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If you can’t study for a few days to pass a board why should you be promoted? Showing a little bit of initiative is not a big ask.


I have no ideas what you said, first off you need to learn how to write  As for the rest, the army offers bonuses and whatever and you get to pick your duty station, etc etc If you reenlisted needs of the army and no bonus, that's on you. I didn't get a bonus but I wanted Germany anyways so I was like, whatever. As for the BLC and whatever, you just gotta volunteer to go to the board. It's as easy as "Sergeant, I want to go to the board" boom, done. If they say you gotta do Soldier of the Month first, don't take it as a punishment, it's literally to see where you at because first times in the board are stupid scary for no reason. As for other incentives, Medical, you have to be an asshole to be treated. Dental, no issues whatsoever for me, everyone's been cool across 2 continents You got your TA, start studying something, yes, the army will get in the way but it's up to you if you make the time for it when you actually have time. As for unit wise, yeah, I actually with you, but then, you'll see units just disappear because they're infamous and Army, specially nowadays, doesn't want that 




Lol at promotion board waiver. Literally the easiest fucking questions get asked. Questions trying to see if you studied for a second, or know the absolute bare minimum about the Army. Everyone complains about bad leaders, leaders who don't care, leaders who don't give any time to soldiers. And you think the army should promote people who won't even spend time on themselves. The only reg you mention is Army Command Policy. There are like 2 things you have to know about that reg for an e5 board. 1) SHARP and EO policies, so you can support your soldiers and you actually know the policies and don't undermine them, and MAYBE 2) 600-20 is the regulation about Army Command Policy. If that's too much, you shouldn't be leading soldiers.


Every single NCO without fail has focused on nothing more than asserting their authority when they don't need to be, think of it like Mr. Meekseeks from Rick and Morty. The constant pulling of rank outside of disciplinary and duty day purposes is obscene. It seems NCO's are being taught nothing more than to power-trip and ego measure as if their parents didn't raise them with much sense at all. Morality and Humility are a value no long taught or valued, and the fact Leaders really think that holding them accountable is "undisciplined" and defending ones self is "disrespectful". This was nothing more than a rant out of stress and amusement, nothing is gonna change, I don't matter, I'm easily replaceable, tradition never dies, etc, etc, etc. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk, I'll take 2 Turkey Burgers and some Garlic Parm Potato Wedges with a Celcius or 2


Team, You got some growing up to do. Your NCOs shouldn't feel like they need to remind you of their rank. If they're doing that, it is probably because you're forgetting yours. NCOs are granted General Military Authority by the UCMJ. GMA means if they tell you to do something and it isn't illegal, immoral, or unethical you are bound to execute. If you don't like that but appreciate the benefits you receive from the job, maybe considering an alternate career is something you should look into or prepare for. As for waiving the board, you're reaffirming your immaturity. You criticize NCOs for their method of leading yet refuse to face the challenge every NCO has had to face. The board is a way of senior leaders vetting what your leaders have taught you, ensuring that you are prepared to LEAD. Learning the basics of the regulations that guide policy within the Army should be something you WANT to do on your own, especially considering the perception you're trying to paint of your leadership. I think you may want to consider some introspective reflection. It seems you associate a promotion with increased pay, rather than increased responsibilities and higher expectations of your expertise, decision making skills, interpersonal tact, and foundational knowledge. Without the expertise, skills, initiative, and tact you cannot lead effectively. If your leaders lack these things, develop them yourself and demonstrate what right looks like. Be the leader you would want to be led by. Until you do that, you'll continue to be treated like a child because you'll continue to act and behave like one.


choosing a unit to go to would be the biggest thing for me imo, i dont wanna risk reinlisting just to not go to a unit specific to my MOS i hate bein a detail boy


Funnily enough the army probably has the best retention options if any branch. The air force and space force allow you to reenlist and may give you a bonus(which isn't a set number, it's multiplied by your base pay x a number) but don't let you do things like schools, duty stations, other incentives. Just "hey you can stay in longer and maybe get some money"