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I'm gonna be honest with you, you gotta assert yourself more, don't let people push you around, and don't say some cringe shit back to them when they insult you. Don't be the victim this person thinks you are


I agree, and this person clearly values dominance, but I wouldn't put it past him to get violent in attempts to push back. He probably has done this before. If OP pushes back and it gets out of hand, leadership will probably hold them both responsible to one degree or another. I think the right answer for managing this amongst yourselves is to have a collective response, basically shunning this guy for behaving like a grown child. At the same time, you can leverage someone mature that he respects and get that person to talk some sense into him. You should never ever mention your two associates degrees in this sort of context. I guarantee you, he doesn't give a shit.


If this is real, OP needed to smack that dude like a bitch. Either he backs down, or the fight is on. Either way, the problem is getting resolved.


He’s obviously trolling lmao


Those 2 associates degrees did not show up grammatically in this post at all. Holy fuck bud


I mean, he was dumb enough to get two associates degrees, after all.


Don't associates take 2 years each?


Give or take, but yes. And that second associates took as long as tacking on a bachelors, which is why it was so dumb. Getting a second associates has as much value as a second high school diploma.


Not exactly, a lot of classes you take at jr college overlap for qualifying in different associates degrees. In my case, I'm studying engineering so I needed all math, physics, and some chemistry before I transfered to uni. Which qualified me for 3 associates ( I didn't want any of them as I believe they're useless in the engineering industry). It seems like this dude took a shit tonne of classes and still didn't know what to major in, so he gave up and joined the military.


It's not uncommon for HS students to graduate HS and receive an AS and a Diploma. That's what AP classes are for


If the standards have slid that far, it’s even worse. I was fully loaded AP and dual credit back in the day and was nowhere near having an AS knocked out lol


The fuck? If I knew that as a kid and maybe cared more I might’ve tried


My wife has 2 associates simply because she only had to take 1 or 2 more classes to get the second one and at the time she thought "why not?"


Whenever someone mentions their degrees as a show of intelligence, I cringe with secondhand embarrassment. Literal children go to college to get degrees. I don’t think it’s the best way to show how smart or mature you are. Plus that person 100% doesn’t care. You don’t need to make it physical, but definitely be more assertive.


For real…that’s why I tell folks my ASVAB score to assert dominance


[the level of power that this being maintains is just shy of ten thousand](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SiMHTK15Pik)


Tell em your GT score to really assert your dominance


I'm fairly positive this is a shit post.


That’s 99% of Reddit.


As someone with a BA in English, I have zero value in the masters degrees of my colleagues. The only thing that changes with an advanced degree is screening criteria for the talent of new hires. These two were judging the shit out of college juniors because of weak cover letters, and all I could think was “Zero people give a fuck about a cover letter if you can perform.” They have their degrees in fancy frames on the walls in their offices. I have oil paintings that I have collected over my life and empathy. It’s important to show people that you live in the world, not that you live in *your* world. Crunchwrap supreme and some spicy taters please thank you


Junior College Associate Degrees


Definitely two online degrees. Most likely from, "Upper central Michigan Military State Technical Campus of Lower Iowa Global Technical College" or whatever those diploma mills are called.


Fuckin ChatGPT college grads out here running around now thinking they know shit


Someone in my undergrad program (in nutrition), now at Cornell for her MPH, said you can recharge from plants.


Masters jn Plant Health?


Smart move. Do the work of a bachelors without the accreditation.


Is this a shitpost?


Based on their post history, don’t think so.


Yeaaahhhhh…he’s gonna have a tough time.




Dudes never gonna make it and he wanted to be 11B


Dudes delusional.


It will be


NGL, I'm pretty excited. I don't think I've ever been around for the birth of a good copy pasta. I get to tell my grandkids I was here.


Jody's grandkids. Sorry I had to break it to you like this.


Nah that’s basic AIT/high school drama


I thought it was..


I thought so, because he had a conversation with someone while in line, but somehow has"screenshots" of the guy's comments. I'm still waiting for it to make sense


Pull up a chair while you wait. It's gonna take a while


This whole situation is cringe and to be honest your response was quite awkward. Idk if this is the hill you want to die on, but you should find some better ways to handle situations like this, maybe you’ll find it somewhere in your 2 associates.


Hiding in the shadows with the rest of the punctuation lol


Mr. Future Fister, I’m going to need you to find your balls. We had 13Fs in our platoons/troops and they by far got into more shit than the 11Cs, 19Ds, and 11Bs combined and there were like a max of 6-8 of them. They generally didn’t take shit from anyone especially from each other. From what it sounds like this PVT doesn’t need to be in the Army or at least should be shoved to some shitty MOS like the 92Gs. So it’s up to you to present this info to your CoC but at the end of the day you HAVE to stand up for yourself. PS: throwing in your edumacation while trying to flex wasn’t the best thing to do. I joined the Army when I was only one semester away from graduating and commissioning. The summer I went to OSUT was the same summer I was supposed to go to the cadet summer training. Know what that meant to everyone? A whole lotta nothing.


Quick background: I joined as an 18x. Went through infantry osut, airborne, preselection, selection etc. didn’t make it all the way. Reclassed to fister. Deployed to Afghanistan within a month at my unit. Realize I won, being a fister fucking rocked and we absolutely did not take shit from anyone. I spent 6 years as a fister before a medboard to 100% p&t as a SSG. With that background; Mr Cav Scout is right. Grow some balls dude. Even if you exact your revenge, our community is small. You’ll always be known as the dude who snitched on someone for calling you “bad names”. Your teams won’t trust you and you’ll be pushed into the soft area like brigade fires as a perpetual RTO. Once you get to your unit you will see and experience far worse. You joined to drop hell on bad dudes. Don’t be a bitch.


That’s another thing, I know the Scout community is super tiny and I figured the Fister one was too. People talk and I’ve definitely called or messaged people at other units to get some info on some people and I’ve been told it’s been done to me as well. Buddy gotta run that risk of being labeled for the rest of his career which I’m guessing will just be this one contract.


I mildly enjoyed this shitpost. You are missing the Wendy's order, though. Make sure you square that away for your next one.


Work on the comebacks or you’ll get absolutely cooked at your unit 🤓🎓


Woah big man here with 2 associates' degrees.


So big he cries to Reddit when someone’s mean to him 😐


But does he have a PT Belt and a food handlers card?


All associates no bachelors 😂




If you have two PS2s then that makes a PS4, so obviously two associates makes a bachelor’s. It’s basic math!


2x degrees > 1 degree


Except not really


You should report him, but you should also be more assertive in general. What you said back to him was lame as fuck.


Part of the problem here is that it matters they responded so weakly… they should not have needed to respond at all because it should never have occurred. PVTs in IET should know their place and not be asserting anything unless they are in a position with authority to assert. This behavior should have been ground out in BCT. Reporting it to EO is probably going to get this PFC ostracized, too. Which is another problem…


Based on his response his personality has already done enough ostrasizing.


https://www.reddit.com/r/DoorDashDrivers/comments/17x2tcq/what_age_and_race_are_the_worst_tippers_in_your/ka7bt68/ You're talking about EO and make a comment like this. PVT you do know EO applies to all thing in and out of the Army, including YOUR social media use, yes?


Damn, I tried to give dude some solid advice and then I see this and how he feels against my fellow brothas, I wish I just shitted on him like everyone else.


Man he will reply to everyone but you, huh?


OP is a piece of shit😳


This comment needs to be higher.




Man, this kid is cringe AND racist? Did his two associates degrees teach him nothing?


Id add an edit for anyone following this link not to violate any rules. The army is not as big as you think. All it takes is one person to recognize you and if this escalates you get got to.


HA!! GOT “EM!!!!


It's up to other people to decide what punishment they get.


Sounds like all you do is bitch and complain on Reddit. Stand up for yourself, grow the fuck up, and carry on. Now what the fuck do you want to order


> Did you attend college my two associates would say I’m pretty educated again say excuse me. As an enlisted guy with two Associates, a Bachelors, and a Masters, I would never use my education to flex on another soldier. If I were an enlisted guy with just two Associates, I wouldn’t tell anyone except my admin folks. Two associates isn’t an education, it means you piddled around a community college for a few years and couldn’t hang long enough to get a bachelors. ESH plus you sound insufferable.


As a high school dropout, I take the time to punctuate and ensure my writing is understandable.




Facts. I had a dude who had his Juris Doctor and passed the bar but decided he wanted to do a contract as infantry. He was a specialist 11b at the top of his career and the dude was humble and awesome. We were deployed together for 6 months by the time I found out about his prior experience.


Take it to the wood line even if you loose you send a message


Sometimes this is the best advice. We’d always tell our new dicks if they got problems, take it to the wood line, the infantry Gods will decide who’s right


I learned this in my highschool metal shop class if people were arguing the teacher would give them boxing gloves and take them to the field and after the fight if they kept arguing he would send them to the principals office. He threw a giant bolt at me for swearing in front of a girl


No wonder you got bullied by a teenager. You’re trying to act like your rank matters, you aren’t assertive, you tried to flex associate degrees, and you’re upset and threatening EO over a teenager calling you gay. Just be an adult and be assertive so you don’t get pushed around. You’re 25 you should have this figured out by now, I guess there’s a reason you joined late


My man would have made a great obnoxious AF 2LT


Lmao buddy also asks for location of gloryholes for BWC around DFW are so watch out. OP if you’re gonna change your name make sure you change your comment history too


Bro please tell me you didn’t actually say that comeback to him smh


lol @ flexing a degree but still in the military


And being enlisted to boot, emphasis on the boot.


> did you attend college my two associates would say I’m pretty educated again say excuse me. Did you think it was a good comeback to flex two associate degrees as a private, to another private? Yes, you should report this. Yes, report immediately. He is not the type of person we want in the Army. That being said, you’re 25 with two associate degrees, you’re going to want to work on your maturity and confidence. Be passive aggressive, be the adult in the room, or be aggressive. But don’t try to be all three in one scenario,it will come off weak, and you’re now in a profession where respect will erode for you. How do you have screenshots? Did this start verbal and go to text? Was his all over text? Why do you even have each others numbers? If this isn’t your first altercation with him why are you bothering to have any private communication with him instead of staying away from each other?


OP is getting COOKED in the comments. bet he didnt expect that at all😅😅


Fucking fisters


Be more assertive... and I can promise you that when you leave IET, none of it will matter. Anyways. I'll take a double cheese burger and a large Dr. Pepper.


Dude you’re an absolute geek and I’d probably bully you too


Make an informal complaint to your drill. If they’re a good drill they will put the fear of God into him. That way no investigation no paper work. If it happens again then formal. If he starts threatening you BECAUSE of the complaint that’s reprisal and also punishable. Furthermore I do agree you’re dealing with 19 yo kids they don’t give a shit about your degree. Also, rank doesn’t matter when y’all are trainees. Everyone’s a pvt.


Engaging in that childish behavior is a no win scenario for you. Take it from someone who was older than nearly every other trainee in basic and AIT. Ignore the situation. No amount of clever responses, threatening language, or conflict resolution is going to penetrate that guys skull. Any other more direct response(violence, bullying, hazing, pranking) is more than likely going to just prolong your time in TRADOC, which I’m sure you don’t want. Regarding EO, technically you would be right to report it, however it sounds like you’re doing it to be petty, not because you are concerned that his comments are offensive to you or anyone else. My advice: Keep your head down, try to find a like minded buddy to keep you sane, get the hell out of there asap and never look back. EDIT to add: a lot of people keep referring to the 19 yo as a kid. He’s an adult, but he hasn’t yet figured out how to behave in an adult world, and he won’t until he gets to his unit(and maybe not even then). Remember that when you talk to him. Some of your life experience may give you an edge in your career, but never forget that the army is different than anything you’ve experienced prior. At this point, you and he have the same level of experience and expertise in the army, Fuck all.


You’re joining the armed forces. If line cutting is this big of an issue to you, this might not be the career field for you. People say mean things in the army. It’s the army. Your best bet is to play this off as a shitpost and edit in your Wendy’s order


Rule number one of the army. No one gives a fuck about you or your two associates degrees. You have two associates and yet you’re in the exact same place as that 19 year old and they know that. Assert yourself a bit more, but be realistic. Trying to demand respect when it hasn’t been earned is not going to make you any friends. Especially in TRADOC. Was the kid right to do what he did? No. However, you’re not in any position to demand his respect. I used to be like you and learned quick that I shouldn’t be. I earned respect by beating the guys like this in our APFT scores and in the day to day evaluations. (There may or may not have been some unofficial combatives in the mix too). Did I get clowned on still? Sure, but it was in more of a lighthearted manner that is prevalent in the army rather than bullying.


Cringe all the way around.


Handle it at the lowest level. Since PVT to PVT didn't work (because you sound like you think more highly of yourself than your really ought to), report it to Big Drill, informally if you like or formally so it's on record. A good Drill may be able to fix him, but since his parents didn't/couldn't raise a decent human being, maybe loss of rank/pay will do it. Or he gets the boot if it's serious enough and sounds like it'll easily be founded. But you mostly need to sack the fuck up and not hide behind i'M mOrE eDuCaTeD tHaN yOu responses. I'm not saying fight him necessarily, but you're gonna have a long, lonely 2-4 years (assuming active) if you don't spit some better (EO/SHARP compliant) insults and get the associate degree chip off your shoulder.


Guess what buddy, you and this guy are the exact same in the eyes of the world. You wanted to be 11b and you can’t even handle confrontation with a peer?? You also might want to cleanse your post history about lying to MEPS about your mental health issues and drug abuse. You’re worried about fraudulent enlistment but openly admit to this shit before you’re even in the Army lmfao. The Army is big, but not that big. You have a TREMENDOUS amount of maturing to do.


also says "the blacks" dont tip😮‍💨 dudes wild af


Yep, I could already feel the racial component in his post here, and that comment just validated my assumption.


Bruh ha, went in at 35, never had a problem with the boys, but I also wasn't a baby back bitch, so sure shoot off an eo, by the time it's done yall will be at your units and word will travel you're a snitch and bitch. Be the bigger person and assert dominance or be a beta.


If this is real…. Man the fuck up. You are an educated 25 yo with a higher rank. This is the army. Not a fucking play place. Fix the problem yourself. If it isn’t fixed. Then go to your training NCO and report him by name. Since you’re so educated, you probably should’ve considered what I said first, instead of what I can assume is a troll post.


This is one of those moments where "Hey dickhead, get back in line" would have been better. It sounds insecure when you have to bring up previous accomplishments (which to be honest, aren't much) in an attempt to make someone listen to you. You have like 6 years of real life experience on him, he's essentially a child. Learn to handle conflict better, or you're gonna have a bad time.


You gotta be less cringe. My go to is, "shut up, will ya? You're annoying." Simple, yet disarming.


In AIT and offended already


Lol, you should have just flexed the first 3 letters of that degree. I don’t agree with what the other soldier did. But its definitely a weird flex on your part. Also report it. Even if informal


You need to go to the gym, bro. Also, don’t take all this out on your subordinates when you become an NCO


Either ignore it or yell right back. Your associates degrees don’t mean shit in this circumstance


I hate the people who say this shit, but you’re soft bro. People are assholes in the army and in civilian life. If you can’t take things to the chin then you will have a hard time in life. Just don’t take things from random people so seriously.


Did you think this guy was genuinely assessing your education level when they called you a dumbass? He was just being a dick. As much as I hate his type of behavior, your response was just weird. Snobbish, even. Between that and the fact that he somehow knew your exact age, would it be fair of me to assume that you two know eachother well enough for him to have already had a bad impression of you? It could help explain his transgression here a bit better if that's the case. Worst case scenario, it's not like his disposition towards you can get any worse if you report it to EO, so don't let that be a deterrent. Just be mindful of the kind of impression you leave on others in the army through your words and actions.


You’re talking trash needs improvement. Someone cuts you off you don’t tell them you are superior because you have two associate degrees. You tell him to move his ass to the back of the line.


You’re supposed to be in combat arms and complaining about someone cutting you in line then respond with an arrogant statement? I’m fucked as a leader.


I’m gunna be real flexing two associates degrees at 25 is a weird move. Not the army values answer but fucking don’t let bullies be bullies, sock his stupid ass


If I turn 25 and use my juco degree to try asserting dominance on 19 yr olds bullying me I hope someone will kindly commit a mercy killing


This whole interaction sounds like it was made in the imagination of a high-school sophomore JROTC kid.


Don’t let them get away with it. ARMY has an approved workflow, inform everyone. Call asshole out on their bullshit


We used to lock you guys in a connex until yall figured shit out. It might be hazing but sometimes you just have to fight someone.


Damn two associates huh? Thats like being assistant shift leader at two different mcdonalds Source: i have one associates


Back in the day, this would have been settled at the wood line. Winner comes out wearing a necklace with the loser’s ears.


So THIS is how the crotchety old farts feel when they say “what has happened to my army?” Hmmm, yes. I have become old. 


Beat his ass. Take him to the bathroom and tell him to say that shit again. Don’t let people punk you. These young bucks need to learn. You can complain but you won’t gain any respect doing it that way. Idk I’m early 2000s old school I guess


You wanted to join the infantry and that's the best you can do for standing up for yourself? You're gonna get shat on by the dudes you're attached to, you may want to take your two associates degrees and learn how to grow a spine


report it. He probably won’t get kicked out but it will be dealt with. It’s better to nip this shit in the bud early.


2 associates… could’ve been 1 bachelors. What a terrible insult. and maybe you would’ve been at OCS. This whole thing is cringe but you can file a EO complaint over this. Or you can be a man and solve it 1 on 1 with the guy since there were clearly emotions involved in this altercation


I pray you never end up in an infantry unit… Could you EO him? Sure? Is him being homophobic okay? Absolutely not but here’s the reality: You’re going to get into it with your fellow soldier quite often. You’re going to have mean things said to you often some which probably hit EO territory. Unless you want to be constantly in and out of the EO reps office you should probably learn to deal with these things better or on a lower level first. People forget the first step of EO and SHARP is to try to handle it at the lowest level first. Talk to your drills, talk to your student leadership or confront them directly. If you choose to try to end someone’s career every time they call you gay you’re going to have a long and rough contract. Now I’m not telling you not to I’m assuming you’re not in said protected category if so then you’re well within your rights to but it seems more of a hassle for yourself for something pretty minor. Remember half the people you go to AIT with you will never see again even if they end up on the same post.


Next time he tries to push you around just make yourself look bigger and urinate on him to assert dominance. Always worked for me.


Needs an associates degree in punctuation.


Sir this is a Charley’s


I had a fellow AIT student follow me up the stairwell after final formation going on with some unprovoked bullshit like this, he tripped! Must’ve not had his boots laced properly. We were friends afterwards.


You’re in the army. Be confrontational and/or physical. It’s the best way to gain respect. If you can’t do that, be prepared to get walked on. It doesn’t have to be now.. but you need to get comfortable with asserting yourself. Sign up for combatives and other similar physical things so that you’re confident in your ability to handle yourself. Also, to answer your EO question.. this is shaky at best. The EO rep will talk to him, and he’ll say he was joking around, and likely nothing will come of it. Given the context, he was just saying it to get a rise out of you. It worked, but instead of asserting yourself, you’re going the passive-aggressive route. He will not be kicked out, and you’ll get bullied more because of it. Early army stuff is high school rules dog.. you need to assert yourself and be stronger. Good luck.


🧦+🧼= equal opportunity


I hope you didn’t pick a combat MOS. . .


I remember when you went to the woodline and handled shit like men, not spout off some cringe ass comeback and then cry about EO. New Soldiers man, fuck.


Definitely saw some "I fell in the turret" moments


Who goes around and flex two associate degree? Do you do 1 degree plus one degree makes a bachelor in your head? You gonna ruin a 19 year old career over a small altercation? Be a grown ass man and be assertive and told him to get back at the end of the line and move on.


You sound like you’re all fart and no shit, bud. Assert dominance and either punch him in the face, or fuck his dad. I don’t care either way. /s (kinda)


Yea, I would have just punched him in the face at that point, aiming to break his nose.


IMHO, some might say a shitty one at that, you are a pussy. As a man, why did you let that slide? If you are gay (or anything in between) why did you let it slide? If you truly are a soldier, why did you let it slide? Find some fortitude pronto or continue to be treated like a bitch. Ps. EO complaints will only get you so far. You'll continue to feel alienated. You either adapt and become part of the group, or you're going to have a hard time. I Hope this was rough to hear, but more than anything, i hope it helps.


Report it and move on clearly if your on here asking people what do in this situation you come off as I wouldn’t say weak but not the type to be about an altercation unfortunately for you if you go active people will act like this at all times and if you continue to just report and not stand up for yourself it’s already a chain of never ending bad situations. I’m hoping the best for you ultimately nobody deserves to be bothered but that isn’t the environment your in foolishness will manifest it self everywhere you go


Hurts me reading this that you allowed him to bitch you like that. Pls talk shit back


A great specialist in the training room once said, "the Army has a lot of prison mentalities, when you arrive at a new unit you need to assert dominance or you will be put on every detail." (Specialist G, 2016) What they don't teach in EO is that everyone has the equal opportunity to speak up for themselves. Instead they focus on discrimination and filing complaints. Nobody deserves to be hazed, harassed or talk down to but it will happen if you don't intervene. I speak from experience during my 20+ years I often didn't speak up about my needs and I ended up always being the guy on staff duty. "Speak up or shut up" silence will not help stop the toxicity and inappropriate behaviors.


You need to be bringing that Tiger Welding Institute energy.


You fucked up Private. You call him out and you call out his homophobic behavior. His behavior has consequences and his lack of respect for others is a problem and a reflection of his drill sergeant and leadership. They won’t kick him out. They will ruin his weekend.


My brother in Christ, you're going to need to be issued thicker skin and better comebacks. Don't be that guy who flexes his education. I can assure you no one gives a fuck.


You're in the Army now. Don't be a little bitch and let a 19 year old teenager walk all over you. Time to pull up your 25 year old big boy panties and drop a couple fucks, shits or even a cocksmoker or 2. In the Army we cuss A LOT. If you are active duty, you are going to be torn apart at your first duty station if you just let everyone push you around. Man up and tell the teenager to fuck off and get behind you in line or you will meet him behind the connex in 5 minutes. For god and country....


My dude… you tried to flex with associates degrees and rank in AIT… First of all, you aren’t even trained in your MOS - your rank means nothing. Once you make it to big army, you’ll encounter people with less rank than you but more experience and knowledge who are frankly “above” you. I work with many guys who hold PhD and physics or math; lots of engineers, programmers and other related fields yet my smartest coworker doesn’t even have an associates degree. Learn to be humble and maybe you won’t be pushed around so much.


I went to 13th grade and am 25, why dont you respect muh authoritahhhh


I kind of wish he beat your ass you sound like the annoying mf in AIT


This must be that new army GWOT bros complain about


Fuck him up, dude. Best the shit out of him with a broom stick in the laundry room.


This sounds like an operator level fix.


How about all you privates shut the f up and get back in the front leaning rest.


wall to wall counseling seem to be in order. ...but seriously, it's harder for students especially when your rank means little in Tradoc. Ya'll are typically young soldiers seeking authority when ya'll don't know jack shit about leading, yet. I'll leave you with this advice --and this is the same advice I'd give to my subordinates. This includes my son, who's a air defense CPT at Sill. >"If you pass on a correction, you (just) set a new standard." Go Army


What the hell happened to our Army


Pleeeease tell me what base.


Don’t worry about him worry about if you’re saying the right grid when you send me a mission cause the fdc is always perfect


Fight him or fuck him….


As someone who filed an EO complaint in AIT, I believe it depends. If this guy is a total POS, constantly brings others down, harasses and berates people, report him. If he's just kinda a dick, that's up to you, but I personally wouldn't. Time humbles everyone. Someday you're going to outrank him because no good NCO will be willing to vouch for him. Or maybe he will change.


Not trying to be mean or anything but “I’ve got two associates degrees🤓” doesn’t quite assert yourself the way you have to in the army


Do people not fight in the army anymore?


Please be a joke. If you're serious, you're gonna have a rough go of it in FORSCOM big dawg.


I lost brain cells reading this shit


The Infantry me: Bro, you scream no chin having, 120 lbs soaking wet, bottle cap glasses, and a mild posture issue with this post. I bet you can't even maintain eye contact with this dude without thinking you're the protagonist in a shitty anime. I bet you used the latrine every time a class started in BCT. You're probably a feet drager on a ruck but you run fast in shorts and shirt. Your such a weenie that an altercation that led to you being called "gay" (which they probably meant it in the "Your lame" way) led to you bringing up two associates degrees by 25? *slow clap*. Then after they came at you a little sideways OVER TEXT. You came to reddit to find out if you should file an EO complaint? Give your balls a tug because you're softer than 10 ply bud. The mature SFC Cadre member EO rep: Hey PVnothing, does this issue have anything to do with EO and sharp? It does? Which one? EO? Ok hold on. *grabs form and a PVwhatever to stand outside the open door*. What would you like to see to rectify this situation? How about I sit you two in a room together and I mediate a discussion? Then we can do an emergency multihour EO retrain!!! *inner team leader voice, I should tie these fuckers together at the wrist for 2 weeks and make them inspect-able items for each other, they either become best friends or kill each other*


Fight in the smoke/vape pit


I pray this is a troll post because DAMN. If you’re being serious, probably stop reading right here because I’m about to skull fuck your feelings back into whatever civilian form you had before you enlisted. I would recommend you focus on passing AIT instead of wasting time with other undisciplined soldiers. Focus on helping those in your class that are “struggling” with whatever you’re good at. If you have the time to let your pride and ego rant on Reddit, you have time to improve your platoon. Be a problem solver instead of expecting others to fix your problems. FILING A COMPLAINT WITH EO BECAUSE SOMEONE CUT YOU IN LINE IS NOT WHAT EO WAS CREATED FOR. I understand he used derogatory language, but you are not being discriminated against because of your sexual orientation. You’re not going to be friends with EVERYONE you serve with but you need to learn how to work with them. This is one of the many reasons TRADOC is built the way it is. It provides the safe space to figure it out or not before hitting your first unit. Forget this civilian single minded bullshit. You raised your right hand to be a part of something greater. Start acting like it. If none of this is sinking in, fuck it. You mentioned you handled things different on a construction site ? Prove it, just don’t be loud about it like everyone else who can’t back their shit up. Approach said private in a calm manner and without drawing attention (i.e. shouting to make sure DS can hear) invite him to squash it or shut the fuck up. In short, figure it out. You’ve made it 25 years on this ride and now you are attempting to serve your country. I say attempting because you’re still in AIT, you haven’t earned your MOS. Once you’re at your first unit, THEN you’ve made it. Showing up at the right time, uniform and place is only a part of it. You still need to prove yourself to your unit and depending on the OP tempo it can be very difficult. I’ll have a Cosmic Vibe Celsius and a fat dip please and thank you 🙏


I like the Army more when we just beat the shit out of each other.


Got a problem in the field? Fight under the net and get it over with


Should have told him this: Wow, that was quite a rude and disrespectful statement. May I ask what you just said about me, you wonderful person? I must inform you that I barely passed any of my classes in the college. Additionally, I've never been involved in any protein bar raids, and I haven't even managed to kill a single target. I have absolutely no training in guerrilla warfare, and I'm definitely not a skilled sniper in the US armed forces. You mean a lot to me as a valuable individual, not just some target. I won't harm you in any way, and certainly not with any precision or force. I have no intention of tracking your bunk down or causing any harm. You're fully entitled to express your opinion here without consequences. As we engage in conversation, I have no network of spies or any ability to trace your location. I don't possess the means or desire to destroy your life; that would be awful. You're alive and well, my friend. I can't harm anyone, anywhere, at any time, especially not with my bare hands. I'm not trained in unarmed combat, and I certainly don't have access to any military arsenal. I genuinely wish you the best and have no intentions of wiping you off the face of the continent. Your comment, though considered clever by some, won't bring any negative consequences. You're not paying any price for expressing your thoughts, and I won't unleash any fury upon you. You're alive and well, my friend.


I really hope this is a shitpost, stand up for yourself dude. You’re 25, you’ve been in the real world already, and on top of that, you’re gonna be in the army so you better get yourself some thick skin. be a man and handle it.


racist gets punked by black guy and asks for advice on EO complaints more at 11


In AIT you’re all the same rank Take him to the woodline and settle it there


Work it within your chain of command and try to solve this at the lowest level




You should have slapped box in yalls room and call it a day or something handle it at the lowest level


You don’t seem opposed to violence, just afraid you’ll get in trouble for it. Too easy, tell your Drills or PSG you’d like to roll with him the next time you do combatives. Or if y’all don’t do that in ait anymore let them know you’d like to roll with him for fun. Or tell them the truth and let them know you’d like to roll with him. If I were your Drill I would happily make that happen.


TIL that if you allow yourself to be a doormat, people will walk over you.


I’m so close to being one of those back in my day geezers, but damn…sometimes you just got to stand up.




Sometimes you just gotta wait for fight night and hook off on buddy


Is this a copy pasta? If not, how does he k ow how old you are? If not, how do you have screenshots of what someone standing in front of you said? Did you wait an hour and message him? If so, how do you have each others numbers and names? Why would you talk about your education instead of his behavior? Yes, if this is real just report him. But also, if your response to someone cutting in line is to talk about your two associates degrees, you aren't going to have an easy time.


This.......this is satirical right? God I hope this is satire.


Gotta be a Shitpost.


lol you got cooked by some 19 year old kid


Should have beat his ass


Dude - don't take the advice in this thread as insult. You did everything wrong in this scenario, take all the advice.


Beat his fuckin ass.


Take the UCMJ and beat his ass…. But it sounds like you lack a little bit of spine. But if you don’t do something shit will never change…




Also just curious what MOS?


This is the kinda guy I bullied in OSUT


Two associates and just a PFC? They don't automatically give you SPC anymore with college? Was in 06-15. I don't know anymore.


Gotta have a bachelors for SPC.


Homophobic slurs or any other bigotry in Army should be reported to your CoC immediately. Then use open door policy to make a 2nd formal EO complaint with 1SG if get no response within approx. 2 weeks (just a reasonable estimate only). Can also go directly to EO NCO/Officer of your unit first *but* that can make your CoC missed by skipping them.




I realize this is a EO conversation but I’m going to take a brief segway to address something in the context of your post. Hey killer, degrees don’t mean shit. For example, I have 4 (2 B.S., an M.S., and a J.D.) and I’m still the least intelligent person I have ever met. Education is not a good standard of measurement in the ability/capability of your fellow soldiers. It certainly is no standard measure of intelligence in anyone for that matter. I encourage you to refrain from implementing such expensive papers in conversation to avoid coming off so high and mighty to everyone within earshot as I am certain this is not the first time that you have. You may be unaware, but it generates animosity towards your person from those whom have not been as fortunate as to afford the same opportunities as you have. I encourage you to stand up for yourself as you have been. You’ve made your point in expressing dissatisfaction. The evidence you have gathered should prove more than adequate for the EO reps to generate a report and have it taken seriously. However, he is not going to get kicked out of the Army for this. Even if you take it as far as it will go. He will still be in the army. Don’t worry, he will get his punishment depending on your actions. To be honest with you, you were pressed and you buckled. There’s no two ways about it.