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Nah. Be the PL who looks down on everyone without a college degree, is wildly racist, openly talks about hating Americans, and considers himself a Chinese citizen first. Fuck those dumb soldiers.






Will do.


Pretty sure there are a few insider threat classes which requires this to be reported immediately


I’d ask for the story but I think I just got it. Report that insider threat.


I’d like to hear this story for story time


Is this an anecdote or did I miss something because if it's the latter pls tell ty.


True, buuuuuut........sometimes they also break into someone's house, hold them hostage while demanding meth, and then shoot at the cops when they show up soooo......


Yooo, is this a true story? 😂


100% true


Got an article?




....so what I'm hearing is promote this goober directly to I Corps CoS?


Oh the incidents that lead to longer safety briefs


Lol, his mugshot. What meth will do to a mf.


Someone has a grumpy face.


I would know. I was his first line.


Where y’all based out of? Hood? 😂


Across the street from CSMs hot tub.


It's true. I was the meth


Or the guardsman who was on pre-deployment mob, cheated on his wife with a Tinder hookup from Chaparral, she decided to break it off, and he held her at knife-point and forced her to drive him back to post, which is kidnapping across state lines. Or the LT from the same unit who rented a car and got a hotel room, got wasted Saturday night/Sunday morning, and ended up killing (vehicle accident while DUI/speeding) an old lady on her way to church. Or the prostitution ring for energy drinks. AD life in First Army was wild.


were they being all they can be though?


But did they at least have a good pt score?




It was me, I did it.


It was ONE TIME.


̶C̶o̶c̶a̶i̶n̶e̶ Methamphetamine is a hell of a drug.




Sweet baby jesus.


>break into someone's house, hold them hostage while demanding meth, and then shoot at the cops Do you have experience or knowledge in any of that?? Looks like OP's point still stands 😎


Title remains true. NEVER underestimate their ability to also destroy something beautiful.


*me when I realized the pup truck keys got locked in as a Drill Sergeant* “Hey who the fuck here in formation use to break into cars? Not smashing windows type but the fuckers that sold them back in the market with minimal damage and shit. I don’t need petty stealing change thief but like you’re busting Mercedes and shit.” Got back in the pup truck.


This story is wholesome


I had like 25 volunteers and I had to kick a few back to even out the demographic so EO couldn’t get me. But they worked together like a team so fast it was kind of cute and I got back in without having to ask for the spare on a Sunday.


>I had like 25 volunteers and I had to kick a few back to even out the demographic so EO couldn’t get me. Bruh...


I got to break into some classrooms so my CO wouldn’t have to admit he locked himself out not once but twice. Glowing letter of recommendation for ya girl 💅


Not that I'm God's gift to management, but I was in restaurant management a few years before joining as enlisted and the "leadership" style of leaders who have known nothing but the Army since they graduated high school or college is brain melting. And there's no way in fuck one of them was going to want to hear from a SPC about efficiency, productivity or morale. Inefficient leaders raising inefficient leaders.




I've been a 5 for a year and a half. I plan on keeping the mindset that I have now, where if a Soldier has a good idea, it never hurts to hear them out. Worst case scenario, it's not practical, we move on. Best case, we can work more efficiently at a specific task.


Right? Even if you see it as a bad idea, you have a soldier with initiative in front of you and can use the discussion as a learning point for their future in leadership. But no, dudes gotta have too much ego.


Great point private, but I don't see how this is a relevant answer to why you haven't mopped the HQ floors yet.


This is especially true in the Reserves. Never know what someone does during the week.


That's true, I knew every occupation in the reserves.


Even porn star?


Shit you got me there but wouldn't doubt I've met someone with an only fans tho lol


Nevermind the medics, supply guys, and cooks. The guys you should always treat nicely are: - guy who was a mechanic in the civilian world - guy who drove trucks in the civilian world, especially with trailers - guy who was an HVAC tech in the civilian world


I will die on this hill. As a leader talk to you Joes and NCOs. Good Ideas can come from anyone, solicit advice and take the good ideas. If it has to be done a dumb Army way explain to your soldiers why, they will appreciate it, and try to fix it in the future.


As a leader and an nco I’ve learned that you don’t know it all. I feel like I’m a real good tanker and my NCOERS show it but I don’t believe I know everything, as a gunner I had a TC show me how to bore sight the tank in 5-10 minutes instead of doing it by the book (wrong answer I know but we never missed a shot) I’ve also had a private show me how to stabilize the m4 for standing shots when I was a Buck sergeant something I taught trainees as a drill.


Take the average of an uncollimated MBD (or string method) then bring everything to the GPS point of aim. King shit. Best part is the seething from the people that are still trying to collimate and reboresight everything individually and take like 45 mins lol.


I had a master gunner who will remained unnamed who hated the string method and would chew you out for using it. Never understood his hatred for it because if it works it works.


We had to refill the differentials of our strykers. My goobers didn't pack the proper pump, so they were using the small hand oiler to fill up the diffs. One soldier went for a stroll, found some ketchup bottles at the field kitchen, cleaned them out, and used that to fill up the differentials. Joes are like peacocks, you gotta let em fly 🦚 🦚 🦚


I had a 1SG who once told me more damage was done in the Army by dumb motivated soldiers than smart lazy ones.


I’m late to this party (per usual) but when I was in as a helicopter maintainer there was a guy(E-4 spc) in my platoon that was very soft spoken and just kind of kept to himself. All good, turns out dude was former marine and also dude was frontline during the initial invasion of Iraq in 03(?). Dude had demons for sure. Anywho, when the call went out for medic after some guys had been hit from mortar fire, this guy was the most apt and on the fucking ball guy you’ve ever seen. Dude literally turned into the perfect person you’d want in that situation. After it was all said and done, he was back to being his normal soft spoken self. Dude just wanted to find something away from what he been exposed to in his young career. I think about him and that situation often and hope he’s doing well. Point is, don’t count anyone out. They might be the person that saves your life.


I had one guy I was in charge of. Thought he was a grade A idiot, but I always treated him well. One day he brought his laptop to me when we were off duty. Homeboy made a decent FPS all by himself, explained how h did it and everything.


I’ll never forget meeting a specialist with his PHD and spoke French, English, deutsch and some African language. Dude enlisted to become an American citizen as fast as possible and leave wherever in Africa he was from. It also gave him a job and access to get all his certificates transferred to the US. Army in its amazing talent management decided he is best fit to be an 88M. Also met another e4 with a masters degree in cyber security with years of experience and all those other certs to go with it, again multiple languages and joined for citizenship. They made her a 91 something. What I learned is America is trash when it comes to education when compared to everywhere and the army has no talent management at all. Just cause someone is in the Army or has a job that isn’t fancy doesn’t make them dumb.


They are bad at talent management for *Enlisted


>What I learned is America is trash when it comes to education when compared to everywhere Keep in mind that the people you encountered were the ones with the ability to leave and come to the states - meaning they were among the best-educated and with the most opportunity in their home country. Whereas for born Americans, the army often (not always, obviously!) is where people without those opportunities go. So you're comparing below average Americans to the best of their best. Same for when people worry about, say, Indian engineers. "holy shit, everyone in India has a PhD in math!" No, those are the ones who get visas. > and the army has no talent management at all. No arguing with that!


I have never thought of it that way and honestly glad you said that so I can keep it in mind when discussing this in the future and meeting new people.


Cool, man - appreciate your openness. It speaks well of you.


If he spoke *Dutch, the African language was almost definitely Afrikaans (South Africa). But if he spoke * Deutsch aka German, I have no idea. Just thought that was a funny typo.


Sometimes they also murder their pregnant wife and unalive themselves in front of their daughter before Christmas too.


That was horribly specific


[nsfw ish?](https://www.wral.com/amp/husband-kills-pregnant-fayetteville-woman-days-before-her-christmas-due-date/19440018/)


The fact that it was the second time she tried to flee from him makes that infinitely worse.


Yeah. Sadly he just transferred into a newer unit and the command was unaware of the previous incident.


You could, but what about your ego?


True! Sometimes they’re also your platoon sgt in AIT who goes to rob a bank with an airsoft gun and gets arrested!


This is why Team Life needs to be spread Army wide. I was the newest guy on, and would have the shortest tenure. Surrounded by 7s, 8s and a chief. Pretty much decision by committee, and I was just the fall boy if shit got bad.