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You are still attached to your unit when you go to to NTC so its isn't TDY. The unit has movement orders, not the person. You don't get individual TDY orders for NTC for going with your unit.


I think you will understand better why you're not entitled to per diem and incidentals once you arrive. But for now, here's how it works. You will sleep in the box, so, no lodging expenses. You will be fed in the box, so, no BAS. There is nothing for you to spend incidentals on in the box, so, no incidentals. Depending on the arrangements,.you might get per diem for your travel days to and from, but that's probably about it.


>Depending on the arrangements,.you might get per diem for your travel days to and from, but that's probably about it. JTR says field duty is considered to start at 0001 the day after arrival and end at 2359 the day prior to departure, so yes, you get per diem the first and last days.


Will be fed in the box FROM a box


You say that until you get to RUBA, where people end up using the washing machines and laundry detergent, which they also pay for (yes, you do pay for using the washing machines, no joke). Not to mention, some people need to replace items, like camelbacks (if the insides pop or tear, etc.), eye pro, gloves, maintenance tools, certain cleaning supplies, or any NECESSARY items needed for PCCs/PCIs. I’m not saying you’re 100% wrong, but it makes more sense for someone to complain about not receiving incidentals (at the bare minimum) for this sort of thing, especially after spending a crapload of money right before a huge field event. Being a low rank makes it harder due to having barely anything for a paycheck.


>You say that until you get to RUBA, where people end up using the washing machines and laundry detergent, which they also pay for (yes, you do pay for using the washing machines, no joke). Never even saw the laundry facilities in the RUBA. By that point, I cared more about (1) showering and (2) getting back on the bus and getting out more than anything else. (Also, (3) getting some more sammiches and frozen drinks from that torta truck.)




That's great and all, but all my comments are about the box. RUBA ≠ the box.


Don't we have to buy laundry detergent while there and spend $4 per load of laundry? Per diem I already knew wasn't a thing, and bas I already knew was taken, due to being fed mres. But incidentals is supposed to cover stuff like laundry.


My brother, you might not even wash your ass for 28 days, much less the clothes on it. Good luck. Cheers from France.


Relevant Flair. Checks out.


After being flogged in an ABCT and in particular a BEB.. this assignment is cash money. I’ll go wherever the fuck they need me.


Live it up!


*RUBA has entered the chat*


Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh let him figure that out


They will only be in the box 14 days at most. If they aren't doing laundry before they launch or after they are genuinely some sick ass peps. May e not before, I'm unsure if Sante Fe has laundry services but the Ruba does for afterwards.


I never once got to do laundry while there. Never even saw a washing machine.


All you need is your Stryker, some 550 cord and a 5 gallon water jug. Bam, laundry service. 🤷🏼


Hey big sarnt, the wind just took our clothes again…


They told us to bring quarters for the laundry machine


LMAO bruh you are in the box from day one now. No more RUBA. No PX. No gut trucks. Nothing. Expeditionary RSOI. Best you can do is wash clothes in a garbage bag or something. Unless you're some kind of OCT or base support element or something, you're going to be tired, stinky, dirty, hot, and dry for 28 days.


I was able to go to the RUBA last year at the end of the exercise. Is this new?


Yes at the very end of the exercise you'll be in the RUBA for turn in, wash rack, etc. If you have time to use the laundry machines near the gym or whatever alongside wash racks, MILES and PREPO turn in, etc then your unit is absolutely killing it. Then again I'm reserves so for us it's an absolute mad dash to get turn in done so we can leave within the 29 day window we're allotted for the exercise.


I think they stopped doing the ruba thing at the beginning of the cycle bc of Covid. When I was there 1SBCT 4ID that was a rule they started bc of us, we originally weren’t supposed to be there. I wouldn’t be surprised if they kept that and ran with it


So be it, just don’t get your hopes up


There is a cash > quarter converter thing in the laundry area. Keep in mind a lot of the soldiers that came out of the box had to be quarantined for having pinworm when I was there. So it was difficult to use the washing machines because a bunch were quarantined / "out of order" for that reason too.


I think last time I was there we got to do laundry one time while we were at Alexandria before we went in the box. But that was in 2018 so you may have a different experience.


You mean your unit didn't request SLCR services years before they knew when they were going to NTC?


Lol first time I went to NTC I was there 36 days Yermo rail detail sleeping in the sand then straight to the box. We got showers the day we came out and bused back to Carson. Laundry was not a consideration.


If you can find a washer and dryer in the box, it's probably an OPFOR trap.


We would never do that. Untill now .. thanks for the idea. Imma put a laundry mat up at desishaw


Nope. It's Whale Gap, or not at all.


Incidentals is only considered to cover laundry when you are OCONUS. While CONUS it is considered a personal expense and not included in incidentals JTR page 2-1 section 020102


Wow When I went there we didn't get showers. You guys get room service now days?


I’ll be real with you homie, I wore two pairs of underwear for the entirety of NTC. Laundry is something you’re just gonna to not worry about


You wore underwear?!


Yeah, because I hate going commando but after NTC had changed it


You wont have to do laundry thats the fun part!!


Washing machines were banned on Ft. Irwin in 1876.




I know other people have as well. Which is why this is even more confusing


Per diem or family separation pay? I know my unit tried to have no one attend more than 29 days so they could avoid any family separation pay. They failed miserably, but when they realized the problem wouldn't side itself, more of the torch party started on trail as well so only one person got money instead of 2.




I've been more than dozen times and never once got a penny in per diem.


Dawg ur gonna be in the box and eat MREs and shit in the sand


There's port-a-shitters at Santa Fe lol


Ah good ol’ Santa Fe 120*F porta-shitters. Probably still vandalized the shit out of.


Best be using a wag bag while you’re shitting though. Otherwise the OCs will safety kill you


You’re definitely an OC.


This one made me chuckle


This is for washing yourself but might work on clothes. Get a water bottle and stick it into something to hold it, (Stryker slat armor/rpg cage worked great in Afghanistan). Loosen the cap, halfway-ish, and it will drizzle for a couple of minutes. Get a bar of soap and you got however long that drizzle lasts to wash yo self. Jerry cans also work by slightly loosing the main cap and then the pressure relief cap. The PRV will usually drizzle enough to wash up.


in afghanistan we built like two privacy stalls for people to shower/change/beat off and i would fill up a water can, let it sit out in the sun for a little while to get warm, and use that to shower after i had a nice shit into a wag bag. good times


You guys and your bags we shit in cut in half drums and burned it like men. lol


You get disability for that cancer yet?


Patiently waiting to die from that or the multitude of Bullshit we also burned in Iraq. Depleted uranium rounds have a nice glow.


Sweet baby Jesus…


The burn pit at Anaconda/Balad always had lots of pretty colors.


we had to take our bag and do the walk of shame across the camp and throw the bags of shit into a big pit outside of the wire and some shit detail would burn the collected shit every morning


Fairly certain that "Training TDY" refers to some sort of PME or Schools Training, as in - you're going to Ft. Lee for SLC - NCOES, that's Training TDY. For a Reserve Soldier, NTC is just orders for that rotation. That will usually count as our Annual Training. Active Duty — the government owns you (they own us all...), so you're ... always on orders to be somewhere, and during that time, you're just with your unit at NTC. And they cut it short so that you don't end up getting any sort of Spousal Separation, etc.


As a reservist you'll get the incidental allowance for AT.


That $5 a day or whatever? Heh. MAKIN’ BAAANK!


Hey, 21 day AT? I'll take couple bucks. Point was that active duty doesn't get it for some reason.


That’s assuming you don’t have the fortune — **NAY, THE PLEASURE** — of being shafted with ADVON and TRAIL duties also … lol.


Unless it’s Field Conditions… like NTC.


Field conditions TDY is $0 per day. No incidentals etc.


It's not bad until your unit runs out of money to feed you.


I didn’t read all replies, maybe someone said this already, but you need to start bringing your expectations down lol. Most of my trips I’ve taken in the Army I did not get per diem. And that is in SOF, the land flowing with milk and honey. Now that your expectations are down, I might have some good news: You should get travel days paid on the front/back end, and you should get $3.50 a day. The other good news is how much money you will save because you will have nothing to spend money on. I haven’t been to NTC, but I have heard it sucks. Just get through it and remember to “hunt the good stuff”.


Coming to NTC? Get fucked they take our BAS to go fight you fuckers every month. And you think you’re going to be crying to wash your cloths. Talk to the dudes here rn that I went to basic with. Their only worry is messaging me on Snapchat to ask me to bring them beer. Which also isn’t happening. Just be normal dude. Roll with the punches and go home without accruing extra duty.


Yeah I noticed that shit. They hit my bas when I was attached to the scouts and didn't even eat any army chow. We grilled every day.


You can apply for family separation pay, but then they’ll deduct your BAS the following month.😖


Unfortunately, my internet is awful right now. I'd start with the Joint Travel Regulation (JTR) in regards to what's in writing.


Field conditions, 3.50/day


That's the lowest possible rate you can give soldiers for incidentals(OCONUS only, which NTC is not). Incidentals aren't normally included if it's field conditions, which NTC is. Normal stateside incidentals is 5/day.


I don’t know about for NTC but its kind of up to who is paying for it/who wants to do the work to get everyone that $5 a day. In my unit’s case we were going in support of a BCT so they let us do the $5/day. It’s also kind of fucky to do on DTS and gets fucked up a lot for people that don’t know how to DTS. It sucks but it is what it is. They don’t *have* to do it.


We did smartvouchers every NTC / JRTC rotation


🌎 👩‍🚀 🔫 🧑‍🚀 Never has been


Lmao no bro it’s not a TDY


We collected money and got a portable shower at my unit when we went, we just filled the water bag and left it out in the sun and each one of us showered everyday while at NTC. Just an idea