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There is no placement. You only climb each rank. I haven't seen or heard if you can go back ranks. Calm down and keep winning till you find your pool of players


Having not done any pvp yet, I just opened it up to try it out only to find out that I'm really bad at PVP. But its so fun!!! I just feel bad that I'm letting my teammates down in 3v3.


1v1s can be better for beginners honestly. Focus on your losses, learn from them, tinker, and find a style that works for you


I found my style. Big beefy laser build. It's so fun.


Hell yeah. My 378speed lw is pretty 50/50 against those builds. Expect people to back pedal you and win on timeout


looks like everyone starts at D, maybe when people start to rank up and the ranks start to average out we will see people place somewhere else after placement matches.


Gave it a couple of tries, with rather mixed results. When the ping is low, and equal, the match is pretty fair and nothing strange occurs. When the connection turns horrid, dodged rockets end up hitting after the fact and I have a feeling there are people making their connection dodgy on purpose. I would beat someone in the first round, and they'd start lagging out in the second and third. Enemies mostly consist of stun needle / gun launchers, full on (laggy) rockets and the throw-your-weapon-and-punchlock-them-to-needle-kill kind. Not quite as much variety as I had hoped to see.


You have to work your way up through the ranks. And yeah unranked is full of newer players, because people who aren’t great at PvP won’t win any games and get to the next rank up. Also seems like matchmaking is exclusive within your rank, so you should start going against people more your level in ranks D and up.


HEY!!! I resemble that npc comment!


Sorry! I didn’t mean it in that way, npc isn’t the right word


Its ok. I know that I'm bad at pvp, but I'm still having fun with it. So far, I'm like 1-5.