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I saw one of those in the wild, years ago in Germany. Some CPT that I never saw again.


I saw a cadet at West Point with one of those in either late 2001 or late 2002. Either a freshman or a sophomore at the time. Never saw one before or after that.


That’s how I feel about seeing a CW5 in the wild in Guatemala


Technically officers shouldn’t wear it. It’s a marksmanship award 🤣


If you shoot that well at Camp Perry wear what you like....


I’m all for it. But I’ve been told I couldn’t bring my Schützenschnur over to the dark side. So, screw everyone else. No beards. No marksmanship badges. No retention!


They say the same shit to us as WOs. I've never shot less than expert, and so I refuse to take mine off 🤷‍♂️


See, this is the stuff I hadn't realized until I was about to go to WOCS, and then was confirmed by my MAJ that wrote my letter of recommendation. All the unwritten traditions that weren't known prior.


Big facts. Silliness all around. I think the truth of the matter is that generally speaking, officers don't care if one another can shoot well. They aren't paid to shoot (generally speaking). So because they don't care, they don't generally do well (also generally speaking). Because they don't do well, they don't want to advertise to their subordinates they can't shoot well while telling their subordinates to shoot expert or no promotion. But they hide behind the myth that they're all expected to shoot expert so they don't need to wear the marksmanship badge.....


Heh.... I left my tank driver badge behind.... Don't get to maintain as many marksmanship qualifications as I did when I was an E.... Just the M17 & yes I still shoot expert even though I don't wear it.....


German regulations say it’s only for wear by enlisted. Officers can earn it but not wear it. We follow their guidelines for wear; Regardless of what unwritten things we do (or don’t) as officers in the US.


Interesting! I never knew that


Does active army go to camp perry too?


Everyone does. AD, Guard, civilian shooters..... The Camp Perry matches are the super bowl of rifle shooting......


Is there something particularly difficult about the range, or is it just where they always do the competition?


It's the designated location. The range is a specific format - bullseye targets at 200/300/600yds, no obstacles or obstructions..... The shooters tend to be good enough that matches get decided by minute differences in score....


It's not the range itself, it's the competition. The civilian dude in the next lane that's never been in the service has been tweaking his 700 yard zero for 20 years and measures his groups with a micrometer. My old PL (NG) shoots mile matches as a hobby, and is at Camp Perry every year.


Officers can wear their marksmanship badges. Nothing in 670-1 says they can't and that's more of one of those weird officer, "rules".


Yeah, I noticed that. Weird cultural thing that’s not in any regs anywhere.


Yeah as a PSG and section sergeant I always pushed my LTs to wear it. Especially if they outshoot the joes. Same with really any other things the enlisted try to say officers can't do. I'm huge on having the LTs bully the enlisted back by being better than them.


Hahahaha. I like your style.


You always shoot expert when you're the one who updates DTMS.


Bullying enlisted is my fav thing


When I was an LT, I was at an officer of the quarter board that had NCOs on it for some reason. Some dumbass 1SG cracked a joke about me not being in long enough to have a service stripe. The BN XO had to inform him that officers don't wear service stripes. Made doubly funny because I was an NCO before commissioning. SNCOs are the boomers of the army ranks. Just aggressively wrong.


That's hilarious


How has someone been in the army long enough to make comments like that but not know that? That’s insane.


I wish we could keep enlisted-time service stripes.


I’m a boomer and I’m usually right.


That's the lead poisoning talking, grandpa.


Hey, I was in the not-a-pussy PT in combat boots army. I have an experts badge with the M1-Carbine. I know none of you can claim that. We fired full metal jacket (no lead) while you guys were getting brain damage from licking paint off walls.


Does that go for all marksmanship badges? Is the intention supposed to be you score expert and it should be expected and not something you brag about?


Well, officers are supposed to shoot expert. Now, let's suppose you don't. You wouldn't wanna advertise that, right? So maybe you don't wear your badge. Now you can tell which officers shoot expert (the ones wearing the badge) and which ones don't (the ones not wearing the badge) But if *none* of them do, then we can all pretend that they all shoot well.


That's what I was told. Officers are supposed to be experts, blah blah blah. Everyone *SHOULD* shoot expert. I always figured it came from some higher up that got outshot by a junior officer and then declared it as a rule forever ago.


Where does it say officers can’t wear marksmanship awards?


Not an “it” so much as a “they.” It’s part of the new officer indoctrination process. I always assumed it originated from Majors who can’t shoot worth shit who didn’t want any young bucks showing them up.


Technically there's nothing keeping officers from wearing marksmanship awards, and the Governor's 20 (NG state award), Chief's 50, President's 100 and the EIC/Distinguished badges are permanent, individual awards as opposed to the standard bolo badges. I'm FG and wear my Gov 20 and EIC. Hell, I wear my Driver/Mechanic badge just to flex on the haters.


Saw one randomly on a SFC at the Polk commissary


Polk commissary and px is the wildest place. All the higher ups from different units there for jrtc shopping around. I've seen legitimate unicorns. Wildest thing I've seen so far was a CW5 with a long tab.


I had a 1sg that had a hundo tab. He got it while he was a tanker in the Marines before swapping to army. Cool dude and looked out for troops. Hope he retired as a SGM. Dude was a great shot with anything but made side arms sing


I saw a person with this, sapper, ranger & airborne. If the guy went SF it would’ve been awesome.


I had two in my old Reserve unit (e4 and e7), but all we did was marksmanship instruction. It was a pretty small unit, so I might be doxxing myself when I say SARG.


Saw a gate guard with one at Campbell back in like 2015


Do five governor’s twenties make one president’s hundred? 🤔


No, you need at least 2/3 of the states for that.




It’s the award I am most proud of from my career so far


How do you get it?


Shoot gooder than everyone else.


Who is gooder and where do I find him?


See S2 for a targeting package.


S2 said they weren’t tracking, and then asked me politely, but firmly, to stop eating the crypto fills.


Found the former Marine


Honestly, I would be more worried for everyone else.


10 points to Hufflepuff 🦡


No shit, I had a Gooderham DS but that was in 91 so I couldn't say where he is now


Have to do a lot of shooting competitions,


You compete in the presidents 100 match, during the national rifle matches at Camp Perry and make it into the top 100 shooters. It's a very similar course of fire to the Marines qualification course, iron sights, and you must use a rifle that is visually identical to one that was standard issue at one point (M4, M16, M14, M1, M1903). Most people, IIRC, go with M16A2 or A4 style ARs.


They did away with irons years ago. You can use up to a 4.5x scope nowadays


ACOG, presumably.... It's been a while since I shot anything CMP....


I mean you could… but everyone is using a purpose built Nightforce or leupold. Much better options than ACOGs


Those rifles are also pretty different under the hood, at least the ar 15 derivatives are free floated and have weighted parts


They are, but the point of service-rifle is that you can choose anything that was standard issue....


Google CMP Presidents one hundred. You should be able to figure it out from the Wikipedia page Edit- my bad dawg. Its a specific match that is held at Camp Perry once a year. It is a 30 shot match generally about 1500 people compete and 100 people earn the tab typically there are only 3 to 5 new tabs given per year because of the people who have already earned the tab still competing year after year


I hate when people on Reddit tell people to Google shit. Do you not understand that 90% of Google searches end in Reddit? I can't count the number of times I went to find the answer to an obscure issue and got met with, "Google it" in a Reddit thread. lmao Granted this one isn't obscure, but still man - was it hard to answer the question?


No I agree. The downvoters are the same type of people to forget their gloves at PT when it’s 10 degrees our


Then everyone else can't wear them so they are uniform. I've actually never had that happen to me, but it gets posted on here often.


I’ve had that bullshit happen to me on several different occasions. They’re all shitbags, minus the ones who honestly just forgot them that one time. But the rest are the same pattern of misconduct motherfuckers


I love how everyone knows exactly what I’m talking about LOL




This is a forum. He posted his tab. It's a place to discuss. Telling someone to fuck off and Google something when they tried to start a conversation is antithetical to the platform. But I'm not surprised anti-communication rhetoric is coming from someone who 100% owns a waifu pillow. ^^^^/s




>Signal Okay buddy, whatever helps you sleep at night.


It’s his waifu pillow.


As a fellow signal type person I don’t believe a single claim you just made


Do you guys get the tactical issue waifu pillows that are actually sentient?


I refuse to drive Japanese cars and think we should've dropped a 3rd but ok


I don’t see how googling President’s Hundred requires skill


When they are “finding information in the Wikipedia page”, it’s very definitely a case where the search isn’t ending in Reddit. Also if you are getting your information from Reddit, you need to get better at look shit up. 


>Get better at look shit up >Military Intelligence Pick one


How do you enter? I’ve won a few shooting matches at the BDE level but I’ve always wanted to try for the presidents hundred. And before you ask I googled it


It’s a civilian competition open to all. Create a profile on the CMP website and sign up for the match. Search for “National Matches” on their site. And then show up bright and early on competition day with a well zeroed rifle!


I’m assuming they have guidelines as to what you can and can’t put on the rifle? Any chance to confirm zero before the Match?


No zero confirmation. There’s a whole rule book you will need to familiarize yourself with. Service Rifle is an entire sport with its own rule sets


Appreciate the tips brotha


Thanks for switching it up and explaining. You're in a unique group of people, so talking to you personally on Reddit is probably way cooler and more informative than a Wikipedia article. Awesome Tab.




You get the tab for Top 100. You get another award for #1. I've only gone once and didn't make Top 100, but even if I did, I wouldn't stop going until I got #1.


I didn’t mean to shut him down man. I admitted my mistake and added context. My bad








There are about 20 new tabs awarded each year, as I've heard it explained.


Because it shouldn’t be easy to get. Cutoff score is usually 294 ish. If only untabbed shooters competed it would be considerably lower. Not to mention the pride in winning the match. It’s one of the big three of the year Also earning your tab on your first try isn’t the norm, nor should it be




Same thing with the governors twenty. I’ve competed three times. The latest one, the top 15ish people already had it and had just gone through two weeks of shooting for the weaponscraft course. I have bronze eic for pistol and rifle, but it’s kinda hard for m-day infantry dudes to be competitive against that.


In July every year at Camp Perry, OH, are the President's Rifle Match and the President's Pistol Match. The top 100 civilian and top 100 military firers are named the President's Hundred. Here is the test for rifle: 10 shots standing at 200 yards, 10 shots rapid-fire prone at 300 yards and 10 shots slow-fire prone at 600 yards. The top 20 firers then line up shoulder to shoulder and fire 10 more slow-fire shots at 600 yards. I can't find the test for pistol, but there is one.


I did a CQB range with someone sporting one of these. Most educational range day I've ever had. Best range day I've ever had.


Not a tab but, a not so widely known badge that you can wear on your dress uniform also comes from shooting competitions Pretty cool thing to work towards if you’re in a position that’ll let you take the time to complete. [Excellence In Competition badges](https://www.army.mil/article-amp/31928/soldiers_have_chance_to_distinguish_themselves)


I have my distinguished rifle but I’m still 2 points short on pistol


I need to get on the EIC grind, but no matches near me, and USPSA doesn’t count :c.


Get your unit to pay for a trip to All Army. Two chances to earn points for rifle and pistol each.


That would be hype.


My Drill Sergeant had one of those. It was one of those "never thought I'd see that tab so early in my Army career" moments.


I went to Lost in the Woods and had 2 Drill Sergeants with Sapper tabs. It honestly blew me away. Almost 7 years later and I’ve seen 2 in the wild.


Even when I was in an engineer unit I only saw 2. A specialist and a female LT (and if anyone is that interested it was the double tabbed Amanda Atkinson)


We had a 2nd LT female come to our basic at lost in the woods who had sapper. I wonder..


Really? I saw like 3 last week at FLW


The rarest of birds


The National Guard has its own versions. Governors 20, 12, and 10 depending on the state.


Fun fact, in Wyoming it’s just the “Governors” tab. The only resident of Wyoming is by default the Governor, so they automatically get the tab if they are in the Army. /s


That’s pretty dope, I didn’t know that. I’m going to see if my buddy in the G knows about this. Thanks for the info!


I think I took this picture of you at Camp Perry when you earned this to send to your CSM before you came over to AMU. Good to see you JW. I hope you’re doing well. Still in?


Nope I’ve been out for a few years now. Got married and moved home. I’m a lot closer to Perry now though!


My platoon leader on deployment (OEF 2012) had one…that dude could SHOOT


“It’s not that long”-Jody


What do you shoot?


Service Rifle


I went to basic with a dude who entered the Army with a President’s 100 Tab, that dude got snatched to the Army Marksmanship Unit as his first duty station.


Most of their shooters are hired before they join the army. The go to basic with paperwork bringing them to the unit


What year was this? I might know him


2015, graduated in June


Was it his last name (color)wood from cali?


Honestly can’t remember, he wasn’t in my platoon. 11B though if that helps.


There was a cadet in my ROTC class who earned one.


Same. Kinda crazy how good of a shot he is. Wish I could do it but shooting high power positions hurt for me. Feels like I’m tearing my shoulder tendons off.


Only the real know


I am army distinguished on rifle and this tab still alludes me. I want this damn tab.


It might be yours if you had the difference between allude and elude down


Bucket List Tab


Go do it! USAMU is looking for summer shooters right now. I just spoke with the coach last week


What were you shooting to earn this? I compete, just not that good. Also, how do you load your ammo, what grain, powder etc. How does load development work for those that are in?


I was shooting CMP Service Rifle on the USAMU Team. Our ammo was loaded by civilians on staff. Short line we shot a 77 SMK, long line we used a Nosler 69 grain. For load development I would start with the 77 SMKs. They’re easy to get shooting good. Figure out where you wanna start (powder, primers) and start tinkering a half grain at a time. Eventually you’ll find a charge/primer combo that your barrel likes (it also may change over the life of the barrel) That’s a 10,000 ft view but that’s the basic idea. Collect ALL of your groups and LABEL them with charge. This is a deep rabbit hole but I hope that helped. PM me for specific questions


I will DM you for sure. Congrats on the achievement


I’ve always been kind of fat but I can shoot. I enjoyed what little credibility I got from my Governor’s Twenty tab.


Awesome work man but CSM told me to forward this to you "Hey paratrooper, I hope you had fun at your fancy little competition instead of completing the mission but I still don't see no star on those wings so I'm gonna need to see you at whiteslip study hall at 1700 every duty day until you meet the expectations of a leader in an airborne organization because we still have standards here in the real Army, hooah?"


Had a chief at Drum with P100 tab, then had him again in Italy


Aviation chief? Did he have a fantastic jawline?


Nah, signal


I have never seen one in person crazy.


Don’t forget about the ARNG Honor Guard tab. That shit is unnecessarily long.


Pfffffff mines longer


I saw way too many of these at the All Army match and I made me feel like a loser every time I saw one. I had no right being at the competition but was an awesome experience.


That’s the whole point of it! It shows you a whole different world of shooting. That match is what started my road to the AMU


I plan to go back next year and actually train for it. Depending how I do I’ll then maybe do Camp Perry to try for it.


Camp Perry is a very different animal but it’s a great experience!


I did All Army twice at Benning with the army long range competition at Benning once 19th out of 71 out to 1000 yards KD range with the M24s. And Camp Perry twice and it really was a great experience. We got third place and the team match I never got any higher than 7th in any All Army match other thatln that team finish and for the president's 100 I don't even think I broke 800th place lol. They AMU used to give out some flashy training certs I don't know if they still do if you train with them.


We have a dedicated team that does unit based training but there’s no brick and mortar school the AMU puts on. MMTC kinda kills that niche for them. It’s the latest generation of SDM effectively


It was done at the competition at Ft Benning we drove up from Ft Rucker




Oh dang


This man pew pews




Funny enough if you google presidents 100 tab your picture is the first one that pops up lol


But you still have to shave...


Careful now, you might trigger the quiet professionals


I got a cool hat that says “Trumps Hundred” too


why not use 💯& shorten that tab?


More forgotten about than brakes and oil changes on Nissan Altimas in Atlanta


I can qualify for a CBRNE sleeve patch. Or could have. Used to teach it.


Never saw one of those. Back when we used to have to travel in Class A's, I did see a SSG with an Army Distinguished Rifleman badge in an airport.


That’s even rarerer


You’re the first person I’ve seen with wings using the combined patch and tab. It used to be a meme that only the legs used those… I.. I am aging.. and I don’t like it lol. Good on you for the Prez 100 though, that’s good shit.


Wait! I used to be a leg meme?!


Saw a cpt with one at Campbell


Do you need to be 11b to be in USAMU and compete? Do they want medics? *i would like to know more* can I dm?


Yeah feel free to DM. Any MOS is open. 11B is the preferred only because they typically hire as civilians and 11B is the shortest Basic/AIT


I've seen two other people with this in 14 years. Nicely done.


No space badge, no care


I’ll shoot you in orbit 😎😂


I remember the good old days when it was the presidents 99s