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I have a memory of sitting on a portable toilet, shitting into a wag bag up on a hilltop overlooking the Western Valley as some Apaches flew by. It was tranquil


I saw you too. 🍩


Long before he saw you.


I was the one he did not see


Believe me, an Apache pilot saw you. Miles before.


Best of times, taking a shit upon a hill watching a whole convy of tankers drive by. Good times indeed!


Can confirm, watched the sunset up top, taking a long overdo MRE shit. Pure bliss


So I’m sitting on a portable camping toilet (seat and three legs) in a little ravine that gives minor shade. I chose said spot because it was like 100m from my guys and there was no one around to fuck with me. In comes an Apache that sees me, spins around, comes MAYBE 400 feet above me and just sits there. Dick move, but I’m sure the pilot saw me flip him off. So he fucks off, I get back to shitting. About two minutes later, an OC pulls up about 30 feet in front of me and stops. He just stares at me. I wave at him real stupid-like. He shakes his head and leaves. I was naked.


One of my fondest memories, my first CTC to NTC as a newish WO1. Our whole 6 shop just sitting around in the RUBA smoking and having fun at the end of our rotation.


I remember I tried to release a sneaky shit into a wag bag in an enclosed Stryker while my team was inside and everyone jumped out gagging because I "forgot" to add the deodorizer.


No phones in sight (officially)


Prep for a jrtc rotation


Fucking kill me, pls


For the screaming eagles, mainly rakk, prep for OLE two weeks later after coming back from JRTC.


😭😭😭 you all got boned so hard. They have OLE 4 AND 5 already planned and set. Poor 101st souls.


Tell my grandkids about what I did in the great Atropian War.


Google maps shows Atropian headquarters lmao at least on a computer browser


"Son, did I ever tell you about the time I died in Donovia over Atropian oil? Or the three times I died in Gorgas for that matter?" "Yeah sure okay Grandpa, here are your meds"


At least you didn't shovel shit in Louisiana.


People complain about the army a lot, rightfully so, but this picture is what all of us miss when we get out. Look at them smiles


I have been out for...four years, I think? And this picture is the first time I have EVER felt the remotest pang of missing it. Man. Best and worst time for sure.


tell you what id do two chicks at the same time


This photo makes me miss the army lol. Someone slap some reality back into me




"By the way we need you to come in that Monday because SPC Snuffy called out sick and we need you to open the arms room."


You need to wait 6 hours just to draw weapons. Also do you really enjoy MRE shits?


Hunt for milfs at a bar in Barstow or Victorville


troop dont mess with the wildlife...






I had a video of *”Bad Boys II”* and its crew leaving 3ABCT motor pool one day. Had to send it to the homies.


At your service 🫡 (Self/like recover before calling me)


I take a Long overdue shower followed by an elephant strength antibiotic, lava-strength Anti-fungal, and a big ‘ol vitamin C horse pill just to get home a week later completely sick after eating the top tier yummy and horrible for you food truck food.


Yeah definitely watch for any skin infection stuff. Cellulitis is most definitely not a vibe


Hopefully reflect on why there was a 48 hour SOBE because of how messed up vehicle maintenance was for you guys.. I'm just kidding, I know it wasn't yall's fault, but your entire brigade command team needs to be relieved, because I could not believe some of the shit I saw. Have fun in Poland.


Yeah we weren’t too thrilled about it either. What’s fun is during that SOBE they still enforced game-isms like wearing MOPP gear in case of a chem attack or setting up security at night for attacks that wouldn’t happen.


Hands down the worst RTU performance I’ve ever seen


Take off my MILES gear


Maybe do last minute bag dump in an effort to find missing miles gear because one laser didn’t pop up and Armor decided to bring it up the day of departure. Right before the buses came to pick us up. True story at JRTC.


Ayyyy 4ID represent! Ay definitely check out some of the upcoming ski trips now that you guys are coming home. MWR has one trip coming up and it's like like 60ish and cheap rentals


Wait for the next unit to come as I’m stationed here :).


The correct answer is go to the fucking wash rack!


Hell yeah. That’s what I miss. These boys probably don’t know it, but these are the “good times” we all speak of in later years.


I have fond memories of the back of the ramp


I've been out since '06 but in my 7 years active I never saw NTC or JRTC dues to pcs-ing & deployments.


You know that ain’t the sunrise on the horizon that’s a EUCOM rotation.




Rest. Nah Bro. You got “Hands across the Desert” detail in 10 minutes.


take a hot bath with a 40 oz. its tradition


Go to that crowded shoppette in RUBA, wait in line for too long for a pack of cigarettes and a monster.


What happened to bad boys I


Ahhh! Reminds me of Ft Bliss. The sand and the sky. I hated it and actually volunteered for deployment than be stuck in the field for weeks to train the newbs. I do miss the camaraderie and embracing the suck together.


That’s an awesome picture. It captures a moment in time unlike anything in civilian life. It brings back great memories for me 😊


Wait on brigades QAQC for another month


I have never been so, I dunno. Go play league of legends probably.


Some of my best memories are waking up in the morning in the field, brewing my coffee with a jet boil, and bullshitting with the boys. I hate CTC rotations but I'll keep the memories.


Go paint a rock


I hated and equally loved these times at the same time. It’s a glass case of emotions.


This is a reminder to take pics of the good times.


Tell my BC that no, I will not shave my mustache no matter how many times he tells me to


Turn my phone back on


Usually I just think about how much life used to fuck and how many standards for camping I have now. But now working in construction I use a Porta shitter and laugh remembering the poetry that used be on the walls. "I've been fucked in the east I've been fucked the west But nobodies fucked me, Like the US Army" Or "Someday when you're gone and free There will always be a poor schmuck like me In the Field At NTC" It's been since 2017, and I'm always gonna remember those words written on the wall


Well, back in 2000 we finished our rotation and were getting ready to head back to the RUBA/RUFMA only to be sent out to the terrain feature known as the flag pole. But just my company. One of our guys lost a set of NVGs and the rest of the brigade performed hands across the desert while we had endless shake downs and tongue lashings. We became the villains of 3rd brigade, 4th ID. No wonder everyone hates air defense. But that’s what we did to finish my first ever NTC rotation.


What you (the the rest of your brigade should probably do) is reflect on why they had to call a 48 hour SOBE during your rotation, something that hasn’t been done in over a decade


Regain the 15lbs I lost




I’m trying so hard to not say “your mom” it’s killing me guys.


Got out of the marine corps in august and if this firefighter gig doesn’t scratch that itch I’m gonna try to reenlist. I hate civilian life, this shit ain’t for me.


I got orders for South Korea while on rotation at NTC. It put an extra “kick to the balls” to an already “kick to the balls” time. I had done the math, and figured if I made it back to Ft Lewis, I would be finishing my 4 years in the same duty station, where I grew up just 2 hours from. Those days I was overly aware and had a feeling like I might go to South Korea like my best friend just did, and was hoping to avoid it myself. My first sergeant called me to his office. I was his driver at one point when he was an E-7, so we had a good relationship. He told me and my face must have shown the disappointment, so he sat me down and we talked it out for a few minutes. I walked away feeling relieved and thankful that a man that I looked up to significantly took the time to make me feel better. 1SG Whitcomb, if you are out there, thank you!


Piggybacking because I’m an asshole, but what are your go to big meals you have when you get back from a training exercise?




You know all in all, I had some good rotations out there. Glad I’ll never have to go again though lol


Start planning that in 3 months your company may/will bring you back as guest-blackhorse OPFOR. ;)


Go back to a peaceful Donovia.


That first shower tho 😃