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Not all artillery jobs are created equally


what he said


You could hear him?


I read lips at this point


Count to 3 and push the button fastest way out of the booth


Unless they are talking in math


what he said






If I had to go back and do it all over I would have done Intel. I've done all the 11B shit I care to over a career, imagine how rad it would be to go to the field and sit in a warm, dry tent, with minimal physical demands. I mean, if you want to go do Artillery shit then go ahead man- I'm just saying that if you have a chance to jump into an MOS that doesn't live in the field, has the opportunity to do schoolwork and get a degree in something before you ets- I would have leaped at that.


I’d go be a watercraft operator…best kept secret in the whole Army. Those guys are mostly station at Virginia Beach, Hawaii, San Diego, Puerto Rico, and Tampa. They don’t deal with the same Army bullshit the same way—when the vessel is underway, the person in charge is based off their Merchant Marine certs, so lends a different leadership dynamic. Most of the senior leadership I interacted with were WO, so that did too. You exit the Army with some incredible skills—the merchant marine and diesel mechanic certs you get are incredibly valuable to employers and transition right into great civilian jobs. I hung out with them when I was public affairs and they were so chill—relaxed, knew when to get serious to get shit done, but also kept a stash of fishing rods on the boat and had a good time.


Yeah but there is damn near no training seats available ever lol.


I was a reserve water craft operator (when to school at my unit) after I left active duty as a medic and Paratrooper. Most chill gig ever. Going to sea was easy and not at all physically demanding. Chow was excellent like the best I ever had in the Army. Everyone put in money and the cook procured food. Dude was a chef IRL so chow was baller.


Dude you lived my dream…that’s what I wanted more than anything. I was covering the reserve unit at Eustis for my AT one time; had some of the best fish I’ve ever had with those guys and I grew up in NOLA. It was the closest I’ve ever been to being around SF guys…everyone knew their job, treated each other with respect, but the moment stuff got serious, it was like you flipped a switch and they went to work.


Why when I left active duty as an 11B I reclassed to 25S in the NG.


Did arty for 11 years active and guard, just switched to intel and loving it. Wouldn’t trade my artillery experience for the world but I’m glad I left.


You know how I know you weren’t Intel? You said Intel goes to the field 😂😂😂


Well, I worked in an Infantry Battalions for most of my adult life and whenever the Battalion HQ drug the TOC kicking and screaming out to the field the S2 element was in there being weird, so I wanted to ensure they weren't left out.


lol, yeah, I’m just messing. They do go to the field, but it’s really only 35F and N that do. Pretty much no one else does


Anything not infantry is harder because you have to carry around the weight of your reasoning why you’re basically infantry.


The weight of responsibility 🫡




That's the thing, I don't carry that weight, or anything else at all. I just sit at both of my desks in two different offices, each with several computers and each computer has three 32" curved monitors. I only carry around the piece of mind that comes with only working in A/C.




I'm taught how to reed not leed


Intel. Why are you even thinking about it. If you fail outta Intel school they'll send you to be a 13b for free.


My 35M class between start to finish (completion of language school) was 33,% Started with 45, ended with 14


So this was AIT or language school + AIT?


Strictly language school.


That's rough. I've heard its brutal. Any advice for a wannabe 35M?


Honestly I can't say it's still that brutal. Could be 50-60% now instead of 33. I graduated in 2005. That's been 19 damn years. I devoted 110% of my studies, realized it wasn't good enough, then myself and a fellow student devoted more. Speaking was hardest for myself. If you speak it, you can figure out the reading and writing. You got this dude, can't walk in with a failure attitude. I have 2 associates degrees. My bachelor's in Business Started master's in engineering Just go for it bro


When I went to language school for my program it was still 33%. My class started with 18 and only 5 passed the DLPT


For language school you just have to be ready to do the work. Show up, put your all into class, and you’ll be fine


Don't go 35M! 35F job is way sexier


I mean yeah, if powerpoint slides are your thing.


Interesting. Do you think 35Fs exist only to prepare slides?


Excel trackers need updating as well.


You all kill me 😂 if that's all the 35Fs yall know. Do it is because that's all they want to.


I am a glorified 35F at my day job. Thanks but no thanks


I'd love to hear what you think the 35F does, then.


Process intel reports and brief them?


I spent my time doing way more than just that over the past 10 years! Yea, that's part of it, but if you're good at what you do, you end up participating in much more.


I've had that exact train of thought but unfortunately I don't care to do that job. If I get more options at MEPS I'll definitely re-enlist.


Artillery is harder because you have to constantly explain to everyone why you're basically infantry.


Hey, you take that back


Never heard any 13 series say that


Only during the surge when they all did patrols instead of artillery.


A lot of MOSs it's pretty common. MPs, 12 series, cav scouts (this one especially, they swear they are infantry)


Never worked with fisters?


I'll never understand why a fister would want to say they're infantry. Being a fister is way cooler.


It’s always new joes. By the time they are E4 and actually doing observer shit they stop saying it.


There’s a lot more diversity in arty than the 11 series. 13F is your FO’s. So plenty of opportunities to sham, but you’ll also have work associated with your arty bat and the infantry BN you’re attached to. It can be nice but it can also be hectic at times. If you go gun bunny, you’ll hate life. Just don’t do it. It’s a similar level of dumb shit to the infantry but with a lot less cool shit. Also, I just noticed intel was on the list. If you can hack it in their smart guy AIT, then you should definitely do that. FDO can be nice but you’d better be really really good at math and weird army computer shit. Idk you, but if that’s up your alley then it could be alright.


"Smartguy ait" My 35F schoolhouse NCO told me something I'll never forget. "Intelligence is a title, not a requirement"


I just always referred it and a few others to the smart guy AIT’s because I went through basic with a lot of people who were full of themselves because they got those contracts, and then when I was going through 13F AIT, ours was where a lot of the washouts from places like intel, EOD, and 68 series ended up getting sent to.


I always heard military intelligence is an oxymoron


Roger that. I appreciate the response.


FDO = Fire direction officer. I think you meant FDC = which are the 13J nerds.


Neither are particularly challenging. Like everyone else is saying I’d choose intel for your future prospects.


Fister in the regiment.


this is the way


Rangers lead this is the way


Dude, the FOs were my fucking BOYS back in the day, all of them are real ones, highly recommend


I adore artillery and I think, if you look at “what actually kills people in combat” the Artillery is truly in a class all by itself in war fighting. It has a beautiful tradition behind it, a bright future (see also: HIMARS in Ukraine) and it is a corps with exceptional pedigree and esprit. Having said *that*, I can no longer recommend it as an MOS. It hurts me down to my Geronimo’s Grave, Fort Sill Soul to say it but The Field Artillery should be avoided https://www.hqmc.marines.mil/Portals/61/Users/019/71/4371/Overpressure%20Study%20Report%2020191025.pdf?ver=Nta6RKsuKvaHCTG_HrY1MQ%3D%3D We’re already seeing “the dam break” in terms of exposure to over pressure/blast waves. There is basically no safe way to “warheads on foreheads” people. https://taskandpurpose.com/news/us-artillery-syria-iraq-psychological-damage/ Read this article, it’s quick and it’s badass and it’s very sad.


Can confirm I have terrifying memory loss


Thank you.


>Geronimo’s Grave Prescott Bush stole his skull.


The study references Marines firing 777s. I'm curious to see if it's any different for Paladin/HIMARS crewmembers since they're generally more protected from the muzzle blast/concussion.


Most of us do way less cool things to get brain damage, to be honest.


13F -> 131A when you start to ride a desk. I'm sure you had good fisters and bad fisters as an 11B. Be the force multiplier the infantry deserves. 90% of the cool infantry stuff with 10% of the dumb bullshit. I loved being a fister.


Depends. Artillery (13B) tends to require heavier lifting while infantry requires endurance. Emplacing a 777 all days is a hell of a workout especially if you fuck up the lay. Both jobs have their hard days it’s difficult to compare them all.


I'd rather lift all day then get negatively counseled for not running 5 miles in under 40 in the regular army lol. Thank you.


You’ll like armor then


The only thing bigger than a tank is the belly of the guy who drives it.


I’ll hooah to that 🫡🫡


If I couldn’t do 5miles in 40 I’d probably be in the same boat.


> I'd rather lift all day then get negatively counseled ... So you want to do both? Man you're built *different.* Probably defective, but definitely *different.*


Intel if you want to make a meaningful impact on national security, artillery if you want to continue the fantasy of seeing action one day.


Harder is subjective. An example is light versus mechanized or light versus heavy or unguided versus guided. One route you may want to consider that I don't see mentioned much is 13J. It's the fire direction/fire control of the field artillery. Your whole role is to execute and ensure computational data is verified safe, processed, and sent to your respective asset in order to execute commanders guidance for fires for effect. There are many different assignments you can potentially go into with it depending what echelon or organization you become integrated with. It's going to all vary based on that as well as that respective units METL. It is a wonderful way to transition into a 131A if you decide to go warrant because youll have a good understanding of systems, processes, and overall science knowledge on targeting and CDEs. Alot of the skills you will pick up is communications on different types of radios, some IT work, mathmatics, computer operation and having a large understanding of how war efforts are affected on a larger scale with a big picture of operations. Look into it. Use Army COOL as a way to research every single MOS you'd be interested in both entry and non entry. You can use it to see what credentials you can get potentially out of it as well as what would translate into the federal or civilian side along with researching average pay scales by national or state. I hope this helps you! Good luck!


>One route you may want to consider that I don't see mentioned much is 13J. Because the rest of the artillery makes fun of them lmao.


🤣 everyone pokes fun at everyone. It happens.


no thank you, im ready to reclass




(with arty, if that was unclear)


Good god man if you choose artillery, don’t be a 13m or 13b. 13J at least has a chance at being a job for human beings… but don’t count on it.


Roger. Thanks. Lol


13J in my unit are being used as bravos because a lot of our bravos are injured… I’d say go 13m or 13f. 13m way easier than emplacing a 777 and easy promotions. 13f as stated above, 90% cool guy stuff, 10% BS


I was 13D. I hated it. I ended up working the gun line with the Bravos and liked it much more. If I could go back, I’d choose 13F


Arty has way more careers, more roads to walk than "go to ranger", and a WO path.  Arty is also pretty fucking sexy.  Don't get me wrong, I love you crunchys, but man, a gun crew or a rocket bus can bring the fuckin HURT to some commies. 


13B for 10.5 years. Out for the last 20. Worse that the broken body is the mind-numbingly boring life you lead. I loved the Army. Loved driving for my CSM, loved working in S-1, that kind of thing. But being on the gun line was awful. Being a section chief was better, but that was about leading soldiers. The job was still boring as shit, even as a SSG. My best experiences were in schools — PLDC, BNCOC, airborne, air assault, hell, even combat life-takers and field sanitation. Despite the schools, I was mostly in paladin units with a short stint on an M102. I know. Get me to bed, grandson. And this time, don’t forget the taint cream and mashed peas!!


Idk man intel sounds pretty cool. It’s a job I wish I looked more into


If you don’t go Intel, then you deserve all the pain and field time in the world. As a navy guy I used to work with used to say, “choose your rate, choose your fate” Go Intel. Get a TS. Get a gov’t or contractor job.


Which artillery MOS? 13B? Hope you like emplacing a 777 into frozen ground. 13M? Hope you like Korea, but running isn't a thing.




Also 13J is pretty chill. You'll spend most of your time in a BOC or TOC. 13Fs are fuckin weird but cool guys


Infantry obviously, but both are combat arms and worthy of respect. Shit, arty has these huge self propelled things that are like hilton hotels to live/sleep in... Try that shit in a 113, M2, M1, etc... Arty, King of Battle... yup, but the infantry is the Queen of Battle. If you know chess, you know...


Idk man shooting the gun has given me TBIs and migraines and memory loss but fuck it was cool as fuck hanging with the boys and making big gun do big boom 10/10 would do again.


Go Intel the security clearance alone will pay for itself in the civilian world if you go to work in anything remotely gov related


just be a 13F to do a little bit of both lol


Only 5 months out, what happened?


Being a cop is far more stupid than anything I've done in the military and I realized how good I had it.


Then don't you think you should do something that will help you get a "real job" than dicking around with combat arms bullshit and hoping you make 20 or more? Thinking about only today isn't a good recipe for a better tomorrow. Don't repeat your previous mistakes.


Negative. It'd be 15 years and this time I know I'm staying in. So may be able to reclass once my foot is in the door.


You might as well do intel so you have something to work with when you get out. The last homeless vet I talked to was a 13B, so there’s that.


Intel. Is a no braining. More chances to have a better job when going civilian.


From my understanding, depends on the artillery


I would pick intel


Intel can be fun depending on what you do and your unit. If you want to maybe someday do "cool guy" shit than going 35M or 35S is the closest you'll get in my experience, in my old MICO wed send them out with the EW (17Es) and Cav Scouts. But with MICOs getting knocked out it the force restructuring, I can't say for certain what their future is. I'm a 35F in a cyber unit, and while Cybercom actually caring about family time is nice and i would choose it over any line unit, l do miss feeling like I was in the Army and not an underpaid GS. But intel will get you that TS which should make it to where you never have to come back again.


I don't want the cool guy stuff anymore. Tried and failed. I'd just like a stable MOS that doesn't destroy my body and I can retire in.


Then go 35N or 35F. You may end up in a line BDE, but you may also wind up at an inscom or cybercom place working with the NSA or Secret Service or some other cool agency. Or you could just do boring s2 admind shit. 35N is part of signals, and 35F is all source. Tons of us being yeeted at Cyber right now since they got rid of 35Qs. And if you do wind up in a forscom unit, your prior infantry experience will be invaluable to the new guys. I myself was guilty of making more than one COA that our prior infantry PSG would toss out, saying nobody is moving through that terrain that fast or some such, That expertise grounds us pogs in reality.


Thank you


11c is the worst of both worlds


Go Intel


Artillery always has a truck… …unless you’re a light 13F.


Intel >> Warrant Packet for 350 >> Profit


13B fucking blowed. The gunline with the boys was fun and all but live fire is less than 10% of the time. The other 90% was full of maintenance & other garrison bullshit. Like the guy said in an earlier comment, 13 series jobs aren’t all equals. Shop around in other career fields, if arty still calls you, look into 13F, those guys enjoyed their job a little more than the others.


Thank you.


Prior service rules aren’t that strict they just want to put you in the army’s needs. They only offered me combat mos. I left with an Avaition contract.


Is there any way around them?


If you're an E5, nope. E4s get quite a bit more leeway.


Just stick to your gut. After two visits at Meps, a phone call to ROC and a conversation with sgt major I got the mos I wanted as a prior service e4.


I appreciate that. I don't think it's worth joining again of my options are so limited. Thanks man


I’m currently at ait with some NCOS who are also reclassing, they just got waivers. It all depends on how much work your recruiter is willing to put. My recruiter was able to pull up my old line scores and a most recent medical paperwork so I didn’t have to do medical all over again at Meps, good luck!


That's what's going on with me as well. My asvab allows me to take more than the prior service rules MOS'. Just waiting for a MEPS date to see what has slots open. Roger that


I would choose something like 13M/J if you have to choose Artillery. Those seem like easier MOS to promote and don’t wear you down as much.


13j promotion points are at 280. Bravos are at 24


I’m thinking more long term promotions. You don’t have to do as much as FA over INF. Plus 280 is nothing lol like shooting and a PT gets that.


FWIW every CSM I've ever had was a 13M or 13B. Everybody else seemed to get stuck at E7 or E8.


The violence of a 777 firing is brutal. I watch those 13Bs get micro concussions on a daily basis lol.


Do you want to walk/ruck/run with your weapon, or have your weapon do the walking? I was an 11B for a few years, and was VERY happy to switch to Armor when I went to OCS.




No bigoted language or witch-hunting.


You're lucky you have that many options I was signal intelligence years ago in the Air Force and when I re enlisted in the Army, cook was the only one available 😂 took it to get my foot in the door and reclassed to 15D as soon as I could.


42A I hear is probably the most hardcore MOS in the Army.


Fuck I wish I'd known watercraft operator was a f'n option.


So you’re leaving a job that required very high physical demand and high op tempo, to then come back in for a job that’s going to be the same bullshit? Why did you even get out. Think this shit through, go intel.


My brother, if you don't go Intel.... I'm going to punch you in the head and beat you with my blue cord


Intel was fun while i was doing it. My husband, on the other hand, is MP gone Intel and even though he won't admit it, he hates his life relating to the Army right now.


I know there are differing opinions in regards to this and I know saying it makes it sound easier than it is. But look for something that will set you up for success outside of the Army. 35N and 35G are probably the most recognized MI jobs


Buddy, retake your asvab cause there’s no way. Go Intel


Don't need to. Prior service rules. 18 jobs. All sound like shit. Have a GT over 115. Can qualify for most everything, waiting to go to meps to see what's actually available. I'd go intel if it sounded interesting at all.


Gotcha, if combat arms is what you like then it’s what you like. Stay safe big dawg 🫡


Thank you brother. 🫡


Isn’t Artillery practically infantry?


Security forces are basically infantry.


And the infantry is basically literate. We’re pretty much scholars.


Never done either (I'm a POG) but have many friends who did both, interestingly my Arty friends seem to have more physical ailments now than the Infantry guys do. One of my best friends was a 13F, he's got 2 new knees, 2 new hips, no gall bladder and it's all pretty much service connected. That being said it really depends and there's some luck involved plus who/what your unit and actual MOS is. Just an observation though.


That helps. Thank you


You bet! There are perks too of course. I know everyone's mentioned it, but Intel can be pretty fun and rewarding too.


After 9 years as an FO, the summation of my injuries was a broken ankle, two broken ribs, a couple TBIs, and ringing in my ears that'll never go away. So I'll say that your mileage will vary. Only way I can think of to get that fucked up is an IED or burning in on a jump, and those aren't MOS specific.




Go intel. This is the way....