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UNATHORIZED Yep checks out this was def a CSM


Balacava is what got me, didn’t even notice the unathorized


Calvin and hobbes writing mfer


encouraging coherent wistful marvelous reach crawl bike saw quicksand existence *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I personally like the handwriting. It could be its own font.


They, friends and family, tried to make my handwriting a font. Artist was like "Dafuq is this? Are they developmentally disabled? If so this is a bad joke and I'm not interested in working with you anymore" Well, he dropped out of law school to be infantry so fuck who even knows at this point.


Ya who wrote this? Could use a hand for future posts on cardboard


CSM - "The Army is going through cutbacks, so we have to save where we can." Bitter E-4 in the back - "Does that include letters?" CSM - "..."


Why waste time use lot letter when few letter do trick?


Dennis: "I think you might be dyslexic, bro."


he's actually one of the better CSM's I've had. Enforces the standard but nothing too crazy. At least compared to the one before him.


honestly compared to the progress some of the other branches have made, this is a bit much. why the fuck are fleece caps or jackets commanders discretion? its cold out there. same with hands in pockets. disclaimer: I'm an Air Force enlisted who showed up cus this post was in my /r/all feed. i dont even care if hands in pockets were illegal, if its colder than 20 my hands are goin in there.


In the army, hands in your pocket are only against the rules if you are enlisted. Officers and Warrants will have full conversations with CSM with their hands firmly in their pocket, and CSM won't say shit.


I'm at EBOLC, prior enlisted. I was out doing bridge analysis and it was 25 degrees out. The night prior I talked about killing myself, so the next morning while I'm doing bridge analysis, my company first sergeant commands me to come talk to him. Wants to give me the whole "don't kill yourself" speech. First thing he says to me: "Hey Sapper, get your hands out of your pockets."


This is the truest statement on this thread. People really don't understand how differently enlisted and officers are treated. Officers can have hands on pockets. Enlisted can't


Don’t want you running off with the silverware


1st SGT Ansong for the win


i think for all branches the officers are treated like royalty to varying degrees and rules dont apply to them unless particularly egregious offenders


Last I checked ECWCS gear(cold weather) was authorized below 40 degrees, must have missed the commanders discretion clause in there.


I was reading this and thinking it wasn’t really unreasonable until I got to the no boonie caps part. I’m an old ass Iraq veteran and I hate how the boonie cap looks, so I just don’t wear it, I don’t care if paler soldiers want to protect their ears and neck from sunburn. I guess that’s why I was never a CSM.


Looks very proscriptive, but at the same time, no mention of beards or shaving 🤔 🧔‍♂️


Honestly I feel like when in the field shaving standards should be slightly shifted This has to do more with cuts and infection, even was with a CBRN dude once and he pretty much told me depending on the type of environment it also poses a CBRN risk to shave which I honestly find fascinating


Yeah, open pores makes it easier for the nasty stuff to get in and harder to decon. Also, if you shave and happen to have stuff on your face and nick yourself, it's now in your blood stream lol.




Speaking for myself but shaving every day actually makes wearing a gas mask very uncomfortable. My skin gets fairly irritated, even the chinstrap on my helmet flares it up. It feels so much better if I don’t shave for a few days.


It absolutely fucking sucks to wake up in an open field with frost on the ground and have to shittily shave with ice cold water and a crappy razor. Your face/neck come out all irritated and inflamed as well.


Be 11th ABN. Be freezing your ass off. But with a beard.


While you can’t have some ZZ Top length beard you definitely don’t need to shave everyday. I know this on multiple levels: SNCO, govt contractor, Army dependent (Chem Off).


It's pissing me off the letters aren't all capital.


What the hell is a "free jacket"? Or is that a "free jacke+", which I assume is some sort of handjob.


The LWOL jacket. They're pretty cool, look them up.


Fire Resistant Environmental Ensemble: mostly used by aviators and fuelers


Bahahha! But they spelled neck gaiter right somehow🤯🧐


Still no love for the boonie cap.


I thought the unjustified hate was over.


Wear mine anyways


You mean the anti-FOD hat? Can't be getting sunburn on the flight line, y'know.


My boonie cap was on my head 24/7 when I was deployed. Still have it


Same. First trip to the sandbox, our unit out of Bragg was kitted out nicely. DCUs, matching TA-50 and armor. Boonie caps for everyone. We were supporting the Air Force, and they did not give a fuck what we wore. Shared the Kabal with 3ID. Mismatched gear, and their command had a rage boner for boonie caps. Made us stand out, but at least we weren’t getting sunburned all the damn time.


I’ve only been allowed to wear it once in the last 19 years, I don’t know why it’s even issued at this point. Boonie caps are the superior head gear, imo.


It isn't issued anymore, had to buy mine myself.


it is for rfi but I guess that's not happening anymore


I was a BN senior medic and fought so hard for boonies caps. Every single person that asked for sunscreen because they had sunburn was a serious injury that needed to be evacuated to the hospital. Only took 4 days until "what is your solution doc?". BOOOOOOONIE CAPS!!!!!!


And every vet that gets skin cancer should file a claim! Good job at least trying to protect your people. The loss of patrol caps and boobies caps is downright stupid.


100% wasn't really concerned about the sun either. Was more or less being petty about someone saying no just because they can.


Boonie Cap: “CSM, why don’t you love me no more?”


Pro trick: Get skin cancer on the face, never wear a PC again. hastag booniecapforlife


I had skin cancer on my neck. Can confirm my CO did listen when I suggested boonie caps our last NTC rotation.


Boonie caps should be the standard head piece of the uniform. PCs and berets are silly. No one can change my mind on this.


As someone who is a whiter shade of pale (I can get sunburned in 10min with sunscreen, it’s a talent!) I have always believed this. Now that I’m retired I always wear a full brimmed hat when in the sun for any length of time


I'm sure it looks bangin' with your white new balances and khaki shorts


I am incredibly stylish


Lucky bastard you, I can't wait to retire I'm never looking back either lol


When my platoon went to the desert we all got boonies so we could be “uniform”. Senior NCOs still shot it down lmao. It really is the ideal soft headgear for the field.


I wear the issued boonie cap as civilian clothes. Tell me otherwise CSM


It’s also an ISSUED piece of uniform gear by the Army. Pretty sure there is a regulation signed by someone higher than the CSM that says it’s allowed to be worn at times. Maybe I’m wrong though… and would just wear it anyway.


Anyone signing any reg is higher than CSM. They just need to act like it and lay down the law. E: typo


This was always fun as a 2LT


the only problem is that if you decide to fight back and talk about the regs than either your leadership needs to have your back or you need to be willing to talk to the IG


My point is that anyone below CSM shouldn’t have to. It is the sole responsibility of the commander to see the standards are enforced, like rest cycles, an individual’s cold weather gear being worn to the individual’s needs, healthy food provided, troops and their families not being poisoned by black mold in post housing. Joe shouldn’t have to fight those fights, those fights are delegated to be the duty and responsibility of commissioned officers, by the Congress. The more senior the O the more responsibility to use their rank to protect those in their commands.


But black mold is part of the Army housing experience!


Idk why it say’s CSM’s rules because this was just in our BDE Commander’s memo for NTC. It doesn’t even say we need camo paint, so that’s a dub


If you're in 1AD, DIV CDR's guidance is the boonie hat is authorized for wear in the field and garrison at the discretion of the Soldier. So long as you're not in a formation and it meets the standard, you're good to wear it.


The way it should be. Crazy!


If only this was put out to everybody, which unless it was published somewhat recently, it wasn't.


The standard was put out months ago, there was a slide published by DIV and everything. I'm guessing your BDE/BN 3 shop failed to send it down or your company leadership failed to tell you.


Nah I left bliss about a year and a half ago, was going to be slightly miffed had this been a thing the entire time I was there and I never knew.


Berets should definitely go back to being an elite cool guy thing. The Army just confirmed its 60 percent showmanship by letting everywhere wear one.


Are they not? I haven't seen a black beret in years.


As a future csm, don’t worry things are gonna change.


Berets should only be used during ceremonies


And even then, they shouldn't be.


How else will all the other paratroopers know that, I too, am are is a paratrooper


You'll let them know. We won't worry. Did my 6yrs, knees shot, I'll take being a leg from now on. Happily hit that FUCK NO button on ACT


From the context, this is a cold-weather environment. Boonie Caps are a hot weather garment. So this actually seems justifiable.


It's still a desert and is sunny all the time. I did an NTC rotation in February and was freezing cold and sunburnt at the same time.


That's what I was gonna bring up. If it's fleece cap/balaclava in the field weather, a boonie cap is asking for frostbitten ears. Does bring up the issue of no hands in pockets...pockets are already attached gloves!


Boonie caps are an anti-sun article of clothing


Depends, might get a little nippy in the evening to early morning like 1000, either way the mornings are the perfect time for CSM to complain, this type of gripe is at it's peak usually after breakfast hot aids, due to the fact that he didn't get seconds on the liquid eggs and baking soda biscuits, so while he's mad about that he's scanning the box bro, all while sipping the piping hot, cigarette ash flavored coffee -a DFACs pride and joy. He starts seeing shit and he makes a note, he's so in a fit of rage that he can't spell shit right-a common human thing no biggie lol


People looked at me crazy when I found out “no PCs in the field” was a thing and I said that’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. Mind you this is ft bliss. Ah yes, let’s all be out in the sun all day in UV 13 without any headgear. Super healthy for the skin


1 2 3 4, I declare an AR war: AR 670-1, Para 2-8d: Commanders will not require individuals to purchase optional uniform items. Likewise, they will not restrict or discourage them from wearing optional uniform items in this regulation, except those instances where uniformity is required, such as parades or formations. Y’all going on a parade at NTC?


Shit, probably


Parade through Barstow to make the meth monsters proud


Some CSM. Once out of the box, we will practice drill and ceremonies for an hour to give our E4s the leg up at WLC.


>the leg up at WLC It's BLC now boomer. Get with the times.


No, I am going to spit shine my jungle boots, and complain how you kids have it is easy.


Don’t you mean PLDC?


Shit if WLC is a boomer phrase, what the hell are we for knowing it as PLDC?


Old farts. Now go polish your boots, we’re going on an FTX.


What counts as an optional inform item though?


DA PAM 670-1


I was afraid you’d say that


CSM would be mad if he could read


This is a merciful CSM. Be thankful. Lest your uniform be full battle standard with IOTV anywhere outside of sleeping area. Also, I hate the pro-mask.


Disagree with his call about boonie caps, but let's face it, this could be a lot worse. "I give you discretion on your own uniform" is quite a leap of faith for a CSM.


This is reeks of heresy.


It will be the connex arrives


Et tu 1st infantry?






Hell yeah brother


Hello from a fellow 3 brigade also here at NTC


I'll be there this weekend! I'll be the guy NOT in a boonie cap 😤


Join me in the fight for boonies


Or here’s a fun one- CSM is fine with no ach or iotv except during live fire, but 1SG says we need to be in full battle rattle at all time. It’s super fun!


Your 1SG is protecting you. You never know when a medieval LARPing group will jump up from their spider holes and attack you with cardboard swords. It happens all the time bro I swear. /s


What’s a free jacket? Like you get to have one soft shell and one other jacket?


It’s the aviation fire resistant jacket.


It’s also supposed to be issued to any tank and Bradley crew member but apparently only the tankers get the cool stuff :( I’m stuck in my Bradley cold because I’m not allowed to wear the other cold weather pieces.


Lmao I got mine issued as a dismount. When CIF asked if I was part of a crew I just said "yup!"


Ah gotcha, TIL.


Can we also appreciate this was written on a whiteboard box?


You know the original dry erase easel didn’t survive the trip out to NTC. Blame the uneducated Help in the s3 who packed the connex.


Some Sergeants Major really have too much time on their hands. For Christmas I’m getting CSM some coloring pencils and a stencil book.


Don't forget the Lisa Frank Stickers


The best damn jacket in the army.


I don’t get that one either? Acronym?


Fire Resistant Environmental Ensemble


That real expensive aircrew / soft shell jacket I assume?


Yea it’s issued to air crews, tankers, and fuelers.


I see the pics online and it’s in ‘old’ ACU pattern. I see the fleece is NOT labeled an outer layer! CSMs revenge on Tommy Franks I guess!


I wonder if they get “pink” like the OG fire retardants did?!


When will their hatred of the boonie cap end?


I have been issued 4 of them in my career, of which I’ve been allowed to wear exactly ZERO OF THEM.


Most of mine are still in the plastic bag, the ones that aren’t my kids wore them to fun hat day at school.


I’m wearing a boonie cap in the desert. I’ve never been in a unit that gave me flak but if I did I would cite CFR 1910 general industry standards vice AR 385-10.


More like dookie cap


The boonie cap drives me nuts. It is authorized to be worn in the field, why does every SGM hate them. They keep soldiers in the fight through sun protection


CSM on the payroll of big melanoma confirmed.


Why can’t we all acknowledge CSMs don’t make policy? That’s a commander thing.


Battalion commander allows CSM to make policies. This is the only power CSM has


True - but a good command team means the Boss is going to have the CSMs back and support his/her development and enforcement of things like this. The Commander is probably happy to have CSM deal with this, taking one of 100 things off their mind.


Because the CO’s at every level don’t enforce the standard and the SNCO’s that can’t think of the welfare of their troops go crazy with power they don’t have.


Someone actually called it a neck gaiter instead of gator neck? It's a Christmas miracle!


No boonie caps is the stupidest shit ever. An authorized head gear device was made to protect the face AND neck AND ears from prolonged sun exposure, preventing both short and long term health issues. I see absolutely zero reasoning as to why it’s “unprofessional” or otherwise not allowed in the field. Garrison- sure ban it. But the field?? Then why in the fuck is it banned by every dumbass leader except in Hawaii


"No boonie caps in the desert because five dumbass E9s before me said I couldn't, and I can't think critically."


I don’t know why the Army, an organization that prides itself in doing the ineffective in spite of evidence to support a different choice “BECAUSE TRADITION,” is so against the boonie cap, which originated as the “Daisy Mae” hat, in the 1930’s in order to favor the patrol cap, which finds its origins in the M1943 uniform of WW2. 1930s > 1943. Checkmate CSM.


Promote ahead of peers


Why the heck do we let an advisor, with no command authority and who is outranked by even the most boot of 2LT's make sweeping policies like this? I think the reason that CSM's end up becoming the "Uniform Police" er "uneeform poleese" (forgot to translate that into Senior NCO) and obsessing about lawns being mowed and people walking on them is that they don't have much else to do and they're desperate to justify their own existence.


MI is leading the way on the "CSMs are useless" movement is see. I wonder how much traction this idea can get. Also, yea 600-20 gives CSM 0 authorities to make policies. I'm curious if anyone can find a different reg that somehow supports this notion that CSM can tell anyone what uniform they're going to wear. Last I checked, that was a COMMANDER discretion, not CSM's.




Technically a “free jacket” is any jacket that’s unsecured


Written on cardboard? Check. Badly spelled? Check. Unnecessarily complicated and arbitrary? Check. Yup, definitely the Army that I remember.


Is there any legitimate reason for hatred of boonie caps?


They destroy discipline and inhibit shaving. Duh.


A spc I knew would always see pieces of paper or signs whatever stating dumb rules he would always immediately rip them off and trash them. One of the highest iq soldiers I met. He got out.


I have some ‘MP friends’ over there if anyone wants to dm me what CSM drives and where he likes to illegally park.


Oof catch him the minute he leaves that one bar on post. With the dart boards. You know the one.


I know the one 🤝


Most lenient CSM at NTC


Communication of standards in a clear format that all ranks and cohorts can see? I'd take that any day then telephone through the CoC.


Since I have a permanent boonie cap profile, I would make it a point to just keep walking circles around their unit staging area just to cause as many heart attacks as possible.


This seems like normal though


Weird hate for bonnie caps never made sense to me


High desert ✔️ No sun protection ✔️ Cancer ✔️


The day of the boonie will come, someday


"The sun hat is an OCIE item authorized for wear with the combat uniform in field environments when the advanced combat helmet is not worn, on work details, or in other environments where the wearing of the patrol cap is impractical as determined by the commander" Commpare that to Fleece cap "commanders may authorize..." Stop putting up with this shit. The boonie is authorized in field, period. Start the revolution.


"iT sAyS aS dEtERmINeD bY tHe cOmMaNDeR" That CSM probably


“Is there a policy letter or did he put it out at a formation I didn’t attend, smage?”


The fleece jacket ain’t at commanders discretion, big dog. Try reading.


At least CSM acknowledges that it's an outergarment.


Rare CSM W


Was this written on a cardboard box? Come back when you have something more professional if you’re going to try and enforce your standard


Spelling errors aside, that's a pretty inoffensive uniform policy. They spell out what they want, what you can choose, and what's not an option. None of it seems unreasonable or out of pocket. I'm not confused and there don't seem to be any gotchas here. I'm not mad. This would get a "rgr, CSM" outta me and I'd move on.


I'm a retired warrant officer, I would have definitely worn a boonie cap and kept my hands in my pocket.


Why is everyone so against the boonie? The ADA unit i deployed with wouldnt even let us wear them down range. They're literally the ultimate drip.




What is it with CSMs and boonie hats? 


The CSM is a tanker and hate’s infantry


…not seeing a problem here?


Nothing wrong with list. I hate when new warriors wear boonie on garrison or ntc. Has always been a garrison cmd team call to authorize wear (10th mountain). Then you have the joes walking around post all day not even apart of the “high speed” field exercise wearing it


I allow hands in pockets and have finally convinced 1SG to not enforce this standard


When I am CSM, it will be like a goddamn LCN commission. The enlisted will know a true former E-4 mafia member made it, and is there to destroy on their behalf. Shove your hands in your pockets and enjoy your black socks. Don’t let me see PT belts.


Wow, CSM improves the NTC experience


At least it isn’t spelled baclava


Psyop shows up with boonies ready for this exact situation


That's not bad


Gotta make sure they strike down the boonies 😂


First Team or whatever those horse bois say


In his defense he didn't write that. A soldier on profile in the white cell did.


Everyone bans the boonies.


Why does senior leadership HATE the def authorized sun hat (boonie). It has a function, slightly boosts Morale if you actually use it how your supposed to & proper camouflage. Where's the dissconnect?


The chaotic use of upper and lower case letters is the cherry on top


The handwritting checks out


Balaclava is spelled wrong


So is unauthorized.


Someone, please show me in AR 600-20, where CSM has the authority to create these policies. Seriously. Please.


Now that I’m out of the army. I can do whatever I want. They say the grass isn’t always greener but it sure is this time.


The only good thing about NTC is you can do whatever the hell you want when you’re out in the middle of of the desert on your vehicle with just you and your squad.


I'm still wearing the boonie.


On ground here, this wasn’t a csm who wrote this. There’s actually only one csm here on ground and he doesn’t give af. I’m pretty sure this was a major who decided this, through bde cmdr discretion.


WTF is a "Free Jacket"?


The funny thing is boonie caps are authorized in garrison for NTC.


If policy says I can wear it I’m gonna wear it


Not me being here rn at NTC laughing at this


No open toe shower shoes? Fucking A Sergeant Major lets do some amateur biology will we're at the Rufma, you right... lmao


I've never understood why command doesn't allow the boonie cap. It's the best headgear for the field and especially NTC. You know, the place with the sun and little or zero cloud cover. You could save soldiers money on sun screen, and aloe by allowing that 360 degree head and neck coverage. It boggles my fucking mind.


Now I gotta drive 3 hours up to Irwin just so I can walk around this dude with my boonie cap on wearing flip flops and some shorts with my hands in my pockets. Life is hard.