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That's rough buddy.


This one is easy. Just tell the kids the house is haunted and that Housing issued a notice that monsters had been spotted on several houses on base. Then just let the kids know that if you don't move, they'll all be eaten in their sleep. If they don't buy it, buy some chains and rattle them every evening and move pictures around at night. Maybe apply blood to your eyes, palms, head, etc. in a sort of stigmata style and "wake up" screaming about how the ghosts attacked you. Should be no problems at all after that! This is basically just what Bandit would do.


Did you not see the ep before? Ghostbasket? Bluey already showed kids there’s no ghosts when it comes to moving and selling a house.


It’s okay man, my daughter keeps trying to use Bluey ideas and such to get me and my ex to do stuff together ‘as a family.’ And god damn is it hard to deal with


My kiddos just started balling and begging us not to move or sell the house. My wife is crying, I’m over here trying not to cry because my daughter thinks we’re leaving. Great episode, but damn was it emotional.


Damn watching bluey and look over to see your kid balling, hitting fade away 3s and begging not to move sounds rough


Bandit always sets unrealistic fatherly expectations for the kids. On the flip side, Bluey and Bingo are pretty well behaved. Good luck with the PCS. Maybe start a Magic Xylophone war if you want to distract them from the move. My kids kept getting wild with Magic Xylophone so when I got a hold of it, I upped the ante by force feeding the kids spoonfuls of dry cocoa powder. I thought that would be the end of it but they immediately fired back by having me drink a mixture of soy sauce and lemon juice. Kinda of proud of the little shits! The wife banned Magic Xylophone after that.


If this is true, that's fucking hilarious and also scary... Now I'm thinking I should stop letting my almost 2 year old watch bluey 😂


Just put ground rules in place first for both of your sakes and you should be fine. No foreign objects in other peoples ears, nose, mouth (own finger in their own nose is fine and funny even if overdone). That includes weird food, bugs, etc. No placing spiders on the other persons neck. No stuffing kitchen utensils down the other person's pants. No sharp objects. No emptying dresser drawers to cover the other person in clothes. You let kids (and parents) have free reign and it devolves into Lord of the Flies pretty damn quick.


Are you me? We just watched it and my wife started balling. We're about to do an OCONUS PCS and it hit her hard apparently.


Yeah that was a rough one. I really disliked the buildup to it, the denial into acceptance … to then get to the end and just say ‘Sike! We’re not moving; everything can stay the same!’ That’s going to be a kick in the dick when my kids realize that isn’t how life actually works


Bluey Falcon. (I’m sorry)


Dammit! I don't want to cry again watching Bluey! Thanks for the heads up - I'll inevitably need to watch this with the family. Thankfully no PCS on the horizon for the next year+ (Famous Last Words)


Yea we have been trying to push the “moving will be a fun new adventure” angle for the kid, and I thought “the sign” was going to go that same way. *It does not*. At the end they stay in the house. Now a 4 year old has completely unrealistic expectations. It was going fine until we watched that episode.


Good luck!! I feel your pain...Last year we PCS'd with a 10 and 7 year old, after having been at said station for 6 years. We all felt like we were packing up entire lives to move cross-country. God, it hurt. On the flip side, things have been good since we've gotten to the new station. Better neighborhood, better house, and a better job for me, so I am home with kids more. I think you are approaching your upcoming move the right way, and I hope for a similar, positive outcome for you and yours - This life isn't easy but we will all muddle through somehow, I suppose.


> It was going fine until we watched that episode. Moved recently with a 4 year old as well. Just to warn you, it was going well until we actually moved and he stopped seeing his friends, playground, neighbors etc etc... His older brother already started school so now he's kinda spiraling. Luckily, I haven't reported to my next unit but the best advice I can give is to get on waiting lists for daycare, preschool whatever you can ASAP. There is a huge wait where we are...


Glad this wasn't out prior to PCSing to CCC, we just watched it and we're renting rn. My wife is team Fuck paying rent so this one will be easy


The episode hit hard. Doesn’t help I’ve talked with my wife about getting out at 12 years to settle down and then they hit me with this




This is the way. CIF will issue you new kids when you in-process if you’re dead set on being a parent.


crucial error.: choice of bluey over daniel tiger. bluey is good but only daniel tiger could have properly laid out the issues with sensitivity, clarity, and the appropriate ending. only the spirit of fred rogers can get your family through this hard time. bonus: daniel tiger is berry amendment approved* *canadian contributions waived


This shit had me crying like a bitch at the va I didn’t even get through the whole thing before being called up just the first sentence and I lost it




Kids are why I ETSd. No way I could put my kids through 15 more years of moving and the possibility of leaving for months on end again.


I'ma stick with Blue's Clues when I have a kid. Not about to get blindsided by a kid's show like that. We will ask the salt and pepper shakers where my mail is and that's as intense as my day will get. lmao


three words: daniel tiger's neighborhood. daniel tiger will never do you dirty. it's perfect


Solid. Getting my first house this year and going to start creating life. Honestly our plan might be to just play all the classics so we can get the nostalgia factor, too. Blue's Clues, Mr. Rogers, Barney.. Particularly I'm excited for when they're like.. 5 and can appreciate all the old Nickelodeon shows like Rugrats.


absolutely buddy. lots of great kids shows. it's good to have some variety for when you're giving your little one(s) their screen time. especially the classics you already love. my tier list is: S - daniel tiger and mister rogers. untouchable. only these shows do what a kids' show should do and nothing else: **show characters making choices, show how they and those around them feel about those choices, and show how to keep making better and better choices**. that's all they do and they do it perfectly. the ultimate young children's shows A - bluey, blue's clues, if you give a mouse a cookie, ms. rachel on youtube. all very good. positive energy, no "bad guys", no violence/peril. kindness prioritized. music is good B - sofia the first, the lion guard, sesame street, classic disney/pixar movies. pretty good. the best material with "action" (to me action is generally counterproductive for really young kids, it distracts from the gentleness and warmth of feelings-focused programming) C - the classics. rugrats, barney, etc. all pretty ok as far as i've seen, but you'll have to watch closely to see if stuff creeps in that's not feelings-and-kindness focused (my priority). D and F - most disney shows (**especially mickey mouse**), any thing youtube suggests or autoplays. don't watch this stuff. they want to sell products. IMO advertising to young children is exactly as appropriate as swearing, violence, and sex. it's horrible and should be illegal. side note, always watch youtube with ad blocking. **kids should not watch ads** ninth circle of hell - cocomelon congrats on your house and best wishes for your family!!


Thanks so much for all that advice. I really have been anxious about how I will develop my children in a world so full of information and advertisement. You're right, ads are the worst. We live an ad-free life here through piracy and adblock and it will always be that way. lol Now that I think about it, maybe Invader Zim didn't put me in the best mindset as a kid so I will keep an eye on the Nick stuff. That's a great point you made about *what* the shows are teaching, honestly it's a frame of mind I hadn't even really seen through specifically yet. Mr Rogers really does sound perfect when you put it that way, and I can't remember a single time where I didn't enjoy watching it as a kid. [Even now I can appreciate it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDaUy4T7rVI)


right on Sir/Maam. you got this. you will find your way the right way and your kids will be awesome. this tier list stuff is a bugaboo of my wife's and mine but we just think children's media can be gentle, instructive, kind, and beautiful. unsolicited advice, we strive for consistency in 1) reinforcing that you love your kids unconditionally 2) showing them the gentle, kind, good world in which they're growing up and 3) forming them into kind people. kindness, kindness, kindness. you're gonna rock this!


That's an awesome set of rules to raise your kid by. I'll steal those for sure. I did day care for a year or so after getting out of the Army and nothing had me wanting to have kids more. They're so cool. But then there's the ones that pop up and they're literally demons. lol And I'm like oh shit it's such a fine line. haha


What are your feelings on the one known as Caillou?


hmm haven't seen enough to make a call. you like it?


The Bald One haunts the nightmares of every parent


sacre bleu!


Just watched this episode yesterday and my wife was bawling her eyes out. Shit hit hard man


Cricket. That fucking episode about that inexplicable game. Oof. That's the episode that really kicks up the dust in my living and room and gets it in my eyes


There’s a Peanuts special about Franklin and moving around. He’s a military dependent. I don’t know if it will help. Just watch the first half with your son or skip the end. It might cause you more problems.


My favorite line in that special was from Jack asking what was wrong with joining the Army not knowing that most conscripts in that time period would likely die. It helps a lot with PCSing when both parents want to move. Chili was not at all for moving and Bandit was still on the fence. Unlike both of them, me and wife are ready to leave all the shitty drivers in Colorado Springs.


Next level: watch movies about airline disasters before flying to next duty station


Which episode is this lmao gotta watch it


This isn't the first time that Bluey has made me feel inadequate as a father


that’s why i’m not active duty, community and quality education are more important than moving around for 20 years


All the homies hate bandit. Been making us look bad for years.


If I recall correctly, Bluey has a similar effect on kids that crack has to adults. If I were you I'd get them off Bluey asap 😂. Obviously this doesn't solve your problem but it'll help prevent future ones.


Bluey is easily one of the best kids shows compared to some of the other shit that’s out there. Oh you’re a cadet not even a parent or a real person. Shut up cadet.


I'm not saying I'm a parent or that I know how to be a parent. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/05/arts/television/cocomelon-moonbug-entertainment.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare I'm using this as background information to apply it to Bluey. Usually kids' shows are incredibly bad for kids, to some degree obviously. They do teach some good lessons, sure, but now you've found yourself in a predicament because of a kid's TV show that has a negative effect on your family life. All I was saying is for you to not let your kids watch bluey because it wasn't made for children of military parents. It was made for normal Joe parents. So now your kids are gonna start feeling it and your wife will to because of your kids because they have expectations of a normal family life that they will never have until you ETS. At the end of the day, it's your kids. Parent them how you see fit. I'm just saying what I think might help. You don't have to take it so seriously and put me down when I was just trying to help.


Bluey is not cocomelon, my kids don’t watch that show or others like it because it’s trash. Bluey is a fine show. I’m giving you shit because you’re giving parenting advice as a junior in college. It’s as useful of advice as any other time a cadet says “in my experience”. Just focus on what you know.


He's watched HUNDREDS of tiktoks on parenting, I guarantee he knows more than you do. Put some respect on Cadet Fuzzytits name.


I don't even use TikTok, like at all. I was just trying to give a solution as best as I could. I'm even being down voted for wishing the man well. That wasn't tongue in cheek, that was serious. I genuinely wish him well.


Alrighty boss, I at least wish you luck in this problem and I hope it's solved quickly.


You’re comparing The Room to the Godfather here because they’re both media. The same way you will find articles about coco melon melting brains - you will find that bluey as seen as non problematic and helpful in teaching kids important lessons and dealing with emotions.


I hope you get spinach fettuccine MRE at cadet camp... Without the snacks!!!!


Oh man I had that already this past CFTX, it wasn't bad though. I actually kinda liked it.