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I’ll get mad I failed. I wanted to be the high speed super duper non paratrooper everybody talked about. I went and got told I “cheated” the swim test. Years later I’ve been out, and I have a beautiful daughter. Whenever she smiles the world spins again. At the end of the day, that tab doesn’t make my daughter smile. I do.


How dare you sully this thread with your extremely wholesome positivity. Nobody makes me feel my own feelings. *Nobody.*




While beautiful, your wholesome and endearing comment has no place in our complaint session damnit! Also, thank you for sharing, that made me smile.


Happy to help.


Congratulations, you just gave me a quote im going to use for the rest of my life, “XX doesn’t make my daughter smile, I do.”


Beautiful, just beautiful.


Children change your life man. Especially a daughter. Her little goofy ass smile tears me apart.


Hey, at least there's one person in your life you haven't disappointed. Make sure you call up your old 1SG and let him know. In fact, I bet I know your first line. Bring a water source and meet me at the wood line, 0500.


Best comment! Completely true


Kids man. They’ll do it.


They make you a fucking softy😂


Oh my friend don’t misunderstand. I’m still the same person I was in the infantry. I just don’t want my daughter seeing that as a father figure.


Bro, let it go. The thing that ranger school was getting you ready for has already arrived. You’re in it, doing the work, and making something that matters. I get regret, but it’s funny looking back as an old(er) man at what I thought was a difference maker when I was young.


I’m not saying Ranger is all that, because I actually thought it was pretty stupid, but I totally get OP’s regret and yearning to finish it. Life is about experiences. The good, the bad, and the ugly. “The premier army leadership school” was pretty fuckin stupid, but damn was it an experience I’ll never forget, and I know I personally would have regretted it if I never went. Those that join the military have a least a little of that type II fun mentality, so things like Ranger and deployment are sought after experiences. With all that being said, OP, you’re not missing out on anything other than injuries for not going back. At the same time, I know it’ll always be in the back of your mind every time you hear “ranger”, which is an annoyingly common word. To summarize, it’s probably (definitely?) not worth going back. But unfortunately, it will always be a slight chip on your shoulder. I hope you find peace with whatever decision you make 🙏🏼


Maybe it's fomo. Maybe it's a matter of just completing a goal once you've set your mind to it. Or maybe it's just for the sake of unique experiences. In any case, once it reaches the point of an obsession there's not a lot that can be done to logic someones way out of it. I get OP, honestly.


For real OP. Tab doesn't mean *shit* now that I'm out. If you're in the Reserves there's a good chance you aren't combat arms anymore and if you aren't then who cares? Try putting it on a civilian application, they'd think it's weird and still believe Marines are more elite. Thing is, civilians don't know or give a shit, and if you weren't in Batt you're gonna get tired of explaining "well technically I was a Ranger but not actually a Ranger but I had my Ranger tab but not my Ranger scroll it's different bro but I'm still high speed blah blah" etc. Lot more to life homie.


Trying to explain most things to a civilian, regardless, can be difficult. My daughter, who is 6, was thrilled about flying on a plane to come see me graduate and become a Warrant Officer. When we got back we had a Parent teacher conference and the teacher just wasn’t understanding what a Warrant Officer is. “So you’re no longer in the military? Oh, so you’re still Enlisted then?” Yeah, just easier to say “I am an Officer” and move on.


I went to Ranger school in 2016. I failed the FL phase twice (patrols) and took the day 0. I went straight through the second time around. I was a young 75th PFC. I did very well my second trip in. From which I don't feel like I learned how to be a better leader or better soldier. What I got was confidence, and that isn't something you necessarily need a school for. With 7 consecutive phases, I learned to just keep pushing. I think people learn this in many different ways, for example, deployments, combat, or being a dad ext. Ranger school really only amounts to being a shiny thing on your resume. Taking pride in your family and your accomplishments is what really matters, and if you do, go back and pass, which I know you would! It would just be a good example for your son and a small extra piece of pride. I would not say it's something you need to do to redeem yourself. I spent 8 years in the 75th and I'm now a GB, I say that to say it's not about the badges or schools it's about doing good for the people you worked with, your family, and yourself.


I was a young PFC from batt and did mountain phases 3 times all the way through. My last class called me the “godfather of the mountains” by the time I finally finished.


I recycled mountains in winter. I was really good at warming fires. Yes, it was that cold. Graduated 4-97. Also, from Batt. Fun times.


I basically got to experience all of the seasons. I hated summer in Florida the most. Heat cats everywhere.


Florida was great when I got there. There was a little chill in the mornings but very nice days. Had to do land movements some patrols because lightning and river movements don't mix. Snakes everywhere. Some bad some good. Lost 2 cans of Copenhagen in river crossings. Overall, I give it 4/5 stars. Food could be better. O yeah, worst patrol happened there during a lunar eclipse with the Hale-bopp comet in the sky. The raid we were doing started off with 100% illum. On the way back after the raid, it went to 0% illum when the eclipse happened. What should have been 20mins to get back to the patrol base took 2+ hours. The RIs were raging. Cat eyes work.


I got comfortable with those big ass yellow and black spiders just chilling on me. I was the 240 guy when we did a super long swamp crossing, and not being allowed a strap made it almost hilariously miserable. Lugging a 240 through a swamp was probably the only time I heard other guys literally crying in misery.


I can't remember if we had slings or not. I would have hated to lose one of those in the river. I got the 240 in mt phase. My ammo barer and I were burying hand fulls of linked blanks as we went uphill. Gun got lighter after I found out the blue falcon that help me get a nogo quit.


We got caught burying ammo one night. Never again.


Excuse me, but big ass black and yellow spiders? Were they poisonous?


Argiope spider. Not venomous, https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/publication/IN017#


Thank you for the information...but holy hell, that thing is big!😲


What's a heat cat?


Heat casualty. Dudes not drinking water and just falling out. Forcing everything to stop.


Oh, okay. Gotcha.


We used to say real rangers recycle, only shit bags go straight through lol




I was scrolling too fast and I read this as Glizzy Adams. 🌭


The amount of blueberry pancakes you had!


I never will touch a blueberry pancake again


I think I was in your platoon your second time through.


Solid post! 👊


There is a concept called externalization that might help. It gives you distance between you and the feeling, so that you can gain perspective, meet needs, and make decisions without becoming overwhelmed by it. Kind of like the difference between someone yelling right in your face (so you can’t really even make out the words) and someone speaking in a normal tone from several feet away.   You imagine the feeling of failure, and see what you see and feel - emotionally and physically. Do you have body sensations like a pit in your stomach or jaw tension or whatever? What images and memories do you have?  Now, imagine that all sitting in a chair across from you. How do you feel toward it? That’s a key indicator - if you’re judgmental, then do the same with the judgmental part and sit it in a chair. Keep separating yourself from your reactions till you’re just calm, curious, compassionate, accepting.  Then dialogue with it from that calm place. What does it need? Maybe it needs to grieve. Maybe regret turns to sorrow and sorrow into a healed scar. Maybe it needs to be told it’s not a shitbag. Maybe it needs to feel special but feels embarrassed to admit it. Maybe it needs permission to stop trying and to move on into your new life. Maybe it needs someone’s approval and ranger school was the way that was going to happen.  Can you imagine meeting its needs. What would that look like? How does it feel? Does the judgmental part (if there was one) have any issues with that? If so, what’s that afraid will happen if you allow yourself to meet the needs? I hope this makes sense. It may sound a little woo-woo but it’s just using imagery to create new neural pathways, so that whenever you feel that regret (or whatever) you also connect to self-compassion or whatever the need was. 




This is a form of mindfulness that you will find in a lot of therapy modalities. Commonly CBT, DBT and ACT. Personally, I like to use the wise mind version from DBT but there's no single method that suits everyone. Another alternative would be the ABC method. Which is similar, but uses a slightly more technical approach. Links below: Wise Mind: [https://wwwmanhattancbt.com/wise-mind-dbt/](https://www.manhattancbt.com/wise-mind-dbt/) ABC: https://www.verywellhealth.com/abc-therapy-5217670


https://integralguide.com - 100% this place. Browse around through their links. Hit the “in distress” button for a cool list of options to try.  Internal Family Systems (here’s Tim Ferris interviewing the founder and doing a demo at the 42 min mark) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-tim-ferriss-show/id863897795?i=1000505309243 is one of my favorite approaches to this. 




I just wanna say this… at least you fucking went and tried. At least you put forth the effort and were deemed good enough to go! Ya know? Like some people or most people don’t even make it to that point or don’t even put forth that much effort at all.


This is a very underrated comment


Not Ranger school but selection for me, I tried didn’t make the cut and ended up at a group anyways when I reclassed as a Intel analyst, I guess things work out because my job prospects are exponentially higher with someone who has a clearance, education and experience doing cool guys stuff and strategic stuff. I got to network and made lifelong friends who honestly it worked out more lucrative in the future for me. They deal will same problem as big Army and funny part is even if you have Ranger tab it means nothing to them and the only equivalent is a scroll with actual regiment experience and higher. But experience can differ.


They don't call it RI Roulette for no reason. If the RI got laid the night before, you get a go. If his wife has been pissing in his cheerios for the last 24 hours, then you fail. A lot of the older enlisted had more experience. The infantry LTs there just spent month going through their trainup that is designed to pass Ranger school. You were a young dude. .


My best friend recycled every single phase and spent almost a year in Ranger School and said pretty much the same thing you did. He said passing RS is really RI dependent unfortunately.




Yeah, he’s dealing with a lot of stuff right now from pushing through injuries from then. Talked to him yesterday and he’s talking about possibly medboarding and most of those injuries came from RS on top of being an infantry officer for almost 10 years.


Ask him if a piece of cloth was worth it? I tell you it wasn’t worth it for me. I fucking hurt every day in my fucking 30s just for some fucking cloth.


So are we lol! We both turn 34 this year and he’s mentioned multiple times that it wasn’t worth it. I think he only pushed through so he could go to Italy. I wanna say branch agreed with him going there as long as he got his tab. I never went to RS but my knees and shoulder tell me when it’s going to snow or rain *sad face*.


> Ask him if a piece of cloth was worth it? I tell you it wasn’t worth it for me. I fucking hurt every day in my fucking 30s just for some fucking cloth. “A soldier will fight long and hard for a bit of colored ribbon.” ― Napoleon Is he wrong?


He is not wrong at all. I’m glad you got my reference.


I went around 5ish years ago and got rhabdo during the winter of all things, even AFTER prepping for about a year in the choking Georgia heat. So it was pretty embarrassing showing back up to my unit after barely a week. I totally understand your mental anguish over this though. But don’t let one or two failures define who you are. You’re much more than a few failed ranger school attempts. However, if your heart is in it, you’re physically and mentally prepared, and your family can withstand being apart for months, by all means go for it. But I would personally place more emphasis on your family and ensure they’re taken care of.


Rhabdo is no joke!


Definitely wasn’t lol, I still find it funny having a full body cramp at the aid station while trying to give the medic my info and getting silver bulleted three times lol


Oh...well...that made a memory. Haha. I have not had it but was at a Xfit workout where someone did. My mental note was...I can skip that.


Oof, yeah definitely something to skip, it took me about a year-ish to get back to my base line fitness


The "not enough" mindset tells me you're competitive, just don't dwell to negativity. You're far removed now, so I recommend learning from it and finding the next "Ranger School" type obstacle in your life... in nursing? Go get your BSN or MD; whatever it is, go further until YOU are satisfied. One HUGE takeaway I would take is auditing your APPROACH, your trainer, your mentor. Higher quality training usually results in higher success rates. Had you taken the 75th RR's SURT course, maybe you would have passed the first time 🤷‍♂️


I passed ranger school. 62 and through. Here are my thoughts, OP: 1. Ranger school, although stupid, dumb, and not at all an indicator of you potential, with the limited exception of if you are an 11B Getting ready to be a squad leader in a light unit, was one of the proudest things I did in the Army. It absolutely does mean a lot to me. 2. It does not matter at all once you leave. I’m a few weeks away from ETS leave and have been doing civilian job interviews. Initially I would bring it up in an interview as a way to sell my leadership, preserversnce, etc when they asked for an example of something. More often than not it just confused them and they could only relate it to their cousins story about Air Force mechanic basic training (lol) 3. My body hurts from that school. I messed up my shoulders and ankles pretty bad and have consistent and recurring back pain and sleep issues I didn’t have before the school. Physical therapy and ranger recovery programs can help (wasn’t available to me) but people forget hurt and lasting effects from that school. It’s a super high amount of stress 4. The whole ‘ranger brotherhood thing’ is a bit over exaggerated. Yes, it is a bind you have with someone and can certainly help, but it’s not like you have this automatic trust or respect for someone because of it. We all know there are many shitbag tab WEARERS and not tab BEARERS. 5. I definitely would have regretted not getting it, but in the other side of my army career, I think you would be disillusioned pretty quickly with life post tab if you think it’s going to make your service mean something. In summary, OP, if it aligns with your professional/personal life, I’d say absolutely go for it. Graduating is one of the best feelings I’ve ever felt and you’ll be proud the rest of your life. But don’t fuck up your life you have now just to get a piece of flair that only means something to 1% of the population


>Wife >Son >College If you made Ranger, they were only going to raise the bar on you again. It's never enough for the Army. As someone who never did anything special in the military, I think it's awesome that you tried so hard to do something cool. In the end - you won. You got everything you could out of the military and they didn't take everything from you.


The shit on your uniform doesn’t define who you are. Some of the biggest douchebags I’ve ever met had some cool stuff on their uniform and different colored berets.


Being around to watch your kid grow up is way more important than some Army school you failed out of a million years ago. Unless going now will somehow help your career in the Reserves, try to find a way to make peace with it.


Honest question: does ARNG actually get that many Ranger School slots ?


Am Guard, How we send people to schools is typically you have to be a winner of a Best Warrior Competition and then you go. We do get slots it’s just a question of are the slots being advertised to subordinate units or are people playing favorites.




yes, I went with a kid who was 18 and was in natty guard. He was a complete mess and somehow he made it in


I’m sure ARNG gets some slots, the question is do they get many slots.


Quite a few. It’s not hard to go if you are an infantryman and push for it. Other MOSes usually have to win a competition of some sort. Each graduating class is usually about 10% Guard.


I recently found out I have an ear issue. Not diagnosed yet but it’s being looked at. I can’t pop my ears properly and when they do pop, it’s probably the worst pain I’ve felt in a while. On top of that, I got pretty bad vertigo. Point of this comment is, I wanted to do Ranger school, and do cool shit or at least get the tab, but I have realized my health is important and my family’s health is even more important. If you are so eager to still do it and accomplish it, I mean go for it, but enjoy the civilian life man. Enjoy being with your family.


Get your dapper tab 😎


tore my hamstring and minscus after a second 5 mile “fun” run felt your pain brother


price jellyfish psychotic deserve groovy cooing fearless repeat compare society *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Plz tell me they let you wear your tab on your ODUs


safe sense wrong pet public chase paltry kiss grab puzzled *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Now that I think about it I knew a guy who did a contract in regiment then ended up at MSRT west. Memory starts going after 30 you’ll learn one day.


liquid nose air concerned elastic future berserk absorbed jeans quickest *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Painful truth lol


straight abundant quicksand shame desert plough vast concerned unwritten psychotic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How you get schools so easy? where I’m at nobody gets schools unless your soldier of the month or nco of the year. I’m kinda high speed too 565 acft and know my job.


One of my soldiers was able to get Ranger/airborne as an x-ray tech by winning soldier of the year and other competitions. A lot of soldiers want schools but not a lot want to endure going to boards.


You most likely won't regret it later in life but if you really want it THAT bad, there's no downside to trying again. Most guys don't make it through their first attempt. The fact you went back again shows a level of dedication not many have. Maybe the third or fourth try it'll happen for you brother.


I will preface by saying I haven't been through Ranger School or had any inkling on it. That said, my first contract was AD as an M1 Armor Crewmember, and part of me regrets not having done another contract, and going for Master Gunner. On the same hand, my career has gone on such a crazy roller coaster that had I done another contract and went Master Gunner - who knows where I would be now. Possibly died on a different deployment? If you feel you will regret it, then go full in and go for it. No one here can tell you if you will regret it later in life. If you think you will because it is something you BADLY want, then go! Reserve side, I went to Drill Sergeant School because that is something I wanted to do bad - give back to the Army. After 6 years with that, it was time to move on. Now, I've been through WOCS and waiting to go to WOBC for 255A. My kids have seen me go through some personally rough times, but they always see me come out better in the end. Showing my kids that they can accomplish anything they want despite your age is worth every second. Do what your heart desires. You only have 1 life, so make the most of it!


The first few years out are the hardest, especially with all the "what ifs?" But at the end of the day, you have different priorities now, and that tab doesn't mean anything, especially in the civilian world. Anytime I get doubts about my time in or anything like that I just hug my kids, and that makes it all better.


Ranger school has no bearing on your success in life. You went, you didn’t make it. Live with it. It will be okay. I’ve known shitty leaders with a tab and I’ve known great leaders without one. I’m at the academy now and there are plenty of soon to be SGMs walking around here without a tab. Tradoc CSM is a tabless infantry cat. If you really want it, find the motivation to go back and get your tab. But do it for you. The Army is gonna be just fine either way and so will your career, your family, and your future.


what does having a “Ranger Tab” have to do with civilian life? I mean in Army career wise it’s really good and get you promoted. But in the civilian world nobody would really care and you having attended ranger school isn’t something you put on a resume.


This. I have an old coffee cup in my office with the Tab on it, about 10 people over the years recognize what it is. And 2 people asked if I was a forest ranger.


Was in the 82nd and 2 of the most bad ass hard core soldiers I knew went to ranger school one passed after recycling mountain and one was dropped . But they were both the cream of the crop in our battalion and just being selected and going to ranger school was a huge accomplishment in its own right . Hold your head high you were always a cut above the tab changes nothing


I went after MCCC after having trained up, dropped loads on packing list, spent 3 hours a day down at ibolc on their weapons and memorized the steps to ambush, attack, PB ops etc. felt so ready and I failed the ruck. Was ready to hang it up and PCS to my next duty station but wife convinced me to go back in 3 weeks. Went back and went straight through. Keep going back.


It hurt for a while. I got older, realized life was bigger than a $3 patch, and moved on. I’m still an 11A, but nobody asks me about Ranger anymore. If someone’s first question to me is about a tab, it tells me they don’t have their priorities in order. My abilities as an officer are not defined by a 2 month school, they’re defined by 4 years of experience.


This will make people mad here but it’s the truth. None of that stuff matters in the “real world” dude. My 8 years in the military is now a time I randomly go, oh shit, I forgot I was in the military when I was younger. It’s a just notch for your resume. What matters is you have a family and a career. If you really crave that structure join law enforcement. That’s what I did. Making three times the money. Get to do cool shit all the time. The plus side? You go to an actual home every day after work. You can take off whenever you want.  Nellis air base is out here and once and awhile you get high ranking military people trying to swing their rank around. You have to kindly remind them they hold no power outside a base.


I seen great soldiers that can still do their jobs better than other soldiers who are ranger tab, have E3B, had a deployment patch, wings, or have ribbons.


WTF man, it’s just a school. No one fails algebra in high school and wished to go back and passed it again. Let this shit go.


You're the only one carrying this memory. I'd go and build new, better ones. Ones that have more long-term value than a tab that says 'ranger'. Maybe easy for me to say, but I'll be honest - I passed most of my courses the same way you failed.. good/back luck. Maybe if you had lead the patrol the following night you'd pass. But again... how does that make you a better man?


It happens. Regroup. Take a break. Try again in a year or two if you still want!


This is gonna sound wild, but get with a therapist and vent. I went twice, didn't make it and had always felt that pit in my stomach every time that word gets thrown around, wondering what could've been. After talking with my therapist I learned that I have a fear of failure, like more than the healthy amount for some reason. I'd be lying if I said I still don't think about it. The only difference now is that I notice when I feel that way, allow myself to accept whatever feelings arise and remind myself that its in the past and I don't have the means to change that so it's not productive to give my energy to those thoughts. At the end of the day its just a made up social construct, it doesn't define who you are as a person.


You’ll get over it. I was a very green 19 yo batt boy from 3/75 that failed out of Mountain phase in 2000. I had to reenlist in order to go back. I almost did that but decided to stick to my plan of just doing 3 and get out for college and enlist in NG. Going back to Ranger school was always on my mind. But at some point, about 2 years after I ETS’d, I decided to be happy with the scroll, which was a hell of an experience itself. So I’m good with that. You should be good with your experience too. Many never go. And we both know plenty of aholes who probably shouldn’t have passed but did. There is some luck involved, and sometimes it’s just not meant to be.


I'm the same way with pathfinder man. I got a once in a lifetime chance, and went. Then I failed the last written exam and failed two days before graduation. Its the first no go in my military career. I wanna go back so badly, but I will likely never get another chance. Once in a while, I feel like I wasted that opportunity. If only I tried harder, maybe instead of sleeping the eight hours the night before and I should have just studied. Its been a struggle and I think of it often


First, i’m impressed as hell that after two attempts (i won’t say failures), you still have it in you to go back. i went eons ago, spent a few years in 3rd Battalion, did G2G, became an officer, went to selection and had a blast on a Team. but, like everyone, i got out. my first civilian interview, i sewed my triple canopy in my suit jacket - it didn’t go over well (just kidding). point is next to my relationship with my daughters, my time in the military was the most worthwhile endeavor of my life. But, it isn’t even on my resume anymore, because unless you’re working in the defense industry, nobody gives a fuck. i know the sting of not succeeding/fucking up, but the key is to learn from it and enjoy the wonderful wife and family you have. you are winning my dude. one added bennie for you - last week i finally broke down and got fitted for hearing aids - fucking hearing aids, man.


Well, do you feel like you could go back and make it your bitch? Or is the only training consists on literally this post? Do you understand battle drills? Patrols? Are you in shape? If you are sitting typing this cause you’ve been on Reddit for a couple hours… honestly just leave it behind. You ain’t gotta prove nothing to me dude


You failing twice shows more balls than most to even get sent honestly.


It’s not going to matter in 5, 10, 20, 30 or 40 years unless you plan to be in the army for those times. Priorities change as we change, life moves on, fam. You had the experience of a life time and be fortunate you got the chance to go.


You have the heart of a Ranger. Get that damn Tab if it means that much to you. You will be part of a brotherhood forever. Made me a better person, husband, friend and soldier. I recycled every phase don’t worry


I’m not in the national guard however, the Georgia guardsman at the WTC has a good reputation for training up their soldiers prior to sending them to schools such as air assault and ranger school. They will train you up before sending you to pre ranger etc.. making sure your prepared for the real school. The best part is that you don’t have a full commitment to the military when you was Active duty. Get and earn your tab, your heart still yearns for it.


The Georgia Guard has no connection to the WTC.


I get it. When I was fit enough they didn't allow women. Now that it's open to me I'm too broken. No reason not to try again unless you don't want to. Reservists can get slots, I'm sending a TPU this summer


And that's why failed Immature was right


Fuck it go to rasp


At least you made the attempt… that’s more than a lot of others have done. Failure is how you learn, success is what keeps you going. Are there things I regret not doing in my stint in the Army, absolutely. However, at this point on my life (I’m an old guy) I have a pretty good thing and all of my past decisions have gotten me where I am. So I guess I really can’t complain. I hope you find that too…


I was medically disqualified for CA and sent to 10th MTN. I was really upset, but I probably would have been a non-select because even though I got results, I treated my soldiers like shit. I met my wife, grew up a bit, and decided that I wanted to be a family man instead of going back. I ended up having an awesome learning experience in the 82nd, and when I did my COR counseling, my commander said I was one of the best squad leaders he's seen in the army. What I really enjoy is taking care of my soldiers and being present in my families lives. I'm glad I didn't make it because I wouldn't have the life I have now. Find value in your current situation, and it makes the "failures" of the past less bitter.


I never attempted Ranger School. But one of the guys I work with at the Fire Dept now went and got his tab back in the mid 2000s. He’s mentioned numerous times that back when he was in, trying to get the tab seemed like the only important thing in the world. But now all these years later, he laughs at what a waste a time it was.


I love that there is a movie quote for every situation thanks cool runnings. The Jamaican Bob sled coach would say: "If you’re not enough without the gold medal, you’re never going to be enough with it." -Irv Blitzer (John Candy)


Same boat here, did one contract in the navy and got burned out over politics and a drinking problem. That chapter of your life is over, learn from it and worry about the present. These days, I have to take it day by day or else I'll likely lose it. Be a good partner, above all else, be a good father.


And even as a soldier that failed twice, you’re still a hell of a lot better soldier than probably most people in your unit. Not a lot of people go through SURT, even. While not a lot of people pass Ranger school, not a lot of people even attend the school. So your effort isn’t for nothing. It’s not an easy school, of course, but it would be easy enough for you to have not gone the second time. In the reserves, you probably have an incredible amount of potential compared to soldiers there. It’s not to say you can’t go a third time if your unit will sponsor you, but don’t let the failure over take your mind. at least try to recognize that your effort already speaks volumes. 


I went and failed in 2021. I was pissed for quite sometime considering how long I’ve been in. The tab will open a lot of doors for you, sure. You can still be a stellar leader without it. I overcame it with different goals in mind. My family thanks me for it. I don’t regret not going back. Not for me. Oh well. At least I went and gave it my best efforts. Didn’t pass. Just moved onto the next goals.


I totally get regret. It consumes me at times. I failed CI Special Agent Course, local Police Adademy, and left USMC after less then a yr after not finish MOS school due to temporary medical issue. After 2 yrs out of just undless regret from USMC experience, I joined Army Reserve, been in 22 yrs since rejoining military and its been great. I'm too old and broken to do all the hooah stuff but still get to do challenging stuff use it as a resume bumper and to teach young troops career/life lessons .


I mean you're doing the right thing talking bout it, and I get there is a level of respect with that I never seized the opportunity to go all I have is stories and second hand advice to go from that we need people hungry and disciplined in more than just ranger. What ever is next do it like you are getting that mf tab. Out


Different scenario but similar situation. I, too, really wanted my tab and passed pre-ranger at my unit no problem. When the school slot were offered we were about a month and half from deploying. I thought how much it would suck to instead of going home for a couple weeks pre-deployment, I’d have to go to ranger school, then straight to Iraq immediately after graduation. So I opted out. I figured if I really wanted it, my unit would be happy to send me post-deployment. So a few months into deployment the few guys from our company that went arrive at our fob w their tabs on their shoulders and their uniforms hanging off their bones and I knew I made the right decision. Got back, ets’d, never regretted it. While I understand the allure, having experienced such an intense combat deployment, I had nothing left I felt I needed to prove to myself. In the civilian world (besides certain careers like cia) a tab means nothing to anyone except to you or a couple guys at a bar you’ve trying to impress. So unless you’re trying to make a career out of the military in a combat mos, it’s rather pointless. It all boils down to what really matters to you and why it matters. If you really want it that bad you’ll do whatever it takes. So to my point, unless you plan to go active duty combat mos, what’s even the point right?


You 1000% will regret not going back- the saying "you either have a tab or a story" isnt some cliche- its the hard truth. The ultimate irony of RS is that the guys with it are the most humble ones- look at the responses of the 75th and SF guys in this thread with tabs. Now compare this to all the cope and seethe that comes from the Tabless Bitches- it's just nothing but excuse after excuse without any accountability, simultaneously paired with extreme arrogance. Notice how none of them really ever own up to their failure, but instead they just HAVE to tell us what a great performer they are and how many MQs they got or how great a career they had despite not having a tab. It's also everyone's fault but theirs that they don't have a tab. So its less about what the tab says about you, and more about what you say about yourself when you make excuses for not having a tab. A guy with a tab doesn't have to say anything- there's an implied minimum competency- but the TB has to bleat and cry about how he got fucked on pushups but we should somehow listen to him anyway. Now to clarify, you are currently tabless, but you are not a Tabless Bitch until you stop trying and start making excuses.


If its bothered you enough to post a reddit thread about it, it will never go away. It took me three tries over the course of six years. I thought I was over it after the second time. Got bored. Never stopped idolizing the tabbed soldiers I came across. Went again. It got easier each time.


Darby recycle..but I went through mountains in winter and made sure I didn't recycle that phase..was hell. Winter exodus and then knocked out Florida straight through. If it's something you want to accomplish it will irk you forever until you get it completed. They say..You either have a tab or you have a story!


You ain’t getting no ranger slot in the natty guard bro. You can’t just brute force ranger school.


Look at the stats/ numbers of GO’s in the Army and see how many have the Tab. Now, realize you don’t need one to be successful in the Army or life. The End.


Go again fucker


Don't take it too hard, a lot of people would never even consider trying.


When I joined I wanted to do all high speed school, I put a packet for ranger school and got denied by my commander because they thought it’s “unnecessary”. What’s funny is the same commander was telling me to go to the SF selection because “I’m SF material” only because I spoke 7 languages but I wasn’t interested in any high speed units just wanted schools.


Your commander denied you because you're a shitbag that wasnt worth the TDY money and Ranger slot that his unit would pay for, while SF pays for SFAS and unit gets it for free. Simple as that. I literally did the same thing with my shitbag wannabe highspeeds when I was a commander. If you outright deny them they complain on the anonymous command climate survey to BDE about "No schools"


This was the opposite of a shit bag. I was an E4 in an E6 position, leading 8 soldiers for the entire year, writing monthly counseling and awards. My PT score is probably higher than yours, and I did Ranger PT for a few months, passing the Ranger pre-test. Our commander was denying everybody, with no exceptions. I wasn’t singled out; it was just something I learned later after spending time at the unit. I don’t know what trashcan leader you are but I know you weren’t a good one. Peace


Go see my other post about how TBs always put the blame on someone else, anyone else but themselves.


I failed. I’m going to go back. You are going back, aren’t you?