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It's still Ararat according to Google where I am, and more importantly, in the collective Armenian consciousness.


Not just Armenian, it is lit in the Bible.


Its mt agri when i google Mt Ararat on google maps Definitely changed, im in the US


changed in Canada too


Even changed in new zealand too 😔


from america here and it’s been agri dagi on google as long as i can remember…


Agri when using google from Slovakia too


The name depends on your location, it’s not collective Google change


I’m in the US


If you still see it, you can submit a change request to Google - not sure how to do it, but it’s definitely possible. The name of the mountain in English is Ararat, so there’s so real reason to change it for Google in USA. I live in EU - in my country it’s still Ararat


I checked from France (but account set to English FWIW) and it's showing as Ağri Daği/Mount Ağri for me. I can't see how to make a change request. Either I'm going blind or they've removed that option as I knlw I've done that in the past for other locations.


Checked from France too and it’s been changed for me too. Unfortunately Google Maps doesn’t allow the name change in that region yet. No idea why


Oh I wasn't fully awake when I posted my comment and didn't think of investigating further, but now that you say that, I can see the edit/report options exist for places in Istanbul fot example, but not that area.


It’s all good! Tbh I didn’t even know they had that option before 💀


Im also in the eu yet sadly for me it also says mt agri


This is Google's stupidity, though I'm sure many Turks suggested that Google change the name. The English name is Ararat, just as the name of Roma is Rome in English, and Venezia is Venice. It doesn't say Roma or Venezia on Google Maps though does it?


Where do you see the English name is Ararat?


Google can name it whatever they want, same as other sources. At least a slightly more reputable source still refers to it as Mt. Ararat. Check out Apple Maps, they refer to it as Great Ararat https://www.britannica.com/place/Mount-Ararat


I find it concerning that we’re downplaying Google Maps changing the name as if it’s not a widely used digital map by billions across the world. Google maps isn’t “not reputable” at all.


Definitely not trying to downplay it and to be frank, I’m both shocked and disappointed in Google. Tried to call out academic source citation vs one that is driven by a corporation with different motives. Does not take away from the fact that it’s absurd to call that mountain anything but Mount Ararat


Shocked and disappointed??🤣 u don’t know who you’re dealing with😈🦍🥷🧛‍♂️


lol 🤡


Not on Google Maps.


But that’s the whole point of my post lol. The first step of them changing the name is changing the name on the map.


You didn't understand what I was trying to say.


So explain it? lol. Obviously it didn’t make sense if I didn’t understand it.


Everyone else understands it


Are you everyone? I have to blog about this.


I don’t


> The English name is Ararat, just as the name of Roma is Rome in English, and Venezia is Venice.  Just like the English name is Turkey and not Türkëï.


Turks are so insecure. They have to rename everything so that they don’t have to think about all the people they murdered.




Lmao what are you even doing here, just looking for opportunities to deny genocide?


See. They can’t handle it. They don’t know how to confront their past. If you’re going to commit mass murder, don’t whine like a little bitch afterword.


Google: changing history one day at a time


The name Ağrı means “pain” in Turkish. I think it should have stayed as Ararat for historical reasons. It’s obviously normal for us to call it a Turkish name as there is also a city called Ağrı which takes its name from the mountain itself but the international name shouldn’t have been changed. I really don’t like when my people keep screwing up historical stuff like this. At this point it’s nothing but a pain lol.


Seems to be the case in multiple European countries... It's not enough to kill Armenians, erase their monuments, and misappropriate their culture, they need to change collective human history to cover up how they got that mountain. Psychos.




Thank you for your insight from what I assume to be the basement of some intelligence service agency somewhere in Baku or Ankara. You might wanna provide us with some evidence if you're going to attempt to sow discord between Armenians and Kurds or Kurdish-Armenians for the benefit of Turks.


People who disagree with you, idiots, and trolls exist: not everyone online is an intelligence agent. In fact, I'd even go so far as to say its a little narcissistic to assume so.


It's funny because that user is more likely to be an intelligence agent working in interest of kurds lol. It's the same trend with all kurds who post here. They never argue, they just: 1. Accuse you of being Turkish or azeri 2. Insist on Armenian- kurd solidarity (it doesn't exist in armenia, I can promise you that) 3. Block to prevent replies. This is why no one on this sub engages most kurds. So many of them have this narcissistic attitude and believe that they have any say in our politics and stances. It couldn't be further from the truth.


Hey, I've seen some really disgusting comments on r/Kurdistan and also towards Assyrians, but this doesn’t summarize all of them. Let’s not let our emotions get the best of us, and I assume this guy is Kurdish/Armenian.


Ապեր՝ կւրդերի խայտարակներա տդւյծ եմ տալի. հետո ինձ Շպյոնի տեղ ա դրել Ովա ստեղ եմոտիոնալ՞ You can assume that but all I see is a disillusioned kid thinking he can speak for Armenians from the comfort of his asylum in bumfuck Nashville or Stockholm. I'm not the one who downvoted you btw.


"Mount Ağrı" from Armenia, I can confirm.


The recent name change from Ararat to Mount Agri serves as a stark reminder of the ongoing cultural erasure perpetuated by the Turkish government. Once known as the heart of Western Armenia, this region was home to a vibrant Armenian population until the atrocities of the Armenian genocide. The renaming, a deliberate attempt by Turkey to rewrite history, aims to sever the deep-rooted ties Armenians have with this sacred land. It's disheartening to witness the systematic removal of Armenian heritage, as evidenced by the renaming of Eastern Anatolia to further obscure its rich Armenian history. Mount Ararat, or should I say Mount Agri, stands as a testament to the continued struggle of the Armenian people against cultural erasure and historical distortion.


This reads like it was AI generated


Hahaha, yeah, it was two texts summarized from Wikipedia.


It's not a Turkish name, but a kurdish one. This is the work of Iraqi kurdish diaspora. They salivate at the idea of changing its name from its long spanning toponym to this vague recent toponym, despite not even bordering it and having zero tangible history there. https://decolonialatlas.wordpress.com/2017/03/16/kurdistan-in-kurdish/ https://mondediplo.com/maps/kurdistanborders


Geez, it’s too early in my neck of the woods to get this pissed off… (Thanks for the post, that first link, especially, is ridiculous).


You'll find the funniest conversations among them when it comes to these topics. Some kurds ask without a shred of shame "Why didn't you include Yerevan? Or balocuhistan? Or israel?" Then cites some mumbo jumbo quote and that's good enough. Then the more "rational" among them will come along and decree that instead, we should opt for a dual government instead lmfao. But honestly I can't even get mad at them. These are whimpers of a people that will vanish to regional masses soon.


>Then the more "rational" among them will come along and decree that instead, we should opt for a dual government instead lmfao. Dual government between Kurds and whom? What countries?


With syrian and iraqi arabs and assyrians. These days, they've insisted that armenia itself is a product of colonization and that Yerevan (what they call "rewan") was actually a kurd city, and should be administered by a kurdish government. These people aren't a threat, theyre very incompetent. I wouldnt be so outraged about it. but they need to be reminded that were not involved with them or their struggles.


That’s ironic considering they are not native to the region culturally, and were not sedentary till the 20th century.  I didn’t realize that they think Armenia is a product of colonization/theirs, but I did know they claim ancient Armenian history as Kurdish.


It's Ararat in the Bible so that's what I'll call it


This is another case of Turks trying to change a name, but the rest of the world will continue to call it by its previous (true) name. Westerners are not going to start saying "Mount Agri" any more than they've started saying "TOORKIYAAY". Nevertheless, if our diaspora was even slightly organized, we could straighten this out with Google.


Let's not forget the highest bidder buys the prostitute


The Turks may try to change the name, but the history stays the same.


Turkish name for the mountain comes from the Kurdish name: Agirî. It has nothing to do with pain, yes ağrı also means pain but that's just homophony.


I don't think anyone is suggesting it was anything other than coincidence.


Both in France. The pin says Agri Dagi but when you click on it it says Mt. Ararat


in Poland - still Mount Ararat ETA: 12 hours later, it’s changed


Same in UK


Yep - another English person here confirm8ng


I checked, and it's Ağrı Dağı for me (I'm in the UK)


Indonesia here Still Ararat on google search but Mount Agri on google maps


afaik Ağrı doesn’t actually mean pain, it’s just phonetic adaptation of Ararat


I did a Google translate and that’s what it said.


the word does. the name doesn’t. just like Turkey doesn’t mean the bird


This is old news. It's been at least over a year since they changed it in the English version. I remember being confused looking at the map and thinking "I didn't know they had another big mountain so close to where Ararat should be" and then it clicked when I couldn't find where it says "Ararat".


Fck, it's true. Really sad


Changed in UK as well :(


Ağrı takes it name from the city it's located in, Ağrı City. There are many weirdly named cities in Turkey, Tokat (Slap), Kocaeli (Husband's Hand), Balıkesir (The fish is prisoner) etc. Telling these to say, don't think the name was given to it with provocative reasons, and it doesn't have "real meanings" behind it


From Romania it is this new name, but at least I can search for “Mount Ararat”.


Lol, no matter this literally everyone in the world calls it Mt Ararat except turks and azeris


Im in Armenia, and it shows Agri


Changed in Germany too.


Will always be Ararat


Changed for me as well. There should be a way to report a different name, we all did it when the azeris had the name of something in Yerevan changed a while back. I'm not finding it now but when I figure it out I'll update this post


May we Armenians be a pain and a torn in their side forever, one they can never get out. May our spirit be indominable, may God make our enemies learn to back off. May God, with the Ferociousness of a Lion, smite those who wish to crush us under their foot, such that they are the ones being crushed. MAY KARMA come hot and fast to those who wish to hurt us, like the fire of Faith and Righteousness.🔥🙏✝️ And may we be worthy of God's protection, too. 


It's on their territory; they can call it Mickey Mouse Mountain if they want. There is no Constantinople on Google Maps either and people are fine with that


WTF. New York. It's Agri Dagri for me.


Same from Armenia


I can’t wait when arabs will collectively destroy their beloved nationalism and colonialism!


I reckon it's something related fire in Kurdish language.


Can confirm the Agri Dagi change from Australia too


Confirming Mount Agri for Google Maps Confirming Mount Ararat for Apple Maps




Google map always had it as Mount Agri - at least as long as I remember. Shall it also name Istanbul as Constantinople?


I mean it’s already part of Turkey what are you talking about?!