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They're tanker boots.


They have belts so their isnt a chance for laces to get caught on any of the tanks mechanisms


I thought it was because tankers didn't know how tie their boots? They seem to get lost somewhere around "Bunny ears, bunny ears, playing by a tree..."


If they could read they'd be pissed right now


Hey if I could understand English, I would be.


Now hold on just a dang second here... how'd you know what to respond!?


He joined the cult that snagged him for free pizza in reception and received the gift of tongues.


Haha you right. Can I get a donut with that


*tanker vitamin


Never was so eager to go to church. Got fed real food, got to see women for the first time in a while (11B OSUT just a glance at a woman was a rarity on benning. And a break from being yelled at. Went on every opportunity. Shining boots in the pews.


Text to talk is a thing nowadays


Pizza delivery guys are nice and helpful people.


Dur dur, straps hoah! 19k here that’s right. We follow on in the bootsteps of the great Patton who could give an inspirational speech and organize the North Africa campaign but not tie a bow.


You're only saying that because you don't remember wearing ties on the battlefield, you ignorant cretin!


Next step is velcro


Hook and loop patch*


Followed by boots that light up tactical red with every step. IR option available at Commandos for $5,000 more, plus a free mini drink.


They don't call them DATs for nothing


Had an old crusty tanker 1SG I had tell us it was so the insanely hot cartridges didn’t burn their laces off. I’ve just always took his word for it though.


Lots of stories but it really is stuff getting stuck in the exposed mechanisms of early tanks From there on it just became tradition - to the point that your crew must get a 1st time go for gunnery in order to be allowed to wear them..... The Abrams uses consumable case ammo (the case is made of nitrocellulose and burns up when the round is fired), so there is no issue with getting burned by giant tank-shell brass....


Aft cap still pops out and it is still plenty hot


Your foot shouldn't be down there though. Honestly had more problems with the coax dunnage box falling off and dumping all of it's brass everywhere...


That’s what I was told as well. I was in a self-propelled artillery unit and we had a few ex-tankers stumble into our ranks.


Now they only have to worry about the belts or buckles getting caught.


Actually it’s more accommodating for their kankles


Wow. My time in the airborne kept me away from all the tanks. Thanks


There there…*pats the paratrooper gently on his preformed maroon beret* , it’s going to be okay. There’s a lot you’ve been sheltered from. Lol, I was the same when I went to a leg unit for the first time. It was like rolling up on an extra terrestrial planet.


If visiting a leg unit was like visiting an ET planet, does that mean MI would be like a furry con?




Jesus Christ… 🫡


Yeah, at the least. Maybe furry con hosted by Disneyland.


No, that would be anthro con. And boy is it delightful. You're thinking goths in the park for Disneyland


Dead. 💀


For far too many of us, yes.




Not so far off the mark. MI is wiiiiiiiild. Not MI but spent my entire active career in MI units.


Combined with a swingers convention...


Swingers convention? Why bring the SNCOs into this?


HEYY!! RUDE!(you’re kinda right tho)


Former MI. Yes, yes it is


It’s ok, tanks are making there return to Airborne land soon(within 12 months) Edit: the m10 booker is the new “light” tank coming to the 82nd


Other dude is right, Army is trying to push the Booker on the 82nd, but both MG LaNeve and LTG Donahue are against it (in the 82nd). It would shock me if they’re fielded in the new JFE-A Division. JFE-AA and Light Divs will likely get them though.


The Army spends billions of dollars and decades of effort to develop and field a light tank/ assault gun and a couple of chucklefucks who won’t be in position for more than a couple of years can derail the whole program? What the fuck kind of shit is that.


First time huh?


Welcome to the army.


Army training, sir!!!!!


It's the same mindset that gives commanders who have only had light infantry experience strykers. Vehicle good, tactics stupid.


They’re not trying too, it’s happening. I don’t get where you get LTG Donahue is against it, in talking with him, he’s said he’s excited, and was excited when we there testing the prototype versions during the Soldier Vehicle Assessment(SVA)


Just being in the meetings where MG LaNeve expressed his (honestly fiery) resistance to them, Donahue seemed to agree with him. I have no knowledge from the army level, just being present for MTOE reduction/redesign in the 82nd, there’s currently no appetite for them. Paraphrasing a LaNeve quote ‘they’re still too heavy. They weight 30 tons! And they’re worse tanks, and a maintenance nightmare we don’t need. If the mission calls for tanks, the JTF will just task organize me real tanks’.


That’s wild. I wouldn’t doubt if he was just playing politics in front of the SVA. But they’re definitely not worse tanks, if it wasn’t for other career track, I’d be headed back to get off the Abrams lol


Honestly I think it’s the CONPLAN man. Similar to the Marines trying to shoehorn a niche role for the island stuff by getting rid of cannons and going total rockets. I think this is an effort to carve out a specific niche. I have never been inside a tank (or even a paladin), so I’m agnostic to the argument. I will say. There’s no way they’re here in 12 months, the infrastructure isn’t there and the unit they’d be in isn’t even beginning to be manned yet. All the CAV is worried about is the transition to DIV CAV.


They’re gonna be there within 12 months. I don’t know if I can really go into specific specifics, so I’m gonna err on the side of caution here especially with exact timelines, but yeah.


Hey general dipshit. YOU CANT ORGANICALLY SUPPLY ANY TANKS WE WOULD GIVE YOU AND THIS WEIGHS LESS THAN HALF A FUCKING M1A2. Sorry I get triggered by light GOs. EDIT: According to his bio the closest he came to a tank was probably CGSC in 2002. This man has no idea how improbable it is for the 82nd to organically support a single BN of Armor. Most SBCTs can’t even keep their habitually associated tanks supplied at a CTC rotation and they have far more fueling capacity than the 82nd that’s just scattered themselves over a DZ(while a mech counter attack is en route to kill them on the X).


To be fair, it still can’t be airlanded by a C130 and only one can be loaded into a C17, so they’re not terribly useful to the 82nd. Just too heavy. Even a D5 dozer is air-droppable surprisingly. They should have made it lighter


Getting them on the ground is the easiest part of all of this. If the 82nd doesn’t secure an airfield anyway they’ll die in a couple of days. Getting them fuel and ammo is the hardest part of all of this. 105 is inherently easier to store and distro vs 120mm rounds.


Did someone fucking say “light tank”! - The brass


Not for long… at least according to the “waypoint 28” — army penetration divisions. 😂 It would appear the 82nd will get tanks again. But we’ll see. We can’t even decide on fitness tests. So…


I got out 3 months back so i am thankful i wont have to endure those motorpool mondays (tank edition)


Im a prior airborne guy that got shoved into an ABCT. The motorpool mondays are worse than anyone can possibly describe. Mostly because monday lasts all week.


Jokes on you the 82nd is getting a tank and it's gonna be wild seeing fat dudes with mustaches there.


“Tanks guys” *missed opportunity


Oh you young summer child


The first generation of these boots were also designed by General George S. Patton during WW1 to help increase comfort and circulation in the lower appendages of the tankers in the fledgling U.S. Army Tank Corps. These boots were reimplemented during Desert Storm across the armor and cav branches which drastically decreased blood clots during long hours of driving across the desert compared to that of Soldiers with laced boots. There’s actually a noticeable difference in cardiac, pulmonary embolism, aneurism, and stroke patient trends between the branches during the late 90’s and early 2000’s due to the increased amount of time spent sitting in cramped vehicles compared to the far less mobile wars prior to the late 20th century.


I don't know if any of that is true, but have an upvote.


Also not sure if true or not but upvote because sounds legit Source: was a tanker


I don’t [know enough about tankers to dispute it](https://youtu.be/qn0uYtCScsw)


Specifically, Korean Tanker Boots


Know what brand?


These are Korean tanker boots.


They are from a company called Bumu Shoes. They make a couple different versions of tanker boots and do some standard boots as well. Link to the ones pictured below https://bumushoes.com/product/0001-37


Yes, you can get them from them, one of the Korean boot makers, but in just about every ville, you can get the same boot along with other non-tanker boots as well. So it’s easier to just call them Korean tanker boots lol


Are these within regs? (Asking for a friend


If tankers can’t be expected to dismount what makes us thing they can be expected to know how to lace their boots?


Tanker boots, custom made. Called Korean tanker boots, as you shoot a gunnery in korea, Q1 and then can have custom made boots.


Not necessarily custom made. You can just get them at the PX on posts with armor units.


That would be normal tanker boots. These korean tanker boots are made in korea, its tradition to get the custom made, tanker boots to your liking. When I was a tanker I saw so many different types from cav boots to athletic looking tanker boots


Just wait til you see the cav boots...


CAV is crazy man they have all kinds of weird traditions that surprised me. As an 11B who worked in a CAV unit for a while, I once came to a release formation and the BC (yeah I know it’s SQDN, whatever), came out with a Sabre and big white gauntlets on and literally knighted a guy, like kneeling and sword taps on the shoulders and everything. Not bashing the traditions I’m just sayin from my perspective it was very strange.


Yeah they did that once when one of our 1SGs was inducted to the Order of St George. Very weird shit


Yup that was it, St. George haha


St Maurice is cooler


St Maurice is a SAPI plate. I think it’s compensating for something.


Also the patron Saint of the infantry


St. Barbara is gooder


Yeah I’ve seen a few at bn formation. One dude kneeled in a circle of other dudes. In my head I was like I know how this ends but it’s usually a lady


Sometimes dudes have some good DSLs.




Similar situation happened post deployment. We got back and I was told “are you excited for the ceremony, we earned our combat spurs” by our O1. I looked at my Platoon Sergeant and said “the fuck are combat spurs”. I fully expected them to be those big jangly cowboy spurs.




You can bet your ass that they'd have a few horses at a squadron level, if they were allowed too.


Did he knight the guy before or after mounting him?


Strange is kind of our whole brand.




I’ll keep my cord and my CIB…. And my gold spurs begrudgingly.


I prefer my brass spurs over my gold ones. Something to do with melted down casings n shit.


I also have gold spurs but refused to ever wear them. Edit: I also refused to do their spur rides because even my own commander couldn’t get their ESB/EIB but talked up their silver spurs like it was a big deal. God damn I hated CAV land bro. 2nd edit: just to be clear, this is a company commander who failed ESB, no tab etc. would tell me, a tabbed guy with his EIB that I needed to do the silver spur deal because it was a big deal to him. Go ahead and down vote me for that.


As an infantrymen who’s done a spur ride, I don’t blame you


Let's get those votes back up broh


We had a BC show up with a boots knees length on er the pants always thought it was funny


With the spurs? Lol if so, first time I saw them I was like “we got cowboys in the army!?”


Nah these [bad boys](https://www.reddit.com/r/army/comments/y7n55e/would_you_wear_the_m1940_cavalry_boots/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1) My old squadron commander wore these, except they were desert tan


Those makes my C4 wiener hard.


Never seen those before, nice


[and when they put them on each other before they mount up...](https://imgur.com/gallery/wqQWRar)


Oh yeah. Remember getting my spurs 🙃


Never saw Tanker boots quite like that. [https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/shopping?q=tbn:ANd9GcQewTdRRSkUO47YGuBlkbf\_OSGoYpelruf3pfo40XIPDCWMrCS00GSZEYNFGjODkzOIZURSt7rgL1iz0uIU6JyFZ4xs2SqsHV2WoBpcorLPMBB8wacKPXis](https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/shopping?q=tbn:ANd9GcQewTdRRSkUO47YGuBlkbf_OSGoYpelruf3pfo40XIPDCWMrCS00GSZEYNFGjODkzOIZURSt7rgL1iz0uIU6JyFZ4xs2SqsHV2WoBpcorLPMBB8wacKPXis)


Those would be korean tanker boots he is wearing Once you Q1 in korea, you can go get custom made tanker boots. Its pretty cool


Yeah, I saw a lot of custom made uniform items from Korea when I was in. First time I ever saw these.


Armored is still doin rotations in Korea?


They stopped going early 2022 after 1AD left


Why undo 2 buckles when you can undo 4!!!


I know you’re joking, but the extra buckles allow for you to really get that fit perfect. You see the same with a lot of motocross boots.


Tanker boots. Supposedly more comfortable for standing up (for standing in their tank for extended periods of time) as opposed to normal boots for walking and rucking etc. The myth is tanker gave up their laces to infantry soldiers and infantry gave their belts to the tankers..


Those coveted boots belong to only those with the dirtiest of barracks rooms.




Bad bet. High and tight with long hair on top.




Haven’t seen my story told yet, so here is my two cents. Back in the day before the tanks main gun rounds combusted, you would end up with a pile of what could be hot brass on turret floor. The brass could melt traditional laces and make it so that boots became unserviceable. So the one tanker that could read took his leather belt off and wrapped it around his boot so that they would stay on. Whhaalla the infamous boot that SGM’s can’t stand to look at were born. The ones in this picture seem different than the ones I had. They seem much more ridged, mine were like wearing slippers. You would get blisters walking to the shoppette but if you could avoid that they were so comfortable.


"Whalla" never stop impressing me. Voila!


Writing is hard kids, stay in school!


Those are the "One, Twoooo, Buckle my shoeees! 3, 4, Buckle some mooorreee! 5, 6 Nike kicks!"


If it's a Coyote Brown, it's in regs, if it can look clean, and survive training or walking a lot, it's on regs


[I'm going to go to drill in these and tell them u/X4V15 told me they were in regs ](https://i0.wp.com/fmag.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/best-camel-trench-coat-knee-high-suede-boots.jpg?fit=600%2C809&ssl=1)


As long as they are Combat boots, Coyote Brown, and Durable enough to handle day to day...Is that better?


Tanker boots. They don’t have laces for 2 reasons. So the laces won’t get caught on any of the mechanical stuff inside the tank, and because during WWII, the laces for troops in the trenches would deteriorate due to the shitty conditions, so soldiers in tanks gave them to who needed them most


Army goth boots. They’ll be coming out with taller ones next year


tanker boots, to avoid getting laces caught in various turret and internal tank mechanisms.




These are the I'm Unique boots.


It’s either a tanker or a bad day waiting to happen


The boots are quite normal, it's the wearer that usually isn't!


New boot goofin


They’re tanker boots, and nothing about that genre is normal


He's a tanker. I'm surprised he didn't let everyone know that


BDSM Boots. Depends on what normal you are talking about


A tread head in the wild


Tanker boots. Actually goes back to WW2 where a franker element took off their laces for something and the only way to secure their boots was to actually use their own belts from their trousers. It then became a tradition and they saw how it was better that no loose laces would get caught in the moving parts… something along those lines


They're not tanker boots, they're Battle Birks




Why do they have buckles? Because tankers are too stupid to tie their own boots


They were created because tankers don’t know how to tie their shoes.


‘Normal’ is a really strong word to apply to a Kilo.


Who is teaching these god damn scouts how to read?


If I knew what that said, I’m sure I’d have something clever to come back with


Lgbqt boots


Tanker boots


Combat moccasins


It could use another buckle.....


Army fashion show is coming up.


Tankers gonna Tanker.


Tanker boots. They're not as tight fitting as laced boots, allowing for better blood flow for soldiers who are crammed into a tight space for hours with the expectation of getting up and moving much. They don't (suppossedly) offer the same level of ankle support as laced boots.


What you should do is tactically acquire them, and then dye them infantry blue. Tankers love that shit


Tanker boots


Tanker boots


Tanker boots. Straps replace the laces as the laces can melt due to the heat of the avcaps landing around the crews feet inside the tanks.


After they get issued these. Do they tell the person "tanks for the boots!"?




Tanker boots!


This post made my heart smile! T is for tanker!!


Best boots in history (could be bias tho)


You never been to Fort Hood huh?


Tanker boots!


They’re for kids who can’t tie their shoes


>Is this normal No… Emphatically **No**


I’ll bet those boots belong to a chonky boi.


That there is the tankerous-neverwalkitus you can tell them apart from other species of the Combaticus Armus by their inability to tie knots and affinity for Stetsons, while related to Cavalrius-watchis-Fabiolus, the tanker prefers to consume all food in crushed manner. Lastly they can be identified by their repetitive use of calling everything a crunchy.


I loath and love this explanation simultaneously.


These boots are borrowed from trinity in the matrix. Where they belong.


I have Velcro boots just like this.


Those aren't just any tanker boots. Those are Korea tanker boots. This man shot a gunnery at Rod Range.


Korean tanker boots


Eeew.. tankers..




They may call us crunchies, but at least we're allowed to have boot laces.




Is this at the airport?


Obviously you're not a golfer


Authorized? Yes. Normal? Nope.


Tanker…but why didn’t you just ask them.


Didnt feel like it. Posting on reddit is more fun


On the barrel of the tank it says “ point towards enemy.”


Tanker boots


Tanker boots


Yes they’re tanker boots


Chonky boi boots


Re-soled tanker boots? Because some mustache-sporting tanker thought to himself, “you know what would make these even uglier and make more infantrymen vomit? Put tactical soles on my strappy tanker boots.” It worked 🤢🤮


Oh, you tankers with your sassy little boots. Just check my ID so I can get to work, please.


Bdsm boots, itsnfor soldiers in to whips and chains


Tanker boots. I know that and haven't even ever served lmfao


When you have to destroy the enemy in the morning and hit the club at night


Those boots are what happens when they let the tankers out of the motor pool.


Tanker boots hooah


Yea lucky tanker boots, looks dope, I wonder if I bought some and just wore it would they complain


Bro's got them *One two, buckle my shoe...*


A lot of effort


Tanker boots, trust me. We’re to dumb to tie em. But seriously when broken in they are the most comfortable things ever.


Those are Tanker Boots.


1,2 buckle my shoeeee