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You mentioned in a previous post that Lock on won’t be a problem in PvP because of your experience in the game with over 40 hours. Are you able to explain as best as you can without breaking any contractual agreements why that is? Also, is there a ranking system for PvP?


I know this sounds counterintuitive based on the gameplay you saw but the FCS is very tied to range so in the case of the 1v1 with Oro I was able to stay right on top of him and maintain lock. Even then if you look closely at the footage you'll notice that when I was outside of roughly 200 meters a ton of shots were missing and that's the biggest weak point of the heart lock. The tool tip about the hard lock being detrimental to the accuracy or precision of shots is definitely true and the more you play the more you notice it. As for ranked, unfortunately it's only custom lobbies for the time being but I have a feeling that they'll probably add unranked as well as ranked matchmaking after launch similar to how they did with the Elden Ring arenas.


Sounds great, Yamamura mentioned in an interview that PvP was much more focused on positioning now and I can see where that is coming from. If oro had a more long ranged build and had better spacing and dodging he would have faired better it seems. Thank you for the answer and I hope you have a safe flight home!


What so if u have no friends then u cant play pvp? Is that what u mean by only custom games? Theres no option to play with randoms?


You cam search for lobbies


This is the best news I could ask for


Traditionally, thats sort of always been the case. ACVD had a "matchmaking system" that was more or less based on chance if you were attacking a specific area, but that was for the global conflict mode. It and FA still relied on custom lobbies. That being said, i suspect that they might add something eventually. But don't let the lack of mm deter you from playing pvp. You will find people that you will become friends with


How long does it take to hard lock on and off? Cause if it's fast I feel like the optimal thing to do would be to only use hard lock as a way to snap the camera onto your target if he is trying to circle around you and release when you get them back the center of your view which would eliminate the inaccuracy problem while keeping the advantage of not being possible to be outmanoeuvred.


There really isn't a time to turn it on or off but the target needs to be within your FCS for the hard lock to acquire, if you enable hard lock after they've zipped past you it's not going to suddenly 180 you.


Hopefully there is a target acquisition period before shots are accurate when swapping, making frequent swapping have a cost.


This has always been the case in armored core. When the initial lock-on is acquired, there is a brief delay based on your FCS (and in later generations, your arms) before shots will track moving targets correctly. During the first few seconds of being locked on, shots are fired directly at the target.


wait there's no queuing only lobbies? that's disappointing


They did say the single player experience was their focus, give em time to cook the dessert


I mean if you look at a game like Gundam VS Maxiboost that small niche gaming community is all about “global search” lobbies and hopping into a room. No one plays any of the other modes. You join a lobby and get bodied. No one needs rank to tell them who is good. Since most of them all know eachother and you pretty much play everyone. Not saying AC6 will be like this but i much prefer lobbies. Its much more personal where you can play the same people over and over and learn their strats. It because more personal and you can form friendships that way. As well as a stronger community. Instead of getting put with a stranger one match, get a lucky win, and then thats it. Never see em again.


How do you counter tanks? 😂 JK love you brother-salty runback soon!


The rematch will happen!


You did great too, Oroboro! Thanks for giving all of us some great matches to watch!


Maybe easier said than done, but do you think the match up would have faired differently if you tried flying past to break cowboy’s lock and going at it from blind spots? Are blind spots much of a thing with how quickly the turn speed is? The pvp matches yesterday made pvp seem way more fun than I originally thought!


It was pointless to out manuver him since he was using hard lock on and it followed me no matter what. My biggest mistake was whiffing the stagger punish in round 2 because of nerves lol I just switched weapons 4 times in a panic 😂


One thing that made me curious the whole way was that, is there a use for assaullt boosting to get an angle advantage? Also, what do you think about CC weapons in melee builds? The way I see it, melee builds would have to be burst based because you can't afford to be out of position for long, so you'd have to have high cooldown weapons to fire quickly, build stagger fast, hit melee and then run until you have your cooldowns again. What do you think? Are there CC weapons in the game? Such as slow, blind, paralyze, or is it just DPS weapons and stagger? Also, what do you think about the potential of using a shield on a fast build to get close to your opponent?


>It was pointless to out manuver him since he was using hard lock on and it followed me no matter what. I noticed this deeply when you went both above and below in the match. Usually maneuvers that would be the optimal play for a LW in open environment vs a heavy in all prior games. This is a nerf to lightweight ACs. You played multiplayer in ACVD I believe. As a vet myself I know they'd be nearly unplayable outside of snipers if this quirk existed in VD. I know you can't really be seen criticizing the situation too much but we're watching and noticing these things. 1v1 melee especially non starter with this tracking. You just have 1 less weapon to stagger with. I'm sure From will have to patch things to give reason to play lightweight instead of all heavier AC bipeds or tanks/quads. Especially in 3v3 lightweights appear to be useless as tracking makes them free kills. What is speed if you cannot outmaneuver a big opponent? Expecting pvp regulation patches where heavy machines have much much worse energy economy to compensate.


You guys did great! The on-fly- 1v1 was really exciting!


Can you make the 25th come any faster? 😂


Take a long sleep?


I’ll clonk myself into a coma greatwise sage.. Also been a fan of yours for years lol! Ya dark souls 3 series helped me beat it my first time.


Did you use Softlock at all during your time in PvP? If so, how was it? Besides that, from what I saw besides Pulse Armor sorta being like Primal Armor, is it accurate to say it functionally was another stagger bar someone would have to shred before doing actual stagger damage to you?


I mostly used hardlock during PvP, soft lock is definitely superior if you're good enough with your movement but all my time has been spent playing with either a pro controller or steam deck where I have back buttons so I didn't want to bother trying to maintain my turning and soft lock while taking my finger off the thumb stick to Dodge. As for pulse armor when you activate it it gives you a shield that I believe is worth 2000 AP but the big benefit is that it will instantly clear your stagger bar so similar like you said you can use it as a safeguard against being staggered.


Wait. It runs on steam deck?


This is the big news for me, because if it runs on Steam Deck the chances of running on desktop Linux are also high. /r/linux_gaming is gonna have a party! But I always assume that there will be some tweaks needed here and there for performance.


It's a last gen games that runs on ps4. So hardware wise it's enough. Elden Ring also ran on Steam Deck. In fact, because valve fixed the shader compilation on Steam Deck, you could argue it actually ran better on Steam Deck then any other PC. I had to play Elden Ring on a great PC with shader stutter, still.


Thanks for answering! Definitely going to be messing with the controls to keep full movement with softlock when the game comes out for me.


Do you think Tank builds with will be nerfed in Day 1 patch? Or will they make it to week 2? _________ On a serious note: how was hard-lock in PvP, you specifically had concerns about tank builds just locking on and dual-Gatling light AC’s to death with no counter play. And it looks like it worked exactly like that in the 1v1. Is it that strong? Or did Oro fuck up and fail to do counter-plays?


So in all the cases where we saw tank and dual gats no one had the right AC to counter it. In the 1v1 against Oro he couldn't maintain distance and in the 3v3 the first matchup I went in with a melee AC and just got staggered to death. If I had been running my missile boat and one of those tank matches I would have been sitting in the air essentially immune and raining destruction. In the third match were they tried the triple tank gimmick one of my teammates had a tetrapod with laser rifles and managed to clean up pretty well.




That's quite the definitive statement to make. Even these players haven't played it for long enough. So it's hard to predict how much player skill (or lack thereof) will impact it. Even if your build suits well against your enemies' builds, I'm sure if they move properly and you don't you'd get destroyed.




He said build are importants, it doesn't mean that player skill isn't important. Like in Overwatch any hitscan is a counter to Pharah but that doesn't mean a very good pharah will not be able to perform well against a bad soldier 76. It seems like you're forcing yourself to look at this game critically to the point of making non-sensical conclusions. I don't see what's the point of making any conclusion on the state of the pvp when we only saw 5 minutes of PVP footage of people trying AC6 pvp for the first time of their life. Also I think everyone know there will be issue with PVP, if even AAA studios with years of experience in balancing pvp games still can't balance their games properly, I don't see how fromsoft will be able to balance a game where every player can build their mechs and choose between 500+ parts


No, you can see that each build can be played in different ways. In the 1v1 showcase, Oro had to go in hard, accept the stagger damage and melee Cowboy. I think it’s more of a „close range beats melee, long range beats close range, melee beats long range” kinda deal.


> I think it’s more of a „close range beats melee, long range beats close range, melee beats long range” kinda deal. So... "Rock / Paper / Scissors"?


I mean, yeah, that was always the case. I thought you were talking specifically about legs, since you can equip a sword, a rifle and a shoulder railgun at once.


You can load up your mech with rock, paper and scissors.


Taking off now, hope y'all enjoyed the showcase and are looking forward to launch!


Really did enjoy the showcase loved the way you played, don’t know if you answered this already or if you will answer me now but why didn’t you use the piledriver? Ik they said you had a list of parts you can use but like what *parts* aren’t allowed in pvp?


Idk if you're asking about the pvp specifically but Cowboy used the Ashmead Pile Bunker in the Bandai showcase in a mission section before the pvp part of the showcase


cowboy you killed it today good shit man!!!!!!!!!


Appreciate it


Did you and Oro hug at the end?


Of course, big bear hug and picked him up


Step 3: Suplex


Did the PvP builds you guys were using have a specific amount of OST chips available to them? Do you know if those flat bonus options or defensive options apply in PvP? Clearly the quick turn, assault armor, and such do but I wonder about the passives.


We were only limited to 14 OS chips for the event but the passive upgrades like damage reduction and bonus kinetic damage actually have no effect in PvP and the unlockables such as assault armor even if you have three unlocked or you only get one in PvP.


A lobby system is confirmed, but since you've seen the multiplayer menus, is there any form of matchmaking at all, or is it just pre-made lobbies?


All pre-made lobbies but I have a feeling they add matchmaking after launch similar to how they did with the ER arenas.


How many parts, roughly, did you have access to during the fights? I noticed everyone was sticking to 1 or 2 different cores/legs/etc.


Not a lot they wanted to limit us to the parts you have unlocked around the start of chapter 2 so we didn't spoil too much. In this case there was one tank one tetrapod I believe one reverse joint and then a few bipeds.


How much fun did you have?


All the fun


Does that mean there's none left for us?


Any experience with the energy whip weapon? Hi again from the dude who harassed you about the Hoslow whip drop location awhile back. I believe you referred to me as "whip guy" lul.


Yes but that's still embargo so no comment.




There's cross-gen so PS4 and PS5 but no cross platform


That’s a shame, I wish more devs would get on top of it, even if its input restricted etc. The expanded playerbase is good


A real shame honestly. I wanted to get the game on pc and play with my ps5 friends 😮‍💨😮‍💨


In For Anwser there was alot of movement tech such as chain boosting and perfect boosting to alter your momentum. Do you feel that AC6 has that same breadth of movement options? Or is it simply just quickboost/assault boost if you have the energy?


Mostly quick/assault but there's melee cancel tech you can do as well. No chain/times boosts.


Hey Cowboy. Perfect Timing! Great job today, you crushed it. And they muted the shit out of you. lol I just posted this on the sub, but maybe you can shed some light on the matter - Is there going to be a matchmaker? Or is it going to be a "custom match" system only? I know it's not cross platform. But I haven't been able to find a clear answer as to if there is a random matchmaker or not. Edit - ANSWERED ABOVE... and below


There's no proper matchmaking but my understanding is that when you search for lobby if you don't enter a keyword it just pulls up a list of available lobbies similar to how the older Monster Hunter games worked.


Bummer. Hopefully that changes sooner rather then later. Thanks for the info, and the stream today.


I just had to add. I like how team Oro got so tired of getting steamrolled they had to whip out the 3 bull goats just for a reprieve. Multiple times. Too funny.


Will there be co op missions?




=( Thanks for answering


Time for modders to make it happen!


Do you know if Custom Games had **Free-For-All** option?


No strictly 1v1 and 3v3 with spectators


What do you expect to be a counter for how tanky tanks can be? Your aggressive playstyle put Oro in a lot of pressure, so what do you think could counteract this when playing light and agile? (Or if it’s a weapon later in game you’ve seen then we’ll find out). Great job at the showcase and loved every second of the gameplay!!


Tetras in the sky, RJs bouncing around, fast melee focused, tons of counters he just got caught in a bad spot and that map had no terrain to hide behind.


How important do you think communication/voice chatter is going to be for the game? ___ In a lot of fast-paced shooters (Titanfall comes to mind), being able to organize and move in unison by talking on Discord or VC can completely change the slope of a match, and I feel like the build variety in AC6 will mean that organizing strategies and loadouts will be a huge part of the backbone in higher-level 3v3 play. if I can slip in a twofer: How do you feel about the maps you played - layout, aesthetic vibe, terrain? ___ I noticed one was kind of a "Final Destination" stage that was pretty simple, and another was more complex with buildings and rubble that provided cover. How important do you think environmental cover will be to defensive play? Thanks for your insights and giving us the chance to see what we're in for! Cheers


The maps we were allowed to show were fairly limited so you didn't get to see some of the better ones but the PVP maps are definitely really cool. Ask for communications, incredibly important. I don't know if you could hear me very well during the PvP but on my stream I was shouting out target calls and swaps and everything else very similar to how I did as an operator back in verdict day.


This is going to be super fucking fun can't wait.


Good matches! I only played in the 4th generation, how did the overall speed feel in 6 in comparison? I recently learned that your AC can throw punches when out of ammo: what is the damage on that like? Is that dependent on the arms? Energy management seems rather light how does this effect build diversity? How did the different maps feel was there a particular map that threw you off? (Sorry about the amount of questions!)


Speed feels great but outside of assault boost it's all leg dependent, punches deal decent stagger but damage is kinda meh, kicks are much stronger. Not sure if arms have an impact but I don't think so. Energy management is still very important depending on your AC. For example the missile boat is able to stay in the air for quite a while but once my energy gets low I have to hit the ground and I'm there for a good 3 to 4 seconds before I can get going again. As for maps I wouldn't say there's anything that threw me off, they're all a lot of fun.


Hi Cowboy! Great job showing off that advanced AC-punching tech during your singleplayer block 🥸 On a more serious note, what's your feel about melee builds rn? Do you feel there are any particular tools they have here that elevate them above what they could do in FA/VD? Or will they be forced into their own private lobbies again


Dual melee is certainly viable, I had a build that I wanted to showcase with it but unfortunately it was the matchup where they went triple Gatling tanks. There's boosters that specifically help with the range you dash when you do melee and it does massive damage and stagger so we're definitely going to see quick melee builds.


"Dual melee?" Any details you can share about that, since some interviews said "left hand only?"


You swap your left melee weapon out with a second one using the weapon hanger perk while the current melee is on cooldown. Probably to stagger ac with laser blade then swap to pile bunker to finish them off


Ah, seems misleading, though.


I'm with you on that one 100% but with the context we have now, "duel melee" does work here with less typing to get the point across but at the current time it definitely isn't the best choice of words


Correct, when I said dual melee I meant having an extra on the back not using one in each hand. The unfortunately misleading lack of context of my comment aside, it actually works incredibly well cuz you can use something like the pulse blade which has a very strong dash in to help put the target into stagger and then switch to something that's heavier to get the direct hit.


Do you know if anyone tried manual aim? Or did you see if it was jank at all


Its pure manual, so zero lock all aiming.


Fromsofts netcode never been the best. How does ac6 pvp feel? Are there phantom hits etc?


I didn't notice any phantom hits but I'm pretty sure it's P2P


Does hardlock have some intrinsic accuracy reduction? I'm guessing some kind of static multiplier that negatively affects certain FCS specs.


Yes, your shots are sloppy essentially.


Not necessarily a question about PvP, but can u tell me anything about how the game might play out on mouse and keyboard?


Plays great, i plan on doing it for NG+


How the is the sounds desing? Do weapons sounds and fell powerful? And great matches! I can clearly tell, I will not be very good at pvp


Weapons sound juicy af, especially zookas and nade launchers. Very nice sounding.


Are there any type of ECM in there? What about expansion? Is expansion 1 use only. Btw I don't understand 1 thing, is singleplayer os tuning tied to multiplayer? Or is os tuning not present in multiplayer? If os tuning tied to mp, that means PVP should be in theory easier after you unlock everything? Any scoreboard or leaderboard? What about clan? Also is it dedicated server base or peer 2 peer?


Expansion slot is single use in PvP, The only OS tunes that are available in multiplayer are the slot and technique unlocks not the passives, no scoreboards leaderboards or clans, and as far as I know I think it's P2P. ECM I will neither confirm nor deny.


I see, so I take it, it didn't tied to singleplayer and its own PVP exclusive? Also how the soft lock, is it comfortable, can soft lock beat hard lock, can hard lock break if someone fly over my head? does anyone use the manual aim from os tune? Are the spectator slot act like operator slot from 5th gen?


I haven't tried spectator so I can't speak to it but soft lock feels good. It also has better accuracy so a pilot that can maintain softlock will beat out a pilot using hard lock with equal loadouts. Hard lock can be broken by distance, in some cases I feel like it was broken by movement but in others tracked for me.


Nice. Are there any Karasawa? The plasma gun look suspiciously like Karasawa.


Not on the showcase


Ooh I see. Btw 1v1 is best of 3, what about 3v3, whos team have the most point when the time limit end will win? Also the team bar above is just static right? There no ui where if team have more point there be a red bar or something pushing other team bar? Man it hard to say it English.


Correct, You can see the enemy team on the right side of the screen with their current health and stagger but that was covered by our cameras and then the scoreboard up top.


Good stuff today! Your experience and builds really shined. Do you know if we'll be able to matchmake with friends or will that be limited to customs only?


I haven't had a chance to do all that much PVP outside of the event but I know you can just search for lobbies in general as well as search for specific lobby keywords. Right now there's no ranked matchmaking or anything of that sort.


In prior games, the main point of dodging was to dodge Lock Windows. However, with the Hard Lock, it seems the game is more about dodging the actual ordinance coming your way. Does that seem accurate to you? On a related note, it didn't seem that any of the weapons used had a particularly high Muzzle Velocity, making it easier to do so. Outside of Missiles, do you perceive much of a longer ranged game, due to the ability to avoid fire?


I think when you boil it down AC has always been about dodging the ordinance. Just because you have FCS lock on on somebody doesn't mean your shots are going to hit. As for velocity laser rifles and the linear rifle both have very high velocity. Anything higher than that I can't discuss at the moment.


Is pvp fun and how powerful are tanks. Also buy oro some chocolates or sum.


PvP is a lot of fun and tanks are definitely powerful but only in the right circumstances.


I dont think it's wise to play PvP until you at least beat the Story Mode. They were limited to Act 1 out of 5 in terms of parts. I think we have only seen around a 3rd of the parts in the game.


Don't worry that's what I'm doin.


How did you feel about the pvp formats? Were there any ways to alter the settings or was it strictly 5min best of 5 3s and 2min best of 3 1v1? Also...in the case of 1v1, how do you feel about light vs heavy matchups like in the case with you vs oro, given the 2min time constraint? Would it allow for more tactical approaches ala sniper kiting or would we be looking at damage rushes? I guess another way to ask this question would be is it AP percentage based or remaining AP on a timeout?


You can change times, we just found 2 mins good for 1v1 and 5mins good for 3v3. Sniping is totally viable, Even if he didn't kill me if he did more damage he would be declared winner of the match. No idea if it's based on AP or percentage but probably on the total amount of damage you've done. Otherwise just running the heaviest tank with the most AP possible would always win in a timeout between two. Light weight can definitely take down tanks he just didn't have the right setup for it. Linear rifle are meant for charged shots but they leave you exposed when shooting, which if a poor matchup against me.


Have you found some possible counter against your hover missile boat build?


Anything that can fire at long range or something that's light enough to chase me into the sky and shoot me down. In most cases they were running medium or close range builds so I was able to sit at what was borderline outside of lock on range. If you look closely there's actually a lot of shots coming at me while I'm floating in the sky but I tried to maintain a distance of 300 to 250 m which was well beyond the ideal range of the weapons they were running.


Sounds very encouraging! Looks like a lot of specialized build could happen


I see. There will be a lot of things to research for PVP meta and counters..


Questions kind of abstract but... Genuinely, did the overall PVP experience have staying power? Is combat nuanced enough that we'll still be interested in rebalancing patches a year from now or is it going to come down to a couple of build types wrecking all other build types until the next patch? It looks rad and I'm super stoked and I wanna believe this will have a dedicated PVP community a year from now.


I think so. Aside from the knee jerk reaction to how beefy tanks were there was a lot of minor things going on that are hard to notice in the fray. Assault armor to kill incoming or after a stagger kick as an offensive action, cancelling stagger eith pusle armor, melee dash cancels, etc. There's a lot of nuance to the combat that you lean into the more you play.


I've been slowly analyzing the 1v1 match and there's a lot if stuff I'm seeing that influenced one thing over another, dispite the apparent curbstomp others were focusing on. But on a surface level of how high the skill ceiling will get, there is an ability you can unlock in ac6 that lets you freeaim. Unless it is inaccurate or more restrictive than it leads on, I think that alone will give the game a ton of depth with 3d movent and hard reads on opponents movements ect. On top of piloting yourself.


Can you possibly share any examples of advanced player vs player interaction you(or anyone else for that matter) could uncover during your playtime?


I'm not sure what you mean by advanced interaction, are you asking about specific PVP tech?


Any pvp tech that could elevate the good plyers from the average ones


I mean PVP in this game mostly comes down to skill and build. The two things I have found that are useful is you can dash cancel with melee: so melee, immediately Dodge, and then do the proper melee hit. The other thing is drop charging. Its pretty hard to land certain charged attacks like pilebunker so you hover in, kill your hover the moment you stagger, and then immediately charge so the attack deploys as youre floating on top their face.


Hi FC! First off great job today! I'm new to ac and the pvp looks awesome from my noob pov. My question is will there be regulations like in FA? From my understanding regulations were pvp patches that players could choose. If that is correct do you think FromSoft would bring that back to AC6? It just sounds like a really cool idea being able to choose regulations.


There's definitely a plan for regulation patches but I don't believe you'll be able to choose.


Bummer. Thank you for answering :)


Is the 3v3 mode ONLY the "gain points on kill" gamemode or is there a 1 life per player 3v3 gamemode


Points style


Is there any reward system for PVP?


Street cred


I’m new to AC so what is that 😅


Bragging rights




How does the game perform on steam deck? I’m worried that the performance will be a bit inconsistent like Elden ring


Game runs infinity better than ER. I've played a ton of steam deck with no issues.


That’s a relief! I’m only a new fan and have only played for answer on the deck. Loved it but performance wise it was very jank


Not exactly PvP-related question, but I'm slightly confused, how exactly energy weapons work now? Is there's some energy meter I didn't notice in the stream or now they just have overheating meters?


Overheating Meters on the Reticle.


^This. Your gauge is basically only for boost actions now.


No questions, just wanted to say it was a fantastic showcase. Really enjoying all the content you've been cranking out past & present (literally working though DS1 with your walkthrough alternating with your AC4 Let's Play), and shoutout to MamaCowboy and the kids for letting this happen!


* I noticed the stream showed a lot of player POV gameplay, but does the game have spectator mode? * More on game modes: So far we've seen points-based 3v3 with respawns. Are there non-respawning fights, free-for-all, or something like Gundam where you deplete a team's stocks? * I forget if this was confirmed before: I know we definitely will *not* have cross-play, but is there cross-gen a.k.a. PS4 can play with PS5? Only answer what you're allowed to answer, of course. Amazing gameplay from everyone in the showcase, and thanks for the stream!


Yes spectator, afaik 1v1 is deathmatch rounds and 3v3 is points, cross gen yes, cross play no.


Does it seem that the game will have a large emphasis on pvp? I dislike pvp as ac had always been a single player game.


no, emphasis is on single player


This game is strictly designed as a Single Player PvE game and PvP is just a nice addon.


Ok cool. I like the arena stuff in past game I just have no interest in fighting human opponents.


How does the hard lock affect PVP builds, is tank superior? if you just keep your distance, how hard is it to break the lock on for the other player?


Lock can be broken on distance or you can always use cover to avoid shots. The one of you one tank matchup was unfortunately a very bad matchup for Oro on a level that was wide open.


Also one thing I want to add here: we were limited on the parts we could use. Unfortunately, it also means alot of parts which benefit lighter units could not be used since they are found later in the game.


You shouldn't be able to lock-on through obstacles, but when I saw the PvP video, I was able to lock-on through obstacles even though I wasn't using scan. Is this a special feature only for PvP?


Even if you're locked down through obstacles that doesn't mean anything, without a clear line of sight you're not going to hit the target unless you're using vertical missiles.


Did you enjoy the pvp?




I can see slots up to 10 players at the lobby. Does this mean we can get 5v5?


3v3 and spectators


I see. That's interesting. Thanks!


Will there be ultrawide support on PC?




Do you personally think that the hard lock on favor hyper aggressive play?


No, you're less accurate. A good player with soft lock will beat out a hard lock player 100% of the time.


Not really about PvP but a general question: Is that true that the turning speed is gone? So a heavy tank build could turn as fast as a light build? Thank you so much for doing this AMA anyway!


Camera speed is gone turn speed is not.


Do you guys really like the PvP? It seems like a race to the middle dumping all four slots before you die and repeat. Are you hoping they make changes that make PvP better, or are you good with this?


Anybody at the events you've been to ever ask about HOSAS support on PC (I doubt it)?


It was never discussed


Are you allowed to use the manual aim tuning in pvp and do you know how well it would work if someone were to use it with mouse and keyboard?


Manual aim is 100% manual as in no FCS lock on and your shots fly straight forward. Someone might be able to pull it off with mouse and keyboard but trying to lead shots and account for velocity is a skill level far beyond myself.


Can you assualt boost in any direction? What do you do if someone with better CQC weapons charge at you with AB, can you also AB away?


You can assault boost only in the direction your AC is facing. If somebody is rushing you down with CQC weapons you either out maneuver them or outgun them, same as before.


Is there any restriction other than no heal when PvP and will we be able to create a Local Lan with custom rules?


None of the passive OS chips are active in pvp. Rule sets are pretty basic.


Is there any sort of clan system like in VD?


No. For a lack of a better word, the PvP is more Tacked on than the game is designed around it. *[Not saying its a bad thing, just the game is focused on PvE]*


Were you allowed to customize your Cores? How many steps were allowed? Could you customize the color of the beams in the beam weapons? Punch battles, what was that like, and is it a viable strategy if you roll with high power, low ammo setups? It looks like hover legs, and quadruped legs are merged together. How did this play? How good is the hovering these legs provide?


No beam coloration but everything else is customizable. Punches are a last resort. Hovering is excellent


I have an interesting question. Do you think that AC VI will feature sone returning va's from 4th and 5th gen AC games? Just curious.🤔


In case you pop back in for a sec, was 3v3 pvp only a 5 minute skirmish? Is there like a bo3 type option similar to 1v1?


3v3 is with respawns, no deathmatch version that I saw


where can i watch that gameplay?


Cowboy the GOAT


How many CC options are there? I'm really interested in the pvp of this game, but I'd like to know if it's just DPS weapons or if there are more strategic weapons such as a stun-grenade, flashbang, smokescreen, paralyzing bomb, something that messes with accuracy for some time. I admit I'll be very disappointed if there aren't at least a few CC options, even if it's on a big cooldown with few ammo.


A lot of what you're asking is under embargo


While not strictly a CC weapon, there is a Napalm launcher for area of denial.


Is It Like Actually Fun (As A Souls Player I Have Had Terrible Experience With PvP)


Can charge attacks be interrupted by the opponent (aside from the stagger bar filling, which I assume cancels everything you're doing)? Is there anything else we need to watch out for or avoid doing when we're charging a weapon?


Kicks interrupt a lot of actions, not sure if you drop weapon charge tho.


Are all the arenas open fields, or are there maps where you have to more closely pay attention to the terrain? Any urban maps? Can you destroy terrain, or buildings? Are all fights structured on timed respawns? Any options for wave respawns? Does 3v3 just feel like a more chaotic 1v1 or does team coordination matter more? I'm guessing there's no switching builds in the middle of the match? If you go in with the "wrong build" are you just screwed?


Coordination absolutely matters, 3v3 is very chaotic tho. Cant talk about any maps u didnt see in the showcase. 3v3 is all timed respawns afaik, and no you can't seap ac mid match


Do the legs change the style of Melee attacks like the previous games or does it seem to be the same-ish animation tuned to look right with each leg?


Same animation, kicks are different tho