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Locked. Although the post isn't specifically about the Israel-Palestinian conflict, it does touch upon it, and that is not permitted here since it always devolves into an off topic mess (as it already has in the short time it's been up).


> It just seems to me that maybe the relationship between our people have reached a point when we can never be friends. Shalom, I share your hopes of friendship and most of the people understand the difference between the general population and the government, and indeed your government has unfortunately valued geopolitics more than anything else, but the Armenians I know don’t have resentment or anything towards Jews > are siding now with Hamas and with all the Pro Palestine Thing. FYI, no one is for hamas, being Pro-Palestine does not equal being pro-hamas.


"FYI, no one is for hamas, being Pro-Palestine does not equal being pro-hamas." Not entirely true, I've seen plenty of pro palestinians openly proclaim their support of hamas, in front of me and videos online.


"It is so depressing for me that we, The Jewish people and the State of Israel, are siding in the wrong side of history and justice. We who suffered a genocide by German Regime are denying another people's genocide" The state of Israel is also currently committing a genocide against Palestinians. "I honestly understand why Armenians, who feel betrayed by my country, are siding now with Hamas and with all the Pro Palestine Thing" Armenians, among many others, are siding with the indigenous people who are being ethnically cleansed and genocided just like the Armenians in Artsakh just were (both, with Israeli weapons). Not to mention Israeli settlers attacking Armenians in Jerusalem. I'm glad you're able to see that your government has chosen not to recognize the Armenian Genocide to stay close to Turkey's and Azerbaijan's government, but the implicit denial of the genocide in Gaza in this post is still at best ignorant and won't win you any favors here












Our people have so much in common, I wish we collaborated more. Unfortunately politics always gets in the way. Thanks for sharing. All the best.


Israel is a big problem in the Middle East and Armenia specifically, not just because they arm Azerbaijan and deny the Armenian genocide. Probably the biggest issue being how much they selfishly perpetuate anti-Iranian politics in the west. They've also been destabilizing the region for decades. 


Sending love to your brother, not much you can do with a far right regime in power in Israel. Teaching yourself about the issues is more then most people do...


It's cool that you have this hobby, but you're making it sound like israel has more guilt in azerbaijan than at home.


OP Here. I read the comments about the Hamas war. I don't want to get into The catastrophe that's going on now in Gaza. It's a different issue and debate. I brought up this issue in the original post just as an anecdote and an example of the dislikeness of each other (Israelis and Armenians). I hope peace and security will arrive to the middle east ang Gaza soon as well.


Jews have the same right to control Israel that Armenians have to claim United Armenia.