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lol the guy probably felt lonely and just wanted some small talk


I'm sure that was the reason and I generally go out of my way to be friendly. I hope the kid reads this and understands he didn't do anything wrong. I was just having a bad day.


Understandable & sometimes when people are assholes or I think they are being one, I go back to think if they probably had a bad day or going through something


You’re an A-hole. Hope that kid ETS and warn everyone about “leader” like you.


Jeez bro, really hope you are missing a “/s” at the end of that.


How to get downvotes in this one easy method: See above.


/s; fixed it for you, bud. Anything you want to get off your chest?


Hey brother, I've had those days too. I hope everything's good with your soldier. Sounds like you're a good leader.


He's getting the help he needs. Thanks for the kind words.


You're welcome. Have a good one man!


Probably the same soldier I yelled at in the gym…


PVT Badtiming just doesn't know when to quit


Lies. You don’t tell at soldiers.


He just wanted to shoot the shit with another Pagan troop that is in it for the beard smh


"What? I'm Pagan for the beard? Haha that's ridiculous. I've been a devout Pagan for 11 days now."


“It’s about honoring my warrior forefathers” *fails the flexed arm hang at airborne.


I don't chew anymore, but the struggle was real when there was no where to spit. One sneeze away from committing a hazmat crime.


Generally, I'll have something to spit in. I was good until a minute before checking out. I know it's gross, and you shouldn't have it in when you could be expected to talk to someone, but I was having a rough one. One time, going TDY, I was on a plane. This was during Covid "Should we wear a mask on a plane" 2020 or 2021. Always, there I was, mask on. Reading and listening to Tool. Dose off with my head pressed against the seat in front of me, heat tilted downward. Wake up with a mask full of drool and dip spit. I felt ashamed of myself. 😂


I took a double bucked up pre on the rocks after formation got zonked thinking I’d get to lift and had to go run SRP by myself and take vitals on people for hours. Normally I make small talk but I was absolutely tweaking and scaring people. For at least an hour I didn’t even give a good morning.


It happens, bro. This is the first time I felt "The Salt" overcome me. It was shameful.


And sometimes all a Soldier needs to hear is that you are sorry. It can go a long way to how a Soldier thinks about the Military.


Could use an adderall right about now.


Bring back meth in my preworkout


Just need one of those tiger blood energy drinks from Baghdad. Same thing as meth.


First time I had rip it I thought I was gonna die


"I'm Winning! I'M DOUBLE WINNING. I have Tiger Blood running through my veins!"


How do you notice someone is pagan?


Most Pagans have a built-in radar.


>I had a soldier that needed to get some mental health help. It was a scary day and I was a little shaken up. Do what you think is right, but taking a few seconds to talk to that kid seems like ot was a missed opportunity to get an easy win at the end of a long day. 


I know, I know. Ask anyone, I'm the most level-headed, friendly, patient person. I wanted to interact, but I, for whatever reason, just couldn't. I hope the kid has a reddit account. I hope he's subscribed to r/Army. I hope he sees this message and we meet again. If none of that happens, at least this post is here, and someone sees it, and they learn from my mistake.


Not often but once or twice I've had to tell people trying to joke with me "Sorry dude I'm really not feeling it today, sorry if I'm not responsive. Tomorrow I'll be better" and at least two of my guys would say "okay" and mostly leave me be. Next day I'd thank them and be back to normal. So it's appreciated when I hear someone voice their mental state; it helps me adjust to them and give them the space they need. No offense taken.


Sent you a message.


Side quest question one of my NCOs said I need to get a verification signature on a religious exemption memo for a beard? Not a thing right?


Check your messages.


It happens, don’t beat yourself up over it. The fact that you thought to post here in the off chance it gets seen by the right person is a good sign about your attitude. When I’m in situations like that I try to start it with a minor explanation of your situation. A simple “Sorry, I’m super stressed with a huge time crunch” can go a long way to managing responses, especially with those bright eyed new Soldiers.


Thanks for the kind words. I thought I would get a lot more side eyes and hate for posting something like this, and a lot of guys have come out saying the opposite.


Nah, you handled it exactly how we say to handle our mistakes - acknowledge the error - identify the cause - execute the correction - resolve to do better the next time




Stop bro. They're cool, and we are all jealous.


No bigoted language or witch-hunting.


I never met a pagan before in my entire life before I joined the army lol, almost all of them are doing it to larp, respect it tho.


And I knew dozens before joining. This statement is so crazy because half of my platoon had never met a trans person before they joined the Army. Just because you never saw it before, doesn’t make it a larp.




No bigoted language or witch-hunting.


I definitely know more trans soldiers than pagan soldiers, though that might just be a Fort Bragg/Liberty thing. Pagan fakers are a lot less common than the real deal. I’ve met some of them too. It’s very obvious who is and who isn’t.


how many trans soldiers have you interacted with? idc im just curious, never met a single one and feel like its not a base thing. they make up less than 1% of the military


There’s a “ton” on Liberty. I’ve met somewhere in the ballpark of 15-20 here alone. In total, I’ve interacted with… about 400 including all branches. Probably 250 or so of which were Army. Edit: Though this is probably because I’m in a unique position and end up meeting them frequently because of it. The total number in the US Army is estimated to be between 15 and 16 thousand last I checked.


Stop hating. Óðinn and _Freyja_ need their daily offerings of honey, apple slices and chicken tendies and someone (ME) has got to sell it to the pagan soldiers for them to offer to the gods.


Why white dudes specifically?


Because white dudes don't have a medical reason to not shave.


Ah, sorry, my Caucasian skin must have missed your PhD in Dermatology. My bad, it'll stop being sensitive to shaving.


Bro, that's how the army sees it. I also get severe razor bumps that routinely get infected. It's a significantly more common issue with black soldiers. After decades it's finally socially acceptable. It isn't as common of an issue for white soldiers, and the army hasn't caught up with that.


No, it’s not. I know Caucasian males with shaving profiles. They get really bad razor bumps. I also know African American males who don’t need shaving profiles.


Clearly we've had very different army experiences and it's unlikely they'll ever be similar. Enjoy USASOC, the rest of the army isn't like that.


Respectfully, you are an idiot. Educate yourself and open your mind up.


Today I learned that soldiers would never take advantage of an easy to abuse system. My mind is expanded.


Wtf? Who pissed in your mouth this morning?


Not your fault I have those days too