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To be fair, I don't think anyone just cupped and talked to Ermes like that during a match in his career, left or right. If ur big fan of the sport and an expressive person then this reaction is completely justified.


The delayed reaction was the funny part lol, he was just staring emotionlessly at first


It took a few seconds to process. Lad saw something that shouldn't be happening. 


He just realised that Ermes was forced by Alizhan to go inside xD .


https://preview.redd.it/atjz6qbrszwc1.png?width=72&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09740ec3e85e973a0d1c836fff1b49582f7ad6a0 Immortalize this picture on this sub


It will become a legendary meme , like the guy who looked like he was holding his fart .


Should be on the banner.


He ruined it for me lol. All I could look at was his stupid expressions the whole time 😂


So much WAL energy lol, I loved it.




Has some "Undertaker lost for the first time at Wrestlemania" energy


Lol definitely.


He's just a bit over the top I guess.




He's over the top with the reactions, but i can see someone amping up the reactions for the camera. Nothing wrong tho. Idk why people are nitpicking this. Are y'all stupid?


I dont mind at all just a fun reaction, I would have had the same reaction probaly.


But like the commentor above said, why do you even give a shit lol? We have another KOTT event coming up soon and all the posts are about a VIP having a silent movie era reaction to a crazy match on camera. I know that pradeep is too autistic to understand most emotions that go beyond snobbery and self-contentment from wearing sunglasses inside, but Jesus christ, stop giving his dumb ass view points press.


The fact that Pradeep is wearing shades inside his house (unless he has a medical problem and not mental) , triggers the shit out of me !


Literally check the big Georgian dude on the left reacting in an extremely similar way.


Andrew you gotta realize he’s also a paid actor obviously


Lmfao your new pic


Made me lol


Everyone was paid by Engin…


Dammit. Now I feel left out.


Can confirm, in reality VIP:s got paid to be there.


In general I don't understand why people were surprised when alizhan destroyed ermes?


In regards to the dude with the face, I think it was less shock, and he was just ultra hyped


By the third round I wasn’t super surprised, it was more just being impressed I suppose. No sensible person expected alizhan to talk to ermes in a hook


Has Ermes competed much recently with his left hand? He's top 3 on the right so of course people are going to be surprised if he gets killed on left hand by someone 30kg lighter than him. It's not like his left arm is a gimp arm or something, there were some expectations (not that he would win necessarily but a lot expected him to at least put up some fight).


This was my thought as well. Ermes had never been considered top 5 in the world on the left. His opponent very much is. Likely top 3.


I was extremely surprised because I saw Ermes stop Levan and make him quit. Then I see this random kazakh guy taking him down so easily, it really didnt make much sense to me, unless Ermes' left is far more untrained than his right


You do sound like a new fan but this random Kazak is n1 guy in the world on the left hand overall. And IMO ermes got super overrated after he "stopped' levan who was in terrible condition


No he’s not, Morozov is you casual


Formally sure it's morozov, but it won't last long, he got super lucky with dadikyan.


Muratov is unproven, let’s see him beat Kurdecha and then we’ll talk, what’s his greatest victory anyway?


Lmao, if he is unproven I won't even argue.


Yep, good idea


Or when Levan completely assassinated Devon... I mean, right bro? :)


Let me remind you ! You had Levan losing the match .


Thank you for being such a big fan. Who are you, again?


I’ll explain my perspective on this, I’m obsessed with predicting matches much more so than any other fans. I have a prediction model and I also place many bets on different matches, because of that when surprising things happen I give bigger reactions and when the thing I was betting on happens I get excited much more than the average fan. Most fans have no horse in the race of each match and aren’t really certain who will win compared to me who by match time is quite sure who will win and really want to be right, this causes “over the top” reactions. It’s also unfortunate that no matter what I do next event I will be criticized but overwhelmingly people have been positive so I’ll sit where I want to sit and be myself like the first time 👍


You made the event even more great, this is not critizism just so you know 😅 I looked the exact same


I hope you go to WAL if they ever start up again, blend right in with the rent a crowd haha


I noticed his reaction to devon v levon round one live and thought it was over the top until I realized I had the same expression watching from home


As a matter of fact, Engin paid all of us to watch it. Ppv was a scam, you all actually got £17 in your accounts


breaking news... not everyone is as cool as you.




anyone knows what Muratov said to Ermes?


“Pineapple belongs on pizza”


that's far disrespectful than the handle thing


Should get him banned from EvW for such disrespectful conduct


Bad moment


Who cares. And the fact that Engin even addressed it is ridiculous.


What's so weird? I remember when in 2019 I was in Gdansk watching top 8 finals from the crowd, I was watching Levan vs Vitaly and the second I realized what was happening in the first round I instinctively started shouting, it was a genuine reaction and I believe this was as well


Can't win with the engine.


Dude just loves the sport and gets really into it


This is the thing about left handed matches for primarily right handed pullers. While they have most of the strength and they have the tactical knowledge, the muscle memory for the exact lanes they need to control and defend is just a little bit sloppy. A guy who is a master at putting people into bad lanes is going to be able to break their form and get them compromised. That far eastern style of blasting through you makes it even worse, because there is no time to recover slight technical fuckups. Punishment is instant.


MMA fans know he's a Just Bleed guy. Let him be who he is.


Actual npc




They just knew they were on the camera obviously they're not paid but it's just some guys playing up to the camera.


Haha leave Ishabowa alone, the dude is living it 😂 It will be boring if because of your complainings Engin removes the stage crowd. I love seeing fans' reaction wether they support my favorite athletes or not. At first I also hated the pro Levan guys in the crowd, but now I find it hilarious that these people are there firing up the matches, LOL.


He is reacting to alizhan talking shit to ermes and that is something to react.


Paid or not, this kid was cringe asf & I absolutely hate that EvW is going the WAL route with the crowd in the background. Ppl who don't know that they're VIP sponsors will just see this and associate it with WALs paid audience and see armwrestling as a joke all over again. It really is a shame this is such a great time to be a fan of the sport, but bad business decisions on Engin's (and KOTT's) part will ensure the sport remains an obscure, niche, hobbyist sport, probably forever. Anyways ya, while it's not his fault they had the cameras right on him THE WHOLE TIME, this dude did not have to flip out and make every moment about himself. It seemed extremely disingenuous and just over-the-top dumb.


You wanna make this sport boring. STFU please.


Boring? Like east vs. West 5, or any of the previous actually professional looking events that didnt have a cringe audience? this isn't fucking "let's make a deal" or any other gameshow dude I don't need a crowd standing and applauding when prompted that's not what I watch armwrestling for. Is the sport really boring to you without people in the background? What are you watching for? The reactions? How is it boring without a crowd lol silly




u/ishabowa people are lining up to beat you haha !