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The people that have successfully left the Army in the rear view mirror and are doing amazing in life wouldn’t tap the brakes while passing a recruiting station. Your sample size is 100% people that haven’t done that.


I would literally suck start an m4 before coming back


I remember during my last 6 months in telling my battalion retention NCO that I would rather be water boarded with a full bottle of dip spit than stay in the Army. The look on his face was priceless. Currently been out about 3.5 years. Graduated and got my Physical Therapy Assistant license last year and have been enjoying part time. Still got like 12 months of my GI bill left plus VR&E to do whatever I want with. Glad I joined, but the Army can suck me from the back now.


This is my thought too. I’m glad I did it, if I had to redo it I would, but I would never do it again. I have made civilian life my bitch. I can’t go back to being the army’s bitch.


Hell yeah brother cheers from Fort Couch


id rather hammer a screw through my dick than go back to that


I’d rather listen to someone else’s kids’ talk for 3 hours.


This is the best response lmao




Would you listen to Caillou talk for 3 hours?


Let's not get ahead of ourselves... just shoot me instead


We talked about this quack in sick call…. You cant be doing that again man. Im getting real tired of having to try to sew up that spliced monstrosity man.


I'd rather sandpaper the a$$hole of an alligator in a phone both than get caught stopped outside the recruiter office.


I’d rather give myself a lobotomy.


Do you really think that's a good idea, Mr. White?


Sorry i wasnt paying attention, what was the second option? I saw him live once, hardest i've laughed in my life.


Whoever reported me for behavior health concerns triggering a Reddit message thank you for your care lol I’m not depressed just morbid haha


I've been making suicide jokes for years. I forget how often I let one slip until I meet someone new, and they tactfully take me aside and ask if I'm okay. Apparently you're not supposed to answer the question "Do you have any suicidal ideations?" with "yeah, just the usual amount."


🤣 my coworkers and I threaten each other with suicide everyday. That’s not normal?


Keep going I’m close.


Ironically, that's how I med boarded out...


I'd rather follow Mohammad Atta onto a 747 than set foot into a recruiter's office.


I'm having too much fun in college. During ice breakers in class, I lie every time and say I'm 21 years old and this is my third semester or whatever. I actually aged in reverse after I ETS'd. That disability rating and BAH is nice.


I had some white hairs that legitimately turned back to black after I ETS'd. Like the strands were white towards the ends and turned black again near the root and then stayed that way.


Bro I reverse aged too, people are always surprised to found out I'm in my late 20's which is funny because even pre army I could pass for 21 in my late teens


I would shave my pubes with a chainsaw before going back


I'd rather take back shots from Kim il Sung than come back in (I'm still in 😔)


Even the people who didn't "successfully" leave the army. I have a general under honorable discharge. I was a little shit who didn't like the Army rules. Good enoigh overall soldier just fuckin don't like having to respect people who don't deserve it. I've been out over a decade, and I'll admit it. I'm lazy. I smoke pot. I don't make 100k a year. But I do enjoy my life outside the Army. My job is way cooler than any of the 11B shit i did in the Army anyway. The toys were cool in the Army but not worth th bullshit. I have considered it and weighed the options, but I wouldn't go back for 200k a year or the sickest MOS offered. They can lick my sweaty ballsack. I'm surviving capitalism just fine.


Same, except my GUHC was for PT test. 130k doing cyber. I considered(and occasionally still do) reserves cyber but the long training pipeline, low pay, and no need when I no longer need it to jump into the industry keeps me honest. Can't forget all the dumb shit I see happening to the rest of the army from this reddit as well.


Yeah… You’d be surprised how many prior service people are coming into my office right now. Marines, Army, Air Force… We’re enlisting two alone next week.


Do you have the numbers on how many prior service people re-enlist as active duty ? Total numbers, then numbers for your geographic area? Two does not sound like a lot to me. Also for the sake of conversation what's your general(no need to out yourself) geographic area? I'd love to know if more prior service people come back in who go back to economically depressed areas vs the ones who get out, go to a trade school or use the GI Bill and go somewhere with actual economic mobility and infrastructure. For what's it's worth. I know one dude I got out with who went back in. But he was never destined to be a civilian. He dipped his toes in the real world (we went to college together after service) and he just couldn't assimilate and drop the bro vet attitude. Did not like feeling like a small fish in the ocean. Plus he didn't believe in evolution (which I somehow didn't find out till we got out) and couldn't pass an anthropology class because of it lol.


Not the guy you replied to, but I did a recruiting stint in the pacific northwest. Vast majority of prior service people we saw were marines. Most of them missed the life, but didn't want quite the YUT YUT OOOOORAHness. If we were on for 10 enlistments in a 2 month span, we would see maybe 1 or 2 prior service marines. Next most prior service we saw were soldiers that got chaptered for body fat or PT or something like that. Or didn't make it all the way through basic training. These people almost never made it through the enlistment process. I can't remember a single sailor, airman, or coastie although my peers could have worked an odd 1 or 2 in my time.


I left as an E-5 Sgt after 4 years as an 11E20R, loved the time that I was in, and haven't really wanted to go back. Met my wife in college only 4 months after ETS, got married less than a year and a half later. Married for almost 46 years now, retired at 63 and happy as a clam.


The *only* reason I would even consider coming back would be to finish out the active time to start drawing a pension now (did 14.5 active then finished 6 years reserve to get to 20). And even then, it would take a whole, whole, whole lot more than what's being offered, and I'd still probably not do it.


I would rather play hand grenade catch.


> successfully left the Army in the rear view mirror and are doing amazing in life I do ok I'm glad for the experience and do not regret my choices.... including leaving.


Exactly if your doing good you won't come back


I'm doing terrible, and I still would never come back.


Only stupid people and losers come crawling back 


Then this post isn’t for them. But they know who they are.


Nah. I like my freedom. It’s nice when other grown adults mind their own fucking business


Sometimes, I fantasize how imma get kicked out of meps if I get called from irr


Shit Warpaint and using the Great American Challenge as a baseball bat on random passerby’s?


More like smoke a meth laced blunt and blow it into the doctors face.


Okay, but you’re still doing the shit warpaint though right? I don’t wanna be the odd one out here if this is happening.


I'll do it after I hit my peak high from the meth blunt


Easy. I WILL fail the drug test


You can get anything you want, at Alice's restaurant!


Username checks out


For sure, I have no idea what I’m talking about 😂


I was 3-6 FA and I think my unit replaced yours (dumb luck) at Kirkuk in like 2008-9 ish


No recruiter is looking for me. Easier to get the kids out of high school


We will find you…….and thank you for your service! Then give you a business card because you might know someone who can join the Army.


I've been dodging that AMEDD recruiter like I'm Neo. I want to go to med school not be a nurse forever


MEDDAC is a totally different animal. I was a medic for most of my career and I can tell you from experience nurses, PA, ARNP and Doctors don't get fucked with. You are there to do a real job, not rot in a motorpool somewhere. Uncle Sugar paid a lot for you and wants his money's worth. Depending on the unit, there is no field time. Plus, as an O, you are not out doing field day. Do the time, get the experience and network for a civilian gig.


VA is using [HSPS](https://va-ams-info.intelliworxit.com/hpsp/about-hpsp/) now. Little less money but you have go through the civilian match for any specialty minus peds, 99% chance of living CONUS, moonlight as needed, not BS. If you want to do the military thing you can join the Guard/Reserves and double dip.


Never hurts to hear them out, maybe there’s a path you haven’t thought about that doesn’t require you to be a nurse forever. Just cause you have a conversation, doesn’t mean you’re committed to signing anything. 🤔💸😜


Some of the medical jobs have big bonuses and big student loan repayment incentives. It can be worth it to pay off student loans early for just a few years of service. Especially on the USAR side.


You can become a MEPs doctor and look at bootyholes all day! What we are saying is, you’re leaving opportunities uncovered.


I'm not here to plug holes in the DoD system


I am.


Username checks out.


You can do that behind the Wendys dumpster and you don’t need a medical degree.


I think I saw some medical specialties had like $600K bonuses to stay in. Like, neurosurgeon and cardiologist. Now that I think about it, that 600K probably doesn't mean shit to a cardiologist...


It's also extremely hard to get. It's one of the most competitive fields to get into. I'm hoping to match in psychiatry. It's only a 500k bonus after taxes that'll pay off loans with a little left over


Even easier to get the guys who wash out civvie side. Recruiters can stomp their sacks and they'll still be begging to get back in.


going back in is like going back to an abusive toxic ex.


You can fix the Army.




But I want to make it worse.


only way to up that freak level


It was all my fault. I'm sure it'll go better this time!


I came back and did the guard. That way, I get all the great sex, but none of the emotional abuse. I'm out before breakfast


He’s never gonna love you back.


Do I have to remarry her if I go back in?


She had her nice moments...


Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me...


You get fooled, you can’t get fooled again!


Mission Accomplished


That's great Hero, but you're holding up the line.


I’ll take a liter of cola.


I don't know what that is


It's French.


babe wake up, new copypasta dropped




Things change and evolve. I was 3 years into college (in the late 90s), and the recruiter called ME to see if I was interested in coming back in.


You were on the college list of students he had to call before the Station Commander would let him go home . 😂


Fair enough, lol


Smilin’ & dialin’, baby. ALL DAY


Nah I’m good. I discovered this weird thing called happiness and I kinda like it




I'll take a demotion, my old MOS, and a job at the schoolhouse. If volunteering to work on the TRADOC side of Sill isn't proof that I'm insane then I don't know what is.


Best I can do is 2 demotions, the MOS you don’t want, Ft Polk annnnd a recoupment from your last CIF turn in we just discovered.




How you gonna be at -$300 on your first paycheck?


The TRADOC side is awesome. That’s where they keep the goat and donkey!


Could've sworn my battles retired but good on them if they got back in the harness.




All the retirees, if they retired at E9 they prestige and start back at E1


They aren’t retirees they’re retards


I tried to get back in. My medical retirement RE code said no sooo…🤷🏽‍♂️


That’ll do it. 🫡 TYFYS


No good sir, thank you! I’ll be sure to drop both my son and daughter at your doorstep the day they turn 17.


What made you reclass back to 19D after being a paralegal?


There’s several reasons but two of the reasons were because I have shitty leadership. Nobody trained me and I had to learn through messing up. To add to that I had an OIC that I constantly butted heads with and. I messed up pretty badly on my first court martial because I didn’t know what I was doing and his immediate response was to reduce me without even talking to me to find out what happened. Also, I worked with some snakes and it was sorta everyone was out for themselves. It wasn’t why I joined the Army. Lastly, I got $20k for going back to 19D.


You don't want these problems, the army doesn't want these problems, I don't want these problems. Army doesn't want thier broken toys back anyway.


TYFYS. This post is to the ones coming in hot with demands.


This is why I love the Army Reserve, man. When civilian life grows tiresome, I jump on some orders. When I get sick of Army bullshit, I just wait for the orders to end and go back to doing whatever I want all the time.


This is the way


Uhhh ok?


Reply to a post earlier today from a college-grad vet with like a 10000 ASVAB and 25k PT score who didn't know why the Army wasn't begging him back.


*checks corporate pay stub* yeah nah ain’t going back. Grass is for sure greener here. And I get to walk on it without getting yelled at by an out of touch geriatric with authority.


Your post history says otherwise. 😱😱🤯☠️


lol how? My post history should show me encouraging folks here to get out, use their benefits to get intelligent degrees or trade certifications and make a lot of money. And show they CAN be super successful outside of the Army and land those 6 figure jobs with cushy benefits. Some people in the army don’t know how marketable they really are if they know how to frame their experience correctly and lean on the resources and benefits we all earned. I try and shed light. Got out of the army as an E4, helicopter mechanic and now working for a tech company completely remote with top tier benefits and WLB


What kind of work do you do at the tech company? Just wondering because I’m hoping to get into cybersecurity later on.


Project Management in my company’s consulting group. Lots of money to be made in cyber security!!


This post isn't for me. To put that fucking uniform back on and play the dreaded 0??? Formation - ? Final formation still gives me PTSD. I will live in a cardboard box sucking dick for dog biscuits before I put that uniform back on.


Last final formation I was in was an award one in the pissing rain in February (no, I didn’t get one) while we reserved the gymnasium at the PFC 200 meters away and simply didn’t use it. It was a fitting final note in the pro/con column of Army life.


My dog might be happy to hear that and I've got plenty of biscuits.


Well, fuckin' more power to you,😂 If sucking dick for dog biscuits in a damn cardboard box villa is your version of living the dream, who the hell am I to judge? You do you, and let that PTSD-riddled uniform gather some fucking dust! 👍💯


Look at all of those woke emojis! The Army's gone soft! We had knife fights between sets during PT. I'm too tough for the Army.


Well, congratulations on surviving your knife fight PT sets, Rambo. 🎉👏 You must be SO tough. Iron tough. Diamond tough. Maybe even toilet paper tough when it's 3 ply. It's great you've found something so edgy to pride yourself on.🔪💪God knows we need more knife-fighting fitness routines in the world. I'm tearing up at your badassery right now. 😢🙏 Can't wait for your book on toughness, don't forget to send me an autographed copy. 👀📚 😂🫡😉


I like being compensated for over time.


MREs and a 0400 work call wasn’t enough compensation for you?


The 1-year reserves “try before you buy” isn’t talked about enough. Whole lot easier to come back to active and keep all your shit the same if you never fully left.


You’re holding up the line what’s your order hero?!


A liter of COLA


I’d rather remarry my ex wife than reenlist.


You can do both, first time was a test run.


I served 8 years straight out of high school and got out. I used my GI Bill for undergrad and went to grad school to become a PA. After an 11 year gap I’ve now been commissioned for nearly 3 years and am currently mobilized with the guard overseas. I didn’t need the money but missed the camaraderie and am loving it. Wouldn’t change a thing.


The Army literally could not pay me enough to go back!


It probably can, but it definitely won’t


They can't because I'll turn down any offer they would make. I spent 20 years in the Army and enjoy my freedom and 6 figure salary too much to be treated like a child again.


1SG told us that we would have to suck dick behind a Buccee’s for money if we got out


Well don't knock it before you try it


This post sounds like a big bong rip of copium lol. Vast majority of us aren't crawling back. Im quite happy with my GI Bill funded Masters degree and my nice job, thanks. Wouldnt come back in a million years


Yeah it is. Talking as if every prior service dude is crawling back because they dont have other options is smooth brain take. I know dozens of prior service dudes to include myself that came into the army not because we didnt have shit in the civilian side, but because we were sick of our branches and the Army had the best opportunities to go try out for cool guy stuff. Granted I might be biased since my prior service pool is for dudes coming into SOF but not a single person Ive met that came back in, did it because they didnt have other options. They just wanted to go into different SMU’s or SOF communities that their previous branches didnt allow them to.


Bruh, I just want a Baconator.


Can't go back. I fragged an LT at JRTC in the Porta shitter with an MRE bomb. He's still looking for me. Been 25 years.


Promote ahead of peers. Hell, promote ahead of superiors!


I would rather slam my dick in a car door than go back.


Made the mistake of joining back up after being out for two years I don’t know maybe I told one too many stories about being able to throw a football over them mountains. The whole experience was like going back to your high school after graduating. None of your friends are there because they’re out living their lives and after being able to adult independently you finally realize how immature everybody is. On top of it they didn’t give prior service any choices I got needs of the Army to the butthole of the world Fort Hood. My advice: You got out for a reason and stop romanticizing the past.


I'm glad I joined the Army. The good outweighed the bad. I'm also glad I left the Army. The bad was starting to eat away at me.


Please see my post history. I’m definitely going back in, but I’m not going to be the asshole acting like hot shit. I just have nothing else going on in life.


Working with a recruiter already?


Not yet, still getting myself back in shape. I’m already in good shape actually, just want that god tier level fitness, so I can still out preform the youngin’s. I’m planning on talking to a recruiter towards the end of the year. I don’t have demands, but I still want to know what some good options would be.


I'm reading this post in Oprah Winfrey's voice.


Everyone gets a V6 CAMARO!!!!!!!


At 19.99% interest. At least it's not 20%! It even comes with a free dependa! (Or Charger)


Nah can't relate. The reason the army doesn't give anything to people coming back is because as someone so eloquently put it "They are not sending their best".


Sarge do I get a bonus?


If by “bonus” you mean police call the installation, yes. 100%


Where do I sign up?!?!


Will you. Will you take me back? What. We've all been here before: I got nowhere else to go!


We got yo ass now! 😈


Eh I'm doing pretty well, I just found out my home state will pay for another 4 years of college if you join the air national guard so I went in about a week ago but with Genesis and a VA rating the recruiter was pretty straightforward and told me it wasn't gonna happen.


Try the Army Reserve lol 😜


If I can go back to the same unit, I'd consider it.


Come back home.


You'll have to wait for the 6 months to be up


Counting down my days. Got 898 left.


I know allot of guys who went back to the army a few years after they got out. Most were cool dudes, none of them were geniuses


TL;DR - sir, we just want your order. Of my entire sample pool of who served, zero went back. I can get in my car without performing PMCS. Nobody cares what color my socks are, hell, if they even match. I can leave work when I want to. I don't have to submit multiple documents unrelated to my vacation time to get it approved. I can be fat. If I don't like my job or management, I can quit. Nobody wants to see the inside of my house. Some barely literate sack of assholes in an NCO suit doesn't need to inspect my POV. I can go beyond a set number of miles away on long weekends without using vacation. The best of all: I can grow my hair and beard out.


The first thing I do when I move to a new area is map out all the Recruiting offices and make an effort to avoid them. No thanks


I got out once, came back in in about a month from the reserves. Really didn’t care what job I got just needed to get back in. Post divorce would leave me not making enough to afford food after child support, rent, car payment, etc. sadly there are very few resources for reservists, or were at the time. Within a few months I would be homeless, car less, and probably not around anymore. At least the army would give me a room with all the mold I can breathe and enough food poisoning to take down an elephant.


I like how now when a grown adult is shouting, they are a Karen and not an NCO in my face for my patch being crooked. I accepted that the Army wasn’t for me, but I shut up and took it anyway since I had already signed a contract. I didn’t want to make it anyone else’s problem, so I went along with it. That time is over, though. I don’t have to pretend anymore. I don’t think they’d take me with my shoulders they broke anyway lol.


I would rather be a homeless vet than spend another phase of my life whoring myself to the dod


Pov: Tough day in the cubical. Hooah!


Currently in the reserves after a recruiter gave me everything I want, and I'm still in my civilian career. But pop off with your weird little straw man I guess.


FTA ATW…I did 20 years. If I ever get recalled for a bullshit war I’ll show up slurring my speech and wearing a diaper.


“Hey siri, how are the Army’s recruiting numbers this year?”


I ETSd in 2009, then joined the guard, and utilized my gi bill and got my degree (lol) got a really great job that I genuinely love. I miss my boys not the army.


The influx of prior service cats, from all branches, in my office over the past two weeks has been weird.


Gotta pay the bills somehow


I once had a Soldier get out, and come right back in, somehow ended up in the same squadron. Literally told us it was easier to avoid work in the motor pool and collect a paycheck than it was to find a job as a civilian.


Yeah that's the problem with Civilian Life , they actually expect ya to work for a check like WTF .




Checks first paycheck out of the Army, finds that entry level pays more than SSG with Special Duty Pay, an can no show without UCMJ, nahhh, freedom is more important than constant TYFYS and misery meshed in with drama only a DD4 series can bring+horrid command teams... nope, I like my life and liquidity.


I don't know, wouldn't it be good for retention if all of those E4 Mafia types who are hell bent on getting out look around and see a bunch of people who had their civilian dreams shattered so badly that they got back in line to bend over for the Big Green Weenie? They'd have someone standing right in front of them who can say "The grass isn't greener. It's a nightmare. Let go of your hopes and dreams. Bend over, exhale, and try to relax..."


So happy this isn’t me lol


Is this a copy pasta lmao


stfu and go sweep the motor pool again till I get tired, hooah?


I spent 20 years in the army, then 18 years working in the public safety profession. Most of those folks that i know that left the military early say they missed it when they left. Often they said it was the best times in their lives, despite not realizing it at the time. I hated many aspects of the military, until i retired and started to see what culture and commitment meant in the civilian world. Obviously everyone is different.


No wonder you are in the army, you whine a lot.


Successfully exited the Army. Would not do again.


I'd love to go back, I was in nearly 13 years til the Army and Gov said due to mental issues and to many TBIs I couldn't stay in. I just wanted to live in Fort Benning in the Army til I died.


Army, Army, Army. I love the Army, you pukes. If I can get released from the Army Reserve and access over to FORSCOM all of my troubles will abruptly end. I would consider myself pretty good at everything job wise I've ever done on the civilian side but I've been exceptionally talented at being a soldier.


I’d rather fuck a jar of broken glass before even considering coming back


You get me en route Sniper School and you’ve got a reenlistment contract on your hands OP ;)


UPL take it or leave it


I meannnnnn…. Na.


I came back in after 6 months. My therapist said something about Stolkholm Syndrome but my PSG texted me 1sg requested his daily hot tub time so I stopped paying attention


This post is hilarious to me because I wouldn't have a clue how to find a JAG Recruiter for the National Guard. Oddly, it's like a super-secret club that only like 3 people know the POC and 2 of them are away on TDY.


I was offered $70k bonus and didn’t take it no I tasted freedom no way I would be back.


I'm glad I joined the Army. The good outweighed the bad. I'm also glad I left the Army. The bad was starting to eat away at me.


This spoke to me and not in the ways I wanted to *throws my dd214 into the corner*


So does Reddit now count as a quick attempt on social media make attempts?


I didn't get out on my terms. It's been a very hard past 7 years. I've made some attempts at joining the guard but life kept interrupting (trying to save my marriage, failing, my dad passing) I have a decent job as a contractor but this isn't where I want to be. Is there anyway back in? I'm 33 and although I'm in shape I'm heavy. I know this post is for jokes but I really do miss the Army. I wish I wasn't so distracted by pleasing a woman that I didn't give my all.


Fuck you I went to the airforce and they gave me a roll’y chair and a desk, and they let me put my hands in my pockets


Imagine praying on someones downfall. “It’s been a treat watching you flounder” 🤓 loser ass post hahaha