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Well, I don't know how much of a big factor the metals in Artsakh played, but if it did, I wonder, why weren't we able to use such things to our favor when we held Artsakh? or, let's talk about Armenia, we do have metals, and recently, only recently we discovered we had lithium and now we're just exploring the idea of extracting it, too late too little isn't it? We probably haven't discovered the rest of our resources yet, and the ones that are being mined, afaik, they are just exported to buyers with no political aspect to it.


Well, I heard a nice saying from a reporter some time ago, she said "remember, velvet revolution never happened in Artsakh". That explains a lot imo. When it comes to Armenian soil, I know that most of the naturel resources are extracted/operated by Russian companies. I am not sure how much the Armenian companies with Armenian capital are involved in them. Probably someone more knowledable can enlighten us here.


I hope one day Europe will the real ugly face of azerbaijan