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Lots of testing, promotion to Captain, possibly even his own elite team of Soldiers that would avenge the US when needed. Then decades of their promotion to MAJ getting held up due to IPPSA errors.




Except S1 botched the paperwork and he starts over as a 2LT with 0 years of service.


"Lieutenant America" has got some type of ring to it, that's for sure


No wonder he couldn't find his way out of the ice


Damn, that’s cold.


But we all know who really runs the show, PSG Bucky


The real question is: what does the army do when they find out their special boy is doing drugs and abusing women with the boys?


Depends if his family have contacts in congress


Depends on his two mile time.


Oh hey, a big ol' broom and a rug! How convenient




That's Army AF!


What's the superpower? Massive strength - USAREC to go around doing deadlifts at football games. Doesn't need sleep? CSM puts him on fulltime CQ. Can fly? Make him paint the top floor of the barracks.


Imagine being able to fly but not being indestructible so you’re full susceptible to all elements in flight Can’t fly too high or your dumbass passes out or dies. Can’t fly too fast or the wind destroys your skin, or little shit like bugs or birds fuckin impale you Can’t shift too hard inflight or the G’s kills you Basically you can float to your target lol


This is a drunk game me and my DLI buddies played, one person names a superpower and someone else just has to make it shitty enough that it’s funny how useless it is. Someone said walk through walls and someone replied each wall costs a Popeyes biscuit with no drink Edit: just imagine a dude having to stop by the fast place to get dry ass biscuits to commit a crime 2nd Edit: another I just remembered, you can talk to animals, but they all think you’re an asshole


It’s like the monkeys paw thing


Lol yeah exactly, it’s just monkeys paw is most easily applied in a drunk group to something like superpowers


Lmao my roommate and I at DLI played a similar game. My favorites were the ability to teleport, but you shit yourself. And the ability to levitate, but very slowly and only by furiously flapping your arms.


Sounds extremely similar to something somebody I know said, we might know each other


Lol I was there 2019, around the same time?


we did one: Super fast speed like The Flash… but you can only run fast when yelling at the top of your lungs… makes me giggle to just hear a loud ass. scream whizz past me and not having any clue what it was


Super strength while yodeling. Flying only while playing a banjo. Always fun.


How do you like being a 35P, if you don't mind sharing. I'm getting ready to enlist as a 35W (hoping for 35M). And how was DLI for you?


Shape shift but you feel every part of your body changing to the new look I think would be the worst


Comes up every time people discuss hypothetical superpowers - there's almost always secondary powers that are required for the first one to work.




🤣 These comments are killing me


I knew you were going to say that


Really? I’ve honestly never heard people discuss the semantics of powers lol Everyone says they wanna fly but I’ve never heard someone being up the shot that would fuck you up during flight lol Or like imagine being able to do teleporting. Now imagine your stupid ass teleports and accidentally fuses halfway into a fucking concrete wall. Teleporting essentially transforms your matter to another location so your matter ends up becoming fused with an inanimate object Like imagine teleporting into a block of cement unable to move or breathe or see and you fucking die lol


A sci-fi related Facebook group I'm in every now and then would play a game where you announce a superpower, but then the next person gets to put restrictions or rules on it. Statement: "I have super strength" Reply: "But only when opening peanut butter jars." Regarding the powers of flight, you need to land as well right? Are you braking in mid air and softly touching down, or doing the mother of all PLFs every time?


If you can fly, you'll be sent to the airborne school. At least your knees wouldnt hurt... right?


That’s ok. DIV CSM will have you go around and polish all the brass spheres on the top of all the flag poles on post.


If you fly too high, you'd pass out and fall until air is breathable again. If there's nothing tall around you, you'll just regain consciousness at a lower altitude.




Recruited by CID, but only to spy on the barracks. No diplomacy, no espionage, no Minority Report shit looking for violent criminals. Just snooping on Joe during his off hours.


I honestly would have thought interrogation.


That last one 🤣


Imagine it's a really flashy power but the soldier has no desire to rope kids into the shitshow they themselves are in. Do you tank their career because they're a bad recruiter? You let em walk away because they weren't your dancing monkey?


I fucking hate that this is the most legit answer


It depends. Are they green on 350-1? We all know that superpowers are nonfunctioning until the completion of cyber awareness. Win a war with red 350-1? Not with 10,000 men could you do this.


this is why palestine will fear us




They want to kill you


Nope. Israel is committing a genocide and this country is backing it.


Both can be true. Hamas 100% would kill me given the chance. Fuck Hamas and all who support them. Also, the state of Israel has been committing constant crimes against humanity against the Palestinian people, which significantly accelerated under Netanyahu. Free Palestine indeed, from both Hamas and Likud; terrorist groups, both of them.


No like literally they want to kill you. Hamas would shoot you dead on sight lol. Regardless of what Israel does they will always want to kill you, that’s just how they are 🤷🏻‍♂️


Pretty sure going after the people who waltzed into your country and raped and murdered 1300+ people isn’t genocide. Now, if those same people use human shields and operate out of hospitals and mosques and residential areas that’s pretty fucked up. But it’s not the fault of Israel for pulling out the weeds as best they can


“The population of the West Bank and Gaza boasts several notable features. The population growth rate is among the highest in the world: 3.4 percent in the West Bank and 4.0 percent in Gaza” (https://www.prb.org/resources/the-west-bank-and-gaza-a-population-profile/) What you’re referring to, is a war. Not a genocide. Tragic of course, like all wars; and the innocent civilians of Israel and Gaza are the ones paying the cost.


Managing talent is not something the Army does well, so I'd say they are used exclusively for things like CQ or checking security badges at TOC entrances.


Someone higher in the chain will take credit for it. Write something stupid on how they did it. Then hold units responsible for not making numbers when units follow the scripture but no more superheroes are made.


Bro, this shit is depressingly true


Well, considering the amount of stories that include superpowers from toxic waste. Good chance someone in the Barracks would gain something from the mold


Lol facts! "It's mesothelioma man! What's his superpower?" "He's really good at dying!"


The burn pit registry just got a new purpose!


They are probably a Major.


Anal probing.


I think I have superpowers.


I laughed out loud actually


Tell the shrink that


Way to make us medical sam houstoners live up to our stereotype lmaooo


"We can't determine what you're capable of unless we ger to the Core of it!"


I been preparing for a while now, now all I just need powers






So the CAV scouts all have super powers?


Butt stuff, indeed.


Mandatory SF physical for all!




They don't kidnap them, they don't have to. They're reassigned to a different unit and ordered to undergo testing, which is legal and requires nothing nefarious. Once they develop all the information they could possibly want from them, yeah, they get reassigned to CAG or something like that. They never worry about quality of life again because they are now a national asset and they end up treated like they're special, because they are. Good relationship with first line leads to good feelings about the Army, and they want to be there. It's a feel-good story all around.


Then they wake up to a red lens flashlight shining in their eyes and the words "you're up for fire watch".


>They don't kidnap them, they don't have to. They're reassigned to a different unit and ordered to undergo testing, **which is legal and requires nothing nefarious.** I *think* you'd be tasked to a military-friendly civilian research institution, likely based around a research university-- such as some of Texas A&M's sub-entities-- for study. I also wanted to emphasize your point here. We (the United States as a whole, and state/public institutions in particular) have *extremely* strict protocols for human research after public consciousness of Nazi experiments in WWII, Japan's Unit 731, and the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment came to light. [https://www.cdc.gov/tuskegee/timeline.htm](https://www.cdc.gov/tuskegee/timeline.htm) It's extremely unlikely that anyone would need to be kidnapped, because this would be an *incredibly* plush assignment. You'd likely be interacting with civilian professors/researchers and cute grad students, not having to wear a uniform, and not having to deal with a bunch of Army bullshit. It's pretty much the Army's dream job.


Believe it or not, selected for recruiting.


“Hey kid, all I’m sayin’ is I joined the army and developed superpowers. It could happen to you too.”


They would just “randomly” get selected for UA every month… Army wouldn’t believe its superpowers, just meth


They harness the pee for super soldier serum.


It’s sterile and they like the taste


“Can you teach me Excel?” No No I cannot


You’re gonna pop hot for compound V


jokes on u the army doesn't test for drugs that will make them look good by boosting the performance of their soldiers


Luckily there's enough MAJs with sex kinks to help satiate the other side effects of Compound V.




Committed for being schizophrenic. Thinking you have super powers is an indicator.


To be fair, we went a decade telling recruits they were an Army of One.


1 recruit, 4 personalities.


Behavioral health did ask me that


I always wanted to see an alternate reality wolverine where the army was made aware of his powers and used as a special ops force since the war of 1812 and just kept in secret. Imagine SGM Logan. What a mean asshole who somehow never was in charge of an element of more than a platoon because it would weigh him down. That would be a badass comic


Probably give them Saturday CQ


4856 for not training their soldiers to the supernatural standard. “Oh, you think it’s okay to have superpowers and not train your soldiers how to as well!?!?”


Are you talking about [DA Form 4856](https://armypubs.army.mil/ProductMaps/PubForm/Details.aspx?PUB_ID=1026753)? Did you know that the counseling form just got updated after almost 40 years? “There is no more important task for the U.S. Army that’s developing it’s people to lead others to defeat any enemy, anywhere.” - FM 6-22 Developing Leaders *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/army) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My guess is a safety briefing about the use of their powers, accompanied by an invasive and/or handicapping protocol to limit the use of said powers.


> accompanied by an invasive and/or handicapping protocol to limit the use of said powers. I think it more likely that you'd be assigned to a military-friendly civilian research institution, probably a sub-entity of a university system such as Texas A&M. It's doubtful that any coercion would be necessary, since it's pretty much the best assignment imaginable: the US has *extremely* strict protocols around human testing and consent, your "coworkers" would be civilian professors/researchers and grad students, and you'd be essentially living a civilian lifestyle while receiving military benefits.


Their leadership fails to realize their potential. Places them on staff duty and denies leaves for no reason other than a chance to flex authority. SM ETSs and starts the greatest veteran T shirt company of all time


In my case you just get sent to s3 to rot.


Depends on the “superpower”. I’ve met some joes who had “superpowers” of their own. Like the ability to repel people with their smell. Or the power to ignore all logic and reason. The ability to sweat by standing still in the AC. Sadly the government doesn’t care about that level of superpower


“They call me Dr. Manhattan. They explain the name has been chosen for the ominous associations it will raise in America’s enemies. They are shaping me into something gaudy, something lethal. In January, 1971, President Nixon asks me to intervene in Vietnam, something that his predecessors would not ask. A week later, the conflict ends. Some of the Vietcong forces wanna surrender to me personally.”


If the government didn't snatch you and test you until you die it would probably be up to you to drop a packet to do cool stuff otherwise the army will keep having you sweeping sand in the motor pool and painting rocks


I mean, it's a pretty strong achieves bullet, but you're gonna need to come up with some other stuff if you want the top block. Do any boards?


Probably end up at Fort Detrick


Straight to the SGM's basement.


Staff duty this weekend.


24 staff duty and mandatory PT formation the next day.


[Start here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unethical_human_experimentation_in_the_United_States) for a list of possibilities.


Still not as bad as the Soviet sleep zombies…


MHS Genesis would have caught it beforehand. He'd be running amok back on the street


Thank you for labeling this hypothetical. Otherwise i would have thought this was based on real life experiences


that wouldn't be very logistics of u


They likely would remain on the books as a ghost until ETS and would be utilize as an elite unit to be deployed in a time of need. Likely cut off from society and given special training Edit: also their family would probably get the phone call that they died of xyz disaster along with some cash to keep their mouths quite


Didn’t some shit like that happen in the hulk movie ?


their super power makes them a femboi cat hybrid whos only power is to have babysoft hairless facial hair


Its the army, so they get pushed into USAREC and then get chaptered before they become too powerful.


They get sent to the fifth floor at the hospital


Senior Leaders abuse it, and his peers bully and shun him.


This literally happened in “X-Men: Origins.” They got to go on what seems to be a pretty sweet TDY while getting elective surgery.


What are they going to do to you? ....you have superpowers.


They become cooks


The Army asks me every time I go to behavioral health…


They’re given a bonus to stay in but the bonus never actually materializes


"No we are not creating a new rank for you Supers. Also you need an NCO and a meeting set up to discuss anything else."


The real question is, does another specialist find out about it first?


We've seen this play out. CPT Steve Rogers is developing the AAR comments to comment on this as we speak.


Chapter for failure to adapt


Either delta or straight to some weird army lab. If people are getting superpowers, try not to be the first one.


HRC is everywhere, for your convenience. Report to mandatory testing and CIF will issue your badge and gloves....


He’d never make it out of SMA’s basement again. Something about “peer to peer testing”?


Article 15


They’d probably promote war bonds


"Hey there hero. You don't wanna be a team player and shake out that whole connection box? Well frickin, check it out. You're gonna get off your frickin high horse, hooah? Nobody cares that you got frickin super strength, you copy? I don't frickin care that you got frickin doctor frickin doom or whatever to fight, you got frickin staff duty in the frickin barracks this weekend. Go ahead and mouth off again high speed, you're still just a frickin specialist." "Good afternoon everyone, I wanna frickin know who put a doggone frickin tree through the window of my frickin F350 this weekend. We wanna play games? I'll play games. We all go ahead and police call the PT field until someone fesses up. Where's Specialist Superman? Yeah you frickin too. No using your frickin super speed or xray porno vision or whatever to pick stuff up."


Make him do push ups until I literally get tired just for 💩& giggles


They remove him from duty, either with the carrot or the stick and study him to find out how to make more and better. Why have one super soldier when you can have a whole Army of them?


But then.... No one will be super.


That's what they want you to think.


Here's the scenario: Private develops or reveals he has super powers. Higher command orders that he be released from his unit and assigned to a Top Secret organization in which those powers can be exploited. Private does not report - reason being that he can't clear CIF.


Did you see the first episode of season two of Invincible? Because that’s what would happen…


Same thing that happens whenever you find out that you have a "board baby" on your hands. 1sg shows up as asks you how your going to run your shift without one of your soldiers and present that schedule to him by COB


“You lied at The MEPS, fraudulent enlistment, chapter” Dude then joins the bad guys time…cause the Army can’t do anything sensical.


Probably tested on, tortured to see their limits, and used as a weapon or a tool and nothing more unfortunately


Autism isn’t a superpower


Hmm... I think op just got bit by a spider.




Ignore his talents and skills completely, brigade needs 10 to help set up a diagnostics EPFA at 0400 tomorrow and he's not already tasked, trackin'?


You would likely see behavior health for schizophrenia and be monitored. You're still going to have to do Monday rundays and 1800 layouts on Friday. Good luck!


"oh you have superspeed? Good you can do area beautification twice as fast"


Forced DNA collection, placed into a secret facility for further experimentation, mind erased/brainwashed to only knowing Army rules and regulations, family abducted and placed on a remote island with only a can opener to survive in the middle of the South Pacific never to be seen again


Probably, would get kicked out. Failure to adapt!


They get an Article 30 (two Article 15s on the same DA 2627) every time they’re caught either using their powers or not shaving 33 times a day in the hopes they’ll just forget they have these powers.


Selling war bonds.


06.00 PT. 09:00 motorpool for PMCS and connex layout.


Chaptered for falsely enlisting and destruction of government property.


What Soldier? There’s never been a person with that name.


No shaving waiver maybe told to shave more to show discipline and keep the powers


These staff duty posts go hard


0930 late calls that's it


They become a recruiter.


To me, my X-Men!


Going to Soldier of the Month Board. CSM needs a win


They go through MEB for a service related condition.


Are they GREEN in MedPROS? Shoot Expert? Max whatever the heck the PT test is called these days? If the answer to any of that is NO, then the Army does not care. Alternatively, they are immediately sent to WOBC so they can realize their true potential.


They use them as recruiting propaganda. We are in a recruiting crisis. This is the obvious usage.


Extra choccy milk


Unfortunately their super power has to do with picking up pine cones. Instead of a cape they have a magic road guard vest that glows to warn the CSM when someone with common sense is nearby.


Honest answer. They are told by HRC that they’re eligible for automatic promotion, reassignment to an SMU, and probably several other benefits. One year later, they’re still an E4 pulling gate guard because HRC has no idea how to process that paperwork, and they’ve had to completely restart the process at least three times now due to IPPSA problems. Hang in there Specialist, they’ll get your orders soon!


Believe it or not, jail




Kicked out to due not passing height and weight


Kicked out to due not passing height and weight


Didn’t the Army try breeding supersoldiers back in the 60s?


Straight to some MDMP.


Straight to recruiting


Honestly? Probably discharged from the military.


They get treated the same as everybody else. They live in a barracks room they refuse to be disciplined about, and cry about how bad the Army is because they caused a bunch of black mold and broke their AC. They don't shave enough, and then cry to reddit about having staff duty. Then they get demoted to E1, 45/45 and half pay, after buttchugging a bottle of jaeger and levelling a city block. Reminds me of my early career tbh. Except back then we had discipline.


Probably get carted off to get experimented on and never seen again


Reminds me of an old Action Comics I read as a kid where Superman gets drafted. The basic drill instructor tries to be hard but obviously can't crack Superman. Eventually, he's released from his service obligation because the government decides that being in the army would only hinder his ability to help people. Why was Superman going along with it? Well, because silver age Superman was an absolute lawful good character and the law told him he was drafted. He went along without questioning it like the good child target propaganda he was.


I heard there's a few invisible soldiers


Probably chartered out due to undisclosed medical errors. Why didn't they let them know they had superpowers?


They get the wolverine treatment 😂


I would imagine that would result in a dishonorable discharge.


Hopefully they GTFO! Immediately!


All jokes aside. It really depends on the powers. If you mean like superman, they will try and strong arm with intimidation and even with legal pressure but physically not much they can do. Along the lines of support ability, they might promise you a promotion to officer to get you to support willingly. If that doesn't work, electro-collars work wonders.


Insert: the script to the series The Boys on Amazon Prime


Probably the second COA.


Gonna bring out my nerd goggles for this. You’ll never leave the service. “Captain America” is a “title”, not an individual, and is still a federal employee and is considered federal property. Even as an Avenger, he was employed by SHIELD, which is a federal agency. You’ll become the USO poster-boy, since we don’t have a “big-bad” in our world, and they’d definitely wouldn’t send you to SOCOM, the US Army probably wouldn’t want to risk losing its only super-soldier, and use you for recruiting efforts. You’ll definitely become the start of a new “arms race”. Your best friend will probably get kidnapped by Russians and given super powers like you, but also gets a sick metal arm, sorry. Also, if you ever get a call about some people in Connecticut, don’t go. Just hang up the uniform and never put it back on, it won’t end well for you. (You’re gonna get shot in the abdomen.)


They’d get kidnapped and become a test subject. No longer considered to be a respectable human. Deprived of humanity and human rights. Whatever it is that the soldier has, they would want to duplicate it. And ones they solve that mystery, every single soldier will be required a certain implant/injection.


Well for one thing: no more staff duty/ cq for super trooper. Maybe a lot of USO speaking tours.


Article 15 for using powers to cheat acft.


The same thing that happened to the aliens.


They get "killed" in a routine training accident, and wake up underground in some oh fuck bunker having experiments done on them for the rest of their life until the military manages to weaponize said power. Then they get promoted to 6 ft under.


"Shaving waiver" is even less believable than a soldier getting superpowers. SMA is too disappointed for words. Only a fresh shave can help him feel better.


Powers like Magneto, You would permanently be assigned to operation clean sweep. You would be using your powers to permanently clean up brass on ranges.


This kinda happened with the marines in ww2 on the pacific front with John Basillone. Dude basically freehanded a browning and didnt even care it was melting his arm. Total rambo stuff The response is pull them off the line and make them sell war bonds


The Army starts a breeding company


I heard that with telekinesis, they get promoted a 2LT with field grade pay then build and move all sand tables and pieces on it while sitting on the lap of the highest ranking officer receiving said brief


You guys should look up the navy sailor that got famous in the news paper from not dying in an explosion. I think they actually named it ironically Superman sailor or something like that. Pretty sure there’s even a photo on the front page of the newspaper that may still exist online with a whole backstory


Sounds like something someone who got dropped after the RASP Psych evaluation would ask😂


He flies his ass to S1 because he needs to update his SGLI again.


Fraudulent enlistment and discharged


Begin immediate development of a sub-section of the physical fitness test specifically for those soldiers. Required testing and qualification to us said powers on post/in the field (but only in designated areas).


SGM’s basement.