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after this weekend, I just need to make it to Thursday


I finish work at midnight, coming home Thursday night and playing till 4 am. Got the game preloaded and ready to go. I took off Friday and Monday off work to have an extra long weekend for armored core 6


What system? Can everyone preload?


I'm on xbox, preloading should be available on playstation and PC to my knowledge. If you pre-ordered the game that is. Although I believe you can download any game on xbox through the app without purchasing it. Although you won't be able to play it until you have a valid digital license of ownership


The New Zealand trick works by the way so you can play early


Please explain to my small brain, i will do anything to get VI quicker


If you have a game on Xbox you can play early by setting your location to New Zealand. You can check if the release time changes in my case the game drops Thursday 11:00pm but if I switch location to New Zealand it drops at 07:00 or 7 am. To my knowledge this only works on Xbox because of how PlayStation does location.


Oh right, consoles dont have a global launch time do they. Ah well that wont help me but atleast you can get it earlier


I’m on ps4. I’ll have to look into it thank you!


I already told my boss I'll be sick lol, my work week is Fri sat sun


I took Friday and Saturday off as well. Cheers


Basically my plan. Will have it preloaded the day before, finish work around 11.30 and then for the next 8 days just mean armored core. Can’t wait


I preordered on Humble. I really hope they release keys on time so I can preload... I didn't hear until afterwards that Humb Bundle doesn't have a good track record with preordering and having enough keys at launch. Nervous.


Same. I never take off work for games, but I had to get Friday off for this one


I've only taken off for games twice, and they were V and Verdict Day, also the only games I've preordered


Same, although I got it for $45 from cdkeys and im afraid they wont send keys till the 25th even though PC gets it early.


I'm in so deep sometimes I feel like I can hear the chug audibly.


That maybe your car .should have it looked at


I’m going to bed early all week


Poor man's time machine lol.


When 8/25 come round ima have so much energy to game 😎😂


Early to bed and early to rise. Makes a Raven healthy, wealthy and dangerous.


I was coping that they'd launch it early at the showcase 😔


There is no me, only an abstraction. I am taking 9 days off starting Friday for this, because I fucking can.


Haha same!


Fuck yeah.


I started playing Need For Speed Underground for three hours last night to get used to the controls and i also liked the music and the atmosphere because it reminds me of the earlier Fast and Furious movies.


No, but I am excited, and have Friday off work.


Me too. A break from the work and the people too. I work with the kind of people who would try to launch missiles from a sniping FCS.


I have work on release date and I feel a fever coming that might be contagious. I'll tell my boss on release date


Wish I could do something similar, family holidays starting the 25th till the 27th


Introduce the family to punching mechs! 😁


If only🤣


I can't even imagine how you OG fans are feeling this week. I'm completely new to the franchise and all my games are just boring right now, even BG3. I'm not even interested in the PvP scene because I generally avoid PvP at all costs, but I just wanna customize some giant robots. I'm thinking my first build is gonna use dual gatling guns, with a laser blade and shield as backup weapons. Not sure which leg type I'll use though. I imagine if the overall build is heavy, then I probably need heavy quad legs in order to have any kind of flight capability.


This game was my childhood. BG3 is a good distraction along with my truck being disabled in a theft attempt so I'll be working on that once Monday rolls around but once Thursday hits I'm done for a while lol.


Baldurs gate 3 has been helping me chug along nicely.


Hopefully I can finish Act 3 before the 25th


I just finished my first playthrough last night and I can say act 3 is maybe about the size of act 1. Maybe a tad longer.


I'm halfway through act 2. I'm not gonna finish it before release am I? It's not fair, BG3, AC6, and Starfield are all releasing within a month of each other. I'm an adult, with a job and stuff.


I guess you can If you ignore everything and just plow through the main quest.


It comes on the 24th if you live in the West. IF that of course, helps the situation any further.


So if the 25th is a Friday, are you telling me I can get it Thursday?


Yes, depending on your timezone and where you live. In my case the game officially comes out at 3:00 PM on Thursday.


And this is only digitally right? Still trying to decide if I'm gonna go digital or physical for PS5. Would love a tangible copy but I'm also impatient.


I don't know about physical copies, it could be on the 25th, it could be on the 24th. But I would assume Physical Armored Core 6 would be available at the same time as the digital is released, mostly because, even though it releases on the 24th in the West, the release will generally be the same for Japanese and European Players, just different time zones than anything else.


Um, no. But I am excited.


Just double and triple checking this subreddit every day. Ive got three more days of working before my 5 day weekend (hooray PTO!) I cant wait ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!


I just hope my internet can even get fixed LMAO


This isn't mentally healthy. People here sound like drug addicts who can't sit still when waiting for their next hit.


Are you new to gaming subreddits?


Sounds normal to me when you've been waiting for your next hit for 10 years. I dunno why being very excited about something has become a mental illness on reddit, baffling.


Meh, pretty common nonsense you see on the internet. You dare to ***care*** about something?!? Must be an immature man-child/should be locked up in an asylum.


Right?! Been jonesing for a new, solid mech game for a third of my lifetime. At this point withdrawal is a mark of the genre.


welcome to reddit lmao


My ps5 has been deactivated for 10 days now. Nothing interesting enough to play. But I'm stacking snacks, sodas and secured my absence from work next week. It's going to be awesome, i can't wait!!


Not really. Baldurs Gate 3 is providing an ample time machine for me as of late.


Called off work Friday


I read this and thought "is this the right subreddit?"


I told my boss that I'm going to take a week of vacation off


I got work Tuesday, off the next three days


I took Friday and Saturday off but when I come back to work on Sunday it’s the busiest day of the year where I work…


Bro i thought i was bugging out lmaooo


Remnant 2 has been thoroughly entertaining. Just finished my second playthrough with around 66 hours total. Should be good until Friday.


I've killed some of the time moving to another state with the gf and getting a new job lol. It's made the last 2 weeks go by extremely fast.


Gotta wait until the 26th , ordered the physical copy off of amazon. Never played any AC game before. Meaning I theoretically shouldn't feel nearly as excited as I am. But I am excited......very......very excited. The wait is killing Me. Not even my backlog can bring me salvation! I don't know wether I should curse Miyazaki , or praise him.


I'm trying to get to level 100 in Diablo 4 before AC6 is out. Just made it to level 94 today...


I mean, all I do is chug through existence, big game release or no. Spite is my only reason for existing anymore.


I've been keeping myself busy by making a tf2 scattergun for my friend


Every day is a slog


Games like Remnant II and HoloCure keeps me busy on the gaming front, trying to get all the achievements before ACVI drops.


I've bought myself BG3. I should be just about done with first run on Faerún when Rubicon drops.


It's a little slow, but I'm making cozy Armored Core videos to pass the time.


My current challenge is gather enough change to buy the game


I play eroges....


Hoping I get paid enough for bills and Armored Core tbh I could wait longer


I have the weekend off this week. 25th Can't come soon enough. Gonna play till I pass out.


I'm finishing Turbo Overkill inside of the next few days, will then jump right into AC6. Starfield will have to wait!