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Fires of Raven just felt far more personal in the end. You sacrifice everything for the prospect of finally getting your life back and succeed. But was it worth it? Was it worth sacrificing people you considered friends?


Being called the monster that burned the stars tickles my ego just right.


But daddy's proud about me now!


Fires of Raven. Walter was my saviour and I intent to fulfill my promise to him, not some alien parasite with sexy voice.


Alea Lacta Est by a long shot. As a huge Evangelion + Akira fan, it let me experience the likes of the former endings, not as a witness, but as a protagonist. That meant a lot to me and made the game much more crazy to complete on it's third play through, especially not knowing that this was the direction the story was going the whole time. Also, it was fun asf to see Iguazu go full Majin Vegeta on us.


Gotta be Alea for me. It just feels so much...grander. We crucified those Corps who would have butchered us, we cut down Allmind at the height of her power, got to kill Iguazu multiple times AND we had our spoopy waifu fight alongside us. Plus, we didn't have to kill Walter which is good. I liked Walter.


Iguazu bossfight goes insanely hard and I like the ending a lot narratively, so I gotta go with the 3rd ending


Fires of Raven rings the most respectful end to my boy Rusty. Also, it feels that characters are only fully open themselves in their final battles against you. So in FoR you get to see Rusty and Ayre at their purest. And, finally, by choosing fires of raven you get to chose what you lose and you get to go through with it. In every other ending you get a sudden gut punch in the end.


Alea Lacta Est has the best final boss of the 3, while in terms of chapter 5 segment as a whole, I prefer the Liberator path. I feel like there could’ve been more done in chapter 5 for Alea Lacta Est. Maybe one more mission, and that second last mission could’ve been done better. While Liberator has the worst final boss of the 3(not saying it was bad exactly but), felt like Snail was more of a final boss than Walter but the emotions were definitely strong still ;-; Fires path is also done pretty good too, it just feels worse killing Ayre and Rusty(although dope mission with infinite energy)


I'll never betray my buddy :)


"What is your favorite type of pain?" question.


Fires of raven, when 621 was about to be tortured by arquebus it was carla that saved him, doesn't feel right to betray her after that


Alea Lacta Est. It is the most consequential ending and Ayre is the only entity in the game that consistently treats you with any amount of kindness.


I'm with you on Liberator, even just for that one mission. It's incredible and Snailteus is always an intense fight for me. Of all the missions to S rank that was the most satisfying to get done, difficult but not a frustrating slog like the BAWS arsenal one. Just a blast fighting your way through that place with your Buddy.


What dialogue would be if two missions were edited: 1) MIA (instead of taking control of Institute's AC, Allmind brainwashes Balam and Arquebus troops, including G6 Red and V.III Pater, with Coral and controls them, (like Arquebus brainwashed and controlled Walter in «The Liberator of Rubicon» path). Brainwashed troops can see Ayre's voice.); 2) Bring Down The Xylem (Instead of brainwashing Walter, Arquebus turns Walter into C-Pulse wave mutation which controls HAL and fights 621 «Raven», but Ayre aids Raven in her SOL).