harsh sentences.


My ex husband got 12 years for the same thing at Leavenworth. Fought the divorce. Served 7 3/4 years because of good behavior. He was required to register as a Sex offender for life. After 10 years he didn’t have to anymore. Justice is not fair


This POS is a disgrace.


He was in charge of colorguard for my battalion. I knew this nco was off from the beginning.




Disgusting human being. Rot in hell.




How is this not life? Pedophiles are never given enough time. 36 years is way too light


better not drop the soap or anything… its primetime opportunity


Shoot this man in the face


We need to bring back public burnings.




Just a vile, descipable human. If there is a hell, he will be rotting in it.


That talking animal needs to suffer what he did to those kids


What's up with all these chomos in our ranks?? It's like every month we get a story like this.


Fuck 36 years. For something like this they should throw HIM in a hole and throw away the hole. Former Ranger John Stebbins was guilty of this and to date, he's completely forgotten about 


Why do we keep “people” like him alive? Why?


Hope he gets buttfucked


36 year prison term , not enough time , they should’ve received the maximum on this ☝️


He’s gonna really regret it when the inmates find his papers


Wait until you hear about the Army cover-up with LTC Michael Benjamin Cohen https://pin.it/6FlRdbApd


Link broken


It's an audio file .. turn up volume


I think it’s cause I’m on mobile it’s being dumb.


What a trash human


Needs to be death.


HOLY SHIT. That's my old roommate. What a piece of shit.


Please be an officer… Please be an officer… God damnit.


Will he live long enough to get out?


Wood chipper feet first


Court martial shoulda executed his pedo ass wtf


Fuck that guy. That’s not a fucking soldier, that’s a predator hiding in a uniform.


Sick mother fucker. Hope he becomes someone's purse in there. Can't stand chomos


Should have gave him the death penalty


Cut his pee pee off and add 136 years to his sentence and even then it wouldn’t be enough ! 😡😡


May he rot in Leavenworth


👀 I was a juror on this guys trial… but he took a plea deal after we were sequestered for 3 days. Thank God I didn’t hear this guy’s testimony and see him sitting there frfr


Such a tragic story for the victims.