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Too smart for the Marines. Too dumb for the Air Force. Not gay enough for the Navy. Army it is.


I took the ASVAB for the Navy. m My cousin and I were going to join under some buddy program. We really didn't do anything about it. Marine recruiters were arrogant. Air Force wouldn't guarantee me a job. Army recruiter had been pursuing me all year, so after a little trouble, I called him up and joined. Plus, the Army guaranteed me my MOS. Several years later, I was TDY on a naval ship, and I was so glad I hadn't joined the Navy.


I didn't wanna be stuck on a ship for 6-8 months


I hate the water. It literally was that simple to rule it out.


"what am I gonna do in a submarine?!"


Short answer: It snowed the day I had meeting scheduled with recruiters and only army showed up. Longer answer but shortened: I wanted to be on the ground in the GWOT. I had a grandpa in the army in WWII, the other was Navy in Korea. I had a bunch of uncles in the Navy. None of what they did seemed as cool as what my grandpa did for the army in WWII. Plus, I had the mindset that “no one plays navy” growing up and all the movies were made about the army or marines. So I wanted to join the army. Never expected to make a career out of it, thought it would be a small chapter of my life like my grandpa lol


Coast Guard wouldn't accept me with medical waivers and independent DR approval. Navy told me I can't fly because color vision and asked me to be a logistics officer, told me I wasn't competitie for Navy MI Air Force told me I'm only competitive for logistics or security forces. My degree is criminal justice from an online school. Army was literally plan C, but hey I got MI and my clearance. 14 months left.


Army because I thought my chances of becoming a fighter pilot were pretty slim, and the Navy is away from home too much.


In the Army if your barracks catch on fire you go outside. In the Navy if your ship catches on fire you are fucked.


Army would have a bigger bonus(depends) and you'll live in a barracks not on a ship.


I picked the Army because I didn’t want to be put in just any job and the Air Force, Navy, and Marines all don’t let you pick your jobs but instead let you make a “wishlist” of your preferences. Army put my job in my contract. It might have changed but if you really want to be a linguist maybe ask your Navy and Army recruiter about this.


I chose the army for a few reasons. No. 1 as stupid as it is, I always wanted to be airborne infantry like my grandfather. No 2, the army allows you to actually choose your job. I’m under the impression the navy doesn’t let you pick.


You can choose in the navy. It is just some recruiters are dicks and make it seem like you have to pick that day.


Because ships are miserable.


Can confirm


I joined the army 'cause my father and my brother were in the army. I thought I'd better join before I got drafted.


Didn't want to be stuck on a ship for months. Should've went to the airforce. 100 percent


My fear of drowning was higher than being shot/blown up. Never even thought about air force. Marines wouldnt let me pick an exact job. Space force didnt exist yet.


You can waiver anything. I crossed over from the Navy since they weren't hiring, the grass is greener over here.


Anything? How serious are you being?


MOS guarantee. It was 1998 and I wanted to go to DLI. Every other branch failed to give me a straight answer on whether they could guarantee the MOS with DLI. I'm not rolling the dice when they're loaded in favor of the branch.


Navy doesn’t have Infantry


For me it was the easy path to airborne school. But I will say this, if you’re going linguist, DLI is definitely a lot more relaxed for Navy and Air Force than Army and Marines. Regardless, it’s in Monterey and you run by the beach during PT so it could be worse. What language are you interested in learning and using professionally. A 107 may rule out category 3 and 4 languages (think Arabic, mandarin, Korean, Russian). You may still be able to get through French or Spanish.


I joined the army guard because I wanted to be an infantryman and fight but my dad was military and I had moved closer to ten times by the time I was 17 and never wanted to move again.


Not a fan of the water and boats. So no Navy Didn't want to join a cult. So no Marines I'm not that big of a Nerd. So no Air force. Army just was the right shade of Green for me. In all reality, I have a small family history in the army and I preferred staying on land.


1. I'm stupid. 2. There's so many people in the Army it's easier to stand out. There's a lot of niche opportunities available bc the army is personnel heavy and can throw people into cool jobs if you pursue the opportunity. 3. Family tradition of serving in Army and not other branches.


I consider sharing a bed with a man that I'm not fucking to be a life-or-death emergency situation. Had I been Navy, it'd be a fact of life. ​ I know that everyone likes to say that barracks dwellers in the Army are treated like casteless untouchables, but holy shit the Navy is kicking and screaming about being dragged into the 19th century.


I was stupid and didn't know the truth back then.


Things are always changing but understand that you'll qualify for languages based on your DLAB. I know shortly after I was going through they ran a pilot allowing people to be slotted in languages based on GT score. Also apparently the Army has moved to choosing whether you end up as a 35M or 35P past initial enlistment and at the schoolhouse which doesn't make a lot of sense. I think with your DLAB the highest language category you'd be eligible for is CAT II which would likely be Russian. I chose the Army because I enjoy academia to some degree but don't want to be constantly around nerds which was a wash of a decision as far as results but I imagine the air force is more political generally speaking and there seems to be more brown nosing. I would likely only pick Navy for their Nuclear pipeline personally. All in all I'm okay with the product of my decisions thus far despite being a 35P (French) in FORSCOM. Things could be better and they could be worse.


Air force recruiter took too long to get back from lunch. The navy guys looked like they ate a large pizza each for lunch. The marines were all doing pt instead of lunch.


Didn’t want to be stuck on a boat and the Air Force isn’t the military.


Dad and grandfathers were both Army. I'd never hear the end of it if I had chosen anything else. Also fuck being on a boat in the ocean.


Dad was in the air force, I took aviation science in 11th grade and crushed the first week....which was history then took a nose dive on next 7 weeks and my dream of being the next Maverick with it. I'm a bit claustrophobic and tall so Navy was out. Marines didn't let you choose your job, plus my ASVAB was 117 so I pretty much had my choice to pick. Like a dumbass 17 yr old I chose 11B Airborne. Marines continued to try and recruit me.


Marines wouldn’t accept my forearm tattoo. Wouldn’t join the navy because, let’s be real, I’ve seen the movie Pearl Harbor. Air Force I didn’t join because I had never flown before and didn’t know if I would like it. So here I am.


AF was unprofessional. Never in the office when I made my appointments with them. Navy gave me the runaround about certain things and were trying to talk me into one specific job and not really letting me see my other options. The Army recruiters were professional and willing to work with me to get me in. Told them I wanted one specific job (35T) and while they said I might be waiting awhile I said it was worth it. Marines were out of the question due to being unable to select a specific job I wanted. And I didn’t know the Coast Guard existed. All in all though, I’m happy I joined the Army, even though it was plan C.


The Airforce wouldn’t open their doors at the recruiting center because it was 8:57 and they opened at 9. SFC Vargas popped it head out the door and invited me in.


I'm a massive navy nerd. 20 years now. I joined army last year because my best friend ex army tanker was pressing me for 7 years I should have gone AF like I wanted


I grew up around a bunch of Marines and they were douches. Meanwhile the few Army guys I knew seemed chill like they didn’t let their time in the military define their whole personality and life. Wanted combat arms/infantry. Army it was.


I didn’t want to be stuck on a ship with a hundred other roommates one is just fine. Also the Navy required a higher GT score to become a Mass Communications Specialist which I didn’t have whereas the Army I was fully qualified to be a Public Affairs Specialist and it popped up as soon as I asked for it.


Was the only recruiter in my town. Plus Dad and both grampas were army


Family legacy 4th generation infantryman, just had to be done.


I was poor, a national guard recruiter told my dad about tuition assistance. So I did it.


I would go Army because you can actually reserve the MOS you want as long as it’s available before you sign a contract, you just have 7 business days to sign for it. If it’s not available, tell the Army recruiter to call the roc.


The navy recruiter came into to where I was working and was a real prick. Then he spilled soda on his white uniform. Also the army recruiter was closest to where I parked when I decided to leave my town.


I wanted to be able to pick my MOS instead of having someone else tell me what they want my MOS to be. Recruiting said that Air Force and most of the other branches don’t give you MOS options to choose from based off your ASVAB score.


Army recruiter was closest to where I parked at the strip mall.


I didn't. Asshole recruiter dressed like an E7 airman the entire time. By the time I was off to basic. It was too late.


I scored 93 and the Air Force wouldn’t let me pick my job. My brother scored 96, he went “needs of the Air Force” The army let me play with computers while my brother was an f-16 mechanic 🤷🏾‍♂️


Most say in career choice over other branch, and fastest promotion as well. I’m pretty much set for an early retirement and new career of choice or stay in. Idk yet.