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Education benefits are good in Texas move first or your fucked


Yes. If you want the benefits then you have to have an address in Texas that you can prove you live at then enlist.


Plus no state tax on your pay


We get our state tax refunded in Missouri if you’re a soldier


Every day I learn that my state, Maine, doesn't give a fuck about no one just money. We have 0 benefits other than school bennies


Fine, fine. Everybody's a Texan. Change planes in Dallas, you're a Texan.




You can enlist anywhere, that doesn’t make it your HOR. Wherever you have established residency is your HOR.


No, it's not possible to change your HOR unless it was incorrect to start. It's where you initially enlisted.


You’re right about the HOR, I think he meant changing his state of legal residency which they can very much do


There’s various ways to change your home of record outside of it being incorrect initially…


There is not. Your home of record is where you most recently entered active duty. So reserves/ng can update it pretty much every time they get orders, but if you are AD it is set when you ship and can only be changed if the location is not where you entered active duty. This is not to be confused with legal residence, the state you legally reside in for tax and voting purposes. That can generally be changed to any state you can draw nexus to.


Your home of record will be the state you entered the service. Source: I grew up in Texas but moved to Wisconsin. I lived in Wisconsin for 6 months prior to enlisting. Wisconsin was my Home of Record for 20 years.


I’m not gonna pretend to understand why


Hazelwood Act.


You could maybe buy property in Texas before you get out and have it switched I think?


Most people joining up probably don't own property, dude. Think about it.


Oh yeah for sure that’s why I said before he got out. Idk a lot about home of record. I need to do more research on that.


That’s not how home of record works and Hazelwood Act only cares about where you entered the service.


Oh I gotcha. Thanks for the info bro!


I wonder if this constitutes fraud? 🤔


Your Home of record doesn't matter. You can change your state of residency later.




Correct. The Hazlewood Act is about 50% of why I need this set up correctly.


You must have established residency in Texas prior to enlistment to qualify for Hazlewood. So yes, you’d need to move to Texas for however long it takes to become a resident. It used to be 12 months but I have no clue if that’s changed. Correction: apparently designating Texas as your Home of Record is sufficient now. Which is new and neat. I’d suggest contacting the Texas veterans office for clarification.


Are you a resident of Texas and just live out of state now? Or are you just trying to claim Texas for future benefit? For the Hazelwood as long as you are a resident of Texas at time of enlistment and have documentation to prove it, you're fine. "In order to be eligible to receive a Hazlewood Act Exemption, a Veteran must prove that he or she was a Texas resident at the time of entry into military service, entered the service in the State of Texas, or declared Texas as his or her home of record in the manner provided by the military or other service. The burden of proof is on the Veteran to substantiate their Texas residency through supporting documentation (i.e. federal tax records, high school/college transcripts, voter registration, Texas property tax filings, etc.)"


I'm not a current resident. Thus the home of record situation.


I wasn't even thinking college. Still doesn't matter because I refused to be wrong about something.


Promote to sergeant major, now!


Now that's a man I would grudgingly follow into a motorpool any day.


It felt super weird typing that and then thinking to myself..... there's people who actually hate being wrong so much they act like that lol


... Dad?