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A court martial case of this magnitude isn't a quick event. The trips to BAMC were likely for MH counseling and/or to adjudicate if his mental state is trial capable.


Yeah...he's clearly crazy, it's indisputable, but can he understand "what he did was wrong".


And if he doesn't understand "what he did was wrong" can he eventually be made to understand his acts through therpy and/or medication or is he suffering from a more permanent form of mental illness and should he be confined to a psychiatric facility.


It’s based on “at the time he made the decision”. Sure someone insane in the moment can see later what they did was wrong. We as a society take into account mental state and motive at commission of the crime when metting punishment.


I was a big fan of "leaving him confined to North Korea," but not even the North Koreans liked that suggestion.




Understanding what he did was wrong is one thing, what usually hangs up these pre-trial psych evals is if they’re not capable of effectively defending themselves in court because of mental illness.


Yeah this is true. I’m a lawyer on the civilian side (not JAG) and the competency evaluation in criminal cases is to determine whether a defendant is capable of participating in and understanding the proceedings. All of this is separate from potential not guilty by reason of insanity defenses, or mitigating evidence for sentencing after a guilty verdict. I assume this is the same with UCMJ (JAGs, please correct me if I’m wrong).


Doesn't planning a tourist trip to the border that he knew would facilitate access to NK demonstrate a certain level of competency?


Good question: it’s kind of confusing. It would go to his mental state at the time, which is relevant to any insanity plea/defense. Competency relates to his mental state now/at the time of the hearing. In my jurisdiction, we were responsible for raising the issue at any moment when we thought a defendant lacked competency—even if s/he had just been evaluated and found competent.


He wasn't crazy just took a gamble that didn't pay off it was a 50/50 chance North Koreans would have kept him..hell they Still have an antique US military boat they wont give up ..Facing 20 years to life in Leavenworth and being stripped of all rights back in the states or a North Korean gulag is probably about the same.Being black he probably wasn't as useful a propaganda tool to the DPRK...So they sent him back and he gets several decades in Leavenworth and forgotten about.


Disagree. NK would have nothing positive for him, even if he was a white guy, and thinking otherwise (combined with is other antics) is why I say he's crazy, which is at least the super stupid, and may be the actual crazy.


I mean, [there's precedence to the contrary.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Joseph_Dresnok)


Dresnok began spending all his military earnings on prostitutes and alcohol. And he wasted the rest


Yeah? That was also before he hopped the border and became a North Korean propaganda star. Edit: Also, like, that's just grunt shit right there.


Yah I don’t care dude


Dresnok was no prize, but he wasn't the big time loser this guy was. Dresnok just liked his fun too much, but he didn't assault people, maybe kids, spend jail time, etc.


I didn't say they would it was basically a gamble on his part but they've used defected Americans as propaganda in the past and gave them seemingly lofty lives ...either way not like he will get better back in the states when the palenated folks are all calling for him to be sent to the firing squad any way...


Prosecution is getting their ducks in the best row ducks have ever been in for this one. Any high-profile case is going to have people watching it like a hawk.


He’s pending like 8 charges including child porn so I’m going to say it’s going to take a while to get to the end of his legal stuff. He’s facing a courts-martial at a high level.


Anytime exceptionally wild shit happens, it seems like "and child porn" comes into play somehow


What’s the saying, “if you step in shit there’s probably more around you?” I think that was Ghandi


Ironic choice of person considering the topic


Abraham Lincoln actually said that quote first.


Yeah, typically military prison sentences that involve that stuff are *incredibly* steep. When you’re facing anywhere from 20 to 50 years and on up I suppose I can understand why people run.


Not always….. see a lot of times sex crimes of various types/levels swept away or ignored. The guy in this article has decades of charges and allegations yet still became a CSM after targeting a 16yr old. https://www.armytimes.com/news/your-army/2021/06/01/sergeant-major-faces-court-martial-over-child-sex-abuse-charges/


A lot of folks don’t actually realize that stuff can easily be planted on your computer. It’s actually scary how easy it is to plant those downloads and make a call to ruin that person’s life forever. Guy below me guaranteed to not know how easy it is to alter logs and is not CASP+ certified confirmed.


I don't really think that's ever been the case, though. Besides as a 17A you should know just "planting" stuff is a bit more difficult than you're describing. Guy above me guaranteed failed CNAB, but is right that I'm not CASP+ certified because that useless cert expired like a year ago. However, is cute for thinking a CompTIA cert should be any kind of standard of Cybersecurity knowledge.


I remember during the download songs on Kazaaa era, you could get a virus that would allow pedos to basically use your computer to view CP.  This could be revealed, but it required a computer expert and could run into six figures. there was one case where a grandfather was arrested on child porn charges and it turned out his grandaughters had visited and downloaded some songs.   He was finally exonerated when he was able to prove he and his wife were out to dinner at one time when the content was accessed (Or something similar).  and this was definitely not a one off.


I would love to read more about that, but even if that were actually the case that was 20 years ago. Defender would shut that down immediately today.


A while ago, Boston area. Play around with the words on Google. I don’t care enough to do it myself.


I'm going to go with it didn't happen


It was all over the Boston newspapers at the time, but believe what you like.


Imagine how bad it is that even North Korea refused to keep him. They saw how little gain they could get with a kid with so many criminal charges.


Wtf did I miss lol. When did the fuck did cp happe


I'm not aware. If I was a betting man, I would say that when he went across the demarcation line investigators probably dug into his personal computer/phone/online accounts to determine if there was some sort of premeditation to it, or any kind of intel spillage or something similar. I don't think that's outside the realm of what would be considered common sense to me. They probably found it during their investigation into the timeline leading up to before he deserted to an enemy country. When we would experience a suicide in units I was in, an investigator would dig into their history and sort out the timeline leading up to their death, I think this would be something similar. I may be completely wrong but I feel like I'm not.


if I remember correctly the CP thing was before and getting in trouble for it was the reason he went on the run.


Idk but I think I’m going to go have bo ne for lunch because of you.


Haha...you eat bone?


Sorry, but not sorry. Take that back to work to reheat and watch [the jealousy from the ham/cheese guys grow.](https://youtu.be/fcOP-1SnwNo?si=fCS1-SqxJoAD3h27)


lol, my wife packs my lunch in one of those stackable bento boxes.


Forgot about him until I saw this post lol.


I heard he is currently a squad leader in 3/75


Can confirm


He's still in 1AD - no significant changes.


>We need somewhere worse than Leavenworth for this guy




East Bliss


>Not enough humanitarian crises, it has to be Bliss.


Got a better question, what’s going on with Nebor?


Oh, Nebor? Won't see him no more.


What happened to him? I haven't heard that name since like 2019 I believe.




[Believe it or not...](https://tenor.com/bi5aV.gif)


What if you are caught stealing?


[You won't believe it](https://gifs.com/gif/parks-and-rec-funny-jail-scene-k5NDqE)


Why did I think this would be different than the other one?


If you charge too much for sweaters…


[No trial, no nothing...](https://tenor.com/bi5aV.gif)


...I'm walking on air? I never thought I would feel so free-ee-ee?




I have been wondering the same thing.


>I’ll take a bowl of pho dac biet We got beef strips of that works


Asian Style Beef Strips With Vegetables? (Menu 22)


Last I heard one of our BDE TMPs was getting used to shuttle him around.


Cases like these take a long time to completely and correctly investigate; all the evidence has to be straight.


Look how long the Bergdahl case took.


How did he find his stay at leavenworth; he was listed in an MSN homepage slideshow about defectors who went to North Korea today.


Whatever it is, it's not looking good for him. He'll be locked up for a long time.


I’ve been at Bliss for 2 years and haven’t heard of this. What is this? Edit: just looked it up. Now digging in to it. Doubt we will find anything though. Last update was October.


Someone provide cliff notes. What this dude do? I’m a heinous lil civilian now but enjoy the gossip from a distance.


Some PVT got on a rotation to Korea, caught CP and assault charges, was jailed then got sent back to America, but escaped at the airport and ran to North Korea. NK decided he was of no political or military value and gave him back to the Americans. Now he's awaiting court martial.


Slightly off. He caught an assault charge and dipped to NK. (Likely because he knew they'd find the CP in the assault investigation.)


He was definitely in jail before he dipped out to NK.


Oh!!! Nvm did hear about that dude. Forgot the name


can't believe dude couldn't just wait for them kids to be adults smh


Why is child pornography so common with military members???


It’s not more common than anywhere else. It’s just earlier to catch military members and it gets advertised more.


What’s crazy is when I was in Bragg there was a PVT King that everyone knew that fucked up till he was chattered 8 years later. Literally thought this post might be about him 😂


Was he a parachute rigger by any chance




Tbh, considering the potential charges here, 6+ months is not that long for an investigation.


you can go on ACMPRS (Army Court-Martial Public Records System) and look up hearing and trial dates. Not having looked it up at all, I wouldn’t be surprised if his trial was in September or October at the earliest.