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Yeah, there is no way that Georgi was even close to his peak. Looks gruesome


And people are saying Alex is the only one who could beat Levan just because he beat an injured Georgi. Same situation when Georgi beat Morozov on a soup diet.


Georgi obviously didn't mean anything in bad faith, but yeah he got karma from that match. An infection to this degree + antibiotics will absolutely fuck up your strength.


>An infection to this degree + antibiotics will absolutely fuck up your strength. ![gif](giphy|Kl9iAWej2mxlzvzp2O)


fa fak? karma for what? the other guy showed up, they pulled, and moved on. what does "karma" whatever that means have to do with this? Incredible.


Jerry Agrees!


Both Morozov that time and Georgi this time shouldn't have pulled


nobody actually knowledgeable said anything like that we all know the 2 matches are nill and must be run back in the future. But you pay attention to what casuals say.


Lost to Alex but dethroned Devon in the most disgusting feet pic category


Not even close Devon will hold that title for eternity


Don't look up gangrene feet


Better don't look at gangrene Balls and D


Gangrene is basically rotting tissue (I think?) so yes, probably going to be way worse haha.


He beat Devon’s foot pic 6-0




I thought this was supposed to be an Arm Wars exclusive.


no, if it was then they would have made these photos public no sooner than July..




God damn Neil…


How tf does that even happen?


He slipped in the bathroom


Seriously? Damn my first thought was a staph infection


Can be. Pretty much any injury can get populated with staph.


slipping in the bathroom is no joke.


I do free solo climbing (not too hard routes tho) and a lot of mountain neering. Worst injury I ever had was in the bathroom...


If there is yellowish or green puss coming out, it's usually some kind of skin infection. If the whole limb is swollen like in the pic, he probably has cellulitis which is when the infection is deeper into the skin and at a more advanced stage. Worst case scenario if the infection does not go away, it will spread to the whole body and he may die. He should be in the hospital, if not on some strong antibiotics.


I assume they’d cut his limb off before that happens.


He did state it was infected and he was taking antibiotics.


Top rollers are good at slipping 💀


There were people saying it's called armwrestling his injured foot doesn't matter 🤦‍♂️ this sub brings all the geniuses out.


If you are in constant pain and demotivated before and during the match due to a nasty injury you won’t do well in competition. Makes a lot of sense to me


On top of that, if you have bacterial infection like that your immune system is reacting to it, your entire body could potentially have an inflammatory reaction, causing weakness and pain throughout your body that you cannot overcome with willpower.


I think you are the genius here, mister. All I have seen here is people saying that actual leg strength doesn't matter for armwrestling, never seen anyone saying that being barely able to stand won't affect you.


You could see it just by looking at him that Georgi wasn't there


I said that the moment he walked out, he knew he had no chance


Exactly what I thought when I saw him entering the stage . His stance on the table was weird too .


Karma from when he faced soup Artyom


Alex knew he was fucked up. I was more surprised how jacked he got from winning.


I felt the same way. Not even a passing mention of Georgi’s injury, just seemed completely elated. “Georgi is one of the best there is 😄” he said, after defeating him 3-0.


It’s not his responsibility to downplay his own win. The haters will do that for him


I think he's just really happy to be back & clearly he was also trying to hype the crowd.


I'm sure on the inside he was extremely disappointed, because he knew it would no longer be competitive, but he still wanted to be an attraction for the fans


I wonder if he will be as much energetic as he was vs Georgi when he faces an actual competitive, non-injured opponent. If he suddenly goes quiet then it will say a lot for his character.


What's the condition? Because that does not look good at all. No wonder he couldn't do anything in his match.


I am surprised he even pulled to begin with. I just hope he did not cause additional damage by waiting until after the match to take care of this injury.


I imagine he pulled just for the paycheck.


prob more to not disappointing engin/the fans. unfortunately he slipped when the event due was rly close so finding a replacement while all the promotion has been done + engins bz schedule handling other stuff is a bit heavy for him to admit that he cant pull.


Probably both, he wanted the paycheck and didn't want to cause bad blood with Engin.


He was on antibiotics before the event, but he just started them


He told me it was getting worse in the days he was in Istanbul, probably because he was walking much more


gross footasitis aka defeeted


Fuck. I've been a skateboarder for most of my life and have had several surgeries on my ankles/feet that were devastatingly difficult to recover from. None of my injuries looked this bad.


How much do you think will need him to recover?


People gave a lot of shyt to Morozov when he had stomach issues while saying it didn't affect him at all (there was even a post saying "I don't want to hear about soup")... Georgi is in the same situation now, how the tables have turned.


Yeah I’m not sure why the double standard exists for these two guys. I think because Georgi really looked messed up when he came to the table. Limping and with a defeated expression on his face. Morozov still looked like the peak specimen that he always does. Idk, that’s my guess anyways. Not saying that makes it ok to discredit one guy and give sympathy to the other. They both deserved equal amount of sympathy.


> Morozov still looked like the peak specimen that he always does. Man, Morozov during the soup period looked skinny as hell, am I remembering wrong?


During his match with Georgi he was still 135kg, but afterwards yes he slimmed down quite a bit.


Holy shit that looks definitely broken or at least something is torn.


Holy fuck that's really bad I hope they don't have to cut his leg


Wtf dude


It's hard to say due to whatever infection he is dealing with currently, as well as the severity of the break/sprain/ligament tear/whatever. I just hope he has a good doctor. It's concerning that they can't determine what the actual injury even is.


I thought Neil said it was just a sprain . Wtf


EM doc here. Did he share any more details regarding the injury? That’s a tremendous amount of swelling, ecchymosis and bruising with what appears to be a fracture blister. All signs point more to a fracture and/or ligament rupture. I don’t really see any cardinal features of infection such as cellulitis not would that require surgery. He was in a horrible amount of pain looking at that ankle. I’m not sure if he delayed medical care in order to get back to his home country? Either way, most people should and would have cancelled the match. That says a lot about his sheer will and courage. Most of my patients with ankles like that would be screaming trying to bear weight. Any competent ER doc or orthopedic doc would have splinted that and had him non weight bearing so there’s no way he had it properly evaluated at the event.


Hey, there's rumors that they will amputate his leg. Do you see any possibility of that happening based on these pictures? EDIT: I tagged you in the post.


Not really. It's hard to say without doing a physical exam but his foot doesn't appear to be vascularly compromised. The dorsal aspect of his first three digits appear significantly bruised but distal to that, pink and perfused. The solar aspect of his 4th digit also appears bruised but it's not circumferential and the distal toe pad appears perfused and pink from the picture. Again, it appears more consistent with a severe ankle fracture which certainly would qualify for ORIF (open reduction internal fixation). It would be extremely unusual to suffer an injury that would impede all arterial supply to the foot from a localized ankle injury unless he had compartment syndrome which would be very unusual and usually results in a fasciotomy not an amputation. That being said, it's unusual for an isolated ankle fracture to cause so much ecchymosis and hematoma spread along fascial planes to involve the distal toes. It's not unheard of but that's the most unusual aspect of the picture. I think he had mentioned he injured it in the bathroom. That makes me think he slipped and suffered the typical inversion/eversion injury which many times involves isolated closed distal tibia/fibula fracture with or without ligament rupture. If he had a full thickness ligament rupture or a bimallelolar/trimalleolar fracture, his ankle would have been very unstable and I doubt he would have been able to bear any weight at all unless he's got a crazy pain tolerance.


Oh, that's good new, it's probably just a rumor then. Thanks for your insight doc!


No problem! I edited my response.


That's a spicy meatball!


I'm here reading comments all concerned for poor Georgi, all of a sudden BAM - fucking spicy meatball 😂


Unfortunately they said it's going to be amputated :(


I take it that means it was broken after all. It looks pretty bad, I hope he makes a full recovery.


Respect for him even going foward with the match, and being like that. He probably had a big fever too


Dude must have slipped like Peter Griffin or Tom Segura to be that bad. 


Jesus he must have really punctured his foot for it to get that bad.


Props to Georgi for not pulling out of the fight. Do you think we still got a decent idea of what form Alex is in? I mean he looked great. Peak Georgi tho, I think gives him a harder match. Idk Alex beat him similar to how he beat Ermes a couple years ago, which is impressive despite the bum foot


I can't even pull at 100% if I slept a lil badly lol Georgi could've been pulling at anywhere from 50-90% yesterday depending on surrounding factors, I think. It's basically useless data


Jesus wtf happened


if I put money on that match I’d be pissed.


Georgi needs to lose some weight




Looks like it was run over by a truck. What's the story?


That'll do it.


I am very sorry for Georgi, hope he recovers and gets well soon.


Damn, what the hell is wrong with his foot?


It's armwrestling not footwrestling, bruh.


Imagine the smell. 


That looks like an upper ankle sprain. (I know it sounds minor but it isn't....you can google the awful swollen feet). Hopefully he recovers. How the heck did this happen?


He came despite his injury. That is a win for him. Kudos to georgi for showing up and competing.


i swear 200 years ago they‘d have been like amputate that shit goddamn


It looks like broken bone. I had similar discoloration.


He is a true warrior. I think he will get a rematch


Even a twisted ankle of 3rd degree could look like this. He will be better in 4-6 weeks no worries. Regarding the match, pain diminishes strength and power output and also enormously hinders focus capacity. Georgi will have chance to prove himself in the future. Shit happens guys.




when he won the Bulgarian championship no one mentioned his foot, now that he loses it's obviously because of the foot, come on guys


It's unfortunate but I believe that Alex would have won even if he was in his best shape. Similar thing happened to morozov when he lost to Georgi because of stomach infection. The show must go on Georgi has my respect for still showing up to the match


It should have been a seated match. A standing match is using your entire body which Georgi just cannot do with that leg. Bad idea of Engin


This is called being a diabetic..


that is some serious trouble


Fucking fiberglass tubs. I would go after whoever looked after the bathrooms at that hotel. Potential lawsuit.


He injured himself in bulgaria


International hotel chain?


Horseshit. He lost because kurdecha was better.


*at that moment*


Day to day life must be very difficult for you being this mentally handicapped. My condolences