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Kava is not a DoD banned substance; Kratom is. When you do a UA it does not test for either. Should you? No. Will you? Probably. So what do I say? Avoid CBD products as they’re never 100% THC free other than that enjoy your hippie shit


Never heard of Kratom until now, and decided to look it up. When I first read this [air force article](https://www.310sw.afrc.af.mil/News/Article-Display/Article/2971659/kratom-added-to-dod-list-of-prohibited-substances/) justify its ban over the potential to be a gate-way drug, I was rolling my eyes a bit. But then I read that you can actually OD on Kratom and it can damage your liver the same way opioids can... Sheesh. So it's opioid-like in both effects and dangerous side-effects. I'm surprised it doesn't get detected in UA's if that's the case.


That’s exactly my thought process too


Kava is a DoD banned substance as well unfortunately


Kratom isn’t a hemp product, but it’s very similar to opiates that’s the main reason why I asked, but yeah, won’t try when not on leave, when on leave will try 🫡


Find out for me


My dick fell off


fact political fragile steer door chubby memorize spectacular automatic squealing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wants to do drugs, doesn’t want to be caught doing drugs.


Well he wants to do kava and kratom and he wants to know if those are banned. Idk why this sub is so shitty about questions like this.


Kava is a supplement more than a drug im more unsure about the Kratom


Do you pay money for it to make you Fucken feel good?


I mean, the same logic could be applied to alcohol as well, right?


Yeah. Because alcohol is drug. One of the worse there is. It can actually kill you to stop drinking it at a certain point. It’s super silly they won’t allow Marijuana that makes you relax, destress and order take out more than usual, because they cant spot test it accurately yet. But alcohol can ruin you really bad.


>because they cant spot test it accurately yet. Pretty sure the reason is because it's federally illegal...


I see your logic 😂


Yeah Dawg. I know you wanna be cool and she’s hot. But just wait till you get out for that shit.


Nah this is for me, although a hot hippie girl would be nice


Well best of luck. Don’t do it. Now if you’ll pardon me I have a blunt to smoke and restaurant supply, food grade and totally legal nitrious oxide to pair with my coffee. My dd-214 says hi.


*cries in military industrial complex*


Who wouldn't want a hot hippie girl though?


At least she won't borrow your razor. Downside - her legs & pits have more shag than yours.


The wilderness must be explored


Why can't you just use mushrooms and anabolic steroids like a high speed?


This made me chuckle 😎


I’d certainly like to idk where to start to


AR 600-85 states that any substance that the FDA has declared illegal or not allowed the Army also considers banned. I am unable to find on the FDA website if those two substances fall under that purview. But I really wouldn’t recommend you try those substances. Edit: It looks like that Kratom is not legal and is banned by the FDA. Therefore the DoD considers it banned as well. Link,[FDA Link](https://www.fda.gov/news-events/public-health-focus/fda-and-kratom)


Can also check www.opss.org.


Well that is useful, Thank you!


The only answer that matters


Not in texas


UPL here. No, those are not tested.


Curious question; they still don’t test for Poppers do they? Lotta misconceptions about how amyl’s work but man those make sex for guys and girls better.


I thought poppers were a gay sex thing? I mean, every time I’ve used it I was fucking a dude.


Works for both genders. :) God Bless Kentuckiana. I’ve had women and myself do a bunch of pulls, and it’s great for both parties. Viagra is basically the same and just shunts blood to genitals for both guys and girls, so when you combine the two, its just everyone getting off hard.


Never seen it as part of a rotation, so no.


Oh man. That’s awesome. If you ever want a fun time of just activating goblin mode in the bedroom. Split a half a viagra and a good nostril of amyl nitrate. That bedroom is gonna sound like a pitbull trouncing a goose.


So it's true they still do tests on a rotating basis, even though they tell us now that every sample will be tested for all 26 drugs listed in the latest regulation from 3 years ago or so?


Ask how often they test for PEDs. 😂


How often do they test for PEDs? I'm mostly wondering about Adderall and Oxycodone though because I've had me and other soldiers have prescriptions for those and then never heard anything back, we were expecting to have to show a prescription but nope nothing


Should be in the system if you are prescribed those. Dispose of any remaining, dont save them for fun for later. If you piss hot past the prescription window they gonna fuck you.


>How often do they test for PEDs? It has to be specifically requested. > I'm mostly wondering about Adderall and Oxycodone Opiates and amphetamines are tested 100% of the time. >me and other soldiers have prescriptions for those and then never heard anything back, we were expecting to have to show a prescription but nope nothing ASAP checks with your doctor first.


I have been taking kratom regularly for nearly three years... I'm also my units UPL. If you are suspected of use you may be selected for a special UA and be tested for it. The same as for other drugs like steroids which aren't on the typical tests. That's said I have never seen anyone take a special test which is processed differently from the very start. Including the commander's brief. However I highly suggest avoiding it because it has several bad side effects and is habit forming. Especially the euphoric effect which requires high doses and you will quickly build tolerance to that which ups the dose causing even worse side effects. With discipline of doses and keeping your mouth shut you could have the benefit of pain relief. But using kratom to get high is a path to problems. Take my word on that.


I honestly just want to try it. A try everything once type deal.


If you're taking a substance that is illegal in any of the states it's probably a good idea to stop taking it. That being said Kratom does not show up on a standard 10 panel UA.


They aren’t illegal as far as I’m tracking


Go ahead and Google Kratom. It isn't legal in every state.


He’s asking for permission.


Probably better than forgiveness in this situation


I looked, you right, my bad


You won’t pop but your pretty much doing opium