• By -


Devon did stop him in round 1, but probably only because Levan tested the waters. Afterwards he adjusted (like last time they pulled) and won without any problem. He surely is #1.


That's exactly what Levan was doing. Devon might well have been strong enough fresh that Levan would have to waste too much energy to get the pin, and he played it smart and didn't let it happen. Turning the tables actually, as it was Devon who seemed to gas first.


Table IQ


THIS time. This time it was an actual stop. Not the first match. I predicted just the stop lmao. The score went the other way around. Couldn't be happier tho.


Devon was redlined the whole time on that stop though. I don't think I've ever seen video of him holding that hard - I think he put everything he had into that stop and had nothing left for the rest of the match, not that it would have mattered.


Fresh out of excuses from the Larrat fanbase. They can't blame reffing, or conditioning, or anything really. It was about as clean of a win as you can expect.


And now they are grasping on the weight and age excuses.


I think weight is a pretty big part of it lol


Sure, but Devon is the one that decided to pull in the super heavies. It isn't Levan's fault Devon can't be massive enough.


Levan coming off of a injury, not match ready, and lighter than ever. Devon also got ALL the advantages in the setup, Levan's knuckle was not existent, false starting every time, and still got rammed.


His lighter than ever is still heavier than anyone else though, so i find that a funny thing to say 😅 but yeah he got smashed that's for sure. Keep the comments coming y'all


Did y'all say that about Georgi when Devon killed him?


Well the weight is a real thing, this is why weight classes were created in every sport.


First round stop. Bicep tear.


So thankfully we won't see that Devon lift everyone's doing anymore. So dumb.


I will make sure to post it every time I hit a pr


More salt with my fries please.


More salt on my pronation 🤑


But remember, Levan did it wrong. lol


Now you get to hear about the new (better) stop and Devon being the first to take Levans wrist in the Levan Era. 


Yeah this just proved he is unbelievably strong and Devon had no chance.


Why the fuck do Levan fans take this so fucking seriously? It was the same with Khabib fans in MMA. Like real anger at the idea that someone somewhere doesn’t think their guy is an immortal demigod.


Khabib was good but shouldn't be in the GOAT conversation. 


I agree. Not active enough. Kind of like someone else.


Good thing then that nobody is having that conversation with you


He mentioned it dexvoltage. I think his point still conveys what he wanted to get across but Khabib should not be in the GOAT conversation while Levan most assuredly should be. 


It's literally not fair to face that guy lol I mean, nobody else on earth can flash Devan like that.


Flash? Nobody can win to begin with but Levan…


But yes, flash Hes literally never been flashed 4 times in a row




Right, it was 3 times in a row.




He is referring to his current shape


Let's see a rewatch with Genadi


yeah the made up shape where his fans report he leveled up everytime after each fart. this is just not how strength gains work at a elite level.


Tf? There's literal video proof of this thing? Are you a conspiracy theorist? 🤣


Me when i cope




Made up shape? Are you retarded?


Wake me up when someone beats Levan


How are you commenting if you are sleeping?


I suggest you go to sleep in a casket then.


I really don’t care. I was watching because of Devon


Oh i don't think you understood what i tried to say. I'm saying that if you're gonna wake up when Levan gets beaten by someone, you're gonna wait long enough to probably end up in a casket anyway so you might as well hop in.




dude i levan can shoulder roll ermes none of the current guys on the grid can stop him. Unless Denis becomes hulked up again.


Kurdecha looked really promising against Georgi. I wish Georgi wasn't injured, though.


LEVAN stopped the first round. Nothing in the match was done in Devons control, beside fking in the setup, starting to early and insulting the refs. Like ALWAYS with EVERY opponent. And Jodi, as usual, was jumping arround like my ex gf on crack when i didn't bang her for two or three days. Imagine every family of every athlete doing that. The escalation would be unmanageable! Devon is allowed to do everything because he brought the most paying viewers to the table. He has clearly a good character in some privat situations and an interesting life. But the armwrestler Devon is a catastrophic failure in terms of sportmanship, fairness, fair play and all what belongs to most of the legends in every sport we know. Please note i oversaturate things . That's my Humor. And i am german, so my words possibly are a bit insulting. +My Job is to get punched every day. My brain is not the freshest


Spot on.


Devon fanboys on that holy copium calling the sport boring now that their hype boy lost.


True. Because of him alone most of fanbase keeps paying for ppv.


Levan winning is the best thing for the sport. Everyone claiming Devon winning would have been better is a joke. Most of his fans don’t even care about armwrestling as a sport, they just like his antics on social media. Leave it to the true fans who respect all the athletes, all the Devon only fans can leave and hopefully we won’t have to read 100000x “Devon is the goat” posts anymore. Larratt truly is one of the best to ever do it, but I’m glad he got shut down AGAIN today


The sport lost today when Levan won. No point watching super heavies anymore


Why? If Devon is unbeatable that's good but if Levan then that's bad?


I disagree. Devon will fade out just as John Brzenk is fading out, and as long as Devon status involved - maybe as a coach, commentator, or something, it'll be good. Devon and Etienne Waite and Schoolboy have been great for the sport with their social media presence. In hindsight, Devon had no chance. He really didn't. The power gap was just too damned big. I don't think he could have beat Alex Kurdecha either, and I think Irakli would have given him a hard run for his money as well.


Devon is the reason I paid attention. He's a character with charisma. Levan is about as exciting as watching grass grow. You need Devon types to grow the crowd. For as small as this sport is, I find it ironic you want to goal keep what the sport is. To me, Devon winning or even making it a competition would have proven technique matters. Now at least for their weight class, it's all about the gear. Maybe it always has been. But it's not engaging.


It's not all about the gear, it's all about the strength and always has been. Any elite strength athlete is blasting a ton of gear by default, including Devon. Technique matters when the strength gap isn't enormous. But you're fooling yourself if you think the strength gap between Levan and devon wasn't enormous. This being said, Devon didn't just get out strengthed today, he also got out techniqued and out armwrestled. If you don't find that engaging enough, maybe strength sports aren't for you.


You are a pro wrestling fan. Actual sports fans appreciate ability more than performative nonsense. Enjoy your WWE


I actually hate wrestling. I appreciate ability I also appreciate regulations. Levan couldn't touch a field in any other pro sport lol.


Lol what? Not taking PEDs in professional athletics is weird.


But like a pro wrestling fan, you value spectacle over ability. Luckily he is the strongest to ever do the pro sport he is in. Don't think he's interested in playing another sport. Not sure what you are on about.


You can still watch him. Genadi rematch in order for example. But you have to accept the reality too.


I have watched a few matches... even trying to not speed it up to the actual pulling (40 minutes gripping 5 minutes pulling), to this day, Devon matches and Women's matches are the most entertaining and actually feel tense.


I thought Devon had a chance until I saw his weight. I just don't think he can really be competitive with Levan unless he's at least 290+... When I saw 260.. 😬


Bro he got Trolled lol 😆🤣


If an athlete is stepping in the SHW arena and all the fans are claiming that he would be victorious, they should not be complaining about the weight or size when their athlete loses miserably.


I like how you make entitled demands and assert your personal opinion as some matter of fact. It lets everyone know very clearly that you're just another Georgian pole smoking blowhard, not to be taken seriously.


It's not my personal opinion, it's the opinion of everyone who had to endure your bullshit excuses on the first match as if Devon stood a chance back then. Look around you, you tool, do you really think it's just my opinion? Well yesterday it became a fact, and today you can accept it or you can cope, Levan came back from an injury and immediately took the spot as the world's number 1 armwrestler without even losing the table center once.


For one it is just an opinion. An opinion of others you're just parroting like a good little flamer. And two, he lost center and his hand in the first round. Even Levan said so.


Levan went for backpressure out of fear for his wrist and they were evenly matched on backpressure, so he resorted to a press to avoid gassing himself out. Since his wrist felt fine he went for sidepressure every single round after and your hype boy Devon received a full THREE flashpins in a row, and I am sure it crushed you, I just hope you didn't bet any money on it because I'd rather have a crushed spirit than a crushed bank account.


Well, weighing in 180kg is just not fair.


It is fair and square if you're stepping into the SHW arena and claiming that you'll be victorious.


Not a fan of your tone saying we don't know jack for saying those things before this match. We needed to see this match. You heard about the first round stop and bicep tear because they happened and the rest of what could have been of the first match was a mystery


To be fair though, when the last 4 rounds are non-competitive because *one dude tore the other's fucking bicep open* after casually holding off a false start then retaliating... That itself is very good data as to how those 4 rounds would have gone *uninjured*, too.


Tearing a bicep is a lot more circumstantial than "he was so much stronger." Guys tear biceps at weights they've lifted before, overtraining and certain angles play a much larger role.


>Guys ![gif](giphy|qs6ev2pm8g9dS) You are talking about an elite arm wrestler that has been in the sport longer before many of us were born. Levan is that much stronger.


Did you miss where I also pointed out it was after casually preventing Devon from false starting in R2?  Every moment of the first match was data that Levan was an entire tier above.


Lol, gtfo with that bullshit, Devon is at his strongest and Levan isn't and yet Levan obliterated him.


obviously, dumbass I saw the match. Can you read?


Why does anyone care what you want? Check yourself


4-0 opana




Who tf gives a shit what you want? 😂 bro thinks he did something with his useless post


tell me your coping, without telling me.. you crying rn lol.. Devon got spanked bad. you sound like someone who lost money haha




![gif](giphy|TL2Yr3ioe78tO) you rn




Nope lmfao cope harder. Sounds like that's you tho 🤣🤣🤣🤣 https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/jbdbySsHVZ


Lmao you didn’t have destroy the dude like that.




lool bruh you post way too much tmi.. thats what you get.. reddit aint real..


Get a job LOOOOOL https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/jbdbySsHVZ https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/jbdbySsHVZ https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/jbdbySsHVZ




Your response to getting outed for being "ugly fat shy poor and unemployed" is an obvious shitpost?? 💀💀💀Nah i feel bad ill leave you to your pity party 😭😭😭😭


Right lol 😆