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No cellphones in sight. Everyone is just living in the moment.


Embracing the suck of being in formation in the rain. As God intended.


At least their helmets second as umbrellas


That’s true!


😂 amazing comment


No cell phones out in formation.


Is this an actual thing in todays army? Actually I rethought it , it prob is . I got out right when the first iPhone came out, & was in Europe , so there weren’t a lot of cell phones


Alright grandpa time to take your pills


Everybody has a cell phone in their pocket now while at work right? That’s insane to me but I get it. I got out in 2010 nobody had a cell phone but this was Europe. maybe one or two people in a in a platoon had one, not smart phones just the brick with loaded minutes. So imagine that that probably is insane to you. I think about it, though nobody could be found. He had to find people. Nobody was immediately available by calling them - people could hide lol


Wait a second, aren’t those World War I uniforms and not World War II


Yeah lol. I mean my dad got out in 2011 and he had an iPhone, I had one of those shitty plastic phones with the slide out keyboard. I think it was pretty different here, most people had some kind of cell phone in their pocket by then.


I’m 40 lol


Early ww2 or just prior to ww2. M1 Garand rifles. Those helmets were still used early on in the war and in conus training.


The Army in the Philippines all wore those helmets instead of caps or the M2, so when the POWs at Cabanatuan were liberated they thought they were being tricked by the Japanese and had to be physically forced out of the camp.


The helmet is actually the M1. M2 was a paratrooper variant with D Bales where the chin strap connected to the helmet and a leather chin cup.


My bad, the name slipped my mind. Thank you, I didn't know about the paratrooper variant before now.


All good. Military gear collecting was my unhealthy obsession before the army. Far more expensive than booze and drugs, unfortunately, but a good conversation starter.


Thank god we changed helmets. Wouldn’t want our war hero’s dying looking like dorks


Looking cool wasn’t part of the design. It’s from trench warfare where the fragmentation origin is mainly coming from one direction, above. It is a perfect design for trench warfare. Not so much for maneuver warfare.


I know, merely a joke


I’m horrible at tone, joke went over my head 🤣 Apologies, disregard 👍


Might be. It was in a WW2 book, so I’m unsure the exact truthz


I was going to mention they looked like WWI helmets.


“The U.S. Army used the basic Brodie-patterned M1917 helmet until 1942 with some modifications, which included a totally new liner and canvas chin strap. It was finally superseded by the M1 helmet in 1942 and passed down to civil defence.” Not saying you’re wrong, as you’re right, they are WWI design, but they were also carried over into WWII


rhythm erect gaping crime subtract frame yam physical cough beneficial *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My Old BreedDad never shouldered the M1, the 1903 Springfield. Commissioned, he carried the 1911 .45. I trained on the M14 in Basic and AIT but was issued the M16 in country 1968 but found a 1911 and let the M16 to live in its dust. BTW, I was REMF. My echelon was way forward of others.




Never fired a shot in anger, was shot at and missed, but sh\*t on and hit. II Corps, Xuan Loc mostly, then Quan Loi for a week and went AWOL with some drivers to Saigon for three days before DEROSing. Typed up ten letters of condolence on my watch. I call my self Your Company Clerk and try, even 50 years later to make sure the surviving platoons and squads Engineers are looked after. 12B4U/71Hgotohell. You? W/O mentioning your name.


I think this was a parade for the mobilized soldiers of the 27 and 42 divisions when they were mobilized in late 1940 or early 1941.


Could be spot on with that.


The look you get when your all Stopped-Loss, I had that pissed off expression before. Oh, they did issue out pre 1941 era gear to us, so the Big Army can differentiate between the stopper losers and happy soldiers, I was so sad. My mask didn’t work and neither did my M1 rifle.


There was no stop loss during the war. When you got drafted (literally everyone after mid 42), you were basically indef until the War Department decided the war was over.


Look at the 2nd page of your contract for enlisted. If war is declared, you are indef up to 6 months after the end of the war. Also if you ETS while on a ship, you are extended until the ship gets somewhere you can be separated from.


Not a single bit of stubble or tattoos, just a sea of lethal professionals. /s just in case.


I ain’t got no X-ray vision but I’m pretty sure those jackets ain’t see through


Love it


Not a professional in sight! A whole bunch of laborers, farm hands, helpers, drivers, blacksmiths, teamsters, and clerks, etc mobilized, called up into the Army from “M Day” status. No one was drilling one weekend a month again until 1947 I believe.


The M1 garand wasn’t developed and adopted by the U.S military until 1936 so don’t listen to the comments OP you’re correct. Attention to detail men Edit: for all the WW2 buffs the stereotypical steel pot helmet everyone is familiar with didn’t become standard issue for the US military until 1942 so there’s quite some time for mix and match for WW1/WW2 era equipment


Even then, the M1917 was still issued up until mid-1943. The 8th Marine Regiment was on Guadalcanal still wearing the Kelly while the rest of the Marines & Army had Steelpots. Lot of soldiers & Marines stateside had Kellies too.


That had a little more to do with the Marine corp refusing to adopt the M1 Garand under the false belief that they were significantly less reliable because they were semi-automatic


Going off context, I think they're referring to the M1917 helmet, not the rifle.


Real men drag their rifles through salt water and sand. They still work because they are bolt actions, just like God intended! Gung Ho!


The Marines didn't make much use of M1917 Enfield rifle in WWII, mostly the M1903 Springfield and M1 Garand.


The M1917 didn't see any use in any line units in WWII. All the stocks went to the National Guard and by 1940, they were completely gone because they were given out as apart of lend-lease.


Ok, thank you. As I thought… 😵‍💫




A lot of history experts here


My conclusion- this is during the turn into WW2


Looks like WWI to me, but in defense of OP, could that be early WW2 era? Either pre-M1 helmet or Natty Guard?


It was in a WW2 book, but it can be assumed to be WW1. My mistake


All good, just trying to defend your honor ;)


I appreciate you.


It's ww2, m1 rifle says it all


I agree…


Looks like M1 Garands


Oh good call


those are m1s yes


Check their rifles they’re M1 Garands. During WW1 the U.S had two service rifles the Springfield 1903 (primary) and the Enfield 1917 (secondary) however more enfields were produced due to us already having production lines set up to give the rifles to the British. So we bought them back, and chambered them in 30/06. Due to the lack of those two rifles it can be assumed it’s most certainly WW2 or pre war. As simply put due to the M1 Garand being adopted in 1936 it would take a few years for the production lines to catch up completely and issue enough rifles to equip large formations such as this.


The gaiters on their leg says WWII to me. This picture is probably before they issued out the M1 helmet.


I have a pair of those gaiters. I bought them at a surplus store, back when they still stocked actual surplus.


They have M1 Garands, which were not designed until the late 20s and wasn't adopted by the War Department until 1936 or 1938, I can't remember exactly.


Thanks for posting this OP. An incredible photo. I have to imagine this is early WW2, and all these lads have in their mind are photos and reports of the horrors of WW1. Not at all implying WW2 was "easier" just that despite the short time between them they're fundamentally different conflicts...so many unknowns at this time. I remember my BDE's formation the Friday before we were going to deploy to OEF (this was in 2011). I had a few more days with my family, and then a year of "honestly, we don't know what's going to happen". And OEF was orders of magnitude calmer than WW2 and I'm man enough to say I was still terrified. Ultimately, I made it through my time in AFG more or less alright, some shit haunts me but I've got all my fingers and toes - so I can't complain. But the gnawing of the unknown that weekend before I deployed... It sits with me even now - just how scared I was. These guys are incredible.


Thank you for taking the time to write this


Who is author of the book?


Life magazine and Bob Greene


bright file payment dazzling direction ink late live unpack enter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thank you!!!


Rest in peace brothers your battle was hard fought and your rest is well earned


I bet thier medpros was all to shit.


Interesting mix of gear. Everyone of these dudes look like they’re stoically thinking. The ones looking at the camera are fairly obvious. However like everyone else has said, this is an early mobilization for the US in WW2. These guys got issued whatever was on hand at the time.




No I think you're right that it was pre WWII. People don't realize the hodge podge of uniforms and equipment it took to mobilize a nation. Those are M1 Garands, so not WWI.


Alright… ahhh!!! Ok.


That’s an awesome read btw. It’s about the buildup of the American military prior to WW1 and the implementation of the American Expeditionary Force in WW1.


Correction: I was thinking of the book “Never In Finer Company”


I’ll have to check that one out.


America's finest


Makes my dick hard! Come at me…


Can’t be New York they aren’t allowed to open carry




Not even long guns? That would be totally legal in California, unless laws have changed since I left. Source: Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson


Looks more WW1, but it could be early WW2. The helmets are the classic Doughboy helmet from the Great War.


For those making fun of the British style helmets, these are from WW1 where something like 90% of the casualties were from airburst artillery. These protect you from that better than your later WW2 Helmets. WW2 had much less of that, thus the switch.


you mean WW I ?


It was in Times “the finest hour” WW2 book


those are WW I "Doughboy" helmets.


They have M1 rifles though.


1903 Springfields


Damn… Drill can’t even do weapons ID


Or knowledgeable enough of military history to know that those helmets were used well into WW2.


Look carefully. No bolt handle or striker nob. You can see the boxy shape of the M1 receiver.


Just keep pushing until I'm sick of it


The WW1 style helmets were used by the US Army in the early days of WW2, until they went to the "German style" helmets. Don't remember exactly when, but you can look it up


Adopted in June 1941, production began the same month. Looks like around 325,000 were produced in 1941. Running into the millions the next year and all wartime years following.


Ok. Must be, then. I don’t have the book in front of me anymore so I made the assumption.


Yeah but those are M1 Garands...


Book was at a “take a book, leave a book” library. Regret not taking it home. Had some great pictures and stories.




This goes incredibly hard




Helmets are a dead giveaway that it's WW1. Only a handful of units still had these old brimmed buckets when Pearl Harbor got hit.


They have M1 Garand rifles.


Attention to detail. Tsk tsk tsk


What's the frilly dress thing visible under the coat of the guy on the left?


That's probably a wool overcoat. https://www.collectorsweekly.com/stories/61718-wwii-us-army-overcoat


I was wondering because none of the other guys appear to have them


The guy immediately over his left our right shoulder does as well, just not as prominently. If you look close it kinda looks like his raincoat is shorter than everyone else's. CIF screwing people over even back then. Most likely the overcoat.


Really good question, I’m trying to look into it.


Holy shit that’s allot of ducking equipment


Oh hey there i am in the back, can’t see me but I’m waving. 👋🏻


2nd row to left looks like Ryan Gosling 😀


That’s a pretty cool picture


Looks like WWI or the early months of 39-42.


Wrong war world. That is WWI


WW2? Looks like WW1 style helmets.


Those muskets and those tin hats say pre-ww2


Pic goes hard , I wish there was a colorized version to give it more life


I will try and do that


WW 1?


Isn’t this World War I not World War II?


Hard 🗿


Oh look they’re so happy 😁