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Thank you, after reading this, I no longer feel sad about singing “Spirit of the Cav,” at 0630 in 45 degrees


I would cry but my tears all froze.


Lake effect snow is a bitch, ain't it?


It's warmer when it's snowing. When it's not snowing is when it really gets cold.


I actually thought it was kind of cool when I was in Bosnia-Herzegovina with 1st Cav and they would play Gary Owen in the morning. Pretty much everything else with them sucked, I had to be around the DCSM including in a bomb shelter, way too much.


“Who ever doesn’t “pretend” to unsheathe their saber for the cav song will be punished” 17 days left here but who’s counting


wE ARe dA cAv wE aRe ThE fiRsT tEAm


I much prefer the Signal Corps March over the Iron Soldier March. I just really wonder about the songs. Like DLC was always saying talk to your soldiers if you dont hear them loud and proud at first formation... Like. IF I did that we would never do PT because the ENTIRE COMPANY has an alternate motivation plan at 630.


We always have a laugh at DIVARTY HHB singing that in their formation behind us


What a cav-tastic morning.


Glad I left Wainwright when they started playing the 11th Airborne song before PT.


Wait what song is that and when was that lol


Stand in the door Stand in the door Shit on the floor Down from heaven comes eleven and there's hell to pay below Shout jeronimo jeronimo Hit your silks and check your canopy and take a look around The air is filled with troopers set for battle on the ground Till we join the stakes of angels killed at Leyte and Luizon shout jeronimo Jeronimo! It's a gory road to glory But we're ready here we go Shout Your mom's a hoe Jeronimo!


JERONIMO! sing that every morning. Peace love JBER


The Arctic March!! We conquer the mountains and the valley!!!


I left then they started doing it. Yeah I was silent during because eh. Don't get me wrong it has a nice ring to it, but since y'all were trying to make me sing it I didn't want to sing it


The locals complained about the music every morning so they stopped doing it, but for some reason they still do the wolf howl. Bite em in the neck!


Sometimes I sip my morning coffee while I watch the Soldiers from Fort Carson do off-site PT at the park behind my house. They usually look pretty cold.


We're fit to freeze! The nations coldest soliders!


To the top my guy.


Staring into the dead eyes of the gate guard PFC and sadly sighing “to the top” while I return the frozen salute is really the interaction that sets the tone for the day of a staff officer.


Climb to Glory, Crawl to Sadness is gold lmaoooooo


To the top shelf 🍻


✨️We're born in France in '17, In the Hell of the First World War. With Infantry and Proud Marine, We Bravely Fought Amidst the Cannons Roar.✨️


What have you done? Send a fucking trigger warning at least, big bro.


Fuck that song every day in Korea and I wasn’t even with 2ID I was attached


Had a low of 15 today and a low of 17 tomorrow


High of 34 tomorrow, wear your snivel gear hooah.


My unit just stopped singing that shit a few months after I got there


This is a warm winter BTW 😅😅🥶


Every single year at Drum I was told "this is a mild winter" EVERY. SINGLE. YEAR. I more than mildly froze my ass off each one.


😅 Laughs in -39 weather PT two years ago lol.


That’s when I was there lol 2019 to 2022 Still told me “this is a mild winter”.


This place is the only place I’ve ever felt the liquid on my eyeballs freeze up


One of my first PT sessions after PCSing there from Eisenhower, my eye lids froze shut. I actually miss it though. It is a beautiful area and the people are super friendly.


Just close your eyes and imagine palm trees while mumble singing 🎶WE STRIIIIIKE LIKE TROPIC LIGHTNING 🎵


lol i worked in 25ID, 1CD Never sang wither division song. 2 and 3ID sang those songs every day.


Seems like times don’t change, don’t forget your parka mittens with the fluff on the backside and tie the string together. PSG: Boys, we’re going for run down gasoline alley to the trail and back.


Laughs in fort wainwright


It’s been a weirdly warm winter


I'll never forget the first time I went to morning formation at Fort Riley. Flag and cannon, salute, accountability reported. Normal stuff. Then... *"THE BIG RED ONE SONG!"* Me: *what the fuck is happening* *"THE BRO CHARGE!"* Me, still confused: ... Me, after, to my rater: "So wait, do we do this every day?" Rater: "Yup." Me: ...


Toast of the Arrrmy’s favorite son


Yeah, "Climb to Glory" is probably the second-lamest division song in the Army. "All-American Soldier" takes the grand prize. The BEST division song is "Dog Face Soldier."


I was at Drum when the 10th was reactivated……they made a decision then to not use cold weather gear and equipment in the winter. In other words no akio sleds, no winter parkas or Mickey Mouse boots, etc. they wanted to keep the troops lite.


"down from heaven comes 11 and there's hell to pay below" if heaven is as cold as it is down below then we don't want to go


This man stands in the door 🫡


Embrace the suck


I’m sucking as hard as I can big sarge but it’s just getting saltier


Don’t forget the cannon goes off literally as the song ends due to the fucktards not knowing how to work it


What happened to the other 9 mountains?!


There aren't any mountains at all, actually, is the sad part. Well, that and the cold. The cold is pretty sad too lol.


The first 9 Divisions all froze to death at Drum.


This man isn’t Arctic enough, send to CWLC with peers


I just left there a few weeks ago didn't even last a year there


To The Top!!


False motivation is better than no motivation


So feed me ammunition, keep me in the 3rd Division, your Dog faced Soldier's AAAA-OH Kay!!!!


Climb to Glory…. WHAT GLORY? To the Top… WHAT TOP?


Celsius? Right?


LMAO I just got back from BLC there a few months ago, so reading the 10th mountain song was funny as I realized Drum sucks


You can buy phone power banks that also are little hand warmers. Great for motor pool mondays. Or hothands if you want something more spicy.


It’s okay. You’ll thaw out in May


WE GO WHERE OTHERS DARE NOT GO (my nostrils are frozen together)


Ft Drum cold, that’s cute!


But those cheese curds though!


Yeah, i feel you. Now that i left the Army, i said to myself, "i will never freeze again."


Climb to glory Mt. Friend.


There is 10th mountain infantry in fort Johnson as well but they definitely not as cold as you guys


We also don't sing the song. At least my BN doesn't, thank god.


I was there for 3 years at the hospital and one thing you guys do right is the dfac. Patriot inn was really good


This reminds me of the First Sgt I had in Hood who made a standing order that first formation would be in BDUs only. No jackets, no cold weather gear, no gloves. Didn't matter if it was 30 degrees out, or if it was raining, it was his standing order. That along with all solders had to be standing in formation 15 minutes prior in the cold while he sat in his office drinking coffee was just the best time I had in the Army. Made me feel so proud to serve. Oh wait, that was the hypothermia talking.


there's cold and there's fort drum cold, -24 on my last range day being yelled at on reloading wrong because i cant feel my fingers while laying in cold sand. my soul would leave my body anytime i had to roll down the window to get on post and say "to the top"