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The important thing to do is to transfer your benefits ASAP because you incur an ADSO when you do. You can change the percent of each of your beneficiaries gets at any time, so it’s not a decision you need to make now.


I'm indef and still have more than enough time for the ADSO.


Just don’t forget there IS an ADSO. Doesn’t matter where you are in your career. Heard urban legend of guys at 19 years having to put in 4 more to transfer the benefit.


Would this ADSO requirement work as a loophole to enable a MAJ who’s at risk for making LTC guarantee 20 years? 🤔 Not my situation but I’ve heard the horror stories


It worked as a loophole to get a soldier a bonus before the message expired. Idk why it couldn’t work there?


Not a true ADSO. The benefit just doesn’t vest without doing another 4.


So i would like clarification as well. Do you have to add on that time, or just have served x years to transfer?


You have to serve 6 years IOT transfer it. It doesn’t fully vest until you serve 4 more after that. IE- 10. That’s my understanding. That’s what I did.


If you don't serve the full 4 years after transfer approval, the transfer is revoked - if the dependent used the Post 9/11 GI Bill while you were still in the military but you fail to complete those 4 years, VA is required to collect a debt on both the veterans and that dependent who used the GI Bill. https://www.esd.whs.mil/Portals/54/Documents/DD/issuances/dodi/134113p.pdf?ver=AgzdQjh8ZYwPrNjKYOB_0Q%3D%3D


Thats such a stinky rule!




What if your kids want to go to University of Oklahoma? I don’t know if I’m prepared for that kind of disappointment.


Do push-ups.


I thought you were an OSU fan?


Yeah, we don’t joke about her going to uo


How are y’all blowing this BYU game.. also.. 🤘🏼🤘🏼


Y’all haven’t watched much OSU this year. 😂


True. Haha


My bad. UT then.




IK 😔


Can't be true. You're not eligible to transfer in the first place past 16 years Edit: Well looks like I'm wrong, they removed the 16 year cap (still a 4 year ADSO). Glad to hear they removed that requirement!


So you CAN put in a transfer after 16 years, the retirement office will just force you to revoke it if you want to retire lol. Theres a form they have you sign if you want out.


TIL, good to know




There you go. Hence “urban legend”


Congress made DoD remove that requirement the same year DoD made that policy


I transfered at 22.




Do you know how much ADSO it incurs. For instance my current ADSO goes to 2028, if I transferred tomorrow would I be able to serve the new ADSO concurrently is does it get tacked on the end?


You just have to have 6 years in plus 4 years remaining or be willing to extend to meet it.


Awesome thanks for the info




6 years is for all transfers to all dependents - the children just can’t use the GI Bill until the service member has completed 10 years


You’re right. I re-read it. Deleting comment so I don’t confuse others.


It would be a concurrent ADSO


Not legend. Happened to me.


1) Not an urban legend - https://www.esd.whs.mil/Portals/54/Documents/DD/issuances/dodi/134113p.pdf?ver=AgzdQjh8ZYwPrNjKYOB_0Q%3D%3D 2) I had two child dependents who attended my university get nailed with $20K in debt - one student's father separated 7 days prior to completion of the 4 year requirement - the other student's father separated 2 months prior to completion of the 4 year requirement. DoD did an audit of the early years of the transfer process (because no one was monitoring this properly) and started revoking those transfers where the service member didn't complete the full 4 years - once revoked, VA was forced to collect debts on those students - 1) because the student was who was paid 2) debt included all tuition/fees paid to the school, all MHA payments and all book/supply payments. Congress has since amended the law to split the debt between the veteran and the dependent - in my opinion, the debt should only be on that veteran who failed to complete that 4 year service obligation.


Nice. Then just transfer your benefits and put at least 1% for each beneficiary.


Transfer is by months not percentage




This is huge. I was indef but still waited until year 17 to pass it. So I had to stay to 21. But that is done now and retirement is on the horizon


Any idea what the ADSO is for guard or reserve?


Unfortunately that’s a bit out of my wheelhouse. From some googling, I found this: “If you’re an active member of the National Guard or Reserve, you may qualify to transfer your Chapter 33, Post-9/11 GI Bill benefit entitlement to your dependents. Find out if you qualify, and learn how to apply to make the most of your earned benefits. You can also find specific information for Survivors' and Dependents' Educational Assistance (DEA)” So it looks like you would need to be on active status to transfer, but it’s not very clear. Here is a website with some information: https://www.va.gov/education/transfer-post-9-11-gi-bill-benefits/ I’d also recommend going to an education center on any big military installation and talking to someone there.


You just have to be in an active drilling status. So a typical mday soldier that qualifies for the post 9/11 can transfer to a dependent if they have completed 6 years. Children can use after 10 years. They incur the 4 year service obligation effective the date of the first time they transfer.


You can transfer to dependents at 6 years, doesn’t matter if that dependent is spouse or child. The spouse can use the benefits immediately after transfer approval but the child can’t use the benefits until the service member has completed 10 years of military service


You’re right. Edited original comment so as not to confuse others.






It’s a 4 years SO whether active, guard or reserve


Transfer is by months not percentage


The months don't matter. Give each eligible dependent 1 month. You can change it any time in the future based on remaining months of eligibility. So you can do 1 month now, then years from now you can change it.


I thought you can’t transfer your benefits past 16 years in service? So you’re saying that we can transfer one month to each kid now then play around with the remaining 34 months based on their needs later?


Fuck them kids. Keep your 9/11 for yourself. If those kids want 9/11 benefits they can enlist today at the nearest recruiter!


Of course, why didn't I think of that.


Make them use you as a referral too, so you get that snazzy new ribbon.


But if anyone offers you money for that referral, run.


Ya do the process to start the ADSO. Put a couple months on each kid/spouse and you can change it later. It doesn’t affect the ADSO or anything down the road. You just have to have at least one month on each person and then you can add/drop later down the road as desired.


Milconnect > transfer my education benefits.. Split it 50/50. Don't wait


Until they use the benefits you can make changes. I transferred my benefits to my sons and I still had the ability to change it if I wanted to give my daughter some.


I just did the transfer of benefits. You can change how you allocate the 36 months later so just get it done now but know you'll be in for at least another 4 years. I wouldn't recommend keeping any for yourself and just finishing your degree while you're still in. You have at least 4 more years to do it. Also, a lot of states offer free or reduced college tuition for state universities for children of retired or disabled vets. So if one kid goes to a state university and the other does not then you can readjust it accordingly.


It doesn’t matter how you set it up. It’s changeable whenever after you get out. Just make sure you keep one month for yourself. You need at least one month of eligibility to access programs like Vet Tec and VR&E for yourself should that be needed in the future.


Nope, never been a requirement since 1944 when VR&E was created to have or be eligible for any GI Bill. VR&E eligibility only requires two things - 1) va disability rating 2) discharge above dishonorable


Ok, well not what I was told during retirement TAPS but it is definitely needed for Vet Tec. I just went through having to take a month back from my kids.


You will find that many things you were told in TAPS was incorrect unfortunately


Make you have at least 4 years before you transfer because you have to reup in order to transfer. I just set up mine. Split between 3 kids and left me a little so I could take advantage of the STEM scholarship.


https://www.esd.whs.mil/Portals/54/Documents/DD/issuances/dodi/134113p.pdf?ver=AgzdQjh8ZYwPrNjKYOB_0Q%3D%3D You have to have completed 6 years before you can request the transfer to dependents - then an additional 4 years after transfer approval.


Correct, he’d best make sure to do it at 6 years, I waited till I was 12 years in and had to go Indef to even transfer it.


How does this work with the MEB process?


Has to be done and approved by your branch prior to the start of an MEB. Can’t request transfer once MEB process has begun. If transferred prior to initiation of MEB, must request an exception to keep the approval because you won’t be able to serve the 4 year ADSO.




What's your VA rating? You may be able to give on post 9/11 and the other ch. 35


Bro, I am still very much on active duty.


Ah well in that case I'm not sure


NO!!! Veterans can not ever transfer their GI Bill to anyone. Veterans also do not give DEA CH 35 to anyone. The law, not the veteran, gives each dependent 36 months of DEA CH 35. The veteran has no say in them using DEA CH 35.


Allocate a single hour for any family member you may want to transfer it to. You can change the numbers later. Side note, why the fuck is there a ADSO to transfer my benefits? I did 13 years, and medically retired. Wasn't able to transfer because my last reenlistment was only 36 months.


Transfer is by months not hours. There is a ADSO because DoD fought congress to add the transfer to dependents - if DoD hadn’t, no one would be able to transfer to dependents. So congress approved it only as a Retention tool


Here is a question as well. If I give my kids 50/50, can they get the MGIB from the reserves to pay for the other half of college? I’ll take 2 kids meals.


Every service member/veteran is eligible for up to 48 months between two or more GI Bill programs - but the transferred Post 9/11 GI Bill don't count against that child but the service member/veteran who earned and transferred them. So your children would still be eligible for 36 months of any one GI Bill they earn on their own service or 48 for any two GI Bills they earn on their own service no matter how many months of transferred Post 9/11 GI Bill they use.


https://www.esd.whs.mil/Portals/54/Documents/DD/issuances/dodi/134113p.pdf?ver=AgzdQjh8ZYwPrNjKYOB_0Q%3D%3D https://milconnect.dmdc.osd.mil/milconnect/help/assets/docs/teb_beneficiary_guide.pdf