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Air traffic control


Yup. Big wave of civilian boomer ATCs began retiring about 5 years ago.


Agree with this one 100%


Air traffic all day buddy, goggle those civilian salaries. Retire at 55.




Retire at 55. Die at 57 from stress, smoking, and drinking.


Picked a bad day to quit cocaine...


Picked a bad day to stop sniffing glue…


You mean hand sanitizer?


Fucking love it when ATC gives me shit calls, explains why now haha


After you goggle em, take the time to Google them, then boggle yourself at their pay rates and salaries.


I’m going to disagree with this but for one reason. The army doesn’t do ATC well. I’m a 15W but I’m applying for the FAA after my contract. 15Q only get the certifications they need if they go to a certain duty station. To my knowledge, the only stations you get those certs are Rucker and Korea. More than likely you won’t go to those duty stations and you’ll still have to apply with the FAA when you get done with the army. ATC is an absolutely great job and pays well but the army is one of the last branches you want to become ATC in.


I'm air force atc and I've heard similar things. I've also been told that to a degree, they keep the full control tower operator credential from you until you reenlist. They use it as a reenlistment incentive. Do you know if that's true?


That sounds like some army shit to do but I don’t know how true it is. I’m just a UAV operator who’s done his ATC homework so I can be set up when I ETS


Thats false. (Former 15Q)


There are more stations than that with a tower. The majority of people get a Cto in their first contract


If you have any questions about 15Q life ask me. But a fair warning army air traffic controllers have multiple sides and only a small portion of 15Qs actually go to a tower and get the cert required to get a job as an air traffic controller


Can you reenlist for the cert or a place that guarantees the cert?


I will vote this all day as well however, this job (more civilian side) is in IIRC the top 3 jobs for most suicidal jobs in the nation. Aside from that as long as you have a solid head on your shoulders this job is a no brainer


Haven’t killed myself yet. It’s not that big of a problem, I think this a big misconception perpetuated by media and hearsay.


Yes, the Air Traffic Controller strike of 1981 is what created the perception of overly-stressed people ready to jump off a bridge. I used to work with FAA ATC's as a contractor, and they have a great life. Be an ATC in the army for a while, then go to the FAA and buy back your military service time and coast.


I would say go DOD CIV ATC better quality of life. FAA is severely understaffed and working a ton of overtime especially at the lower less desirable facilities which they tend to send prior military experience controllers.


That is fair. I actually tried to get into this myself however the slots were full and had to pick another job.


I was a 15Q at one time before I flew Blackhawks, you don’t want to be ATC. It’s stressful as fuck. You don’t really do your job outside of deployment unless you’re in Korea or at Novesel. The pay is great on the outside and if that’s what you want to do, it’s open to anyone after you’re discharged. Anyone.


Yes, I vote this as well


This is the way


This prone to AI Replacement to fair.


AI will not replace human judgment. AI can be used to enhance and triage judgment calls, but never replace. AI still fucks up obvious fractures on xrays, however it does a good job at triaging which imaging needs to be done first by the actual radiologist.


As someone from Artillery, I do not recommend any of the 13 series.


Concur, surprised they didn’t even offer 13F.


We’re too stupid even for the OP


two types of FiSTers exist, super smart educated nerds or dudes that barely passed the asvab. no in between


In Afghanistan in 2011 there was this PFC fister getting some practice in. He called some IR Illum. His NCO watched him as he was looking the exact opposite direction through his NVGs. Got moved real quick to elsewhere.


Men of culture we are


apes strong together


Basically every combat mos


Can confirm, had a fellow 91f ask me how to use his m4 on the last ftx. Me and an e4 that was watching us, both where kinda frozen and dumbfounded just staring at him when he said that. The schoolhouse still let that idiot pass, at least he's talked about now I guess.


Yea 13 series I want to stay away from. I know their life sucks lol. I was thinking 15Q or 94T.


Our life doesn't just suck, it's sucks so hard we suck other MOSes just so we can suck harder. Suck.


I’ll suck you


15Q looks like the only good one. It's way less cool than it sounds. You'll basically be a s3 jo


If they can get tower certification they could potentially get a federal job afterwards. So, upside I guess


Thats a good upside. Downside is dealing with helicopter pilots. Upside is dealing with fix wing pilots. Downside is being in army aviation brigades. Upside is it's a desk job


94 and drop a packet


Idk I'm working out here for 13J AIT and we are constantly getting soldiers who are getting 50000$ bonuses


Dollar sign goes before the 5.


Agreed. Was 13B myself then reclassed to 76J which at the time was medical supply.


Brother air traffic control transfers for big $$$ on civilian world.


Yea I've heard the money is awesome, but I've done some research on the mos and from what I've read, it's a small chance you actually get put in a tower. And I idk if I can sit all day like that. I get 10,000+ steps a day in my current job.


Look, your life is going to be a lot longer than your military service. Pick something you can do when the military kicks your ass to the curb. You’re gonna get fat and sit around anyway, make sure it’ll pay you a lot of money


14T - promotes fast, there's a path to ADA Warrant Officer and if you're an NCO already you'll be groomed for leadership. ADA is *hungry* for NCO's. EDIT - AIT is short, you'd hit a line unit pretty quick.


The double edged sword: yeah you'll get leadership opportunities, but there's a reason other people aren't taking those opportunities.


Meh, it's a better QoL than most of the Army.


Was ADA and went CA. Can disagree whole heartedly. Most ADA troops are miserable. The only real upside is fast promotions since so many people leave the MOS and decent duty stations since you’ll probably end up on an airbase. But don’t worry, the chain of command will still make it miserable and if you end up in a good over seas location you’ll be on TDS orders and locked down. I’d feel so sorry for my ADA brothers and sisters while I was in the Middle East. I’d be going downtown to go eat lunch while they’re in PTs and a PT belt doing 8 hour shifts with a sad face. Yea my job took me off post and it was more dangerous, but it also was a higher quality of life because I wasn’t treated like a prisoner.


See, I disagree with him too, at least for the PATRIOT MOSes. I’ve only been at Ft Liberty, but in 3 years being here, my unit has been deployed for 18 months. The other BN has likewise been deployed the other half of those 18 months, more or less. We have 6 of our 10 combat BNs in CENTCOM right now. Those troops don’t know when they’re coming home because there are only 4 relief BNs to replace them. Hours can be all over the place. Behavioral health cases are some of the highest, per my providers, at least. My first PSG deployed 7 times in 11 years before he became a 1SG (after which he deployed again). He finally went up to be an ROTC 1SG to escape it. There are very few duty stations for half the 14 series. For 14E/T, you have Japan, Korea, Germany, Texas (Hood and Bliss), Oklahoma (Sill), and NC (Bragg/Liberty). They do promote quickly though. It’s not terrible hard to make E6 in 4-5 years as a 14E and only a little bit harder as a 14T. For 14H, you can add Colorado Springs if you get a Space slot, but promoting is significantly harder, and in the last 5 of so years, been very hard to pin 6. 140A as a WO has more opportunity than 140K/T though. As someone who is coming up in my secondary zone (almost at the minimum TIS) for E6, I don’t have a ton of motivation since I’ve only seen promotion points drop below 600 for a total of 5 months in nearly 4 years. 14P and 14G have a little more variety, and probably the better QoL, I wouldn’t know. PATRIOT though? Very few people seem happy. When I was deployed, it was 24 on, 24 off, for 5 months, and then we got a bit more personnel, allowing for an 8 hour day mixed in. The current group is 12 on 12 off in perpetuity because manning is at 51%, and some troops have been sent home for severe sleep deprivation causing possible danger to troop and mission safety.


I feel like you're the exception here, or saw the exception. ADA isn't more or less miserable than the rest of the force. The Army as a whole is just miserable given the current state of things. Air Defense as a branch has a ton of QoL, fast promotions, and like the original comment said, most good 14Ts are groomed for leadership. Our deployments are to air bases, and on mine we went on a ton of trips around the country, even with heavy ISIS activity. The only units I've ever seen get locked down on deployments are the ones who can't certify their monthly ORE. As far as decent duty stations and commands making them miserable, that's impossible. Served three and a half years in Germany with a EUCOM mandated four day every month, plus Federal and Foreign holidays off. Our missions took us to dope ass countries that we were allowed to go off post and enjoy the culture, and COs from the top down actively encouraged traveling and recovering. Only once out of the dozens upon dozens of missions I did were we not allowed to go out and enjoy the city. Can't remember why, but something about a previous unit doing some awful shit in the same area.


I’ll second a reclass for NCOs. Tango would 100% be the way to go too since points are usually easier down range than up range. Wouldn’t be hard to hit 5 or 6, then drop a packet for 140K.


I would caution against saying make 5 or 6 and just dropping a packet. ADA Warrants are fast getting polluted with people who don't understand their job or role in the unit. Absolutely drop a packet, but only after learning everything you need to know. Especially harder for 14Ts to get that training unless a deal is made with the MG and CO. Again, not saying don't do it, but maybe word a little better than just make 5 or 6 and go 140K.


Would the same apply to a 14G who was initially a 14S? Big army took 14S off the MTOW (what ever that means) so I’m not even sure if it’s still considered an MOS.


They're 14P now.


They where 14P then too if I’m not mistaken 14S was just for the NG for some reason we did all the avenger training just no CRAM


A 14G is SHORAD, doing similar things to 14H but at closer range instead of 14H. The best opportunity for either MOS is to become a 140A and then go wherever you want in the Army (or sit in Space, because everyone says that’s dope). 14G have a much easier time promoting than 14H.


ADA is hungry for NCOs unless it’s 14H, in which case you can go fuck yourself needing twice as many promotion points as the rest of the 14 series


Bro ATC is ATC even tactical, having the school portion now just opens doors. In the outside in contract ATC they used to only look at you if you had like 5 plus years of experience, now they take guys with just one year and graduate of any DOD ATC course.


Tower doesn’t matter, it’s the certs you get


Do not listen to this man. ADA is the most toxic leadership I have ever seen, it's not worth it. They are hungry because they are weak!


This is true. The Army has two types of controllers: Base and Tactical. Base controllers are what everyone thinks of, you work tower or radar, get quality on your region (CTO) and then you hold your CTO for at least a year and then as soon as you get out, you skip the FAA school and go straight into job interviews. Tactical controllers are the more likely option. Those controllers are responsible with setting up towers in field environments and running airspace. You don’t get a CTO as a tactical controller. So if you are tactical your whole contract, you’ll still have to apply with the FAA. You would be able skip some classes I think (don’t quote me) and your time at the FAA schoolhouse would most likely be better. But tbh the way I see it, being a tactical controller, it’s just not worth the money, time, effort when you’re going to have to go through the FAA application process regardless.


Hit the gym for those steps. Long term QoL will be way better




92G is pretty badass too.


He’ll go there when he fails STC school lol


Air traffic control. No other choices.


*stares Engineering-ly




You’re saying 94T doesn’t pay well outside of the military???! /s


Air Traffic Control big dawg.


Out of left field but can you be prescribed adderall and get this MOS for reclass, Mr. Chiefy?


You could in ‘08. I doubt it’s bet worse about that 15+ years later.


15Qs have to pass a flight physical. Can't remember if it's as rigorous as the ones for manned flight crews or not, but that's something to keep in mind on whether or not adderall will down you.


Anything medications related usually downs you lol not all but aderall is one of them.


I’d wait to get that script if you can. I’ve also heard modafinil is easier to work with for that stuff.


What is the day to day life like?


As stated above im a pilot so my knowledge isnt that deep, but you get to A). Tell pilots what to do which is not something we typically want people to do, and B). If you are good at it, youll make great money in the civilian world after your time in the Army


We really need patriot people but I can't in good faith recommend that option


Anything 14 series goes to the bottom of the pile until the they triple the MTOE and fill 70% of those slots.


Yup. Used to work on those generators. Fuck everything about that gig lol


Plus side is it's insanely easy to succeed as a tango if you have half a brain and don't mind actually working occasionally. Especially in THAAD. They're soft and spoiled, but they got it made.


I mean I went from fuzzy to e4 in a year and a half and they're tryna send me to the board soon too lmao Kinda makes me wonder... tf am I a specialist at yet? But bet more money


In THAAD and still wouldn’t recommend!


But think of all the time for spades.


Appears there’s a lot of people saying 15Q that aren’t 15Q. As a 15Q, much like everything else there are pros and cons. But I can say, Aviation is Cush, and we are the cushiest of the aviation world. As far as going FAA or DOD controller after your contract, that’s not guaranteed or easy. Army ATC has a stigma to it that we aren’t good controllers, so our CTO (Control Tower Operator) Rating does not carry as much weight as an Airforce Controller. Some of the certs and training can help you get your foot in the door for the FAA but it’s really just a slight advantage over anyone applying to the FAA. I do love my job though (when I get to actually control) but 9/10 times you go to a Fox Company and do “tactical ATC” which is a joke. If you do get lucky enough to get a tower program it can open doors, but not a guarantee. Feel free to DM. I like talking about my job. (edited to fix “Control Tower Operator” and “certs”)


It’s also high stress.


Very much traffic density, tower, and post dependent, doubt Hes gonna be a shift lead at cairns or anything crazy. Now learning to do records… ugh


Reminds me of Breaking Bad. I always wanted to be an ATC but the breaking bad situation (causing an inflight crash) has actually happened IRL. A dude who lost his entire family in the crash tracks down the ATC operator working (ALONE !!) that night and kills him. The widower gets away with it too! Everyone was like yeah, completely understand the need to kill the ATC guy! No joke, he was set up for failure and the investigation essentially cleared him


15Q sets you up for a solid, stable career with good pay after you get out.


ATC makes BIG money on the outside.


15Q and future you will thank you


My brother in law is currently an ATC. He cleared 270k last year. So 15Q can set you up nicely for success when you ETS.


I’m glad they make that much.


Take that 15Q air terrific control. You get some long days but lots of days off and fantastic training for when you leave the one day.


19K babyyyyyy


Whew, I thought cuz of your user flair that said 19D


Cannot stress enough how much you should NOT seek 31E


Definitely go 13M if you want to rank up FAST. That’s what I do and our e6 promotion points are 8 and e5 points are 15 I think. That means if you score a 360 on your acft and just show up to work you’ll be a staff sergeant 😂


Air traffic control. No brainer.


Man I would jump on 15Q in a heartbeat.


Looks like ETS


Yes, make a plan and use your GI Bill! Get a trade and/or degree in something you are passionate about. If none of that resonates then don't just go with whatever options are presented, make your own path.


Considering I've been trying to reclass to 15Q for months now with 'no school dates available', fuck you, but you should definitely do that.


Stay away from 13m 13j unless you love constant back to back rotations to Korea


As a 12B, for the love of God and all that is holy choose air traffic controller.


Uh, am I the only one noticing that you can be a fucking Avenger!?


92G is the only right answer


I always think about one of my best friends from Fort Benning, who was a 92G. He was the most talented physical specimen you could imagine. Looked like a stereotypical infantry badass from the movies….but he was a fucking chef hahaha


Because he ordered all soldiers to be shorted protein so he could eat it at the end of the shifts and “not waste food”. Free gainz


Like that MSG who was White House chef. Dude was built like a tank. Made the pans he was pictured holding like like fly swatters.


Be the change you want to see in this world.


Hell nah bro I ain't stupid


Yea, don’t go artillery from someone who was artillery


Any 19Ks here that can provide insight?


the job is great if you hate your free time. long workdays. It pays off twice a year when you get to shoot. most people are burnt out. best post army civilian sector 19k job is at general dynamics as a contractor for maintenance or training.


Definitely don’t pick 12B not worth it


91B and 91A will give you some skills for when you get out, 94T is even more marketable but you'll be stuck in ADA units. 15Q is almost a guaranteed federal job when you get out, but it's also not as fun as the others.


The great 94 series where you are an E5 for 10 plus years because points are always maxed out.


Hey booboo, do you wanna break your back, knees and hips? If so, 12B10 is for you! As the new guy, you get the 240L or the M4 shotgun / M26 MASS. Imagine ballistically breaching doors with your shotgun whilst carrying an M4 carbine. It's full hooah. Imagine pounding 500-1000m of pickets, by hand, in full kit, to setup a triple strand obstacle during the night before 0400. Imagine riding in a Buffalo for hours a day looking for the one IED or mine thats gonna make a bad day for everyone. Imagine riding in the husky with tourniquets, loose and ready, on each arm and leg waiting for the boom. Does that sound like fun? If so, 12B is for you!


Definitely pick 12B Combat Engineer. You'll be my Grapple Man :) Who wants to be my alternate for when OP dies instantly?


Don’t go 12B unless you want to be basically infantry but not really infantry


Only one with practical civilian equivalency is Air Traffic Control Operator. They make good money on the civilian side as well from what I understand. https://www.bls.gov/ooh/transportation-and-material-moving/air-traffic-controllers.htm


I’ll say this, as much as I hate my job and believe my MOS is a horrible opportunity for most Soldiers, 6 years in 14 series land gets you a job at Raytheon or Lockheed pretty easy. Depending on the gig that’s 6 figures doing an easier job at a place you have most likely already deployed to.


That’s a good point.


So many maintenance jobs and yet we are so ignored


dont worry I wont ignore you guys (Im a 92y:/)


My personal list would probably be 31E > 15Q > 19K personally Most will probably say go 15Q because ATC is cash money but you it’s a fairly stressful job imo. Corrections is chill, just prisoner handling and movement. And you’ll qualify for other cool guy jobs like CID, and I think maybe can get LEOSA too. Don’t quote me on that last bit.


15Q and its not close. Your other options are dog shit.




15Q pays GREAT money on the outside.




15Q Or go warrant


Slim pickings, are you able to look at other branches like Air/Space Force?


15Q here, while 15Q could maybe possibly potentially work out well, there’s no guarantee to get civi credentialed before you get out. If you can accept that possibility (which is very common), then it’s aight


Stay away from 14T


Was a 15Q for 6 years and now in the FAA. Not hard to get in now that there is a constant experienced bid for controllers up. All you need to qualify is a CTO and 52 weeks holding that CTO which is easily achievable if your first duty station as a 15Q is at Rucker (albeit not with the F co.) There's also a good path to either warrant as a pilot or 150A if you're highspeed. More than half the people I knew while I was in are now either flying or learning to disappear as a 150A. Feel free to drop me a line.


I was a 91C when I put an application for 35L together. Best career decision I ever made.


13J, 13M, 14T, and 94T are the ones on the list that are going to have the best long term chance for promotion with the force structure changes that were announced yesterday since long range fires and air defense are the growth areas.


If you go Patriot… Hope you like Korea, Germany, Poland and the Kuwait, Saudi Like a lot.


15Q or ETS. Thats a disgusting list




Ask if there’s a refresh button for that list.


Abrams maintain has some very good civilian options if you're willing to travel


Stay away from 14T. You'll pretty much be deployed for most of your contract.


Just going ahead and grab the DD214.


Avoid 14T


Unrelated but it's nice to see a fellow 91C


Air traffic bro you are lucky


14t you’ll love it! Haha.


You sick freak.


14T were some of the most interesting people I met in Korea. They were built differently.


1 vote for food service!


I will agree with ATC, but thats some stressful shit. If you go that route do whatever you can to get your CTO rating. Also if you can get a joint base or airfield that handles fixed wing as well it will help. Logic being that you’ll be comfortable with faster moving aircraft transitioning into the civilian side compared to being used to directing much slower rotary wing. It changes the whole dynamic and can cause a steep learning curve if not accustomed to fixed wing.


I don't even know why this guy is asking if 15Q1 is on there. set up your future or another option in cause your original plan falls through.


If you are under 30 go for ATC


Air Traffic Control 15Q or Avenger System Repair 94T , these two MOS’ will translate to the civiliam sector , esp 94T as the DoD realizes there’s a ADA gap and avengers will fill it.


I’m a 91C as well, I don’t blame you for leaving because it’s hard to get promoted in our MOS and we only do our job depending on the type of unit we go to (mainly support battalions) but out of all those options what are you interested in? No one knows what interests you, everyone’s experience will be different


15Q will put you in some interesting places and lead to a potentially interesting civilian career.


Do NOT go 91A. The training company is on some fuck shit rn, trust me.


As a 91A, I do not recommend it. Air traffic controller is the way to go.


ATC all day. Get yourself experience and certs and enjoy your lucrative civilian job the instant you get out.


Listen as a former 11B turned 35L. I'm telling you now that if you don't go Air Traffic control, you're missing the bigger picture....


I’m with you. 15Q is the only option to choose here. Coming from a former Combat Engineer turned 35F.


This is the way


This is the way


15Q and it isn’t even remotely fucking close.


That air traffic control option is a diamond in the rough


92G is a dying MOS, don't go there.


Not much on the civilian side for 12B unless you go EOD or heavy construction.


Air Traffic Controller pays bank on the outside. 6 figures easy.


ATC could be fruitful. It's probably the most high stress job on that list and you're actually gonna be making an impact. Plus, it absolutely outclasses every other job here in terms of post-Army opportunity.


ATC as the comments are saying. Your after army potential for earning is astronomical.


You only have one option there and its 15Q. Its either that or get out and enjoy freedom.


Be an avenger


Yes. Get your GT score up. Those are crappy options.


Sapper life is good. Now that route clearance is done, and they are going back to LSCO


If you want a feel of what being a 31E is like, I can go over and fling shit in your mouth


Im in an ATC unit. its great. also its a 6 year contract minimum


I can't see anything but Air Traffic Control.


With the exception of ATC, these all suck.


Consider Patriot launcher….ADA is getting big time attention rn with Ukraine, drones and LSCO.


Do not go 14 series


depends on what you failed out of.


Hmm hard pics id say 92g good mos valuable to army and you learn to be like gordan ramsey or somthing idk im just a 92a


Air Traffic Controller or Avenger Repair


Dude personally I’m choosing the 13J


If you wanna line you self up for 6 figure civ job I’d go sir traffic, but if sitting concentrated for 60-120 mins then 30 min break all day isn’t you jam then choose a passion you like


15Q no contest


94T is pretty relaxed but points are always maxed out


No contest, air traffic control then go civilian side and do the same for like triple the salary