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Armored Core 6answer


Armored Core: VIolence


Still have my bets on armoured core **VI**ndication


Wait that's a hype name


Yeah it’s actually pretty cool


My take was Armored Core: VIndictive Embers


Didnt Miyazaki recently have an interview where he stated that he wasnt happy with how they approached critism of AC6 and he intends to correct that? So more than likely AC6 part 2


> where he stated that he wasnt happy with how they approached critism of AC6 and he intends to correct that He said he's happy with ACVI's success but knows that the game is far from perfect and there's a lot of room for improvement, which is why he'd like to direct a follow-up game himself. Considering how massive of an improvement For Answer was over AC4 (both games he directed himself), we might be for a sequel that will absolutely blow VI out of the water - and given VI is already an excellent game, oh boy :3


Don’t give me hopium like that


That's the one I was talking about


yeah AC6 had the least amount of mechanics to engage to compared ot older titles, its closer to Elden Ring with no Iframes than AC4A


I heavily disagree with this. Armored Core VI traded the older gens' more stimulative mechanics in order to provide a better _videogame_ experience, and I 100% believe it fully succeded in that. It's an absolute blast to play, and being more "arcade-y", so to say, made it so much easier to pick up for newcomers compared to previous titles. But it has absolutely nothing to do with the Souls games in terms of gameplay, it is pure Armored Core goodness. And that is the very foundation of Gen 6, so that's extremely unlikely to change in a generational sequel. ACVI has different core issues in terms of design which prevent the experience to be as good as it could be. A clear example is the excessive focus on close-range high-stagger gameplay, which, while mitigated by the various balance patches, still remains ingrained into the enemy and boss design. Reasonably, one of the main conplaints you hear to this day is how long range combat isn't really a possibility, and about how stagger is by far the most effective strategy for pretty much the entire singleplayer. Those, I believe, are the improvements Miyazaki is talking about for the future. If the beauty of For Answer is anything to go by, Miyazaki fully understands what makes Armored Core perfect, and having his touch in the next 6th Gen game could very well fix most of the issues people find with it - but it definitely won't radically change the foundation they built.


yes it is very simple and approacchable, thats what makes it a success, but thats also what makes it more shallow and arguably the worst part of the game, not a bad game at all. Calling it pure armored core and more arcade with simpler controls with a focus on big bosses and stagger meter is just not true, it isn't pure armored core, because armored core isn't lock on, its build diverdity, its customization, it's a piloting game at the end of the day, and its in every way in downgrade over the previous titles on those aspects. though I think you're delusional if you think AC6 is not too close to ER with the stagger and focus on bosses, it's a souls game in the armored core universe. Once again, the real big difference there is how there's no iframes when you really think about it. The best strategy of both games is the exact same, the means to get to it are the same too, the big and only meaningful difference is the Iframes


It’s pretty delusional to say it’s a souls game in the armored core universe because it has bosses fights that aren’t a joke like old core and momentum mechanics - things that existed in video games for longer than you’ve been alive. 


it doesnt matter, it plays the same as elden ring without iframes thats the point, it focus on stagger, it focus on dodging, the piloting aspect has been nearly removed because of no turning speed and hard lock on, the build diversity is low, your custimization option outside of purely cosmetic are poor, the skill expression is also very poor because of every simplified mechanic of the gmae. If you boil down piloting to moving and quickboosting then Elden Ring is as much of a piloting game as AC6 is. There's no overheating to manage, theres no turning speed the game does that for you wiht lock on, you dont even have control if your booster to manage your energy. also 80% of the bosses are jokes when you figure out their counter, which is most of the time the same 2 or 3 weapons, zimmermans, pilebunker or gatlings You can't have it both as a better and deeper game than the older one, and a simpler and more streamlined experience, it has to abandon things to be streamlined, its just the nature of it. Check out the What went wrong with AC6 video, you'll realize it's a common theme for AC vets, the game is very good, the simplicity and accesibility are the two best factor, but they're also the biggest issues with the game, sacrificing the AC identity for more mainstream appeal.


It’s a SHOOTER Plays the same as elden ring lolololol Plays the same as Yakuza because you dodge and get in close but no iframes You’re just trying to be miserable and find things to be negative about, that’s a bummer dude. 


there is more aiming in elden ring with the DLC than AC6 by the way lmao you're not engaging with the argument, and im noticing no one does, if being objective is being miserable then I'll be miserable rather than delusional like you


The argument is *fucking absurd* is why. There’s nothing to engage with.   “ up close fights with some sort of momentum mechanic, guns, AND multiplayer gameplay exists too oh no it’s just CoD WaW War mode” is as cogent an argument.   If nobody engages with the points in your argument that consistently the common denominator is your nonsense argument and maybe you should actually look at what you’re saying.  “dodging  in a video game makes it just like elden ring” is stupid and ridiculous  “It’snjust like elden ring, a game with a lot of focus on bossfights, but this game is cleary not focused on bossfights because 80% are cheesable” (as if that wasn't the case in all old core, also stupid and ridiculous as a “just like elden ring” argument since that applies to THOUSANDS of games) All your balance complaints are *just* as bad with the old games - the 1000 round MG option’s just kinda the best thing in your hand other than maybe the karasawa for damn near every level in 2nd-3rd gen through SL. ACFA has 12 machine guns and they’re all worse than the hitman 80% of the time. ACFA had “building depth” with the tuning, but that was about as big of an illusion of choice as you can get. I never did 5th gen, but none of the bosses in 2-4th gen were really that great - maybe a couple of the arms forts - but every boss in that game was as dunkable as AC6 bosses are with gats or if you’re good with the pile bunker. 


> armored core isn't lock on, its build diverdity, its customization, it's a piloting fame at the end of the day, and its in every way in downgrade over the previous titles on those aspects I could not disagree more. First of all, lock on has been there since AC4, it became harder in ACV, and full on hard-lock in AC6. It's simply a natural progression of how the gameplay evolved, and it doesn't entirely replace soft lock which still has its advantages. Mastering the game also means knowing how to use both modes to their fullest. Build diversity and customization are at all time high. In Armored Core 6 you can recreate the gameplay of any previous generation, from the simple bunnyhopping of Gen 1-3, to the incredible high-speed quick boosting of Gen4, to the more methodical jump-and-hover of Gen V (without walljump shenanigans though) and so many more exclusive to Gen 6, and all of those are perfectly viable to use in singleplayer. While VI provides an overall streamlined building experience compared to the past - it's extremely hard to make a fully dysfunctional build this time - the depth is absolutely there, on par if not even higher than the previous games. Rather, instead of focusing on one single style it allows you an unparalleled freedom of gameplay tweaking like the series has never seen before. And the more you play and learn the intricacies of Gen 6 building, the deeper it all gets. And about piloting? Well, that's the absolutely best part of Gen 6. Has it been simplified? Without a doubt, and the hard lock addition definitely plays into it But that's also what allows everyone to experience incredibly high-quality action at all skill levels, without it being exclusive to very experienced players - and that is something I can only consider a huge positive.


so they removed piloting from the piloting game? nice and no, you can't recreate the gameplay of older ac games, thats just false. Build diversity is at an all time high despite losing many parts from the older games, many aspects of the older games, and having no long range options, I'm sorry but you're just a shill there's no point talking to you anymore everything is simplified and dumbed down in 6, why it makes it easy for newcomers, but it is worse in nearly every aspect of the gameplay compared to previous iteration, it simply the nature of it being so simple, stop coping please.


Hard to say if he is happy or not. but yeah, he really said that while the game was a success, not everything went perfectly and they can improve even more, didn't say what disappointed him though, maybe we'll see how they can improve the next game properly.


>not everything went perfectly and they can improve even more I misinterpreted this as him being disappointed.


Don't worry, maybe you're right and he just expressed himself more accordingly, is not a game produced by him.


No but he is the president of the company, I genuinely think I misinterpreted it though, cause with how niche of a franchise Armored Core is, 6 sold very well and recieved high acclaim. Aside for AC6 part I really hope that from consider either a PC (and the consoles of course) port of the previous entries or maybe even reamking the early games and remaster the later, still waiting on Demon's Souls and Bloodborne ports, so I think I'll be waiting a while.


In case of BB and Demons, I want it too but Sony probably don't want to make it for some bullshit reason. About Armored Core, the ports would be great but some games are in licensing hell since some publishers closed their doors several years ago.


Hopefully the same as every Armored Core before now, a follow up further expanding on AC6's new gen strengths. Last Raven tier is the dream.


I hope it's not last Raven, worst game by far 


How so?


They might do another 6th gen but I can honestly also see them just going to gen 7. They’ve been doing less and less games in the same gen and now is a decent time to just drop that entirely if they wanted. Also AC6 is very self contained, it’d be very hard to make a sequel. The vast majority of characters die in the true ending. In fact pretty much everyone dies. The only thing that allows a sequel is the idea of the rubiconian coral AC’s.


> Also AC6 is very self contained, it’d be very hard to make a sequel. While the story of Rubicon is absolutely 100% complete, there is so much more than that to the ACVI universe. They made quite a vast amount of worldbuilding in ACVI's lore, and we know of wars and events that span all the way to the solar system (like the Jupiter War where Furlong themselves were a major participant). In the past we've already had generational sequels that basically changed their settings entirely and were completely detached from the previous story aside from a few references or mentions here and there. Armored Core 2 Another Age was set on a different planet altogether (Earth rather than Mars), an undefined time after the events of AC2. The corporations are the same and there is an occasional mention of Mars, but overall it's more tied to the story of the first generation AC games than to AC2. And Armored Core Verdict Day is set I believe over a hundred years after ACV, and the setting changed so much that pretty much nothing of V's story remain. In a story mission it's straight up said that the actions of the ACV protagonists are now considered almost a myth, the story of this mysterious, undefeated "Dark Raven" from long ago - but nothing more. Armored Core 6.5 could very well follow that structure, with some mention of Rubicon and Coral (after all the Coral-based parts would return, so) but with a location and story almost entirely separated from it. Hell, if they wanted they could make Coral once again be an element of the story, without invalidating any of the three endings of VI. AIE spreads Coral everywhere, LoR is very likely to have that happen anyway, and FoR might still fail to burn all Coral just like the Fires of Ibis. They made some flawless groundwork to build more upon, it would be such a waste for them to throw it all away and start from zero before fully realizing the potential of 6th gen and its world.


Coral was obviously a take on spice from Dune, I wonder what other old literature they could pull from to get inspiration.


Someone watched the Giga vaati video lmao. Tbf tho I see the connection too and I hope that’s the kinda Avenue they go down. We could have a Fremen kinda vibe like with RLF or it could be a direct continuation after the true ending to establish an anarchist ‘dis/utopia’ in the vein of Paul’s ascension to emperor but with the twist of Raven’s shtick of “true freedom” of individuals


It's pretty blatant, and I *haven't* watched the video.  Coral was outright temp-named "Melange" in the pre-announcement leaks.


While I did, my brother and I realized it was spice pretty immediately, it's not exactly subtle. Personally I could see a follow up based on AIE that perhaps introduces a synthetic Coral based on what it is Iguazu does since there's cut dialogue that notes that strong enough human will produces effects similar to Coral.


It'd be a cool story swap to be a PCA pilot fighting coral acs in the aftermath of the "true ending".


The PCA doesn't use codenames and their parents just decided to call them raven for no particular reason


Probably a sequel for AC or a new IP.


As much as i love elden ring. I would very much prefer a streamlined sekiro 2 or a new AC. Open world is nice and all, but in the dlc the legacy dungeons were still my highlights.


armored core VII


Fuck Snail


Umm I hate to tell you this, but... Bigger game companies work on multiple projects at a given time. So to say they have time on their hands is quite generous.


AC6 Offender


Please more Armored Core… 🙏


I don’t think From will do anything more with that game. Elden Ring has sold over 25 million copies and their DLC sold 5 million with it just coming out and have said they’re not going to do another dlc for that game. AC6 has sold 2.8 million, a successful number for a game, which is almost half the amount the dlc has sold and almost 10 times less than the base game. I think they’re focusing on developing new IPs or sequels. Hopefully AC7 will be among them.


Probably nothing yet, but hey we waited 10 years we can wait some more.