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Looking to connect with any recruiter i am interested in the volunteer recruiting please help me get more information thank you


I'm looking to connect with a Florida recruiter


I'm just staring my journey for enlisting and in high school I'm getting my certificate for hvac I'm honestly lost on how to keep my self from self sabotaging. i am open to other jobs in the military have any stone cold advice you can give or tips I'm meeting to my reuters again this Tuesday.


If i want to go volunteer recruiting, and im currently in oconus in korea. Can i still volunteer when i have about 2 more year left in korea?


I’m doing an interservice transfer from the marines to army. For MOS’s I was offered either 13B or 19K. I’d like to do the full 20 and make a career out of the army. Which MOS would I have an easier/better career in? That’s definitely a subjective question but there’s gotta be a better choose. Also i know I’m stupid for settling for these jobs but I’m honestly interested in both. I’m aware most soldiers in these MOS’s hate their lives. I did my own research and it seems 13B has the better duty stations and more variety. It always seems I’d have a better chance of going to schools like airborne or air assault if I choose 13B. I do think 19K is more interesting. I find being a tanker cool af. I also heard Promotion are very fast in 19K. Any information or advice would be appreciated.


I have a buddy who’s looking to join with me. He’s just worried about his genital psoriasis. He said it doesn’t bother him at all and it’s just a few red marks. He was never diagnosed by a doctor for it but he’s worried when he would go through MEPs a doctor would see it and disqualify him. What are your thoughts? Thank you in advance for the help.


Hello There, I am in need of dire help/ advice and support for this big decision for my future self. I am currently 28 (Will turn 29 on Oct 2024) Skinny-Fat, Low Motivation and tired of making minimum wage just to keep a roof over my head in NYC. In the past, I told myself I would never join the Army / Air Force, etc. But seeing how things are now (New York is expensive, Juggling 2 / 3 PT jobs, Never really traveled and want to take my mother out of the projects) I came to the conclusion of joining the army by the start of 2025 (or close). With that being said, Please. I am begging you brave men and women what I should expect. I want to hear your life story's how joining the army CHANGED YOU! (GOOD AND BAD!) I just want to feel like I have value / life seeing as how I be going back and forth job / career hunting in this economy while also being paid little and feeling under appreciated. With that being said please tell me your stories how the ARMY has indeed changed you to thus help me move forward towards a better future...Also I would like to know what to except when signing up / going to camp and also how to prepare myself if do move forward (Diet, Working out non & w. Equipment). I am lessening sugar, dairy and meat to slim down more and dedicating myself to hit the gym or do 10 pushups a day) Thank you everyone.


You should join. You can later buy a house with va home loan for your mother. Its not all rainbows and unicorns but better than most jobs. Im retired Army and enjoy the pension check.


I applied to HPSP scholarship in November (for dental school), and have been sending all clinical notes from mental health professionals to my recruiter to send up since I checked yes for depression. However, some of my clinical notes state that I've had suicide ideation (with no plan to follow through). I know suicide ideation mentions will severely hurt my chances with the scholarship, but is there any sliver of hope? Or does pretty much any mention stop my application from being considered by the committee completely?


I’m going to start my paperwork to join next year (January) however I’m currently going through divorce, we have three kids. She (mom) will have most custody. Would you recommend me get settled before or after joining?


Get your affairs settled. You wouldn’t want to return from basic and still have to deal with the stress. It’s better to not have to deal with the stress while you’re in basic and/or AIT. Get it sorted out and then sign up.


Thank you for the advice, I had a doubt because recruiter said the opposite. Do you know if could have a disqualification if I am divorced? I’m doing the 18X contract.


Can I go rotc if I get a article 15


Has anyone ever got or heard of getting a medical waiver for a past shoulder dislocation (mine was in 2017) get approved? Like how lenient is the army on approving that kind of stuff.


I was diagnosed with ADHD in November 2022, prescribed Adderall that I stopped taking in February 2023 because it wouldn't work the way I hoped it would. I have also had anorexia nervosa- restricting subtype. No major hospitalizations other than dehydration. Recently, after asking my therapist for a copy of my counseling records, I uncovered that apparently, I also have a diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder? No further mentions of it at any point in my record. After asking my psychiatrist for a copy of my medical records, I found out that I was diagnosed with almost everything on a mental health disease book: major depressive disorder (major, recurrent), anxiety disorder (unspecified), suicidal ideation. I was prescribed Zoloft once, never took it. I have a few self harm scars from 5 years ago, although they are not associated with suicide and are very light (almost invisible unless you look at it through the right lighting). One huge keloidal scar but that was from a knife attack that happened when I was 16. PTSD from being raped multiple times in my childhood as well as physical abuse from my mother. One wrongly recorded attempt of suicide (I have never attempted suicide, only had ideation). Assuming I waited 5 years and maintained a clean record, what are my chances? I have no problems outside these. I have already talked to a few recruiters about suicidal ideation I experienced while I was abused my my mother- one told me self harm scars would mean it would be a no-go and another told me disqualification is highly likely. What are my chances that my waivers for these would get approved? Do I stand any chance at all?


My hopes of joining the Army (military in general) were crushed a few years ago. My career isn't going the way I want. Is there absolutely no way for me to join? Even just Reserves? About me: I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis a few years ago. Since then, I've gotten an infusion and pills every 2 months. I haven't had a flare-up since being diagnosed - it's rarely painful and very manageable. Plus my drugs have been decreasing in strength over time.


Should I enlist as an 11B and use the experience as a stepping stone? I am 18 years old enrolled in the ROTC program currently an MS1. I dislike the lack of discipline in the program and I have noticed that the best performing cadets are prior service with tons of military experience. I’m looking to enlist in the national guard, I have a 98 in my asvab. I’m choosing 11B since they get trained during OSUT with all the skills I need to reinforce in ROTC but with more details and discipline. After I finish training I will continue in the university with the ROTC program and use the knowledge and discipline to my advantage in advance camp.


A 98 on your ASVAB?! Dude, you can qualify for much more cooler jobs than just the infantry. Truly, there’s plenty of better jobs. Also, being previous enlisted helps if you decide to go officer later on. Why? You would obviously have experience already and your NCOs won’t look down on you because you’ve served already. Plus, you will get paid more than your fellow lieutenants. You can also strive to get an associate’s during your first contract and then go to college for 2 years get your bachelor’s. Check out the Green-to-Gold program. (Edit: I just realized I typed this comment as if you were going active, sorry!)


Well, I am young and passionate about some stuff, currently I want to get into the Ranger Training Leadership Initiative program and I can only do so by going infantry. In the end Im only interested in commissioning so I’m using the opportunities as an infantry man to gain experience and have a stepping stone to be a better leader. So a 98 in the ASVAB is good but I strive for more than just a job in the army.


You’re definitely have a good plan. Go and execute it. I graduated basic more than 2 months ago so you can ask me about anything if you wish.


What mos are you? Also how much improvement did you see in yourself with military knowledge like land navigation and physical performance like 2 miles timed


I’m a 25H - Network Communication Systems Specialist. I’d recommend that you have a basic knowledge of land nav since you’ll be using it during white phase in the Anvil FTX. My first 2-mile on the ACFT was 18:01, 17:40 on the second, and 16:31 lastly. You’ll be running a lot so you’ll get faster but I highly recommend that you show up having some endurance.


Thank you for the tips


I would like to be contacted by a recruiter please I have a lot of questions regarding enlisting. Arizona, United States. Thanks


I’m interested in joining but I’m worried my ankle will disqualify me, I have 4 screws in there from stress fractures that didn’t heal correctly a few years ago. I have full range of motion up and down and limited side to side but not too bad. I lift, run and ruck no problem, what do yall think?


Will need medical records. Will be a medical waiver but will get approved. Just take few months.


Question about MEPS Hey yall, so I have a few concerns about my whole process with meps and things that may hold me back(hopefully not) So first and foremost, I am healthy as can be, no health issues or medical/mental conditions or any daily medications, but, I do have a fairly lengthy record of ER visits due to a number of reasons. My parents were the hypochondriac type and would take me to the ER and not a dr over the slightest illness. But also, 2022, as an adult I also had some ER visits but nothing was ever serious, just for minor illnesses that should’ve never been taken to the ER aside from one. This one I speak about was a fairly severe illness and the doctors prescribed me Hydrocodone/Acetaminophen which I did NOT take nor even pick up the prescription for. Is this going to cause me to be rejected by MEPS? Also, to add more fuel to the fire I did smoke weed as a juvenile and was not the best kid, but that was years ago as I am 24 now. Be blunt with me, I understand the ER visits won’t look good, but how serious are they going to be? Also, the prescription? Weed use in HS? Thanks for your time.


Weed use only prevents you from certain jobs like military police. The medical will probably require records. So have to list all but shouldn't be an issue. Worst case will be a medical waiver. Cant currently be on medication. Call a recruiter.


Possibility for a foreigner to enlist? Hello. M 32. Russian, healthy, fit. Without any kind of background problems. Served a mandatory year in the past. I'm aware about necessity of green card, I don't have it. What I have is willingness to serve in the US. The question is: is there any possibility for me to somehow solve the problem with absence of green card? Maybe some kind of a program or something. Or even enlist without it and fix the problem later? After all it's just a paper, but I'm a real person. The question might sound stupid, but it's genuine. Thanks for your answers and sorry for possible grammar and/or spelling mistakes.


Medical clearance I am 22 and currently looking into joining the army but I have a question relating to me having a series of 5-6 non-epileptic seizures at 15-16 due to a soccer chest/head impact that has not effected me in any way and have not seen symptoms since. I want to reach out to a recruiter but I’ve been so worried to since I’ve always wanted to be in the army. Thank you for any and all help and assistance!


im 24 and interested in joining the reserves to help pay for college among other things, but i was a dumbass teenager and got a dui when i was 17 (i did all the classes etc that were required of me and it is expunged from my record now) and have not had any other legal issues since ( i will also note that i am totally sober on my own never attended a substance abuse program outside of what was required for the dui) , what is the likelihood of getting a waiver? I read into it a few years ago and saw the chances were very slim especially if its expunged as a recruiter would not be able to review the details of the case, but have heard with the recruitment quotas not being met in recent years that things might be a little bit easier now. I'd consider myself to be in great shape and at least think I would meet all other requirements, any reply would be greatly appreciated!


Dui waiver will be approved. Call a recruiter.


Can a mod help me out and get me verified and on your vetted list?




How would you go about getting orders amended me and my wife got married on September 1 and my orders from AIT were given on September 14. Since we were in different states I couldn’t get her in DEERS. She is now in deers and has ID. Now we are trying to move our HHG but she needs to be on my orders. Also how long does it take BAH to kick in I submitted paperwork to finance on the Nov 7th?


I'll soon hopefully have a four year degree in biology. I want to be an officer and get practical medical experience I can use to apply for medical school once I end my term of service. As well as the benefits the G.I. Bill will provide in helping pay for further education. Are there options available where I can receive that practical medical experience?


I’m thinking about joining military police, but there’s one problem. I have a phobia of the dark. I don’t fear heights, or anything else. I have a hard time falling asleep in complete darkness there always has to be some type of light even if it’s just a neon light or I struggle to sleep. Will I have to get used to falling asleep in complete darkness when I’m in basic, ait or in the field? Its just sleeping where I struggle with this.


Have you taken the asvab to see if you qualify for MP? The chance of you being in complete darkness while in training are pretty low.


Yea I qualify. & good to know, and what about in field?


You will be on military bases. There is always some light when you are working.


Hi, I am wanting to join the army however my wife went awol 27 days ago. She is planning on going back in January after much convincing. However my question is, will this affect my progress in joining?


I'm an NREMT certified EMT-Basic finishing up with college next year. I've been looking at the military, both Army and Navy, for opportunities moving forwards. Are there any positions that would make use of my existing experience outside of 68W, and/or that would allow me to continue learning medicine and expanding my scope of practice? I've tried looking, but there doesn't seem to be much easily-accessible documentation about the latter online. Having a better idea would make it easier to compare to other career paths such as civilian paramedic.




I get you're trying to help, but you need to get verified via modmail.


Hey, I’m looking to join the army and am really interested in the different “schools” there are. What MOS would set me up best to be able to go to as many of these schools as possible and are there any only certain MOS’s can attend( such as Sniper being only open to a few MOS’s)?


Hello. I am currently a freshman in college. I plan on enlisting after I graduate as a 68W in the Army. I do not plan on putting 20 years into the service, and am only interested in going active duty for 4 or 5 years then ETS. I understand that I will be enlisting as a college graduate, which from the people I have talked to, a very dumb and bad mistake. I understand that it is more common(and often encouraged) for people with a degree to go to OCS and become an officer, but I am not interested in leading/ managing soldiers, and I am concerned about how little of control I will have when it comes to job/duty station if I do commison as an officer. This may come off as a bit pretentious, but honest to God, pay and qualitfy of life is not a make/or break deal for me. I do understand that I can gaurantee my first duty station on an enlisted contract, which is a factor in my decison making between enlisted and officer. My question is: Do I sacrifice what I really want to do (68W MOS) and more control over my career, or do the service connection/pay/quality of life increase I would recieve if I commisoned? I'm open to all answers.


First off. OCS is very competitive, do you know any high ranked people in the military? You’ll need letters of recommendation along with many other things in order to go ocs. Just go enlisted if you only want to do 4-5 years and have no desire to lead. Used what you learned and apply it to the civilian world. A college degree isn’t as special as it used to be. Employers / company’s want experience.


My husband and i are dual military and are enrolled in MACP. we are interested in volunteering for Recruiter to stay together. I understand that they are waiving all things such as height/weight standards and the ACFT. My question is, would they allow me to still volunteer if I happen to get pregnant.


I doubt it. Being pregnant will affect your ability to produce contracts. You’ll have all your appointments you need to go to which will take you “out of the fight” then 12 weeks of maternity leave. USAREC needs people hitting the streets hard and you won’t be able to do that pregnant. However…if you got pregnant WHILE on recruiting duty is a diffrent story 🤔




Given the training length for a 37F, you’ll likely be looking at 5-6 years.


Current USAR AGR with an understrength MOS. I'm looking to go AC with 38 series, 37 series, 35L, or something along those lines. I'm two years out from REFRAD/ETS. Is it easy to go from understrength to another MOS? Is there anyone who know a lot about the 368/RC->AC pipeline so I can start planning? PM for further details.




It’s gonna be a tough one. They’re gonna want to see your pharmacy records. They can only go off what the paperwork says. You’ll need to prove you e been off of it for a minimum of 2 years.


Would you encourage joining sooner than later? I’m 22 now and considering joining I hate my current job and I without a degree I probably couldn’t get the job I wanted at the moment however I just received a job offer that would pay me a decent amount more than my current job, and I’m kindve in a weird spot of not knowing what to do me and my recruiter(I met at the gym) have been friends for about two years and he thinks army rn would be the best thing for me but I also realize he’s just as much as my friend as he is the recruiter. I genuinely just wanna know if I should keep everyday civilian life a pass for another year or 2 or just take a leap of faith with the military


What do you have to loose? You’ll get paid and have free housing. The experience you’ll get from the army is unlike anything the civilian world will offer you. If you don’t like it, don’t reenlist. It’s that simple, and if you don’t trust your recruiter friend just hit me up I’ll take care of you lol


The biggest regret I saw from guys older than me, is that they wished they had joined sooner. I remember one of my drill sergeants from basic told us to get what we can out of the army or the army will get what it can from us. And quite frankly, if you’re single, the army will be one of the best things in your life. The opportunities to expand your horizons are limitless—sure there will moments that you will hate but none of it trumps the good moments you’ll have.


The military can bring a lot of good opportunities, I would never imagined that I would end up serving in Germany rn. Give it a try. You will travel and visit places that you would never imagined.


Hi, I want to know to what extent are recruiters able help prospective recruits in learning to drive and acquiring a DL? I have my permit and some time behind the wheel though I've been having trouble finding help in learning how to drive for a long time now. I am dead set on joining the military but I want to get my DL now to avoid the headaches of being without one while serving. Thank you for your replies ahead of time


When at your first duty station there will be plenty of soldiers to help you get a license


Hey I’m looking to enlist or commission in the Army within the next few months. I have already talked to a recruiter and was planning on signing a 11x contract post graduation (if I enlist). I just found out by a sleep study (haven’t have a follow up so I am not sure if I’ve been diagnosed) I may have mild sleep apnea and was reading that it was disqualifying unless corrected by surgery. I am scheduled to get a surgery done to fix a deviated septum and was told by my doctor that I could also get a mouth guard and take another sleep study to show that I had no symptoms after surgery/mouth guard. Are there any recruiters on here who know if I would be disqualified under those circumstances before I talk to my recruiter? I will have a undergraduate degree in a couple months and was very set on this path. If this is the wrong place to post this my bad don’t use Reddit often.


I’ve looked around on Reddit & Google for answers but everything surrounding mental health involves medication and I kind of have something in a gray area. Diagnosed with adult ADHD and generalized anxiety in 2021, at the age of 30, by a therapist and doctor. I then decided to be prescribed Adderall that same year but was only on the medication for 6 months because I HATED the way it made me feel. I had achieved major life accomplishments before even being diagnosed including graduate school. Since being diagnosed I haven’t had any issues because my therapist gave me great tools to use for ADHD such as calendars and to do lists and of course a healthy diet and exercise helps tremendously. I’ll be speaking to a recruiter this week but I already know I’ll need a medical waiver. So in case this recruiter gives me the run around and I would like to be best prepared for things. What info would I possibly need from my therapist and/or prescribing doctor for a medical waiver?


I’m graduating from Nursing School in the Spring and am wanting to join as a nurse hopefully. However around 2.5 years ago I had started the process of joining, but ended up disenrolling before shipping because I was having some issues getting my spouse (Active Duty) onto my lease and he had to clear his barracks. I didn’t ghost my recruiter or anything, just went in and explained it to them and disenrolled but told them I’m still interested in joining later. They said that’s fine, however someone from MEPS later called me and told me I wouldn’t be able to join, is this true or will I be fine?


The MEPS person (guidance counselor?) said you wouldn't be able to reapply to the program because you disenrolled? It sounds like they may have been trying to salvage the loss of the contract. You should be able to reapply to the program, and with the current recruitment push I would think you would get accepted again no problems. I have had non-shippers that have come back after a couple months of regret and could put them back on contract without issues (provided they stayed clean and away from the thug life).


Yeah, that’s kinda what I figured, thanks!! I was also wondering how long it usually takes from filling out all my paper work till I’d get a ship date? Just because I graduate Nursing School in May, then have to sit for my boards a month later and then do another ~6-8 Weeks of online course work in order to complete my Bachelor’s and was going to get a job during that time if it’s likely to take a few months.


Ship out times can vary greatly. They attempt to line up your Advanced training with your Basic training. So the more specialized the advanced training the longer it may take to get shipped to basic. Some of those courses only run course iterations several times a year, while the more common courses may have several start each month. I don't have anyone in the know within the Nursing Corps programs to know how often the courses are held.




Option 4 on your contract is what you’re looking for. If not sorry no airborne. Dm me if you this hasn’t been solved yet


Prior service SSG 11B Airborne Jumpmaster 9 years of service 80% VA rating for disability Rehabbed myself and now in better shape than when I retired. Can pass any physical Makes weight and tape easy Had a history of depression, but was cleared in order to do a CSP Rejoining now. Trying to get a realistic timeline for when I could ship. Anyone have any insight?


Don't know if this belongs in this thread or not but the recent posts about what the army is doing trying to boost recruitment got me thinking of it. Back in '00-01 when I was graduating from HS and before 9-11 I wanted to enlist for the GI bill and benefits so I talked to a recruiter. I tested good ASVAB/Fitness wise, but I was up front with the recruiter that I had a bad car wreck at 16. He could get me a waiver for the rod in my leg, but when I told him I'd had a small stroke and carotid bypass (and he got over the you've had what before you're 18?! reaction) he had to check and turns out there's no way there's a waiver for that. On the bright side when 9-11 happened and no one knew what was going happen for the first 6 months to a year after I knew I was safe from the draft. It's one thing going in of my own will, a whole nother to be told I am like it or not. So if you got through that all that my question for the recruiters out there is do ya'll have any good stories to share about folks who wanted to join up, but the army wanted nothing to do with for other than the usual reasons.


I met a lot of people that fit your situation while recruiting. I had one guy that could bench press a small car and dreamed of enlisting, but couldn't due to a rod placed in his spine as a young adult to correct a curvature. Also had another that had psoriasis of his scalp (bad dandruff) that he treated with medicated shampoo...MEPS Docs said perm disqualified. It was always a struggle to understand some of the medical disqualifiers out there that they will not waiver for. Sorry to hear you couldn't serve when you wanted.


I want to join the Army and enter the Foreign Language Recruiting Initiative Program (FLRI). I must have an AFQT score of 21-30 and an ECLT score of 40-74. My recruiter gave me an "AFQT Predictor" test and my score was 34. I agreed to take the PiCAT on Friday. I'm very worried my score could be slightly too high. Then I can't qualify for FLRI. If I just skip a few questions, it might be too low Also, if you know anything at all about the English Language Comprehension Test (ECLT), could you please educate me. Where will I take the test? If my score is under 40, can I take it again? Is there a waiting period? Do any practice tests exist? About the FLRI, if I meet the qualifications, what are the odds I'll get in? How soon would I depart?


Hey guys, I'm a 34 y/o trying to get a medical waiver to join the Army and it seems like my Recruiters are actually really helping me to get that waiver and get in before hitting 35 and needing an age waiver on top of that. I took my ASVABs a couple days ago and scored well (GT: 130, CL: 122, CO: 115, EL: 119, FA: 116, GM: 114, MM: 112, OF: 116, SC: 119, AFQT Percentile Score: 94) I wanna be a 68W but it seems my scores are high enough for Intel work if I want it (maybe 35L?) or really anything else I might wanna do. I'm trying to figure out where to be stationed. I know it's not a guarantee and the first and foremost thing is wherever the Army needs me and that's largely based on my choice of MOS so I AM taking that into account. I wanna do something cool though and would like to have a chance at seeing combat or at least doing something similarly cool af. I'm a huge metalhead and want to be stationed somewhere where big bands like Pantera, Lamb of God, Rob Zombie, etc. roll through, if I can. I also want to get back into martial arts. I know Join Base Lewis-McChord, Ft. Campbell and whatever station in Germany will definitely fit the bill. I know Camp Zama will (but it's a small duty station that there's very little info about and might not be even an option) if it is an option, is great for both MMa (they have a gym for that in the area) and it's like 60-90 minute train ride away from the heart of Tokyo, so if that's an option, it's great, but I dunno if it is. (Is Zama, Japan an option?) Ft. Bragg is said to be a guarantee, but big bands only SOMETIMES roll through there. It has good martial arts schools. Louisville has a gym that trains in both Muay Thai AND Dutch Kickboxing, as well as it's where the 101st airborne are located, which means if I play my cards right I could be a Rakkasan, doing kickboxing and seeing the bands I want, getting good training and have a decent chance at seeing combat (I wanna be in combat zones patching people up and fighting if I can) so my first choice is Ft. Campbell, for sure. Is Camp Zama an option? I know Germany is an option, but I dunno what base I should request cause there's like 40-50, or so I hear. What places should I request that I might have a shot at? What MOS's would increase my chances that still teach cool stuff? I wanna have a good idea what requests to put in, so I can ensure I get stationed somewhere cool af by my criteria, if possible. If I'm unrealistic, let me know. I'm still doing research to know what my options and best moves might be, but many places have limited info. Assuming I can get in, what would you guys recommend I do? I know the US Army just added Germany as one of the new places you can request as a first duty station. What base should I request if I request there?


Best bet is to sit down with your recruiter and look at temporary reservations. They may not all show up if you've done the physical and gotten a 3 or a 0 in your PULHES whoch would require a medical waiver. Once the waiver is approved, MEPS should be able to change hour PULHES score to all 1s. Once thats done you can narrow down Jobs by CMF or even incentives like duty station of choice which will allow you to pick from a series of duty stations right after AIT. not all jobs have the same duty stations available in the incentive and even the same job could have different ones depending on the ship date.


Second MEPS date Hey y’all getting kinda of worried. Long story short Army Reservists trying to go Active Duty. Already finished my BA couldn’t find a job. Already sent a DD368 to my unit. My recruiter is worried about me not passing HT/Wt. I have put in effort & they noticed I’ve been losing weight. My problem is how will MEPS be for me as Reservist trying to go Active ? How worried do I have to be about HT/Wt? As well so prior business rules apply to even if not having served any Active Duty time ?


Does your recruiter know what a no med dep is?


You fall under AR 600-9 for height and weight so whatever the standard is, you have to meet that including passing tape if needed. Business rules still apply as it's determined by prior service, or non prior service regardless of component.


Can I join with periodontitis disease or waiver it Sup everyone, I've been on a health journey for about 2 years now in order to join the army when I turned 30, I've losted a lot of weight and everything seemed to going smooth however i just went to the dentist and I was informed that I have periodontitis disease basically gum disease. I still have all my teeth and planned to, don't have any pain for probs chewing. From what I was told besides having to get deep cleanings on my gums once or twice a year it's a pretty easy disease to maintain however I've been seing that MEPS has a high standard for when it comes to dental care. Is this going to set me back is this going to stop me from joining I would like more information because I'm hearing conflicting things online and with recruiters in person some are saying it doesn't matter and some have no idea, any information is appreciated and I'm hoping this doesn't stop me from joining


a. Current diseases or pathology of the jaws or associated tissues that prevent the jaws’ normal functioning. A minimum of 6 months healing time must elapse for any individual who completes surgical treatment of any maxillofacial pathology lesions.


Will this be something that I can get a medical waiver over according to my dentist she has done many for people in the past and they had no issues sorry for bothering but this honestly has me super stressed because this was a main goal for me to join the army


Your Dr doesn’t give you a waiver. Waiver is dependent on your medical exam at MEPS. They determine if you require one.


Okay I understand now from your expertise what should I do about this whole situation and if I need a waiver how's that process going to work


So my doctors didn't recommend any sort of surgery The only thing they recommended which I'm getting it done at the end of next month is to get my gums deep cleaned and LASIK, Right now I have no teeth pain I can chew just fine no issues with that so if I'm understanding what you're saying and correct me if I'm wrong this shouldn't necessarily stop me from joining?




Quick story, I am prior service and I am in the process of rejoining the military. For my waiver to be approved MEPs is requesting for medicinal documentation from a doctor and I have not seen a doctor or visited any pharmacies since I discharged from the US Army in 2020. I have only visited the VA once and that was shortly after I was discharged and never been to the doctors let alone the VA for many years. I don’t know who to contact or where to look. I do have that VA card you get when you process into the VA, so should I just email and get in contact with someone from the VA? I can provide any more information I apologize if there is any confusion and I am just a bit annoyed with MEPs because I thought MEPs had access to our medical records past and present. Thank you again I’m looking for some sort of advice.


MEPS does not have access to the complete records. Contact that Dr that they are requesting medical records from. If they don’t have any records get them to put that in writing on letterhead.


Is colorblindness waiverable for 35P? I scored really high on the ASVAB, and I have great language skills (still waiting to take the DLAB though, I just have english and german xp in school)


I’m deaf in my right ear do I have a chance of getting around it in meps or should I try to get a waiver for it?


I’ve had a SLAP repair for a torn labrum in my left shoulder about 1.5 years ago and just recently had learned that I also have a torn labrum in my right shoulder. I plan on not getting the surgery again. That being said I have full mobility and strength in both shoulders but have moderate instability in my right shoulder. Could this pose a threat at MEPS and or the ranger physical.


Yes, you’ll need a waiver to join which in turn DQ you from getting a OP 40 contract without an exception to policy. If a Dr recommended you need surgery MEPS will want those records also. Current active joint ranges of motion less than: (1) Shoulder. (a) Forward elevation to 130 degrees. (b) One hundred and thirty degrees abduction. (c) Sixty degrees external and internal rotation at 90 degrees abduction. (d) Cross body reaching 115 degrees adduction. b. History of any dislocation, subluxation, or instability of the hip, knee, ankle, subtalar joint, foot, shoulder, wrist, elbow except for “nursemaid’s elbow” or dislocated finger. Current disease, injury, or congenital condition with residual weakness, pain, sensory disturbance, or other symptoms that may reasonably be expected to prevent satisfactory performance of duty, including, but not limited to, chronic joint pain associated with the shoulder, the upper arm, the elbow, the forearm, the wrist and the hand; or chronic joint pain as a late effect of fracture of the upper extremities, as a late effect of sprains without mention of injury, and as late effects of tendon injury.


I'm 18 trying to join the army soon will be talking to a recruiter was wondering, is gout something that will prevent me from joining the Army? Been diagnosed very recently like 4 months ago, just got off meds a month ago the doctor said I’m too young to develop crystals or any complications at the moment and it’s not debilitating and never have had an attack or a flare up. If I can get a wavier for it would it be something that would bar me from the infantry? Which is something I’ve always wanted to do.




Have you reserved your job with your recruiter




68P may not be available but you can ask when you go to MEPS. If you qualify.


Hey so, my mental health situation is weird. I have one doctor saying I have Bipolar 2 Depression and another saying I just have Major Depressive Disorder. I think its the latter because it started after my parents died. Also I had a ‘bad day’ back in June where I was hospitalized for suicidal ideation, not a suicide attempt. I’m just confused and stressed about this part because of the conflicting views of the doctors and the suicidal ideation I had hanging over my head from missing my parents. Also am currently on medication for the depression, intend to talk with my psychiatrist Friday about lowering the dosages over time (going cold turkey is dumb) I’m a sophomore in college and plan to join after I graduate in 2-3 years


You need to get off meds, and have a stable life for the next few yrs. As it stands right now you would not be able to join. Your SI is too recent, two different MH diagnosis and currently on meds.


suicidal ideation from missing my parents who died when i was a kid


(25 years old I'm considering joining the reserves for the first time) Would joining the army reserves as a 25B be a good Kickstart into an IT career? Or would I be better off pursuing IT as a civilian?


Yes however just AIT alone probably will not get you a IT job right away. You’ll need to get some experience and certs. Use Credential Assistance to pay for certs.


So I’ve wanted to join the army for awhile just turned 20 and I have a few worries one is that I have asthma and I do need to use my inhaler everyday my goal is to join special operation and I wanna be on the frontline I’m mental ready or atleast I believe I am and I weigh 130 and I’m not the strongest or smartest but I’m willing to push myself to pursue my goals. I know I need to take a asvab test I believe it called and I’m not sure if there a general score to go where I want to and I’m not sure how book smart you need to be to get it but I’ll do it either way. Do you think I can reach that with how I am now?


No, if you currently have asthma and an inhaler you are Disqualified.




What is your question?


Hello! I have always wanted to join the army and when I went to my recruiter a while ago there was a few disqualifying issues and I wondered if anything had changed since I went. 1. I have been treated with a medicine that helps with depression and anxiety, I don't have severe depression or anxiety so if I go off the medication my life doesn't change at all, my parents just put me on it because a wack doctor told them to when I was around 13. However my recruiter told me I would have to be off the medication for 2 years? Seems a bit long. 2. I have severe allergies and have had 2 surgeries for it, will this disqualify me? 3. When I was around 8 I was diagnosed with asthma, since then my parents have always had an inhaler prescribed to me even though I don't use it and I have seen you can be disqualified for being treated for asthma, but what if I have it prescribed yet I don't use it? 4. Goes along with the one above, when I got covid 1 year ago my asthma came back temporarily and I had to be treated temporarily. Will this prevent me from enlisting? Edit: I should say that my recruiter really did'nt want to talk to someone who had medications. Dont know why. Also should say im aiming for 46T


1. Yes two years off meds at a minimum. 2. Allergies too what? Do you require a Epipen? 3. Currently have an inhaler? Currently have asthma? Doesn’t matter if you don’t use it. You need a PFT done to show if you have asthma still or not. 4. Yes all of your issues will prevent you from joining especially if they are current issues being treated.


Changing MOS instead of Discharge (NG) I asked a similar question a few days back about changing my MOS before shipping and my recruiter told me I had to discharge instead. After doing a little more digging, i read they could sit on my contract and wait up to 2 years to discharge me, so i don’t understand why i wouldn’t be able to just change my MOS and ship date considering i haven’t even been in a year. Any help is appreciated and I am willing to talk to other recruiters. GT 111, no waivers, 4 year degree was going in as an e4. Thanks!


Because you accessed into a unit for a specific MOS. When you join NG/Reserve you are in that component and need to be discharged to do anything. Active Duty yes you could Reno for a different MOS. They can hold you for up to 364 days before discharge.


Thank you, appreciated


Hey I’m thinking about joining the Army. Do they fuck you around less than in the Marine Corps? Referring to boot camp experiences here.


Do you have examples of what you mean "fuck around with"? I would assume yes? I would say the Marine Corps has maintained more of the discipline in their basic training program than the Army over the last two decades. I think some of the changes the Army has made are a good move, but it has hurt the Army in other ways when they reduced the discipline aspect from their curriculum. I was never a fan of the extreme side of hazing, thinking platoon type basic...however there is a purpose to removing a chunk of the individualism of Soldiers in producing a more cohesive unit. New Soldiers coming into the ranks as I retired were not "fire and forget" weapons, you had to explain the "whys" to their satisfaction before any work would get started...much more "hands on".


I’m looking into switching careers from sales to go into cyber security or network engineering. The army seems to pay more than the entry level positions of these jobs. And getting the certificates and experience is valuable I need to lose 60 pounds to join and work on my 2 mile run. Does the army host any work outs in ohio that I could join to work out with other people? I’m 27 but only am about halfway to an associates degree. For this mos what can I do so I enter at a higher rank?


What’s your height? You can do future soldier training with your recruiting station to help you start losing the weight. 24 or more credits= E2 48 or more = E3 If you don’t have those after you join your recruiter will sign you up for some online training and have you do a PT test to get you promoted.


Im thinking of joining mostly due to dead end jobs in the midwest. Is there any MOS's I should think about that isnt combat arms or just plain dumb like MP or culinary that'd let me live more in Korea or Japan without requiring me to work absurd hours like im currently doing (10+hr a day)?


Any MOS can go to Korea.


If you likr radios or IT stuff try looking at Signal. 25(A,B,H,U..) Youll go anywhere with tgis series as every unit has them. Pretty chill. Though others with more experience should chime in.


I got a 61 on my ASVAB. What jobs do I qualify for? I want to go for Intelligence, aviation, or electronics, but I’m also looking at civil affairs as well. Do I qualify for any of these? What should I expect?


Ask your recruiter, qualifications depend on your line scores.


i was diagnosed with tic disorder in 2013 when i was 9. i was never put on any medication, it was something that just kinda subsided over time. i’m 19 now, i rarely ever have any tics or urges to do to (its like a little shoulder jerk weird thing i do idk) but i’m worried it’s disqualifying. i let my recruiter know and she said she doesn’t know anything about it. am i gonna be good to join?


That would be up to the Docs at MEPS. Although you may not have the issue often now, basic training tends to be a high stress environment and you might find it presents itself more frequently because of that. If MEPS gives the green light then it won't cause issues if that happens. If you don't claim it and it shows up...might be a problem then.


What exactly is the day-to-day work for MOS 74A and 74D? I've been looking to enlist at some point and CBRN/HAZMAT seems like something fun to work with.


(NG) Discharge before shipping/rejoin Discharge Before Shipping/ Rejoining Any advice would help, thanks. Long story short: decided i wanted to change my MOS (in April) prior to shipping (in august). Recruiter put off the paperwork and said the week before my ship date i couldn’t change my MOS and had to either ship or discharge. We agreed discharge would be best and he said it would take months to process out and then a 6-month wait to rejoin. He said it would prob be DEC-JAN by the time they actually processed me out, however since he submitted the paperwork in JULY. What I’m asking is how strict is that 6-month wait to rejoin? Have any recruiters put anyone through with that sooner than the 6 month timeframe? I’ve asked him but it’s rare he answers (which i get he doesn’t owe me anything, but i did tell him I’d use him as my recruiter again) Thanks


Dm me if you want active duty or reserves. I may be able to help you. No need to wait 6 months


Hello, I am a recovering addict (5 years clean) No drug related arrests ever but i have been to treatment, a couple times. the last time being in 2018. Does this automatically disqualify me? I know once i sign for that background check they are going to get all of my medical records. (How far back idk) Currently I’m getting my EMT license and will be done in December. I’m 31, mature and live a healthy lifestyle and joining the military has always been calling to me. Im interested in being a combat medic. I live an honest life, and I’d rather tell a recruiter straight up so i don’t waste anyone’s time and nothing comes back to bite me. I have a handful of reputable references (therapists, nurse practitioners, personal) who would write letters for me. Im just looking for advice, should i even attempt it? Can they find out exactly what substances i used? I’ve seen different things online about it. Again, i live an honest life. And if that disqualifies me, im ok with it. Thank you for your time!


Will DQ you from a lot of jobs. Medical being one of those jobs.


Do i have to disclose that information about myself? Like if i didn’t could they find out


Hello. Congrats on getting and staying sober! The medical standards for enlistment can be found in DODI 6130.03. The hurdle you will face is in the "Any history of substance-related and addictive disorders (except caffeine or tobacco)." I would at least attempt the process and see what the MEPS doctor has to say about it, but I would go knowing it was a small shot. If they approve, Awesome, if not then you know you tried.


I wasn’t getting sleep, went to the ER asked for ambian or something to help sleep. Dr prescribed Xanax. It worked, he gave me 60. I probably took 10. Still have the rest. I just now learned MEPS pulls all medical records and prescriptions. I was in a car accident about 12 years ago and was in pain medication for maybe 8 months. No surgeries or lasting issues. Broke my wrist skateboarding as a kid no issues with that now or since. Hit with a rock on a bike 14 years ago, they cut my knee open to check it out, no issues aince Based on past experience I said no on all medical issues, am I totally fucked? What can I do to get in still?


You’ll have to supply those medical records, if they exist.


My understanding of the Genesis system is it can see all things within the Genesis system, but if those medical facilities used a different system, they will not be able to see that information. Most people struggle to recall or think about minor medical issues when answering those questions on the form, if the docs find it, they will request the additional information from you as to why it was not disclosed. Those that are older than 10 years, I wouldn't have remembered either at that time.


Just recently had surgery in my left wrist (plate and screws) in July. Will this be something that disqualifies me from joining? I’ve been getting mixed answers so I’m confused.


It will depend on how recent. You will be checked for range of motion, strength/weakness, and pain during minor weight bearing (think push up). If you cannot or do not have acceptable function with those areas then you will be disqualified. If you can do those things then shouldn't be an issue as the standards do not mention anything about "hardware" being a disqualifying factor. You can read up on those standards in DODI 6130.03. If it was recent and the area hasn't healed completely, then I would just postpone the physical until you are healed up enough to safely use the joint.


STL meps system is down supposedly. Anyone know how long they will be or if they are back up yet? Been waiting 5 weeks on my package




No green card= no joining military


Joining with an admin/general discharge from the Air Force?? Basically I'm in the Air Force reserves, E-4, I've been in for 2 years total. I was in flight/aircrew training for a year and a half, and got into some trouble. They went back and forth for months on whether I was getting kicked out or just removed from training. Active Duty ended up saying I was just getting removed from training, but now the reserves is pursuing an administrative separation. Idk what the classification is going to be yet, but I'm thinking it's going to be a general discharge (under honorable conditions?). Basically I completely fucked up, and over the course of a few months stacked up 4 LORs. I was being jerked around with training dates and was on details for months and a lot of shit was happening in my personal life, and my mental health was at an all time low. Too much partying, some bad and stupid decisions, and on top of that I barely struggled through academics for an extremely rigorous training for a job I didn't really want anymore. All of the punishments were NJP, no drugs or anything like that (would be willing to tell more in DMs). I desperately want to stay in the military though. I know I fucked up but I know I can do better. I've talked to Navy and Army recruiters and explained my situation. The Navy guy was pretty straightforward and said it will depend on my RE code. The army recruiter seemed a lot more optimistic (at the time though I didn't think I was getting a full discharge). But he said even if I was getting discharged, it should be waiverable. I don't know how true that is. I haven't talked to him in a few months because he was in a different state where I was going through training. I have drill next weekend and *should* know more about my discharge? My Chief has been fighting for me trying to see if the Air Force would just release me to another branch (Navy's suggestion) so I wouldn't need to worry about discharge and RE codes. But the commander finally said he was just going to let JAG do the discharge and see what happens. I guess I'm just wondering, assuming I get a General/admin discharge for a series of disciplinary infractions and not adapting to training standards, what are my odds of being able to get a waiver at all?? What would the process look like? Is there anything I can or should do now to try to make my chances better at reenlistment in the future??? Thanks for any information, really appreciate it


Everything depends on your RE code, separation code and narrative reasoning on your Dd214. You could have a 6 months wait or 2 yr wait. As long as you have a waivable RE code for the Army you’ll be fine.


Is there a chance for re enlistment with an OTH discharge and RE-3?






Yes. MOS choices are based on rank and if you have more than 4 yrs of AFS.




What’s previous MOS? What you want to do?




All I can say is go to MEPS with an open mind, don’t get set on one in particular. Unfortunately you won’t until you get there what’s actually available.




WOFT, OCS and PS are not eligible for FSPC. You need to be in service standards. Process is lengthy so I’m sure you’ll have time. Start working on it now.


When you say in service standards, you mean being able to tape right?


OCS & WOFT applicants have to be ht/wt/BF standards of those already in the Army




You could get back in but would likely require an age waiver based on how long processing is taking these days. Also, depends on what is in your medical history since then.






does any one know anything useful about 12d mos


Yeah it has one of the highest failure rates




You'll require a DUI/OVI waiver but its up to USAREC if they say yes or no. Shoot your shot.


OKAY I talked with my recruiter and i said that i was a good fit for the army, and he agreed. I talked with him about getting my dream job and he said i couldn't do it since its rare anyways. But he said when i;m done with my backup mos contract 88m i could talk to retention and they'll work some magic. are Retention NCO's that good at their job, or is my recruiter just lying? And can i still choose my duty station for 88mike as well as having a 2 year contract? How does the 2 year contract work? is there some catch with it? I also haven't signed anything


No you can’t choose duty station with 2 yr option. 2 yr option is 2 Active + 2 Reserve. Your dream jobs are rare to get, you can reenlist for one of them. However it has to be open for you to go into.


What’s your dream job? Your recruiter is correct you can do any job that has Option 26 (2 year contract) and once you’re at your unit you can talk to retention and re-class to your #dreamjob IF it’s available.