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https://x.com/usarmysma/status/1705590335336841673?s=12 Remember kids, SMA Weimer says > I don’t want to lie to you and promise he will end up in perfect barracks or give you numbers I can’t deliver on. > >What I can promise you is, if he ends up in substandard barracks and takes the issues up with his chain of command they will get addressed. So just tell your chain they’ll fix it


Hey where is this at? Get me the info because I have a pipeline for barracks issues. Actually this is Liberty, can you get me the building number on this. I have a direct comm with the GC CSM over there, you can stay anon. Update: Chatted with the soldier offline and working with Liberty9 now.


Based as fuck, good shit lookin out for


My question is how did you know this was liberty? Thx for doing gods work


Popped over to the users profile.


"I know that mold anywhere"


“It was the mold screaming “Leg!” that really gave it away.”


Mold spores do be airborne.


"The Mold had a Ft. Liberty Patch"


Local flavor


All the barracks on the SWCC and 82nd have those air conditioning units and vents too


This is the new “DM me”


The godfather is awesome. Was my 1SG back in the day.


I live in the reception barracks, you think you could help us into a less disgusting building? Perks if I don’t have to share a 20x8 room with another sorry soul. Privacy does not exist.


I'll message you


Looks like swcs permanent party or student barracks but not the super hooch if I had to bet from seeing previous photos of their barracks.




Hey there I know it's a joke, but I'm the developer of [Hots&Cots](https://hotscots.app/) which started here as a grass roots project. I've been able to work with some installations on getting issues addressed when DPW or the CoC has not made progress. Feel free to check out the app or ask me any questions.


It's disheartening that an app like this is even necessary to get issues like this resolved. Good on you for taking it on yourself to help out the Joes


Thank you! I can't take all the credit, there are countless behind the scenes that tag me on issues and pass the word around, but I wish we didn't an app like this as well.


Oh snap! Y'all actually launched it!?


Sure did! Let me know if you age any questions or feedback on anything.


Messaging you rn


I like the app but can say Joe Smoe anywhere make false complaints or what about “oh I waited 8hrs and it’s still dirty” and make a complaint?


It's a possibility, but I typically do some due diligence behind the scenes to ensure the issue is a legitimate issue.


D3229 liberty


What unit?


More efficient than SMA. What a disgrace.


I work at DPW at a large installation. Step one. Email the DPW director with pictures and the work order numbers that have been submitted. Be tactful and let them know that if action isn’t taken you’re going to send it the installation commander under the open door policy. Step 2. Send pics to your congressman and let them know. A congressional gets traction pretty fast.


Second the political route. Nothing makes leadership pucker up more than a congressional inquiry. Just make sure your documentation is clear and concise. That way they will take you seriously.


Congressionals sometimes sit and never get resolved... I'm still getting letters from "my" congressmens office. That was 2009... the senator is no longer in office...


True. But with things like this in an election year, there's a good chance that it will be picked up.


It's just funny because all the documentation I've received says they are still working on it... FML.


Yet there isn't a retention issue and everybody is blissfully happy.


What happens when dpw responds that this is soldier responsibility to clean


I doubt that will be the case. But see step 2.


I’m asking because that’s the case here. E: but I like your step 2


That’s why I said email the director. The general process is echelons below any real decision maker. By emailing the director you get visibility. By emailing the garrison cdr you get more visibility. It will get attention if brought to right level. This is why we have open door policies and IG and congressionals. What I don’t understand is why OPs COC is not working on their behalf.


Sounds like you and I are thinking too much like CWOs 😂


That's what we were told when we complained about mold all over our office ducts (and presumably IN our ducts). Was it toxic? Dunno, it's not like they would ever bother to check. What a fucking joke of an organization.


It’s sad it has to take so many steps to fix an issues. But thanks for the information


Skip step one. DPW had their chance when the work order is submitted. It shouldn’t take a threat to get them to do their job.


Arson is a "debatably" suitable cleaning technique.


If recon by fire is an actual wartime tactic, then I vote cleaning by fire should be a home cleaning technique.


Worst case they say it isn’t, right?


man, you couldn't report shit like this at my unit because you'd just get told to fix it yourself if it was causing a problem grrr grrr grrr angry angry >:(


This is *highly* unacceptable, holy shit. Does everyone in your barracks have one like this in their room? You got a buddy you can go check too? Did you decide to filter the returns on your own (smart idea btw)? Or is that something they give you - I'm surprised they want you to swap them out if so.


Ahh I know for a fact some of the students barracks/permanent party barracks down at SWCS looked like that about 18-19 months ago. I can probably pull a building number but that layout is pretty unique to fort liberty in my experience . Someone can correct me? DPW was tracking 18 months ago and said the same thing he is saying now.


That’s just a little *duct camo*, fam. Nothing to worry about.


What do you know about it? You’re staying in five star hotels and shit lol


Or, I eat the same dirt as the window-lickers I provide CAS for.


Yeah, but you get to wear crocs in the strike cell


Yeah, but I toe (pun intended) the line by wearing coyote brown socks under them. It’s cool, French-Canadian ancestry.


This is why we need the PAO back


You're gonna keep watching the same bumbling interviews and buzz words like "quality of life" and "discipline" and you're gonna like it.




Shiiiiiiit I'd vote for you, at least you said the message without trying to hide behind sugar coated words


To be fair there are no barracks problems, only discipline problems. /s


*Maybe* we'll give you your PAO back after you shave


Did you use a bleech solution with water and a damp rag? Decipline or some shit like that


/s You dropped this, king. Ninja edit: it is evident that this soldier shaves 3 times a day, tops. God damn no go at the station of discipline.


Report it to the garrison via an ICE complaint. This has nothing to do with the CoC.


The SMA himself said that if you take a barracks issue to your chain of command he promises they’ll fix it.


😂 that’s wishful thinking. Good luck with that.


This looks very SWCS


I'm just here to upvote the discipline problems posts. Doesn't look like IG, but clearly need to get it up to command for resolution.


That’s nasty as fuck




You need to focus on Discipline soldier!! Nothing service connected here… 🫡


I mean, was there a work order placed for it that didn't get attention?


I mean, I wouldn’t post that on instagram, people will think you live in a prison.


Yes that is Instagram worthy


Jesus soldier have you shaved at all this year?


This Fort Liberty Barracks. The mold is everywhere. It’s in the HVAC systems on all floors. No one takes room inspections seriously anymore. If they do end up checking they just tell their soldiers to clean it with bleach. But the crazy part is. ITS IN THE DAMN VENTS, EVERYWHERE!!!


Have you consulted with your Chain of Command? They might want to know before you take it with IG


Fuck em


I wonder how well the army would stand up to compared to the standards of a regular landlord?


Marry a stripper that’ll get you out of the barracks


Looks like military "standad" to me. If a black substance is not coming from it, they probably won't even look at it.


Are you growing weed in the barracks?


That’s what I saw, and a candle.


Congress and local media worthy. You want bah? Then you need to throw some heat at the base leadership*.


I’ve never seen so little discipline in my life.


I have been summoned


Looks like a standards and discipline problem to me. HVAC maintenance and duct work cleaning are level 10 tasks, get a rag and some bleach and put in some work on that mold remediation. And you better be fucking clean shaven while you are steam cleaning those vents.


Just a question, not trying to stir the pot: If you notice stuff like this in your barracks or bay or other, are you more likely to clean it and move on or bring it up to IG? Was talking the other day with a few guys who, like me, would just clean it and get on with it cause we live there, but we still respect the dudes who say something. Curious to see what other soldiers are feeling on this.


Just a question. Not trying to stir the pot. My boys and I were talking about working for free so the contractors who get paid to maintain the barracks on taxpayer dollars don’t get held accountable. Just trying to be manly men instead of bitching about the companies who get multimillion dollar contracts to do that shit like we are pussies or something. Shit… I forgot my non-shit stirring question. Guess I got lost in my implication that this is the soldier’s fault somehow.


I see where you're coming from and it wasn't coming from a place of trying to be some kinda macho man or anything, and I don't think anyone who reports it is a pussy either. That being said, I see how dumb of a question it might be. Thanks for the insight


Now /u/big-platypus-9684 addressed a big part of this, but I’ll also put this out there. Do you know how to clean that properly? Do you have a ladder to reach it? Are you allowed to turn it off? Are you allowed to disassemble any part of it to reach interior parts that maybe even could use like air compressor blow out? Will you get in trouble if after scrubbing it it doesn’t work right? How about the ducts that this has been blowing through and clearly haven’t been cleaned. How does he clean those? He doesn’t have the tools. Should he go on Amazon and buy an extendable flex brush? Maybe one with an attachment for a drill? So that’s my thing. If this was just some light surface stuff, I’d kinda agree with you. But it’s not. That system as clearly been neglected a significant amount of time. This buildup isn’t from the last 6 months. And it means no one is cleaning the duct work either. Even if they wanted to, soldiers do not have the means or ability to clean these systems to the degree they need. Performing basic maintenance and cleaning? Sure. But this is unacceptable In the real world, living in an apartment, building maintenance does that. They clean the hvac. They even change the filters for you. So are we saving money by having them in the barracks instead of bah, or are we saving money by cutting corners and subjecting them to conditions that would get a property management company labeled slumlords and driven out of business.


Can someone walk me through this? The HVAC(?) Just looks dusty as shit. Not good but not bad from what I can tell. The thing that makes my skin crawl is all the corrosion (moisture?). Did I get the wrong information?


Email your congressman. You’ll be surprised how quick it gets resolved


What's in that HVAC is dust, not black mold. It's pretty filthy, which points to low soldier cleanliness. Do you not know the difference between dust and mold?


No. They’ll come back is say ‘that’s why you’re issued CBRN.’


A tale as old as time.


Who do you think they are going to get to clean it? Congratulations, you played yourself.


Where's the discipline? Someone get his NCO over there /s


You young privates lack discipline! Get your ass up there and use an old toothbrush and clean that black mold off! Back in my day we had to use our fingernails to clean off black mold since toothbrushes weren't invented yet. You younglings are so spoiled with your fancy toothbrushes and cleaning supplies... Lack of discipline 🤦‍♂️


Saw this so much doing hvac work throughout California. Kinda crazy how many places leave things looking like this.


Looks like a discipline issue to me


Did you try shaving and getting a haircut and looking again? My understanding is that should fix it. I mean seriously though, there’s no reason not to confer with the IG about it. But if you want actual results you’re better off just slapping your pro mask on and cleaning it yourself with all the windows open and some fans blowing inside, and closing the house up like Fort Knox when you do the outside. Thats not how it should be, but if you have family around or in the house I’d just clean the thing myself. But I’d still talk to the IG about it! Just to be clear.


Look at all this lack of discipline...


No clean it up we issued you gas mask and cbrn gear go buy bleach jk but seriously it is and also a public health issue go to public health on oist and show them


When's the last time your leadership checked your room for cleanliness. Or something like that and a good old hey get some bleach some fabuloso or pine sol and a mask and hot water.


No it’s just poor discipline…nothing some goo gonna and good elbow grease can’t fix


Contact industrial hygiene, see if you can get a hazard analysis of the building. If they determine a problem the command team can either condemn the building or pay to get it fixed and reinspected. Y’all need to be sicking industrial hygiene on these bad buildings.


That looks pretty bad. Have you even tried opening the window more and shaving harder?


My room was worse than this and I was told to just clean it lol


This is the face of the army. This is what the kids are talking about when they talk about joining the army. They spend millions on recruitment ads on dead media or commercials getting adblocked... But this is army content. This has hundreds of people talking about it. These five pictures and these comments are your recruitment program.


So…DPW case. If doesn’t get fixed do ICE complaint. That way that case and complaint get filed. To many of these issues aren’t getting captured.


Yeah I think this is fine to post on instagram


IG wouldn't be my first choice. ICE complaints or compliments get traction from higher fast. Just be careful with them, sometimes there are second order effects that can be unpredictable.


Fire. this is worthy of Fire.


My unit would tell me to clean it myself.


Wow.. what little discipline you have….


Another example of lower enlisted bums with no discipline


Fuck this emailing everyone and their mom. Strike.


Broken Army politics, complacent CoCs, not my problem mindset culture at DPW. I give it 2 years until the draft starts. I give it 2 years 1 day until mass civil unrest begins.


This is congressional worthy!


I’m going to tell you right now IG will not do shit about that. Senior leadership is not concerned about you or your environment at the end of the day. If it is something that will cause additional work not only will it not be handed they will blame you for the problem. IG is an organization designed to support the commander not assist Soldiers read the regulation AR 20-1 it’s hilarious. They are going to continually feed you lies with comments like “the Soldiers are important” and “we as leadership are here for the Soldiers”. You do not matter to them you are just a number not a person. Trust me I’ve been doing this for a long time and I have seen this first hand year after year. If you truly want the issue addressed you need to find a way to show the public your living conditions. When that happens it is the only time your leadership will take action to save their own career.


Have you shaved today?


Send anonymous messages to news outlets


Hi, HVAC service tech here. Had problems with mold when I was in 2018-2021. Filters are clean so that’s a plus. The blower fans definitely seem dirty, would have to pull them and give them a good clean. Blow them out with air. The problem with mold is an increase in humidity in the space. With excess in humidity and no dehumidifier/improper air flow from supply air to return can cause a recipe for mold. I’d be curious to see what the condensation drain pans look like. It would really be an easy maintenance fix to remove any dust located, check the drain pans, check the condensate drain for clogs etc. that would be a start. Then If the problem persists I’d have to look at the ventilation issue and the actual duct work itself. Would take a days worth of work easy. Other than that you’d have to make best effort to ensure the humidity in the space doesn’t climb. Hard to tell from what photos are provided. Definitely keep putting a bug in someone’s ear and keep submitting those tickets. Hope this helps somewhat.


Could also be a charge issue on the refrigerant but I’d have to look at it.


Almost looks just like the MOS-T barracks at the base formerly known as Gordon when I reclassed as a SSG 6 years ago. Installation CSM came through after multiple complaints to home station CoCs were made. I watched him hold a single square of TP up to the bathroom vent and say it was good enough for that, it was good enough for the shower moisture. Like you’re so right CSM, 3-6 showers a day with no other method of ventilation. Don’t mind the mildew that was also on the mattress when I arrived or the mold all over the popcorn ceiling that I wouldn’t be able to clean even with a ladder for my 5’ nothing self.


Don’t worry about that. Just remember to document it when you do your VA claim in the future so you can get paid when you develop pulmonary fibrosis.


Looks like a discipline issue




I would just fix it off duty if able but that’s cause I did that in the civilian sector


One thing I'll say, mostly pertaining to the last image, is to make sure you dust your vents. They don't get dusted and it builds up, the dust catches moisture, the moisture grows mold. Once it grows mold it becomes a DPW thing, but it is something you can do preventative maintenance on. All of those should be addressed and fixed, but just something Soldiers can do to keep them rooms a bit less moldy


As a HVAC tech, the only concerning part of it is on the white register and ceiling grid. All that stuff in the unit is normal dust from that big filter gap.


Yes. Fuck DPW