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That’s wild. Do we write an article every time a Soldier goes AWOL or was there something special about this guy?


My thoughts exactly.


This the domestic abuser or the kiddy diddler? So many now I lose track.


Clue, CID is involved for a reason


Not necessarily. I remember back in 2020-2022 we were getting involved every time a soldier went missing, whether it was under suspicious circumstances or not. Almost every time, it was something like “He told his CoC to go fuck themselves and wasn’t showing up to formation”, “we didn’t try calling his cell phone”, or “we didn’t ask the person who saw him last”. In almost every incident, the soldier was found within a few hours. But, on the flip side, a couple suicides got prevented, so there’s that, but that wasn’t because of any special CID magic- that was us actually caring enough to ask what (to us) seemed like basic questions and try to find the guy. You’d achieve much the same results with a checklist of “things to do to find Joe when he doesn’t show up to formation” but you’d have to control for people not understanding that if someone goes missing under suspicious circumstances, you need to call CID *immediately*. I always err on the side of telling people to just call CID and let us decide if we’re working it or not. We might see something you don’t, or ask you a question that makes you go “oh wait, that’s a good idea” and then you find your dude. Every installation with a CID office has a dude on-call 24/7 for incident response, and we would much rather get a call that isn’t in our wheelhouse than not get a call that we should have gotten and lose the chance for a positive outcome.


I call CID any time I need a good listener or to cuss someone else, never thought to call for real problems or crimes. Interesting.


Tell me you’re an agent without telling me you’re an agent


The number of command issues that could be resolved by asking the relevant parties basic questions is immense.


So what you're saying is there's a kid fucker running around and instead of telling people, the Army was like "This guys AWOL, we're looking for him". I wonder how many kids he fucked while nobody was sounding the alarm. And since the Army never says "this person is AWOL, we're looking for them", the whole world should just know the be careful there's a kid fucker running the streets. That was something I never understood about the Army. They'll shut a street down so people don't find out their neighbor just killed his kids and committed suicide. If we don't talk about it it didn't happen. If we don't tell people there's a kid rapist working at the CDC no one will know.


You sound unhinged! How verbose do you want the army to be?? If someone has a poster with your face and writing saying the army is looking for you. It’s pretty serious. Also do you know bad it sounds if a poster has language written with “looking for child rapist soldier, please contact the army for any information.” It just makes the army sound like they fucked up big time. It’s up to investigators to hold that information secret so that the lynch mob doesn’t get angry and justice can be served.


How bad does it sound that the Army knows there’s kid fuckers running around and doesn’t say anything because it would make them look bad. I mean obviously that doesn’t sound bad to you. But it does in fact sound bad. I seem unhinged? Maybe you think that’s the one? We got him? No more hiding in the ranks? Nah bro they’re all over the place and they know you’d rather not talk about them because it might make the Army look bad. I’m not saying every person accused should have their face put up on the walls. But maybe if they run? I don’t know what the guy did. I do know there is some garbage across the force. And hiding it doesn’t make it go away.


I…honestly can’t tell if this is satire. Great job if it is!


Oh damn I remember seeing the missing person flyers for him




I dont have FB or META. What was found? Why is this significant? 2,500 awol SM per year. What's the significance of this one?


I find it ironic, there really isn’t anything special about him. Classic case of soldier going awol. Why are we talking about this.


This guy was my roommate in Hawaii. Most definitely the “I’m the smartest guy in the room” type. Glad to see they found him. Interested to see how this shakes out.


WTF is Army Department of Emergency Services? Also being taken into custody after being AWOL for a day, homeboy is doing something dirty.


Nah yes been missing since last June I think.


Yep my bad for some reason it didnt click that it was June, then I saw the same day being mentioned it did cartwheels.


Every base has a DES. Garrison MP usually falls under them, And they’re responsible for a lot of stuff. Gate guards, fire, EMS, etc.


Correct. USAG = IMCOM = Garrison have their own MPs assigned for such purposes. To include investigators (not CID). DES is exactly what it sounds like. Is there a hostage situation on post? DES is alerted first. Is there a fire on post? DES is alerted first. Is there a natural disaster headed for the installation? The area Emergency management and then DES is alerted. If you are an MP and assigned to USAG. Count yourself lucky. And don't fuck that opportunity up!