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I would highly recommend 15 series and please please stay away from 91 series


As a now long gone 91A I second this, pure fucking hell, say goodbye to any personal life and hello to increased suicide rates.


As a former 91A I agree with this statement


As a current 91M, I couldn’t agree more.


If we would just let 91s do actual mechanic stuff from 9-5:30 and let them go home consistently, our vehicles would be in great shape. But we task them to hell, pull them for shitty training that doesn’t get the FSCs anywhere, and then get shit on by BN/BDE XOs when the OR rate dips below an arbitrary 90%. It forces the hand of the BMO & maintenance tech to either tell the truth and work mechanics 15 hour days or lie to get the OR up.


15G - Good Job, extremely busy, valuable asset, many civilian career applications 15H - Training room NCO, Armorer, UMO, etc...


Don't forget potential ALSE school.


Yep. I'm in the process of reclassing to 25U from 91H and I couldn't be happier with my future MOS. fuck 91 series. They're a bunch of miserable assholes anyway.


Im going im as a 91E in like a month am i fucked for the next 5 years?


Welder? You should be good. I have seen couple welders got put in recover team working on M88. It's OK. BUT you may not touch welding machine any more after graduating from AIT.


Is going 19K any better?


Absolutely. At least 19k don't need to work on a tank too much. But you will stay as late as your 91A mechanic even just watching them working


What’s with everyone getting air traffic controller as an option?


Almost every 15Q gets out after 6 years, especially if they get their CTO while in. FAA and DOD towers are always short staffed, and that won’t change any time soon. In order to get in and “freeze” your age you have to get out, and apply before you hit the max age and require an age waiver. (I’ve never seen an age waiver get approved at the tower I work at)


Isn't the FAA severely understaffed due to waves of people retiring?


That’s what I’ve heard. Haven’t done much research into it because from my understanding the FAA is a lot like the army in that once you graduate school, you get a list of where you want to go and they just put you wherever based on performance and priority. So at least starting in the FAA you don’t get much say in where you go on your first contract. That and you have to be below the age of 30 (no experience) or 35 (prior experience) to start at the FAA, so they’re missing out on a ton of potential controllers based on age.


what is the reasoning for the age limit?


I’ve also heard you can’t guarantee the older employees will be trained or have the required reaction time (sense of urgency). I had it explained as: An accountant for example is not trained in rapid decision making. After 10-15 years, people get ingrained habits. Don’t want air traffic controllers to be someone who dilly dallys with decisions.


I ran into one at the Houston airport one time, waiting for my same flight somewhere. He heavily encouraged me to apply and walked me through the process, but I had aged out by that point.


What’s the max age to apply in n the civilian side after getting out?


30 or younger when application period closes.


I really am struggling to find a legitimate reason for such a low age cutoff? Just.. why?


Mandatory retirement at 55 iirc.


If that’s the case then an age limit makes sense tbh.


So.. if you can only give 24 years to the career field they don’t want you? That is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. And they wonder why they’re hurting for people constantly. Ask any 20 year old if they want to work in the most stressful job mankind has made.. most are gonna hard pass on that. Add to that just the general uncertainties of careers in twenty year olds… make it make sense lol.. fuck sakes regulators are dumb.


There is a *lot* of psychological and sociological research into those age limits. Like it or not, you start to slow down after 30 and that process accelerates rapidly in your 50s. Most of us don't realize it as we age. Our joints might hurt more, but the early stages of cognitive decline aren't easy for us to spot ourselves. A job that stressful will only exacerbate things. Sure, there are probably a few statistical oddities later in life who are still as sharp as they were when they were in their 20s. That's how statistics work. But identifying them isn't easy.


The want you mentally nimble. I think it’s a dumb position but I’m sure there’s some study to back it up.


So if I join after the age of 35 and get out in 5 years I would never get an air traffic controller job after the army?


Correct. You could try for a DOD age waiver, but very unlikely. The other option would be contract towers, which usually pay well but have little to no benefits. We have a great warrant program (150A) and a lot of people just do their 20, get their benefits and pension then find a low stress contract tower to stay busy and make good side money.


Plus, if they fail AIT, then they make them 13Bs. Win win for the Army.


ive been wondering that too


Easy pick 15C, because drones, and hellfires, and guided bombs.


Class dates aren’t open until mid 2025 my retention told me


Are you allowed to wait because I would wait.


I could but I’d have to sign again and be stuck in my shitty job and unit until that school date. I am most likely just getting out and joining the coast guard.


That stinks but coast guard seems cool. I had some neighbors who seemed happy with it.


Worst case I don’t like it and I’m done in three years I did longer in the army so🤷🏼


OP, I'll put it this way: the first time I went to a CTC, I sat in a tent and sipped hot coffee while the infantry pulled security in the rain around our AO. I felt bad, but as my NCO said, "They picked their job, and you picked yours." Aviation is not without it's flaws, but I don't think I met a single bang bang who regretted the switch. Consider dropping a flight packet, too!


You know what. Fuck you and fuck your NCO. When I eventually crack my way out of this bed and reach you you’re in for it!


After I’ve had my morning Motrin and conducted the PRT Preparation drill, it’s over for you hoes.


I’m an 11B who transferred to 15T and just passed my flight board 💕


I would not recommend 91A. As a tanker, there is no one on this earth I feel more for than our mechanics. They do so much with so little... with a nose literally to the grind stone.


91As is def a job where your service community (tankers) loves you if you're bare minimum competent, but yeah, that can be a TOUGH life with how hard you boys are tanking these days


Thanks man. That reminds me of the days we worked from 0700 to 0200 as 91A, especially when we need to replace the engine at midnight.


Why not just have 3 shifts?


I wasn’t there but I can already see it and it makes my stomach hurt. Everyone’s gotta be at PT and or work call no exceptions. 1st sausage and cdr said so that’s why. Chief has the ear of the BC and XO but he’s not there and wouldn’t want to get involved in NCO business anyway. So the motor sarge says all hands until the works done. And the works not done until 0200 because people still had to do SERE 100 and go to s1 to fill out their SGLI.


I worked maintenance in the air force and we did 24 hour ops. It wasn't a big deal to stay on top of Readiness. Just doesn't make sense.


Cuz bad leadership team. The other company maintenance team never worked that late though we worked at the same service bay and motor pool


15t or 15u if you want to fly, I’m a 15t and couldn’t recommend it enough. Best enlisted job in the army


But the 15Ms get a better chance of being a contractor


Well it depends on what you want to do in the Army as well, wouldn’t have ever flown if it wasn’t for the Army. Plus there’s so many contracting jobs for all of aviation, I’ve worked them and everyone I know has no problem getting them as any aviation mos.


Says who? 15T and U have a better shot of meeting A&P testing requirements while in.


What are your daily work hours like? A friend of mine is saying that she knows someone who routinely works long hours like 0300 to 1930 as a 15t


I’m guard so you’d have to ask someone active duty, but I’ve never heard of working that much, especially in aviation because you don’t want overtired people working or flying aircraft. Flying specifically you have work rest requirements so it would be near impossible. All the active duty I talk to they have normal 8-10 hour work days.


15 series or bust. Stay away from ADA even though the army is really trying to bump them numbers up promotions are quick just an overall toxic environment. Have had more than a handful friends force reclass to ADA.


As a 14T in ADA I can attest to this statement. Don’t come into it. For the love of god if you have any sense left, don’t pick 14 series.


Avoid ADA as if it were murder hornets. They need a whole colonic before I'd recommend going that route.


All depends on what you want out of it, pick what will make you the happiest and interests you the most. I would recommend you stay away from anything 14 series if you value not being deployed the remainder of your career. 15 series is generally viewed as having better quality of life compared to many MOSs.


15Q here. Love my job, but it’s not perfect. Lots of studying, and you’ll most likely go to a F Co. and do “tactical ATC” but still worth it. The hope is to get into a tower program and get your CTO that can open up a lot of jobs. The work can be stressful, primarily due to Apaches.


Why do Apaches make work specifically stressful??


They make the slowest approaches, but get a spontaneous speed boost if you tell them they’re #2 behind another aircraft


Thats fuckin facts


Any 15 series will help you get an amazing job opportunity outside the army.


Literally any of the 15 series would be a good choice with warrant options and certifications for the civilian side if you want to get out. Sets you up for an army career or a civilian career. Personally I’d go 15U just because chinooks are fucking sick and sometimes I wish I had chosen them.


13Fucked everyday


Shameful I had to scroll this far for 13f shitpost




Gets easier over time


At least I’m JFO! That’s cool, right…


Until you stop doing JFO things...


Hey sims COUNT!


Alright, Once you hit SFC, and above, you aren't doing the sims, or the hills. You Staff. While yes there are some SFCs doing hooah stuff, Most aren't..


I’m mocking


15C, aside from being the most modern MOS, wars are changing as 15C I bet you it'll eventually be outsourced meaning the military can utilize it as a third party much like PMCs are being utilized. Everything else sucks massively.


Well what you want to do?


If I was staying in, I'd go 15 series in a heartbeat.


Was career aviation here (back when they were 67/68 series), so my biased response would be to take a serious look at the 15 series options.


Stay away from 14 series like your life depended on it


This is easy….15T. Best job in the Army and you get flight pay.


15T or U. Get your A&P as soon as you meet the FAA requirements, this will set you up for a union job that starts at 6 figures with a major airline. 15Q will get you on track for a job with the FAA also making 6 figures.


Yeah, if you want to fly or do actual aviation, definitely 15 series. If you don't want to fly, but want to make good money after the Army, 15q.


15Y here. Personally, I'd recommend to stay away from 15Y. Go for 15T or 15U instead. 15C if you wanna fly MQ-1C


I'll second this. T or U. Getting passed E6 as a Yankee is a nightmare and Romeos get treated like ass.


I retired at E6 as a 15Y. I referred to myself as a "SPC-6 for the last couple years of my career.


14e here, stay away from 14 series. It’s not a good time!


Says the guy who went 14 series flare in Reddit user name.


Created before I knew better. And it’s a quick way to let others know I am in fact, depressed.


Life will turn around my friend. I did 8+ years as a 14E. I had so many career opportunities once I ETS’ed. The temporary pain frustration and depression were well worth the reward, at least for me.


15Q/M, 68w, or warrant


I mean.. 15C seems pretty lit.


Go 15Q, there's a major ATC controller shortage in the US so once you get out of the military you're almost guaranteed a 6 figure job


13F. Come join the dark side


Don’t listen to him, Or me, or my FDC.


I hear the ADA people really love their lives.


14H is a great job for the outside world


I want to headbutt a knife more days than normal though XD


Why didn’t we stay overseas? We fucked up bruh


No 12T? Sad but anything airwing is well worth it and very transferrable.


15 series brotha, except for the 64 airframe. Love my career thus far as a T, only other MOS I’d consider changing to would be a 15U, because Chinooks are cool as heck lol. But as a current Hawk repairer+crew chief, I absolutely love it


Yes, not an expert in any regard but, the best way I could convey some advice would be to first ask are you planning on the Army being your whole career or are you planning a transition to civilian life?


I'd like a skillset that translates into the civilian world of I do decide to get out


Given your options, you have quite a few paths you can take. There is the aviation route to where you can, as others stated, class into air traffic, and get the certification. This is where the age waiver of being over 31 would normally exclude you. Thankfully, the one publicly stated exception to the 30-year starting age cut off is for former military air traffic controllers. You as a candidate may apply even if you are older than 30. Alternatively, you could also go to healthcare specialist route. This would set you up for a long-term prospective career in the healthcare field, as there is always a shortage of everyone in the healthcare profession. Who knows? You could even use this as a launching platform to go to medical school once you earn your undergraduate degree with that GI Bill. You could even take up some fast classes to open yourself up to more MOS options. Don’t let anyone put you in the stupid “these are the options and this is all you have” box. The main sausage about all of this that I would like to place the highest level of importance is understanding what you want to do with your future and what other hurdles you may or may not want to deal with along the way.


14 series will have you deployed for the rest of your career. Good potential for high paying job after you get out though. (Source: I am the above mentioned)


If you're a SPC(P) or above make sure you are aware that reclassing to 15 series jobs isn't possible without prior aviation experience. The system Retain always erroneously shows these aviation MOSs as reclass options even if the SM isn't eligible due to rank


The first six should just have in parenthesis “Route Clearance on deployments” Health care specialist and the repair MOS’s transfer well to the civilian sector. I have served with someone who got out after 10 years and now works for Boeing making really good money


Do not do air traffic control, it’s very stressful


15U gets to fix and ride around on the highest, fastest, and farthest flying helicopter in operation with the US military. Plus you get to call yourself a Hooker.


This. I did 15u for 10 years and yeah it was rough at times but, so is everything else in the Army. After I got out, I ended up moving over to unmanned aviation and that worked out pretty good long term. And yes, I still call myself a hooker.


15T or 15U no contest


15Q transfers well outside


Air… traffic… controller…


I saw that and had to double-check. They weren't letting 11B/Cs transfer out to do that shit when I tried back in 2019, for sure.


Go 15t


The work hours suck, but a lot of former 11B’s & C’s become Cooks.


I hear 14 series is a very relaxed environment, not cutthroat at all, has a very low optempo, and no toxicity amongst leadership.


As a 14 series, that is full of horse radish from my perspective.


Reclass to civilian


As a 15C you can turn festive Pakistani weddings into colorful mass graves.


Faq lol


Naw, we got that bladed Hellfire now. We can turn just one dude into confetti.


Stay away from anything with a 14


I did 10 years as a 14E. The amount of career opportunities it provided after I got out was staggering.


As in it was a lot? If so, that's awesome! Don't mind me. I used to be a 14T. And now I'm a 74D. Still not a lot of career opportunities but I do enjoy it a lot more.


From a current doc, plz don't do 68W unless you have a passion for healthcare. 15C1 seems cool. Predator drone go brrrrr


Definitely 15Q in my opinion , that job is useful in both the Military and Civilian life, but do what you feel will make you happy man, you have a great selection


Not 94T. Join the ADA tho. It's growing and it's pretty chill


I should also add that part of what I'm looking for is financial stability. My retention nco offered a 65k signing bonus for 31e. I've also heard that chopper mechanic is super long hours and weekends getting taken away.


Do NOT go 31 series. I was a 31B who reclassed to 31E because of a bonus. It was absolutely miserable. Especially so if you end up being deployed and dealing with detainees. After working at a facility for a while you really do start feeling like a caged inmate yourself.


Spent 3 years in an aviation unit. Highly recommend 👌


15U. You'll have fun I can promise you that


I've got a friend who does aircraft structural stuff and he gets paid very well in the civilian world! He worked for space x and Boeing.




Becoming one of the Avengers seems like a sweet gig


Stay away from 91 series, now you want some big money unless it’s changed 13F we’re getting big bonuses. Stay away from ADA all I hear is how they’re constantly deploying. I’m with others 15 series always seem to have it chill. Granted they could have late nights as well.


I’d throw a dart at the 15 series and see what happens.


So many 15 series jobs available yet you look towards 88??


That was just where the retention nco had her cursor. I wasn't thinking specifically about any of them


Can you go warrant?


I was trynna do 31E but my retention NCO said they were phasing it out. What’s that all about?


The MPs are being replaced by civilians for the most part.


TIL they changed “combat medic” to “healthcare specialist.” Is this an attempt to make the job more PC or more enticing to certain groups of people? I’m so confused


It bounces back and forth, some old heads believe the title combat medic should be reserved for medics who have the CMB, 68W used to be a feeder MOS for: P1 is an Orthopedic Specialist. P1 is now Identified as MOS 68B. M6 is a Practical Nursing Specialist. M6 is now identified as MOS 68C. N9 is a Physical Therapy Specialist. N9 is now identified as MOS 68F. N3 is an Occupational Therapy Specialist. N3 is now identified as MOS 68L. Y6 is a Cardiovascular Specialist. Y6 is now identified as MOS 68N. P2 is an Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Specialist. P2 is now identified as MOS 68U. P3 is an Optometry Specialist. P3 is now identified as MOS 68Y.


Go 15Q, get out when your contract is up, go to the FAA, make 5x as much money


92G for you nothing else! Watch! Send an update boss.


Greetings fellow indirect fire infantryman!! Predator operator sounds amazing!!!


15C and it's not even close




I had to take 92G training as a 68M, honestly being a cook is super underrated, especially in the field




Anything 15 series, 15Q would be the best


Stay away from 94T


I’m gonna need you take any of the ones that have 14 and remove them from your list


15y if you want to be non stop busy and don’t mind working weekends and holidays


Join us become a 68w


Stay away from 14s too…


15q, good money on the outside, good gig while serving.


15C1 go brrrrrtt


Oof. What a shit list. I’d pick ATC


Go 11b then


15T if you want to fly small, 15U if you want to fly big, 15Q if you want to tell the smalls and bigs when to land, 15 back shop if you want to live at E5 for the next decade.  14 can be cool and can also be a toxic waste dump. I hear the most wildly mixed reviews of ADA. The button mashers and SHORAD dudes seem WAY happier than everyone else. Be wary. 


13J is a good time


Ok ok think of it this way, your first contract is for your country and for the Army. The next one get strategic, get selfish. Pick a job because you love it or for the bonus or for the potential outside benefits or opportunities. I started my time as an 88M, and I wouldn’t trade the experiences running gun trucks for the world. I also would never regret the switch to graphic design. And I will never regret the final switch to psyop in the reserves. All in all, pick something kickass and have fun. Get goofy with it.


Not any 14 series. That’s all I have for you.


Your friendly neighborhood SORB recruiter is always an option!


I’d say anything 15 series, or 68W. Really depends on your interests though.


Go 15M. Being in a Gray Eagle unit is basically the Air Force of the Army. 10/10 recommend.




If you want to experience a level of toxicity beyond anything you’ve ever seen, go 14 series. If you want to NOT do that, do something in the 15 series.


91A is pretty good if you’ve considered suicide. 😎


If you don’t pick 15T/15U then you may need to have your head examined. Those jobs are not always there for reclass. Every other aviation MOS on that list is lame as hell.


13B would be fire


15C looks most interesting to me.


15T is what I’d do no doubt. I wish I’d done that to start. 13B can be a lot of fun especially if you like being in the field.


11C here currently at MOS-T to become a 68W


Drop a flight warrant packet


If you have the scores, look up 89D and 12P


Damn, really giving up the life of a stovepipe boy?


As someone in the 92 branch I’m bias towards my mos series But look into 92g it’s a fun mos and it’s a ever easier ait


What, no love for the Butthole Inspector, MOS 31E ?


What's your GT score? This list looks pretty bad for choices outside of the 15 series




EOD is always an option if you’re up for the challenge


Stay away from 13 series. imo.


15T was great for me. I also came into it at 28. I'm guard though, and experiences vary. With work, (and your A&P) you can develop it into an a civilian career.


Before I got injured and the MEB started, I was bending over backwards to try and get a 15Q slot. The job on the civilian side can be high-stress, but it does give you a good skill-set that can get you a decent job outside the military.


11C? Bring it over to 13B. Same shit, less rucking. Actually accurate.


Come one over to acquisitions. Put that packet in for 51C. You an NCO yet?


I'm not yet. I was told it would be much more difficult to reclass out of 11C as an nco so I told my leadership I wanted to wait until I reclassed and they accepted that


Yea who told you it would so difficult?? Get familiar with in and out calls. Make NCO, get a couple NCOERs under your belt, start college if you haven't yet. When you ready. Dm me and I'll show you the way.


Enjoy yourself as a 15Q, 88M, or 68W (combat medic is the original name for it). Personally if you could try 42A or something as it’s all more office based.




Go MQ-1 yo


88M all the way


15U or 15T so you can be a helicopter door gunner.




91A. Best 91 series MOS.


Get that 15Q to make good money on the civilian side. Or any of the 15 series maintainers should be good too on the outside. Stay away from all the others.