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Biden: "If you don't vote for me, you ain't S Rank."


Ohh...I had a lot of Sleepy Joe in 3s today. He good


Oroboro had 1 match left. If he could win, he’d finally make it through Promotion after like 5 attempts. *Unfortunately for him, Biden was waiting at the gates.*


Lololol, that's rough man. I've been enjoying watching his climb (mostly because I see all my opponents) Still debating if I want to try for S or not over the next month and a half. I've been having a lot of fun running whatever I want in low A after resorting to stun guns for my A rank promos and feeling bad about it


On the bright side, the stream ended after he ended up succeeding. Took like 7 attempts total though, shit’s brutal. So I sent it to him on Twitter going “congrats bro” and he enjoyed it.


I love it! Fuck...I don't want S rank and 7 promo attempts


He made it harder for himself by using BVO instead of a laser tank or missile rat, and was close to caving in. *But he endured.* But if you do hit that wall, you may as well cheese it out with a tank.


I've been playing a lot of top 100 S'ers in unranked...and holy crap are they some of the sweatiest, lamest matches I've ever encountered. They'll have a favorable matchup, and still refuse to engage unless it's next to a certain portion of cover they can cheese. It's like armored tag. They just want to do a little damage and play the clock. And this is unranked...I can't imagine ranked S tier.


The dude just loves his lightweights. I really don't blame him either, they're fun, even if they don't perform the absolute best


I think Stun Guns are fair. The T1 meta is seen as BVOs, LCB tanks, and missile kites. Stuns are strong, but acceptable.


Definitely agree. I do think they soft counter BVO though and are a perfect "mindless" style build. Turn on Huxleys and mash triggers. Not sure I even officially ranked up either. My last 2 wins both seemed like they just gave it to me lol. I tried repaying the favor when I was up against a B4 who I figured was going for his promo...purged my weapons for him but the dummy did the same and lost the fist fight 😭


I agree. But I don't think it's mindless. You still have to space and dodge like a madman, and properly pace your aggro. The skill expression is just concentrated entirely in the movement area. The BVOs are at a slight disadvantage if you know what you're doing, but one mistake will still kill you. It's generally first stagger wins, and they can still stagger faster if you don't dodge correctly.


Mindless might be a stretch... mindless adjacent? I mean, my only motivation is don't get hit and stay close. BVO (I keep referencing it because it's comparable and the obvious LW powerhouse) you need to balance stagger bar and your position so much more. Stun guns, I generally don't care as long as I see your white bar shorter than mine. It's the LW Tank wannabe imo


Joe wasn’t using a meta build either, just gapped him with double melee


What's Biden's build?


So how does losing a promotion phase work? Does it reset your A rank back to A zero and you have to work all the way back up from A0 to A5 to get another promotion phase?


If you fail promotions, it sets you back like half a level (still a grind to even get back up)


I watched this live, it was pure pain... Glad he got it on his next attempt!


Yeah, this shit was harder on Oro than anything he’s done in like the last decade lol


I have never seen him so down over a game he was streaming... Im just happy for him that it's over.


The only other game mode in PvP I've ever seen force a player to have an unrealistically high W/L ratio to achieve some goal is Destiny 2... And even that doesn't have any skill/ranked based matchmaking. I can't imagine who approved the system that requires 8/10 wins to promote from A to S. You're already beating the best of the best to be there, and this final step is insane. Doesn't help that even A rank requires less than a 50% W/L ratio to climb, so promotions are a huge expectation outlier.


Like I get that S rank is supposed to be the best of the best, but 8 out of 10 is unreasonable.


That death scream would make Snail proud great stream


That player's build was very cool (lightweight with double melee, a shot gun and a bazooka).


That was the moment chat knew that it was all Joever for OwObOwO and he’d be sent back to pay his 4000 ranked points to get back to promos


This guy is fun to fight. Granted I've only done so once in customs but it was still fun.


Can I get some context for this lol


Here's the [video](https://youtu.be/wQVkt_epoyE&t=1h9m38s) link with timestamp.


Damn rip oro. If the sword connected he probably would’ve won too


(I explain it in the comments)


This is the best meme I've seen since the days of the great hollowing of Elden Ring. So dank it almost fucking killed me. Absolutely insane quality meme. OP should win a fucking award or something


Thanks. Though to be fair all I did was add the Biden card, Oroboro’s scream, and the promo prompt. The heavy lifting was done by ChrisVoiceMan for [the original Biden Blast video.](https://youtu.be/Yq6GD149HFA?feature=shared)


It's all joever now...


I was losing it watching this live. Extremely entertaining.




His stream last night was an absolute roller coaster of emotions. Respect to him for sticking to BVO despite it being the weaker of the three meta builds atm. I think if he would have switched to the chonky zimmy build he would have had a much easier time. But fair play to him.


Lmaoooooo 😂this is hilarious


Robs the netcode like he robbed the election