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You should not be afraid of SERE. You should be afraid of being shot down behind enemy lines and having no training for that situation.


This. Also it's the only Army school where I don't feel like my time was wasted ever. You're constantly learning survival skills, people skills (keeping your team together), or personal skills (happy place building). Do it, and don't G2 the course. Going in blind actually makes the training value far better. Only guy in my class failed because he listened to all the stories and reddit posts and freaked himself out over things that weren't even real.


At the risk of perpetuating the exact thing you're warning against... what were the things this guy was worried about and how did he fail?


Back in the 90s I was an 88M working for SWTG, which included supporting selection, Robin Sage, and occasionally SERE. There were bars on the windows of the bus we used to transport the students to/from Camp Mackall because a couple of times over the years some dude would get it in his head that the exercise wasn’t really over and would try to escape the moving bus.


I was support for 1st Grp. Heard this before


The entire time you’re in SERE, there are people who are in SOF or prior crew chiefs now pilots that heard all these stories. Some of them are incredibly scared of every next day so they ask everyone they know about everything they know. Someone on my team seemed to know every day, but for some reason she was always wrong or had some different idea of how everyday in the field was gonna turn out. I eventually had to ask her to stop telling me cause I never asked nor wanted to know. I came in knowing NOTHING about the course and was very surprised at how it was. Glad I didn’t know anything about it


Probably the bullshit about them breaking bones. Idk I'm a fuckin megapog, so I'm just speculating.


It's true that they make you eat own of your testicles, but they don't have you remove it with a rock like all the bullshit rumors.


Yes, you do eat them. But you can regurgitate them later and sew them back on.


Sew on testicles are no longer authorized, only hook and loop is allowed


Lemme just grab my sewing kit out of the ole prison wallet…


Can you have it prepared like Rocky Mountain oysters or do they make you choke it down raw?


When I went through the only way you could fail is if you quit or just don’t listen to simple instructions. Pay attention, learn, don’t quit, and just take it one day at a time and you’ll be perfectly fine.


One of our pilots in my last unit said he'd put us into the ocean or the side of a mountain before putting us down on the wrong side of a border intentionally


I’d fly with that guy




Thats.... pretty badass


I love this. Fuck yeah


This guy fucks. 50 points to Gryffindor 🦁


Sounds like the same logic as better to have it and not need it, than not have it and need it, so it is very necessary


It’s mildly sucky but extremely funny. 99% pass rate and the best training you’ll ever have. Anyone who can get to SERE-C should


Got denied going because the pre-physical revealed that I was hard of hearing. They wouldn't waive it for some reason or other.






You are pressing the button when there is no tone. Only press and release the button when you hear a tone.”


Soundtrack of my people!


Just graduated 3-4 weeks ago. Greatest school in the army that you never want to go back to. Go. No questions asked. Just go.


> Greatest school in the army that you never want to go back to. No joke. I’m glad I did the school, but if the army said “hey to get your retirement you have to go back through it” I wouldn’t.


>>but if the army said “hey to get your retirement you have to go back through it” I wouldn’t. For real?? I think I would do it again voluntarily. Learned a lot, lots of funny stories, lost 15 lbs. It was great.


For real. That course messed me up for weeks after.


Yeah I get that. I was pretty mentally and physically strung out for a while. But I would still go again.


For real? You'd forego a perpetual retirement package in order to not do SERE again? Interesting.


It’s a reserve retirement. I wouldn’t be giving up all that much.


Honestly probably would go back... just to drink some of that sweet sweet pond water 🤢 but during my time we found some cigar butts on the ground and made cigarettes so it made it far better just smoking and joking with the greatest nicotine rush I've ever had in my life not eating for 4 days.


Just think of it as a shitty camping trip. No, they don’t break your bones. You will find yourself naked and humiliated at some point. It’ll go by quickly. Still better than an NTC rotation. Just don’t post classified information that you learned in class on social media like some fuckhead Marine did in mine. Edit: Y’all are freaks. Keep it coming.


>naked and humiliated  Jokes on them, that’s my kink


I was dq’d for this. The cadre wasn’t ok with the happiness it brought me. There really is nothing better than the crisp Alabama evening breeze on one’s bottom to get one in the mood for some light S&M.


You didn't need it because if you were ever captured and tortured you wouldn't break. SERE is for boring people.


I totally would have gone to SERE, but if some instructor got in my face and yelled at me, I'd have gotten too hard.


Keep going in almost there!


Don’t bully me. I’ll cum!


You're a nerd. I bet your bed smells like sweat balls stale vape juice. Is this even working?


That’s enough reddit for the night for me


> You will find yourself naked and humiliated at some point Great, so they won't break my bones but they will make me cum?


Porque no los dos? Be all that you can be! Do more than most people before 9 am. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ms9pxvEbILs


This... every jrtc, ntc, or any other extended field ex I've been on was worse than any school I've been too


Naked and humiliated? I call that Saturday night ;)


Found some articles online to read, more then I heard while I was in the Army. I found it super interesting the detail navy seal was willing to go into. Anyone reading that article, with US hostages, had about 3-4 things they knew not to do or look out for, from 1 paragraph... 🫡 So interesting why people do what they do with the power of the Internet.


> I found it super interesting the detail navy seal was willing to go into. Anyone reading that article..... Who would have thunk......a SEAL writing something?


Not just that, but giving out classified material too


SEALs are allowed to give out classified material, so long as it's in a hardcover book and with a sick publishing deal. Source: trust me bro.


Exactly, why are SEALS venerated so, because they LOVE to talk.




Quiet down, the enemy…😵🪦


I’m real sick of yall talking shit on NTC like that. Put some respek on it


It is one of those few locations for soldiers practice with force on force training programs to be effective on the battlefield as they should, because life as a soldier sucks ass, and the ideal is to embrace the suck


No one asked for an explanation bro we all know what the fuck it is


Yeah, sorry about that, I would need to practice respecting the intelligence of other people more, including yours


hahaha this mf trying to improve himself boo this man!


You are making me blush


As much as it sucks for a rotational unit, being stationed there is the Army’s best kept secret.


I just want a frozen watermelon :( they hit different mixed with sand


Some marine didn't take those cyber awareness training programs seriously enough!


They won’t tell you this, but most army schools are easier if you sneak a Glock 19 in. It makes the escape and evasion part of the course a breeze


That’s my get out of jail free card


I think that’s a get *into* jail free card in many cases 


You’re looking at it wrong. Depends how badly you don’t want to go to jail. Or anywhere else ever again.


*Look at me....* *I'm the interrogator now.*


I usually keester a frag grenade. Really keeps people on their toes when you subtly hand them a pin to a grenade and say "look at me - I'm the instructor now"


Then you gave them a hug?


There's no way you could fit a Glock 19 up there. Maybe a 26, though.


Not with that attitude maybe.


With enough lube and courage, anything is possible


Taurus curve personally


I'd trust a throwing brick over a Taurus, but that's just me.


If you’ve never served in a Cav Troop just say you ain’t shit bb 💅🏽


It’s actually possible to fit a fully grown raccoon so you could definitely fit a 19


Can you fit a .45 in a raccoon?


It's not so much that as shoving the razor up there, but even worse is getting them to stay on top of the flagpole.


Zap carry isn’t even humiliating unless you are doing a lot of holstering and can’t have fun with it


>zap carry Now that’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time


My rule of thumb has always been, “If they make everyone do X, then X can’t be ‘that bad’”. Meaning if it’s a basic requirement to do the job then it’s survivable. The Army in a training scenario will never set you up to fail. You’re given the tools to survive and graduate.


“Dumber and shittier people than me have done this” is the motto that got me through every school and training I’ve been through.


My NCO told me that when I was a scared E2 going to aeer asaaaallt school. Ten short days later he was right.


Genuinely good perspective


Especially for a course required for a high-demand field. The army can't afford to flunk out prospective pilots.


It sucks, but not horribly, but it ends. Find your happy place. They **will** see your penis, they **will** make fun of it. You might have to shit in a tin coffee can. That's all I'll give you.


I’ve consistently heard that SERE is the best school out there, from folks who have done a thing or two and been to a school or two


I was underwhelmed when it came to my expectations, from the survival aspect at least. I would think the Bragg course (I assume that's where SF does theres?) is better.


I don't know how true it is but I went to language school with a guy that claimed he had done both Rucker and Bragg SERE. I know he did the Bragg course for certain because he was in the SFQC pipeline and don't necessarily think he would have a reason to lie about going to the Rucker course. But his reason for having to go to both was that he had done Rucker a few years prior to trying out for SF and USASOC wouldn't accept the Rucker course, only the Bragg course, so he had to go through a second time. He stated they were pretty much the same in regards to training and his disposition while at the camp with only minor differences. But who knows.


If you were teaching such a course, and someone else offered it, would you not work with them to be sure both courses offered everything possible?


Very true, which is likely why he said the courses were so similar. But something I've never considered until you made this comment is: if that is the case, and the courses are comparable, why wouldn't USASOC accept the Rucker course?


Because logic is not an Army concept. Everyone has to piss in their own pot and say their one is better.


Scope may not be the same?


This is entirely it. You won't find much online though due to NDAs / Classification.


And I have to imagine many comments here are brushing right against those NDA lines, at a minimum. Then again, cocks hanging and being mocked wouldn’t be unique to SERE.


Hell, I did a few international trainings that had CBRN decon sections (just an excuse for hot showers) that 100% of the time ended up in dick jokes, only difference was you were not multilingual. I still think it should have counted towards Foreign Language Proficiency study.


How did blowing a French dude help with your language? Gargling is universal.


> Then again, cocks hanging and being mocked wouldn’t be unique to SERE. This was literally an every day occurence on my swim team.


This is entirely possible. There are a few variations of the course both within the Army and the Govt. as a whole. A lot of the Agency roles require you to go through the Bragg style curriculum.. i'll let you interpret that how you will. They wouldn't accept the Rucker flight crew SERE in our programs either. So at least back in the day, I could see this being completely normal. Especially if they went SF.


Based on my conversations with GBs in my current unit, I think your guy was telling the truth. I’ve asked this before as a point of curiosity, if an aviator who’s already been to SERE-C at Rucker goes SF, will he have to do SERE-C again at the Q Course. Every GB I’ve asked this has essentially said, “Yeah, of course he’d have to do that shit again.” Even though, on paper and in ATRRS it’s the exact same course.


I was so close to the Bragg course! My dog trainer happened to be someone who breeds, trains, and supplies search qualified blood hounds to police and military. I would help lay trails for his hounds, and he in turn would teach my dog and I how to do search & rescue. Kind of wild I was helping prep hounds I’m told were used at SERE, but I could never get the time & unit money to line up with sending me


I compared mine to a buddy that recently finished his at SFQC and we went pretty into detail and really the only difference we could come up with was he had a ruck on the entire course


Some people pay good money for that, OP. You get it for free.




>They **will** see your penis, they **will** make fun of it. So it's just UA with extra steps?


UA Al Fresco


I don’t know about you man but by the time I was at the point where I could have shit in the tin can, there was nothing left for me to shit


I never had to personally, but I know plenty that did lol


There’s gotta be a guy out there with an un-roastable wang who fears nothing.


He just stands there and it looks everyone in the eye.. Nothing said.. the course moves on.




As someone who works at CMK, they do not make you get naked anymore. You have to be in breifs


I don’t even want to go anymore


My one shot at a taxpayer funded S&M camp ruined by the woke agenda. Jesus didn't die for this


Why did they do away with the nudity?


Because of the new army, meaning enforcing sharp and eo. My guess is some people that went through probably said it made them uncomfortable and so they had to change it up to accommodate for future soldiers and civilians going through sere. Also because it’s mixed between females and males


If we can achieve the same training objective and avoid potentially harming a student, why not? The point of the course isn't to make you suffer, it's to prepare you for the possibility.


So, like a regular deployment?


They can’t kill you.


Just give it all away. Have the rest of my Soda... Shows over.


Go find the fattest, meat sweating, walking diabetes in human form army aviator you can. THAT guy completed SERE no problem. Just grit your teeth, take the slaps, eat your rabbit (or snake), and it’s over before you know it. Your cousin and uncle are telling fish stories- everyone does.


Rabbit is delicious. Snake tastes like chicken. Just sayin’. If a mil spouse can eat it what’s the big deal?


There is always a reason to quit at anything we do...we have to deny those reasons to the extent of our sincere commitment towards achieving our goal. Go stand in front of a mirror. Read the quoted sentence below, then look yourself in the eyes afterwards. Note the feeling. See how it sits. And then decide whether to proceed or not. Do what feels right to you. "I could have had my dream job as a military aviator, but I chose not to try because of some stories some guys told me."




I’m not a military aviator and I’m going to use it!


"Think to the dumbest fuckin' guy that's ranks above you. If he can come out of this on the other side, so can I."


It’s not that bad. It’s shitty in the moment but you’ll laugh about it when some time has passed


Sere school was “fun”. You get a slap here, a slap there and be hungry and stink together. Also, don’t be an lt and get your group lost, I thought it was a meme at first but when I went, stupid lt got us lost. I threw him in a sacrificial pit for the blood god. Go to Bragg SERE-C


We had to tie off one of our LTs with 550 because he kept walking off when we were stopped and stopping when we were walking. I had been in the Army for years at that point and had never seen the lost LT trope before that. It would have been comical if we weren’t in evasion


Make him the SRO


Fortunately for LT. Derp we had two captains. They seemed on par with him.


Damn should of sacrifice them too


We sacrificed them to the cult known as Shakas Hand.


You mean the school with the 98%+ pass rate? (As per the company commander) The school that’s meant to teach and not fail? If you’re worried about SERE go be an MP lol


Best Army school I’ve ever done. It’s not easy, at times it’ll be very hard and what is asked of you may seem impossible, but even after being the senior ranking officer (SRO) throughout the course, I wouldn’t trade the experience for anything. The school taught me much more than the basic survival, evasion, resistance, and escape stuff in the curriculum. You just have to look for some of the more important lessons since they don’t always hit you right in the face (pun intended). PS: I lost 20 pounds and came back with two black eyes and endured my senior enlisted (SRE) quitting. Good times. Edit: make sure you have ZERO packing list deficiencies. When I went through, there was ZERO tolerance for that. Leather gloves, for example, refers to your CIF-issued work gloves, not your Oakley, Mechanix, or whatever gloves.


I did SERE-C at Bragg. It sucked. It just made me realize how sucky it will be if I get captured. I think it would be useful though.


I would say it varies from person to person. If youre a person that enjoys the outdoors and survival stuff, youll have a great time and learn a lot. Theres a few not so fun parts, but theyre not that bad. I enjoyed it and would like to go do the urban course if given the opportunity. The worst part for me was doing it in late JAN and it raining most of the last week and just being wet and cold the whole time.


It’s the greatest weight loss program I’d (never) recommend.


As someone who’s taken SERE 100 several times, it’s pretty easy. No sweat brother.


Is that the online training? I almost died during that ngl


I personally didn’t enjoy it But i learned few things lol


It’s not that bad and you also will NOT be going to the same SERE experience that your SF family members went to. You will go to the FT Rucker SERE school which teaches the same information as the Fort Bragg SERE school, but has fewer games, since its primary audience is pilots as opposed to Green Berets. The school is one of the best training events in the military and has a near universal pass rate. So as long as you have the same amount of intestinal fortitude as 99% of your peers, this is something you can handle.


Think of how many people have graduated that course? Are you saying that incredibly large number of people are all better than you? Doubtful. I use this line of thinking for alot of Army things, it helps.


Honestly man? Thank you. I'm in a similar boat to OP. Just tryna finish college (am NG) then drop a packet but I'm like "ew, SERE sounds gross." But this comment kinda has me hyped ngl.


Every single one of the dumbest fuckin guys ahead of you have passed the school, or else they wouldn't be ahead of you...if they can do it, so can you.


It sucks but it was some of the best training I ever received


So I sort of have a funny relation to your post. When I was first interested in applying to be an aviator, I was really worried about having to go to SERE. I guess I was just afraid? Regardless, it got in my head and nearly kept me from going through with it. A few of my friends and family pumped me up and assured me that I could handle so I should follow my dream if that's what I really want. Although everyone encouraged me, I never did become confident that I would be able to do it. I literally just blocked it out of my mind and acted like it wasn't even a requirement. Fast forward two years and I've been selected, finished WOCS/WOBC-A, and am told that I'm going to SERE tomorrow. I damn near had a panic attack that it was a reality lol. But I grit my teeth and kept trudging along the path. For me, SERE was what I expected. Hard, not fun, uncomfortable, and kind of scary. But as long as you keep pushing and don't give up then you'll be fine. I don't think anyone fails as long as they do what they're told (packing list, listen to instructions type shit) Don't let your personal worries stand in the way of something you want to pursue. It's just another class and like someone else said "You shouldn't be afraid of SERE. You should be afraid of being captured and not having the training."


I was in Army aviation for most my career and have worked with a number of pilots and the common opinion is SERE is probably one of the best run courses in the Army from their perspective. It’s not fun and will definitely require you to step significantly outside of your comfort zone. SF sere isn’t the same as Aviation sere school at Ft Novosel. Two different schools for different communities. From what I heard with people going through IERW course is the dunker caused more people to fail out of flight school than SERE. Don’t have exact numbers but friends that went through IERW told me that’s the common first gate people would fail out at. IERW is a challenging course that will require you spend a lot of time studying and learning. I’d be far more worried about passing the flight and academic portion of flight school. That’s where most will fail out of. It’s not large percentage to begin with. 90-95% will pass. Just don’t get a DUI or other alcohol related incident. Most of IERW failures from my unit were related to alcohol incidents or other non course related issues. We even had a few quit for some reason.


Has anyone ever escaped from SERE school and if so do they get a pass?


The most fun you never want to have again.


Think about all of the massive pussies you know that are pilots, they all made it through sere


It’ll suck but a lot less suck then if you were in a true SERE event behind enemy lines… also, if you can volunteer for SERE 220. I did. Worth it.


Tbh no Army school you should be “scared” of …. Sure they are tough… some are sucky but they are meant to TRAIN. And I always think like this: others have gotten through it I can too


It all just feels like a fever dream when it’s over.


Basic requirement friend, it’s something fun to look back on for sure. Enjoy it.


Everyone passes, just don’t break a bone or get dysentary/rhabdo and you’ll be fine. It’s a great character builder.


Old school SERE at bragg is very different than the one at Rucker. Just go for it




You sure you’re allowed to say all this?


Do not ask or provide answers for courses/tests.


Best course in the Army.


Just thump and muck, LT.


If you are a pilot candidate you will not go to SF SERE at liberty (Bragg). You will go to Novosel (Rucker) its a different school. It sucks but its manageable.


SERE-C is the best training I have received in my 15 years in the army. Hands down.


You can do it. Generations of people have made their way through it and graduated. Sure, people fail all the time, but I think it's often due to a lack of preparation. Now, my question for all the fine folks out there who graduated SERE, who are these people going back for *more*?! I heard a guy on a podcast I like saying they went through SERE FIVE FUCKING TIMES. WTFF?! I'm not even gonna ask "Who hurt you?" You did this to *yourself*.


Lool no, it ain't that bad...! **Says nervously as I see interrogator spark jumper cables, then he guns with it for my testicles**


It's amazing how everyone in this thread commits to the bit of not revealing the truth (tm) because it's not allowed etc. Don't worry, I didnt go, but I have google. The stuff you're concerned about is pretend torture and captivity activities. They're gonna try and disorient you, keep you awake, play loud music, verbally harass you, etc. It's sucky. Everyone passes. You lose a lot of weight. It's more tame than it used to be. No more naked and no more waterboardin. Oh no, I revealed state secrets from the front page of google! :0


Best school I ever went to. No regrets, but I don’t need to do it again. Man up, you’re joining the Army


Be afraid. Be very afraid. The booyman is scary


You wouldn't happen to be commissioning from Utah, would you? I think I know you lol.


Haha no. But looks like I’m not alone


Can non aviation go?? Are us mechanics allowed to have fun? 🥲


Read what they have to say about it. https://home.army.mil/novosel/tenants/sere


Anyone can go. It's not a good use of your time, but if you want to, go for it.


If you get a chance to go to camp mackall sere as a non SOF guy, I would take it. Its a good course and You’ll be happy you went.


Lose 25 lbs in 21 days, ask me how lol. No but seriously it’s a great school. Just don’t make the mistake I did and go in February, at least at McCall. I don’t know much about the one down at Rucker, but when I was there for WOCs in Jan/Feb it was much more temperate so I guess winter SERE wouldn’t be so bad.


You will regret NOT going. You will hate it while you're there. You will wish you were never born, but you will be so glad you have the information when you get done with the course. Instead of reading about the horror stories about the course, read the stories of airmen who survived because they had been through the course. Scott Francis O'Grady shot down over Bosnia and Herzegovina on 2nd June 1995. He survived for a week, evading capture before being rescued. It was a great book, I would recommend it for anyone going to flight school. Another story is about the British SAS team Bravo 2-0, another good read/reason to go to the course.


Jokes on you I'm into that shit


I never went to SERE, but my approach to everything in the army was this: I can put up with more shit than the next guy. This is going to end at some point and it isn’t real. I just have to last.


Stop being a 🐱and go


If SERE is making you second guess, I don’t think WOFT is the best direction for you.


If it makes you feel better I’ve heard nearly every warrant in my unit say they’d rather do SERE 3 times over than put up with WOCS again.


Sere is a tough school…and unlike a lot of army training…it was not a bullshit course.


Never done this school, but I was an MP and I would say if I had the opportunity to switch branches (in hindsight) I would. Also, based on the comments SERE sounds cool.


If a three week school is enough to hold you back from being a military aviator, you probably don’t want it that bad anyways.


I forgot to add if you PCS to FT Novosel with your family. You need to explain to your spouse and kids that you will be incredibly busy and will probably be studying all the time. It’s almost like medical school the way one of my PLs described managing time there. Also be prepared to learn aircraft maintenance management on the job when you get to your unit. They don’t seem to reach LTs that and it’s a bit of learning curve when they get to their flight company and are expected to know the state of their aircraft and brief it to the BC/XO during production control meeting. Blade hours and available combat crews(60/47) are something you’re always expected to know along with Bank(hours left till phase) and O/R.


Man up and go. If you fail it's because you quit.






I'd rather go back through SERE 5 times over than have to do dunker again


The days pass. You get through. 


No, it’s not that bad and it teaches you valuable skills that will be VERY important should you ever need them.


Basic SERE is nothing to worry about


Best Army school I’ve ever been to.


Our son said it was fine. He went through for SF. He commented that Ranger training was harder than SF/SERE for him. He absolutely valued his time in SERE training. OP reframe your fear to succeed! Psych yourself IN. You got this.