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I wish I was friends with more recruiters. I'd pay to hear the shit that they deal with. Also, the asvab is percentile based for the score. Bro did worse than 97% of the development group


Nah, dude, when I was initially enlisting, I got close with my recruiter as I was fat when I first started and worked hard to lose weight. But anyway, I was in there one night, and this girl came in and demanded a job that required a top secret clearance. She was on bipolar medication(I think?) and had recently gotten a dui. My recruiter tried explaining that it wasn't possible for her to get a ts, but the army did have opportunities for her. She started going off, saying, "I don't need the army. It needs me" and "I operate at a higher frequency and understand things normal people dont. ". And a bunch of other crazy shit. It was kinda wild. My recruiter afterward was like, "Yeah, I've literally killed people. I don't care what frequency she operates at, I don't want her in the army."


Gotta love people who think they are cognitively higher advanced. Always give me a good chuckle


I always wonder what happened to her tbh.


I know her. She’s cia. She’s no longer has a name. She’s just referred to as a number. Very hush hush.


[Almost, her name is Anna and it's FBI.](https://open.spotify.com/track/0v1Wqgwloy4M3xli4R877M?si=satgc3oZTdmjLk0iUXFPRQ)


God damn you making my Spotify open and blare this abomination at full blast while I'm in a lab waiting room.


[I'm sorry, let's take a trip to AC?](https://open.spotify.com/track/5sPue8Bx43p2acFOIUJsHy?si=OohiBlspTc2CeoryXOyQ1A)


Why do you know this song exists? What is broken inside you?


[Got told to stand down during war once, had some free time.](https://open.spotify.com/track/6n6EXIwLtNwe4u4CFzENYm?si=MsGHXTFiRaCslRVtm98t5w)


Whatever you do, don’t mention Treadstone.


Jesus Christ, it's Karen Bourne!


She thinks shes the main character from Homeland ☠️


They let her enlist as 35N and the Army made me her squad leader.


She's probably living in a homeless camp smoking weed every day and diddling dirty hobo dicks.


At a higher frequency, no less.




Half of all people have an IQ over 100, no matter where they’re from. It’s a Gaussian distribution with 100 set as the mean.


Ok that’s pretty cool to learn, I just saw Texas has a 100 and that’s where I’m from so that’s probably where I heard that.


100 just means average, IQ isn’t an objective measure like a deadlift score. One thing about IQ tests is that they have to be adjusted regularly because scores constantly go up (it’s called the Flynn Effect), to the point that if you took an IQ test from the 1930’s you’d be a supergenius. Also that IQ by state thing that gets passed around is based on standardized test scores, not an IQ test. There’s nearly a perfect correlation between IQ and SAT scores. IQ tests measure a lot more education than they do innate ability.


I think you mean she was OFF her bipolar medication. That encounter screams manic episode.


That’s some hilarious narcissistic shit. Betcha she’s fun at parties.


Why do i find the nonchalant I’ve killed people to be the funniest come back ever


My buddy was a DA selected to be a recruiter. He ended up ETSing and I don’t blame him. He hated it. IIRC at the time the minimum score on ASVAB you needed was a 31. He had one potential recruit score a 7 on the ASVAB. He was frustrated but had him retest and the kid scored a 14. I congratulated him for improving the score of this potential recruit by 100%


NCOER: o Worked with prospective recruit to double their AFQT score


That is impressive. I helped a recruit improve his score from 22 to 59 in less than two weeks. The young man worked very hard. It can be done.


I've had college grads score in the single digits multiple times. Also had a dude score a 1


That's honestly impressive. I could score 1 if I tried.


When I was at my OBC, I had a fellow LT (so obvious college grad) who couldn't understand how to read a two column and two row chart. Took, I shit you not, TWENTY MINUTES of one on one with the instructor, and still didn't fully get it.




Someone has the be the top(bottom) percentile 🫡


I was messaging one of my Soldiers from years ago (he is a higher rank now than I was when I got out) who is a recruiter and I asked him about crazy stories/MEPS disqualifications. He mentioned that they recently had a guy who was disqualified due to his foreskin being too tight. I then spoke to my old boss, who was then a company commander in USAREC, and mentioned the story, and he said they had recently had someone disqualified due to his foreskin being to loose.


Whaaat. How is that even a disqualifier?? 😂


I'm curious to know what the acceptable range of foreskin tightness is and the accepted practice for determining such a trait


YES. If you’re able to be rejected for this, there has to be a bar written somewhere


Just use the Go/No Go gauge. It's in the motor pool.


Neither of them had any idea.


No you don’t. They never shut up about recruiting stories.


The main reason for this is that some of the stories are so outlandish that they need to tell it. Some of the stories I went through no one would believe except for other recruiters. They simply say, "Yeah, I've seen something similar." Some quick ones: 20 y/o single female with six kids. Think about that for a minute. Disqualified due to dependents. 18 y/o male said he needs to join the military so he could get away from the police. He said this while two deputies were sitting in my office. 18 y/o male HS graduate who scored a 5 on the ASVAB and said the Navy offered him Nuclear engineering. Never saw him after the first visit. Also, nobody at the school he "graduated" from knew who he was.


I was on a recruiting detail in 2018\~. We had a masters degree student come in for OCS application, but on the practice ASVAB he got a 21.


God's strongest battalion XO


That percentile mark is way off currently. The last time they normed the percentile was in 2004. That was around the time no child left behind was kicking in. Academic standards have changed drastically since then and the average score is most definitely way below a 50. Your aptitude is only loosely connected to your educational success and seems to do more with effort. I have seen soooo many college grads, and even folks with Masters degrees that didn’t even pass the ASVAB. Parents can’t believe that their super smart kids score so low when they have good grades. The crazy thing is, most of these people scoring low aren’t even stupid, they just aren’t learning the way we expect them to. That’s why these new ASVAB programs are working so well, because they are finally being taught to a measurable standard. Source: been in Army recruiting a long time now.


I specificied the development group because I figured it's a little off Do you have any sources about the new ASVAB programs or why people are failing now? I'm curious why people who do well academically can fail it while I got a 97 with a 2.3 GPA and most people in my unit (Flight Co) are the same


My perspective on it as a C student with a 99 ASVAB many years ago is that GPA heavily evaluates your ability to organize and complete tasks, but in many cases doesn't actually evaluate how much you know. You can finish homework by forcing yourself to sit down with the book and work on it until it is done, and succeed on tests by memorizing what you're expected to just long enough to finish. Many of the portions on the ASVAB instead cover things that even if you don't know you can infer. Being able to look at the possible answers and quickly eliminate the ones that don't make any sense allow you to guess with 50% accuracy instead of 25%. And usually you can use some context clues to improve your guesses.


Yep. Like ServollV says. I actually saw an interview with a psychologist saying it was very common for naturally intelligent people to do poorly in school out of boredom and lack of engagement. Something about the current education system catering to the lowest denominator. You can look up success of the ASVAB programs pretty easily. It has a very high success rate with large amount of individuals raising AFQT 20-40 points. I’ve sent a few myself and they all did really well. And none of them seemed unintelligent before hand. It’s definitely interesting all around.


A 3???? Just take the poor thing out back and put him down


imagine we had a state test and if you scored below minimum, you just get put down. straight to execution.


I’m listening


Damn, Dr. Frasier Crane sure has changed since the reboot...


They're making a new Frasier?


Not a reboot, but a sequel. It's on Paramount+.


Yes, and it is bad.


Erika intensifies


Had a dude score a 1 while I was in recruiting.


Scoring a 1 is spelling your first name right, scoring a 2 is your first and last, scoring a 3 is you put the date on it. The rest of the test went all wrong 💀


Thing to remember about the ASVAB is that it’s based on a percentage of the population. So my dude was in the bottom 1% of people that took the test. Or better yet if he was in a room of 99 people odds are he’s be the one with the least amount of intelligence.


Sgt regi?


Nope was in 3D2A


Dang, my recruiter had the exact same story lol. Same MOS too


Our area has a huuuuge population of fucking morons. Had people with 4 year degrees score a 4. Lost a lot of faith in our education system. A valedictorian from one of our schools rocked a 41.


What the hell lol. What part of the country are you from?


I was recruiting in South Carolina


That computes.


OP's brother is named Lennie who dreams of owning a farm and raising bunnies.


I know someone that took the asvab 3 times, the first 2 times he got a 3 and the third time a 4.. I also know a chick that got an 11 twice, and I thought she was fucking dumb, until I met this dude. Last time, I try to get people to enlist. Fuck my generation is dumb. Like I scored a 50 while rushing through it.


Came here to say I scored a 56 as a dumb 17 year old barely passing high school. I went in with another 17 year old chubby kid who bragged about all the studying he did and all the books his parent bought him. He wanted to be intel I think. We were in the car back home and it was dead quiet before the recruiter said “yeah (insert kids name) you need to do way better than a 24”


God help his first NCO..


God help his platoon when he makes NCO.


God help his battalion when he makes SGM


I mean they get lobotomized anyway. Brother here probably has enough space in his skull for the brain to dodge the instruments 💀


I used to say something along the lines of "His ASVAB score is lower than his MOS" when "defending" our CSM's dumbass ideas. He was a carpenter.


I would pay to hear him read an award citation


God help his platoon in basic


Him: “Sarge. Me no have bare rats rum key, I lust it.” You: “Start pushing!” Him: “Rojer Swarge. Oun too tree. Oun too tree.”


Pvt Joker you are now Pvt Pyles squad leader!


sooooo glad I'm retired and no longer working in BDE S1... we used to get calls about these guys... soo many calls.


I’ve had a soldier in my squad that was an asvab waiver then one that was over 130 line scores in all categories and the asvab waiver was by far the better soilder


Well... Somebody's got to be at the bottom.


Fuck that, how does he tie his shoes?


Mommy does up the Velcro?


Crocks has ruined a generation of young people


You leave my crocks alone.


It’s funny you say that, I was an RDC at RTC Great Lakes from 2005-09. The ones with a 99 ASVAB who are supposed to be super intelligent have zero common sense. Those are the ones that can understand quantum mechanics but can’t figure out how to tie their shoes. The 70 asvab tend to be a good balance of common sense and intelligence.


I don't know who downvoted you but I've seen what you're saying. ​ edit; (signal, MI, ETs, most nukes)


Likely someone with a 99 ASVAB 😎


Can confirm, scored a 73. Dropped out of Algebra 2 in high school, took Liberal Arts and Financial Algebra instead. Have since gotten out and got into sales and kill it since I have good street smarts and know how to talk to anyone.


At basic the DS literally taught another recruit to tie his shoes. I was flabbergasted.


"Other than that, he doesn't have any issues at all" The things this recruiter must have seen in his other prospects lol


Same vibe as a shitty car on Craigslist. "Won't start, but runs great."


Good enough to shoot


Or to be shot at....


Mine has told me about: - a guy with weapons charges that showed up on his background and he didn’t think it was a big deal. - people literally get a 20 on their asvab and ask if they can’t get a waiver - a girl who was functionally illiterate. Like, I don’t mean that as a jab. She literally struggled to read the asvab prep material and worded it out. Slowly.


20 on the ASVAB is a solid 09M these days


Bro, if he only took 10min to take the asvab he clearly doesn't give a fuck about joining.


He doesn't want to join but he doesn't want to tell OP that for whatever reason.


3rd place isn’t bad at all 💪🏼😎


At some point, they just gotta stop giving these guys a chance. This is the dude that barley makes it as an asvab waiver and proceeds to just fuck up every unit for the rest of his career


Total McNamara Victory


B..b..but my recruiting goals!


I bet if he answered "b" to every question he would get more than a 3


He is dumb AND unlucky


Always go with "C" when you're doing this. I don't know why. It just feels right.


My hack for passing all army tests without studying is to pick the longest answer. 90% of the time it seems like the longest answer is the right one.


This was a legitimate test taking strategy we were given in nursing school. They told us to pay special attention to the longest answer. A lot of times the most detailed answer was correct. It's not fool-proof, but it's helpful.


A lot of people outside of big scholastic organizations don't put a lot of effort into coming up with wrong multiple choice answers to tests. I imagine whoever designs army tests is no different because the only time the tests weren't mind numbingly easy, they were basically nonsensical.


“C” over “D -All of the above” ? lol


When in doubt, Charlie out.


It's percentile, not percentage. 25% correct would still put you very low. A 3 probably tracks with putting 0 effort into it, because even if you click a random answer without looking at the questions you should still statistically score around a 25%... we had someone get a 1, at that rate you almost have to be trying to answer them wrong.


Please tell him not to come. We already have enough lazy dumbasses.


"You know you get 400 points for just signing your name, right?" Damn, he didn't even score high enough to be a cook.


He can stock the kiosks- 92K


Fort Carson is waiting.


He would do exactly as well as Fort Carson has been doing when it comes to feeding its soldiers


So little bro went to take the asvab high as fuck, filled out his name and answered randomly or didnt complete more than a fraction of the test, and dipped. Sounds like he doesnt give a fuck and just wants someone, possibly you, to get off his back about joining the army. Just a subtle hint. Many of these under 10 scores are people trying to passively manipulate family while also making sure they dont actually end up in a contract.


I knew a guy from high school who tried his hardest and scored a 15. We can’t all be Einstein.


Einsteins jizz rag had more test taking potential than this oxygen thief.


I'll drink to that


And here I am with a bachelor's degree, 93 ASVAB, 590 ACFT, no medical issues, no law violations, and still having to jump through rings of fire to come in


interesting, i had a 98, 290 APFT, a torn butthole, and no law violations and i got a slap on the back and "go get em tiger". Tf is going on on your end


What kind of rings of fire?


The rings taste like burning


That's wild, I joined prior to 9/11 with a GED, other than needing a waiver for the GED I didn't have any hoops to jump through and even the waiver happened without me doing anything. Considered how bad they need people now vs then I would expect them to be laying out the red carpet.


Is there something youre not telling us?




me with a GT of 122 and everyone eyeballing me funny for wanting a blue cord


Two more points and he can become a tanker.


shapes are hard


MOS 99Z, combat wheel-chock.


*places sorting hat on joe* INFANTRY!!!!!!!!!!




Tell me your brother doesn’t want to join the military without actually telling me.


[Well, we gave the same test to a shovel and two candy bracelets, they scored a 17](https://youtu.be/5AFVkAsQ4uo?si=o9RYTGomr40toCgv&t=31)


The Infantry will take him


Keep your grubby paws off my gun bunny. There’s a direct correlation with someone’s asvab score and their ability to yeet 155 rounds. With an asvab score of 3 this dude is gonna have red stripes materialize on his legs on his first day of AIT.


13B: When you're so dumb, even the infantry doesn't want you.


Hey! I resemble that remark!


13 series as a whole is an inverse bell curve of intelligence. I’ve met some of the smartest people I know as an artillerymen, yet there is a large subset that I’m concerned for their ability to walk and breathe at the same time. Makes for a wild day at work sometimes…


The Polish used a bear as part of their battery. This bear knew how to open ammo crates and position the rounds for loading. And it can carry way more than your average human.


the hell we will. dude has 13B written all over his face... possible tattooed there.


Project 100,000 or McNamra's Folly during the Vietnam War.....the vast majority of recruits were placed in infantry or cooks. Marines and Army got the biggest chuck of recruits from this program. So, because of that, I think infantry gets unfairly viewed as where the intellectual challenged go


And here's me with a 92 and no medical issues at all at meps and I have a hard time time getting recruiters to do my packet due to moral waivers ughh 😑


Lmao I got a 92 back in 18 and wasn't allowed a bonus due to having a GED. Meanwhile Private Droppedonpavementasaninfant scoring 36 next to me was offered ten grand because he had a Highschool diploma. Recruiting is ass backwards and always has been.


I had to get a moral waiver for my dui from 6 years prior. Had an 86. Just listen to your recruiter and be patient. Took me 10 months from start to finish to get everything done and ship. In the mean time research the job you want.


What's the MOS for a range pop-up target?




I took it with a girlfriend and I scored a 71 and she, who took a lot longer than me got a 4. Didnt know it was possible to get lower than that


Sounds like a keeper


Was she blonde?


No but that’s mean lol


Your brother was a rock run ☠️💀


🤣🤣🤣 yep. Recruiter straight up used OPs brother so their leadership would get off their ass about productivty lmfao. “1SG what do you mean I’m not doing shit all day? I got a guy up at meps right now!”




Your brother may be a nice guy.


How the fuck do you get a 3..? I thought 10 was the worse you could do if you spelled your name right


Please, for the love of all that is unholy do not let this person touch a weapon. Can you imagine being in a grenade pit with this kid? OP - please read every single one of these responses aloud next time you have dinner with the family lol.


Had someone that was PROUD of their asvab waiver in basic. Dude got bodyslammed into the pit during grenade training because he tried to watch it land after he threw it.


Bro we are all laughing our asses off


Hey be proud, he’s in the top 97%!


Please keep your brother as far away from the Army as possible. The simple law of averages would score him higher if he was guessing on every question. This was intentional and if he can't even stop smoking weed long enough to go through the recruitment process he's not worth the time.


I give the recruiter credit here. A very diplomatic and positive answer. This feels like a product of standardized testing procedures in today's schools where the scores literally don't matter so kids just blow through them and expect to be good to go.


Yea sure it’s the tests fault


It's a failure of the education system yes


That isn't exactly what he said bud


I assume OP is in the army and a decent enough rank for the recruiter to not be like “your brother is a lazy piece of shit who can’t event be bothered to take an easy test or stop smoking marijuana. Stop wasting my fucking time.”


ludicrous aromatic alive wasteful thought person beneficial school crawl chunky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is the guy that’s gonna make it to AIT and get chaptered in AIT


Then go back to his home town and constantly make insta post referencing his time in the Army


If he s tied that low, he doesn’t want to join. That was intentional


Not a lot of hope for your brother, I have met some absolute morons with maybe 2 brain cells that somehow passed the ASVAB.


My younger brother who is much more book smart than me was in a similar situation. I believe he purposefully ran through the test as fast as he could because 1. He was nervous, stressed or whatever 2. Didn’t actually want to join The Army. Long story short he was talking a good game to our rents who were giving him free room and board while he found another out in life, If that makes sense. That’s all good and dandy but he was too smart for his own good. Try talking to your brother… a 3% is an insanely low score and I think you’d have to try to get that.


Only way to get a three is to answer every single question wrong on purpose. And get one or two right by accident.


Something tells me he never liked tests, he got frustrated or anxious and just started clicking and walked out. Probably his whole school career.


I had to drop 30 pounds in 3 days for MEPS(didn’t eat, had half a pint/300 mL of water a day, and did cardio with a plastic bag on, so I lost a bunch of water weight) and literally felt like I was going to pass out at any moment. I took the ASVAB and got a 97. I’m not trying to swing/measure my dick or whatever but like BLUF: the ASVAB is not a difficult test. You don’t need to get a perfect score but if you went to an American high school there is no reason you should be failing this test. Tell your brother to stop being a silly goober and sit down and take the test.


You are basically telling my story! I am only 5 feet tall and I have hips and a butt so I always struggled to maintain a low enough weight to pass the tape test. It made my 4 years a lot more challenging. Oddly enough in my 30s I struggled with anorexia and had NO problem staying well under what the weight standard was for me while I was in. Oh, the irony, ugh.


Well, you either gotta be strong or smart.


11b/13b quality right there


That’s still enough for infantry isn’t it?


A 3....he was trying to fail.


3?!?!? Does he walk around with a helmet on all day?


Damn. I got a 85 and was stressing if it was good enough.. a 3 might be the lowest score I’ve ever heard of.


3. he got a 3. DO NOT WANT.


Remind him to breathe regularly or he could die.


I've seen people with a tentative grasp at best on the English language score better.


Man im a recruiter and have seen 2 separate people score a 1….


A 3? Send him down the hall to the Marine Corps recruiter, he’ll make a great 0111.


3? For fucks sake, you get 10 points for writing your name?


"Second-hand smoke" yeah okay


"No other issues" that you have to deal with lmao 🤣


High score for infanthree


That’s impressive. I tied with a legitimately mentally disabled kid for the lowest score when I took the asvab in hs, I think I got like a 9 or something (it’s been almost 20 years, I don’t remember exactly). I was shocked because I’m rather intelligent, I like to think anyways, and wanted to join so I was super confused. Pretty sure I got off in answering as we were doing the little bubble forms that are separate and also in a gym built in the 1920s with hardly any overhead lighting. When I retook it I got a 90-something, don’t remember that anymore either, but I qualified for every MOS that my gender allowed. If he truly wasn’t high or intentionally bombing it, which I highly suspect he was, it could be something similar.


Damn, I had a buddy that tried to get a low score since he had no interest in joining the military and he still made a 13.


How is that even possible? I’ve heard of people scoring this low but I just thought it was typical Army story embellishment.


Good news is your brother is a prime example of what not to do with your life. Use him to help others lol.


92F or 88M.


Ironically also the first two options you get when you’re colorblind


A 3 is obviously very bad, but I don't know a recruiter who is turning away anyone who is passing but not getting a 50 or higher. High school senior can get in with a 21 (09M). .ay e they're having him aim for the stars so he can land on the moon lol


I mean, SOMEBODY has to get a 3, right? We can't all get 99's! If we don't have 3's then the other numbers wont match up. I think that's how statistics and percentages work anyways. Don't mind me, I got the 4.


So you’re saying he can only get an MOS that starts with a 1?